Macromolecule Review

Macromolecule Review
Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer(s) for the following questions.
1. What elements are in carbohydrates. (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus)
2. What elements are in lipids. (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus)
3. What elements are in proteins. (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus)
4. What elements are in nucleic acids. (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus)
What is the monomer for carbohydrates? (amino acid, fatty acid, monosaccharide, nucleotide)
What is the monomer for lipids? (amino acid, fatty acid, monosaccharide, nucleotide)
What is the monomer for proteins? (amino acid, fatty acid, monosaccharide, nucleotide)
What is the monomer for nucleic acids? (amino acid, fatty acid, monosaccharide, nucleotide)
9. What is the main function for carbohydrates?
(genetic information, movement/regulatory, long energy, short energy)
10. What is the main function for lipids?
(genetic information, movement/regulatory, long energy, short energy)
11. What is the main function for proteins?
(genetic information, movement/regulatory, long energy, short energy)
12. What is the main function for nucleic acid?
(genetic information, movement/regulatory, long energy, short energy)
13. What is a science example of a carbohydrate? (DNA, glucose, muscle, saturated fat)
14. What is a science example of a lipid? (DNA, glucose, muscle, saturated fat)
15. What is a science example of a protein? (DNA, glucose, muscle, saturated fat)
16. What is a science example of a nucleic acid? (DNA, glucose, muscle, saturated fat)
17. What property attracts a water molecule to another water molecule? (adhesion, cohesion)
18. What property attracts a water molecule to another substance? (adhesion, cohesion)
19. What bond holds one water molecule together? (covalent bond, hydrogen bond, ionic bond)
20. What bond holds two water molecules together? (covalent bond, hydrogen bond, ionic bond)
21. Which bond is easier to break? (covalent bond, hydrogen bond)
22. Which bond is harder to break? (covalent bond, hydrogen bond)
23. What type of compound contains carbon? (inorganic, organic)
24. What type of compound does not contain carbon? (inorganic, organic)
25. What is the structure of a monosaccharide? (one sugar, two sugars, many sugars)
26. What is the structure of a disaccharide? (one sugar, two sugars, many sugars)
27. What is the structure of a polysaccharide? (one sugar, two sugars, many sugars)
28. What is the function of a monosaccharide? (immediate energy, prolonged energy)
29. What is the function of a digestible polysaccharide? (immediate energy, prolonged energy)
30. What is a digestible polysaccharide is broken down to for energy use? (fatty acid, glucose)
31. What is a lipid broken down to for energy use? (fatty acid, glucose)
32. What is the structure of a saturated fat?
(straight chain with all single bonds and maximum hydrogens, angled chain with some double bonds
and less than maximum hydrogens)
33. What is the structure of an unsaturated fat?
(straight chain with all single bonds and maximum hydrogens, angled chain with some double bonds
and less than maximum hydrogens)
34. What is the main macromolecule in a steak? (carbohydrate, lipid, protein)
35. What is the main macromolecule in rice? (carbohydrate, lipid, protein)
36. What is the main macromolecule in cooking oil? (carbohydrate, lipid, protein)
37. What will the human body use first as an energy source? (lipid, monosaccharide, polysaccharide)
38. What will the human body use second as an energy source? (lipid, monosaccharide, polysaccharide)
39. What will the human body use last as an energy source? (lipid, monosaccharide, polysaccharide)
40. What is the main function for cellulose in humans? (energy, structure, digestive fiber)
41. What is the main function for cellulose in cows? (energy, structure, digestive fiber)
42. What is the main function for cellulose in plants? (energy, structure, digestive fiber)