Soil organic carbon value for sequestration versus production Frances Hoyle, Natalie Hogg, Justin Laycock, Liam Ryan (Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia) and Mingenew-Irwin Group staff Key messages No short term change in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks associated with any of the treatments imposed at this site. There was no financial gain from increasing seeding rates. Less microorganisms were found in the green manure and chemical fallow treatments in comparison to the control, high seeding rate and abandoned treatments. Highest economic returns were associated with the control treatment (standard practice). Increasing stubble retention, minimising soil disturbance and optimising plant productivity would be considered the best strategy in this case to support a very slow (decades) incremental change in SOC. Soil pH currently constitutes a limitation to plant growth and may limit any agronomic or soil health benefits at this site by restricting root growth and late access to water. 50% of soil organic carbon (0-30cm) was located in the topsoil. Aim To determine the effects of various farm practices to increase the storage of soil organic carbon (SOC). The project aimed to determine any increase in soil organic carbon. Background Growers are constantly assessing the long term profitability and sustainability of their farming systems. Often growers look to target an optimum gross margin rather than highest yield. This demonstration trial was established in 2013 and carried on into 2014 to determine whether measureable changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and productivity could be associated with differing farm practices. In this instance the influence of abandonment, chemical fallow, green manure and increased seeding rate. The impact of different inputs was assessed by considering any changes in SOC storage, yield and/or profitability. Supporting your success Trial details (List of abbreviations available at end of document) Detail Description Property Plot size and replications Soil type Paddock rotation Irwin River Station, Mingenew 100m x 18m x 3 replicates Red loamy earth (Red Kandosol) 2009-2013: continuous wheat # Treatment (2013) Treatment (2014) 1 Abandonment Abandonment 2 Chemical fallow Canola (3kg/ha) 3 Control (wheat 70kg/ha) Control (canola 3kg/ha) 4 Green manure (wheat 70kg/ha) Green manure (canola 3kg/ha) 5 High seeding rate (wheat 140kg/ha) High seeding rate (canola 6kg/ha) Activity 2013 Crop type Sowing date Wheat: Wyalkatchem Canola: Snapper 3 June 2 May Ausplow DBS 18.3m, 12 DBS, 12’’ knife points, press inch (300 mm) spacing wheels 258 mm 233 mm 70 kg/ha 3kg/ha 140 kg/ha 6kg/ha 45 kg/ha MAP Nil 45 kg/ha flexi-N Nil 5kg/ha MAP, 45L/ha UAN Nil 100kg/ha NS41 1.2lt roundup attack Nil 1.5lt Treflan 0.7lt velocity 1.1kg/ha Atrazine 0.44lt MCPA LVE 1kg/ha Propyzamide 10gm Logran Nil 1.15kg/ha Atrazine 500ml/ha Select 0.15lt Lorsban 200ml/ha Alpha-cypermethrin 100ml/ha Chlorpyrifos Seeding machinery Growing season rainfall Seeding rate - normal Seeding rate – high Fertiliser – pre seeding Fertiliser – at seeding Fertiliser – post emergent Herbicide - knockdown Herbicide – pre emergent Herbicide – post emergent Insecticide 2014 Results 2013 Soil Baseline testing at the site prior to imposing treatments in 2013 indicated that soil pH (CaCl2) levels were below target in the topsoil and marginal in subsoil at a depth greater than 10cm (Table 1). Inorganic nitrogen was also low, with other nutrients including phosphorous (P), potassium (K) and inorganic nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate) at levels sufficient for crop growth (Table 1). No water repellence was measured at this site. Soil organic carbon (SOC) in the surface was below what would be considered optimal for a sandy soil (0.8-1.0%, Table 1). The stock (or amount) of soil carbon in tonnes C/ha is calculated using the weight of soil for a given area (bulk density) from 0 to 30cm depth, measured 24.3 t C/ha. Carbon concentration was highest at the surface with 46% of SOC located in the top 10cm. Table 1 Soil test results for 03MIG13 prior to imposing treatments in 2013 for 3 soil depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30cm) on a red loamy earth near Mingenew 0-10 Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.6 4.2 5 34 216 5 4.4 Organic carbon (%) 0.72 10-20 1.6 3.6 6 12 168 12 4.5 0.50 20-30 1.6 3.0 2 6 139 22 4.9 0.32 LSD (<0.05) ns 0.8 1 4 15 5 0.3 0.04 Depth (cm) Ammonium Nitrate (mg/kg) (mg/kg) P (mg/kg) K (mg/kg) S (mg/kg) pH (CaCl2) Grain yield Grain yield did not change with increasing seeding rate at this site despite large differences in plant numbers measured 4 weeks after sowing. Grain protein and resultant nitrogen use (N uptake) were also unchanged. Screenings were slightly higher at the lower seeding rate (Table 2). Table 2 Wheat (cv. Wyalkatchem) yield and quality at two seeding rates on a red loam at Irwin River in 2013. Data is the average of all treatments imposed in 2013. Plant Protein yield Protein number (N uptake; kg (%) (plants/m2) N/ha) Seeding rate Yield (t/ha) 70 kg/ha 1.36 95 9.4 21.3 81 3.3 350 140 kg/ha 1.52 178 9.5 24.1 82 2.6 390 ns 61 (p<0.1) ns ns 0.5 LSD (p<0.05) HLW Screenings (kg/hl) (%) *Price Notes: As at 18th December 2013 for AGP1 and assuming yield change is real. Returns* ($/ha) 2014 Soil Similar to 2013 (with the exception of sulphur) soil nutrients declined with depth (Table 3). The soil is typical of a low fertility, sandy soil with low water holding capacity (average 26%) and poor cation exchange capacity (CEC) with a low potential to store and hold onto nutrients (Table 3). Soil pH (CaCl2) showed a slight variation in the surface from 2013 and averaged 4.7 at the site (Table 3). SOC distribution in the profile did not change from 2013, with half the SOC present in the soil surface (Table 3). Carbon stocks adjusted for bulk density were 22.2 t/ha (0-30 cm) and showed no real measurable change from 2013. Based on the turnover of soil organic matter and an average C:N ratio of 11:1, we might anticipate approximately 30 kg N/ha would be available through the season, a portion of which will be plant available. Table 3 Soil test results measured at three depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 cm) on a red loamy earth near Mingenew in 2014 in March. Data is the average of all treatments Soil depth (cm) CEC Ammonium Nitrate P K S pH (meq/ (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (CaCl2) 100g) Organic carbon* (SOC%) C stock (t/ha) 0-10 5.0 12.1 35 241 6 4.7 2.7 0.68 10.5 10-20 1.9 4.4 18 180 7 4.6 2.6 0.51 8.7 20-30 0.2 2.3 5 142 15 4.8 2.6 0.33 5.3 LSD <0.05 0.9 2.1 7 22 4 0.1 ns 0.04 0.7 * Combustion analysis by Elementar. Data has not been presented for variables where no change was measured in 2014 as a result of imposed treatments. This included SOC stocks. There were only small changes in soil attributes measured as a result of treatments in 2014 (Table 4). The chemical fallow treatment showed lower available K, higher nitrate and a smaller microbial biomass (mass of soil microorganisms; MBC) than the control (standard farming practice). In this instance a lower MBC was associated with a lower potential for the biological supply of nitrogen (PMN). These measures of soil biological health were also significantly decreased in the green manure (95 kg/ha) treatments (Table 4). Cropped treatments often demonstrated greater potentially mineralisable nitrogen associated with a larger microbial biomass (Table 4). Soil bulk density (BDfe; <2mm fine earth) was variable but did in this instance suggest treatment effects, with a lower BD in control and green manure treatments (Table 4). These differences were primarily limited to the surface (0-10cm) layer (data not presented). Table 4 Soil attributes under imposed treatments on a red loamy earth near Mingenew in 2014. Data is the average of all depths to 30cm (0-10, 10-20, 20-30cm) Abandonment Abandonment 8 206 11 CEC (meq/ 100g) 3.1 Chemical Fallow Canola (3kg/ha) 11 162 10 Control (Wheat, 70kg/ha) Control (Canola, 3kg/ha) 3 190 Green manure (Wheat, 70kg/ha) Green manure (Canola, 3kg/ha) 7 High seeding rate (Wheat, 140kg/ha) High seeding rate (Canola, 6kg/ha) LSD (p<0.05) LSD (p<0.05) Treatment (2013) Treatment (2014) Nitrate K S (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) MBC (t/ha) PMN BDfe (kg/ha) (g/cm3) 114 3 1.71 2.4 84 3 1.67 10 2.5 129 10 1.50 198 8 2.6 95 4 1.50 3 181 7 2.5 121 9 1.63 3 28 2 0.5 17 3 0.07 Grain yield High seeding rate did not alter canola yield significantly despite having established significantly higher plant numbers (Table 5). This could reflect lower growing season rainfall. The canola post fallow was significantly higher yielding in 2014 (Table 5) despite few significant changes in soil chemical condition and had the same oil levels as other treatments (average 45% oil). This suggests soil water conservation and higher nitrogen availability as a result of the fallow treatment in 2013 contributed to grain yield in 2014. Table 5 Plant growth responses to treatments imposed in 2013 and 2014 on a red loamy earth near Mingenew Yield (t/ha) 0 Plant number (m2) 0 Canola (3kg/ha) 0.97 86 0.12 Control (wheat 70kg/ha) Control (canola 3kg/ha) 0.53 51 0.13 Green manure (wheat 70kg/ha) Green manure (canola 3kg/ha) 0 78 0.15 High seeding rate (wheat 140kg/ha) High seeding rate (canola 6kg/ha) 0.44 123 0.13 LSD (p<0.05) LSD (p<0.05) 0.11 26 ns Treatment (2013) Treatment (2014) Abandonment Abandonment Chemical Fallow NDVI 0.09 Economic analysis Returns can vary widely depending on management inputs and the cost of seed (particularly if sourced from on-farm). Economic benefits should consider any variation to costs as outlined on a case by case basis (Table 6). For this trial conducted in 2013 and 2014, the highest production returns were associated with ‘standard practice’. Given no change in SOC stocks was associated with alternate treatments, this would indicate no current benefit (as determined by the measures presented here) from altering management in the context of a carbon farming environment. Increasing stubble retention, minimising soil disturbance and optimising plant productivity would be considered the best strategy in this case to support a very slow (decades) incremental change in soil carbon. Table 6 Returns to treatments imposed in 2013 and 2014 on a red loamy earth near Mingenew Treatment (2013) Treatment (2014) Abandonment Abandonment Chemical Fallow Canola (3kg/ha) Control Control (wheat 70kg/ha) (canola 3kg/ha) Green manure Green manure a (wheat 70kg/ha) (canola 3kg/ha) High seeding rate High seeding rate (wheat 140kg/ha) (canola 6kg/ha) 2013 returns ($/ha) 2014 returns ($/ha) Current balance $0 $0 $0 -$20 $270 $250 $298 $42 $340 -$147 -$233 -$380ª $203 -$80 $123 Note prices and costs used can vary widely and should be calculated for individual circumstances. *Price Notes: Assuming $518/t received for canola in 2014 and including deduction of costs for seed at $25/t and management costs as outlined above in paper. Assuming a cost of green manure is the same as the control but with no income. In 2013 assumed a price of seed at $48/ha at normal density and $96/ha at high density and management costs of $99/ha. Machinery costs/transport not included in these calculations. ª In 2014 the treatment that was a green manure in 2013 should have been harvested and does not necessarily represent a typical return from what would normally be suggested is used as a 1 in 4-5 year rotation. Comments This is a low rainfall environment in which crops are often constrained by moisture deficits late in the season. This is highlighted by the crop response after fallow in 2014 where soil moisture was conserved. Based on growing season rainfall this site should have yielded significantly higher (3.0-4.5 t/ha based on producing 12-20 kg of grain for each mm of water available). Soil tests taken in March suggest soil acidity is likely to be a constraint to plant growth and management strategies should focus in this area. Nutrients (phosphorous, potassium, sulphur) did not appear to be limiting crop growth. Due to a grain crop not following the initial green manure phase it is difficult to establish yield response for this treatment. Trials conducted throughout Western Australia (n=45 trials) suggest a typical yield response would have been approximately 10-20% above the control treatment (Hoyle, unpublished). Background turnover of soil organic matter (assumed at 3% per year) could have been expected to supply about 30 kg N/ha, of which a proportion will be unavailable to plants. Acknowledgements Thanks to the Mingenew-Irwin group and their growers for continued interest and support for this project and management of the trial site. A special thanks to Hugh and Brendon Rowe for access to the trial site and assistance for the duration of the trial. Also thanks to Justin Laycock (DAFWA) and Richard Bowles (UWA) for trial site sampling and analyses. This project is led by the Department of Agriculture & Food WA in collaboration with the Mingenew-Irwin Group and is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture - Action on the Ground program and the GRDC. Contact: Frances Hoyle Abbreviation Meaning g/ha kg/ha t/ha L/ha kg/hl mg/kg g/cm3 mm Kg C/ha N/ha TSP LSD CEC N C NH4 NO3; P K S OC CaCl2 BD DBS MAP UAN NS41 MCPA LVE HLW MBC PMN BDfe NDVI C/N ratio N/ha Gram per hectare Kilogram per hectare Tonne per hectare Litre per hectare Kilogram per hectolitre Milligram per kilogram Gram per cubic centimetre Millimetre Kilogram Carbon per hectare Nitrogen per hectare Trisodium phosphate Least significant difference Cation exchange capacity Nitrogen Carbon Ammonium Nitrate Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur Organic carbon Calcium chloride Bulk density Deep blade system Mono ammonium phosphate Urea and ammonium nitrate (in solution) Nitrogen 35% and Sulphur 8.9% fertiliser MCPA herbicide (present as the ethylhexyl ester) low volatile ester Hectolitre weight Microbial biomass-carbon Potentially mineralisable nitrogen Bulk density fine earth Normalised differenced vegetation index Carbon nitrogen ratio Nitrogen per hectare