et al - University of Kufa

Blocking leukotrienes pathway ameliorates renal ischemia/
reperfusion injury in a mouse model.
Najah R. Hadi, Ph.D, FRCP, FACP; Fadhil G. Yousif, FRCP, FRCS, MD ; Ayad A.
Hussein B.Sc Department of pharmacology and therapeutics , College of
Medicine , University of Kufa.
Introduction: Acute renal failure(ARF) is an important clinical problem with a high
mortality and morbidity. One of the primary causes of ARF is ischemia/reperfusion
(I/R).Inflammatory process and oxidative stress are thought to be major mechanisms
causing I/R.
MK-886 , a potent inhibitor of leukotrienes biosynthesis which may have antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects through inhibition of polymorphonuclear leukocytes
(PMNs) infiltration into renal tissues.
Objectives: The objective of present study was to assess the effects of MK-886 on renal
I/R injury and the resulted kidney dysfunction in a mouse model.
Materials and Methods: 24 Adult males of Swiss albino mice were randomized to four
groups: I/R group (n = 6), mice underwent 30 minute bilateral renal ischemia and 48 hr
reperfusion. Sham group (n = 6), mice underwent same anesthetic and surgical
procedures except for ischemia induction. MK-886 treated group: (n = 6),I/R + MK-886
(6 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection.
After the end of reperfusion phase mice were sacrificed, blood samples were collected
directly from the heart for determination of serum TNF-a , IL-6, urea and Creatinine.
Both kidney were excised ,the right one homogenized for oxidative stress parameters
(MDA and GSH) measurements and the left kidney fixed in formalin for histological
Results: Serum TNF-a , IL-6, urea and Creatinine, kidney MDA levels and scores of
histopathological changes were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated in I/R group as
compared with that of sham group. Kidney GSH level was significantly (P < 0.05)
decreased in I/R group as compared with that of sham group.MK-886 treated group has
significantly (P < 0.05) lowered levels of all study parameters except for GSH level
which was significantly (P < 0.05) higher as compared with that of I/R group.
Conclusion: The results of the present study show that MK-886 significantly ameliorated
kidney damage, resulted from I/R, by counteracting inflammatory and oxidative
Key words: renal, ischemia/ reperfusion, leukotrienes, MK-886 .
Acute renal failure (ARF) is an important clinical problem with a high
mortality and morbidity. It affects 5% of hospitalized patients and has a
mortality rate of approximately 50%1. One of the primary causes of ARF is
ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), a drop in blood flow leading to inadequate
supply of oxygen and nutrients to renal tissue which can be caused by,
amongst others, surgery, organ transplantation and shock1. During ischemia,
cells and tissues undergo rapid changes which lead to perturbations in
signaling pathways and surface molecule expression. Depending on the time
and severity of ischemia, toxic products accumulate intracellularly, leading
to apoptosis and necrosis, resulting in loss of organ function. At a certain
duration and severity of ischemia, injury may be completely or partially
reversible or irreversible. Ischemia injury also appears to play a major role in
organ transplantation.
After re-establishment or re-connection of the vasculature to the
circulation, oxygen is re-applied and repair mechanisms are set into place.
During the time of re-perfusion, accumulated toxic metabolites are flushed
into the system, which may affect other organs and may negatively influence
the process of regeneration in the ischemic organ. In injury due to ischemia,
two major components involved in events leading to injury are well known,
namely, complement activation and neutrophil stimulation with
accompanying oxygen radical-mediated injury. Under ischemic conditions,
reduced oxygen supply leads to enhanced neutrophil adherence to
endothelial cells2-4due to increased surface expression of adhesion molecules
on endothelial cells2,4,5. This ultimately results in diapedesis of neutrophils
and their oxidative burst, which results in oxygen radical production 6,7.
These events are thought to contribute to the tissue damage during I/R in
various organs. So in addition to the direct cytotoxic effects of hypoxia,
renal I/R induces an inflammatory reaction within the renal parenchyma 8.
I/R causes renal synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as Interleukin
(IL)-1, Interleukin (IL)-6, Interleukin (IL)-18, and tumor necrosis factor
(TNF)-α9-12. Chemokines are also rapidly generated in the kidney after I/R13,
and Keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC, a mouse analog of human IL-8) is
an early biomarker of ischemic acute renal failure 14. Ischemia also causes
infiltration of the kidney by leukocytes. Although the role and kinetics of
neutrophil infiltration in ischemic ARF is controversial15,16, neutrophil
infiltration of the kidney seems to be an early finding in mice 17and biopsies
from patients with early acute tubular necrosis also demonstrate neutrophils
in the vasa recta18,19. Macrophages and T cells infiltrate later in the course of
the disease and persist well into the recovery phase 16.
Studies using mice with targeted deletions of genes involved in the
immune response or with animals treated with specific immune system
antagonists have demonstrated that the inflammatory response to hypoxia
contributes to the development of tissue injury. These studies are too
numerous to review in detail, but they have implicated the chemokines
macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) and KC13,20, adhesion
molecules 21-23, the complement system24-26, neutrophils21,22, B cells27 32, and
T cells28,29in the development of ischemic ARF. Some inflammatory events
may be markers of injury, but the net effect of many of the systems tested is
aggravation of the injury.
Many of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by I/R activate the
signaling mechanisms that culminate in TNF-α production30. TNF- is a
proinflammatory cytokine capable of up-regulating its own expression, as
well as the expression of other genes important in the inflammatory
response31. TNF- and I/R increase iNOS activity to synthesize nitric
oxide32,33. Nitric oxide production may play several roles in renal
pathophysiology, including induction of tubular damage. Prevention or
reduction of nitric oxide generation reduces nitric oxide renal injury34, and
the increased generation of nitric oxide is capable of inducing intracellular
oxidizing reaction and cell death35.
Leukotrienes (LT) are metabolites of arachidonic acid formed from the 5lipoxygenase (5-LOX) pathway and exert potent vasoactive and proinflammatory effects. LTs play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of
asthma36,37and psoriasis38,39, as well as in conditions associated with I/R of
skin40, brain41, and kidney42,43. LTs also play a physiological role in the host
defense against microbial infections 44.
The activation of 5-LOX is calcium-dependent45, and 5-LOX acts together
5hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE) which is converted to epoxide
leukotriene LTA4 46. LTA4 is unstable and is rapidly converted to either
LTB4 or the cysteinyl-LTs, LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4. 5-LOX is predominantly
expressed by cells of myeloid origin, particularly neutrophils, eosinophils,
macrophages/monocytes, and mast cells47,48.
I/R injury of the kidney is characterized by a series of events, including
changes in vascular tone, enhanced vascular permeability to plasma proteins,
structural alterations in renal tubule and accumulation of activated
neutrophils 49. The cysteinyl leukotrienes (LT),' LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4,
affect the tonus of the arterioles and the permeability of postcapillary
venules, thereby causing endothelial contraction and macromolecular
LTB4 is a mediator in the pathophysiology of the renal dysfunction caused
by I/R of the kidney as well as the associated infiltration of the kidney with
PMNs54. LTB4 activates PMNs, thus changing their shape and promoting
their binding to endothelium by inducing the expression of cell-adhesion
molecules. After PMN transmigration into ischemic renal tissue, PMNs
release reactive oxygen species, proteases, elastase, myeloperoxidase
(MPO), cytokines, and various other mediators49, all of which exacerbate
inflammation and contribute to tissue injury (positive feedback). For
instance, ROS will react with the polyunsaturated membrane lipids 55, and
lipid peroxidation, in turn, will enhance the tissue levels of free arachidonic
acid 56.
A potent and selective inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase activating protein
(FLAP) is MK-88657which binds to FLAP with high affinity and prevents
the activation of 5-lipoxygenase. MK886 is a highly selective compound
with no effects on prostaglandin synthesis58. It does, however, inhibit
translocation of 5-LOX59.
Blocking leukotrienes was showen to be effective in improving I/R
damage in liver, intestines60and also kidney(not by MK-886)61by inducing
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects60,61.So in this study, we studied the
effect of MK-886 on kidney injury and studied if MK-886 can exerts antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties through renal I/R injury.
A total of 24 adult male of Swiss Albino mice weighing 33-38 g , were
purchased from Animal Resource Center, the Institute of embryo research
and treatment of infertility, Al-Nahrain University , were housed in the
animal house of Al Kufa College of medicine in a temperature-controlled
(24 ± 2 °C) room with alternating 12-h light/12-h dark cycles and were
allowed free access to water and diet until the start of experiments. After one
week of acclimatization the mice were randomized into four groups as
Ischemia/reperfusion group: This group consists of 6 mice; mice
underwent ischemia for 30 minute then reperfusion for 48 hours.
Sham group: This group consists of 6 mice; mice underwent the same
anesthetic and surgical procedures (for an identical period of time for
ischemia and reperfusion ) except for ischemia induction.
MK-886 treated group: This group consists of 6 mice received MK-886 (6
mg/kg) intraperitoneal injection 30 min before the induction of ischemia,
and the same dose was repeated just before reperfusion period.
MK-886 was given in a dose of 6 mg/kg 62via i.p route 30 min before the
induction of ischemia, and the same dose was repeated just before the
reperfusion period. The drug prepared immediately before use as a
homogenized solution in 2% ethanol 60, 0.1ml was injected. Mice of both
sham and I/R groups received the same volume of the vehicle.
Induction of I/R
Animals were intraperitoneally anesthetized with 100 mg/kg ketamine and
10 mg/kg xylazine63. According to Sharyo et al 2009,64after anesthesia, an
abdominal incision was made and the renal pedicles were dissected
bilaterally. A vascular clamp (Biotechno, Germany) was placed on each
renal pedicle for 30 min. After clamps were released, the incision was closed
in two layers with 2-0 sutures and mice were returned back to their cages
and left for 48 hr for reperfusion. Sham operations were conducted using the
same procedure without placing a clamp on each renal pedicle. After the end
of reperfusion phase mice were sacrificed using over dosing of anesthesia,
blood samples were taken directly from the heart ,both kidneys were
excised, the right one homogenized then kept in deep freeze at – 80 °C for
oxidative stress measurement and the left kidney fixed in 10% neutral
buffered formalin for histological examination.
Inflammatory and kidney function markers
At 48 hr after ischemia induction, (at the end of reperfusion period ),
from each mouse about 1.5 ml of blood was collected from the heart. The
blood samples were allowed to clot at 37oC and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for
15 min; Sera were removed, and analyzed for determination of serum TNFa, IL-6 (using ELISA kits of Immunotech, France), urea (using kit of
BioMĕrieux®sa ,France) and Creatinine (using kit of Spinreact,Spain).
Oxidative stress measurement
The kidney tissues were homogenized with a high intensity ultrasonic
liquid processor in phosphate buffered saline (pH7.4) (10%). The 10%
homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 min at 4 oC and
supernatant was used for determination of GSH and MDA65. GSH kidney
level as an indices of antioxidant status was measured using QuantichromTM
Glutathione assay Kit (from BioAssay Systems, USA). MDA, the end
product of lipid peroxidation, was analyzed according to the method of
Buege and Aust in 1978 66which based on the reaction of MDA with
thiobarbituric acid (TBA) to form MDA-TBA complex, a red chromophore,
which can be quantitated spectrophotometrically according to this method.
Histopathological evaluation
Renal sections were examined by light microscopy and scored according
to a semiquantitative scale designed according to Asaga T et al (2008)67to
evaluate the severity of renal damage .This done by a pathologist who was
unaware of the treatment conditions .The slide section divided into 10
intersections . A score from 0 to 3 was given for each tubular profile
involving each intersection : 0 = normal histology; 1 = tubular cell swelling,
brush border loss, nuclear condensation, with less than one-third of the
tubular profile showing nuclear loss; 2 = same as for score 1, but greater
than one-third and less than two-thirds of the tubular profile showing nuclear
loss; and 3 = greater than two-thirds of the tubular profile showing nuclear
loss. Then the total score for each kidney(section) was calculated by the
summation of the all 10 scores for the all 10 intersections with a maximum
Score of 30 . According to the total severity score the kidney injury was
Classified to normal ,mild (1-10),moderate (11-20) and severe (21-30) .
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 12.0 for windows.lnc. An
expert statistical advice was sought for tests used . Data of quantitative
variables were normally distributed( except for histopathological changes)
and thus were expressed as mean ± SEM. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
was used for the multiple comparisons among all groups followed by posthoc tests using LSD method. For the histopathological renal changes(nonnormally distributed variable ) the Mann-Whitney U was used to assess the
statistical significance of difference between 2 groups in total severity score
. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to assess the associations between
two variable of study parameter. Spearman correlation coefficient was used
for non parametric correlations. In all tests, P< 0.05 was considered to be
statistically significant unless other level was stated .
Effects on inflammatory parameters
I/R caused significant (P< 0.05) elevation in serum TNF-α and IL-6 levels
as compared with that of sham group. MK-886 significantly inhibited the
elevated levels observed in I/R group.
Mean ± SEM
Mean ± SEM
serum TNF-α (pg/ml)
serum IL-6 (pg/ml)
study groups
study groups
Figure (1): Error bar charts show the difference in mean ±SEM values of
serum IL-6 and TNF-α levels (pg/ml) in the three experimental groups at
48hr after surgical operation. (N=6 in each group) .
Effects on kidney function parameters
I/R caused significant (P< 0.05) elevation in serum urea and creatinine
levels as compared with that of sham group. MK-886 significantly inhibited
the elevated levels observed in I/R group.
Mean ± SEM
serum creatinine (mg/dl)
serum urea(mg/dl)
Mean ± SEM
Study groups
Study groups
Figure (2): Error bar charts show the difference in mean ±SEM values of
serum urea and creatinine levels (pg/ml) in the three experimental groups at
48hr after surgical operation. (N=6 in each group) .
Effects on oxidative stress parameters
I/R caused significant (P< 0.05) elevation in kidney MDA level and
significant (P< 0.05) reduction in kidney GSH level as compared with that
of sham group. MK-886 significantly inhibited the elevated kidney MDA
level and significantly increased the reduced kidney GSH level observed in
I/R group.
Mean ± SEM
Mean ± SEM
kidney GSH(µmol/g)
kidney MDA (nmol/g)
Study groups
Study groups
Figure (3): Error bar charts show the difference in mean ±SEM values of
kidney MDA (nmol/ gtissue) and GSH (µmol/gtissue) in the three experimental
groups at 48hr after surgical operation. (N=6 in each group) .
Effects on kidney parenchyma
Histopathological changes resulted at the end of the study were graded as
normal ,mild ,moderate and severe according to the severity scores (0-3) for
all intersection of each slide section and the fallowing photomicrographs
will show intersections of different severity scores obtained at the 48hr after
Figure (4): Photomicrograph of a kidney intersection shows score 0 (no
abnormality). Stained with haematoxylin and Eosin (X 400).
Figure (5): Photomicrograph of a kidney intersection shows score 1 ( tubular
cell swelling, brush border loss, nuclear condensation, with up to one third
of the tubular profile showing nuclear loss). Stained with haematoxylin and
Eosin (X 400).
Figure (6): Photomicrograph of a kidney intersection shows score 2 (
tubular cell swelling, brush border loss, nuclear condensation, with greater
than one-third and less than two-thirds of the tubular profile showing nuclear
loss). Stained with haematoxylin and Eosin (X 400).
Figure (7): Photomicrograph of a kidney intersection shows score 3 (
tubular cell swelling, brush border loss, nuclear condensation, with greater
than two-thirds of the tubular profile showing nuclear loss). Stained with
haematoxylin and Eosin (X 400).
Groups finding
Histopathological changes resulted at the end of the study(tables 1 & 2
and figures 8) would be mentioned according to the experimental groups as
the fallowing :
-Sham group :
Slide sections of kidneys of 4 mice (66.6 %) in this group show normal
grading (architecture ) while 2 mice (33.4% ) show mild grading. Mean of
total severity scores of the sections of this group was 0.83 which is less than
1 so this group grade was considered as normal.
-I/R group :
Slide sections of kidneys of 4 mice (66.6 %) in this group show severe
grading while 2 mice (33.4 %) show moderate grading. Mean of total
severity scores of the sections of this group was 21.33 which is more than 20
scores so the grade of this group was considered as severe . This score was
significantly higher than that of Sham group(P=0.003) .
-MK-886 group :
Slide sections of kidneys of 3 mice (50 % ) in this group show mild
grading while 2 mice (33.4% ) show moderate grading and only one mouse
(16.6% ) show normal grading. Mean of total severity scores of the sections
of this group was 8.66 which is more than 1score and less than 10 scores so
the grade of this group was considered as mild . This score was significantly
higher than that of Sham group(P=0.02) and significantly lower than that of
I/R group (p=0.004).
Table (1): The differences in histopathological grading of kidney changes
among the three study groups at 48hr after surgical operation .
changes grading
Table (2). changes in Total severity score of the study groups at 48 hr
following renal surgical operation. Data expressed as the mean ± SEM (N=6
in each group).
Total severity score
0.83 ± 0.54
21.33 ± 1.49*
8.66 ± 2.44*,**
18.00 ± 2.46*
* p<0.05 when compared with sham group
** p<0.05 when compared with I/R group
Total severity score
Mean ± SEM
study groups
Figure (8): Error bar chart shows the difference in mean ±SEM values of
total severity scores in the three experimental groups at 48hr after surgical
operation (N=6 in each group) .
Renal I/R injury is a major problem facing the surgery in human beings
causes acute renal failure in varied clinical settings including kidney
transplantation68and cardiopulmonary69and aortic bypass surgery70and is
associated with high mortality and morbidity71-73.So the finding of specific
factors that contribute to this type of injury and amelioration of their effect
by therapeutic targets will add a major progress in preventing and /or
treating I/R injury .
Effect of Ischemia / Reperfusion on inflammatory cytokines (IL-6
and TNF-α )
This study shows that IL-6 and TNF- α was significantly increased (
P<0.05 ) to more than that of sham group after I/R . Several studies show
that I/R causes renal synthesis of the pro-inflammatory cytokines9-12. An
explanation of this was that these cytokines are primarily produced by
macrophage74-76 and that I/R cause infiltration of macrophage to the kidney
paranchyma15. Takada et al (1997)9were examined The initial (within 7
days) events of warm and in situ perfused cold ischemia of native kidneys in
uninephrectomized rats . mRNA expression of the early adhesion molecule,
E-selectin, peaked within 6 h; PMNs infiltrated in parallel. T cells and
macrophages entered the injured kidney by 2-5 days; the associated
upregulation of MHC class II antigen expression suggested increased
immunogenicity of the organ. Th1 products (IL-2, TNF-α, IFNγ) and
macrophage-associated products (IL-1, IL-6, TGF-β) remained highly
expressed after 2 days 9. For IL-6 , Kielar 200577found that in mouse
model of ischemic renal injury macrophages infiltrate the area of the
vascular bundles of the outer medulla, these macrophages produce IL-6, and
this IL-6 exacerbates ischemic murine acute renal failure77 77.Also Sharyo et
al (2009) 64found that serum IL-6 was elevated after 24 hr of reperfusion in
30 min ischemia and 48 hr reperfusion in mice64.
Effect of Ischemia / Reperfusion on oxidative stress parameters
In this study, I/R causes significant changes ( P<0.05 ) in kidney MDA
and GSH levels as compared with that of sham group ,this indicate that there
is a significant increase in oxidative status (increased generation of ROS )
.This finding agree with that in other studies : Mejía-Vilet et al (2007)78
tested the effect of spironolactone on I/R rat model ( 20 minute kidney
ischemia and 24 hours reperfusion ) and they found that kidney MDA was
significantly increased with significant decrease in kidney GSH in I/R group
as compared with sham group78. Seok et al (2007)79show that I/R in mouse
model ( 30 minute bilateral renal ischemia and 48 hours reperfusion )
causing significant increase in kidney MDA and kidney GSH decrease79.
Oxidative stress appears to be the main mechanism causing tissue I/R
damage. In particular, at the onset of reperfusion, organs are exposed to an
injurious burst of oxygen free radicals80. Natural antioxidant defenses may
be overwhelmed and thus allow the oxygen radicals to exert their deleterious
effects without control. Inflammatory cells involved in the damage produce
more oxygen radicals, which increase the gravity of the initial injury81. This
excess in ROS will lead to overcome antioxidant mechanisms and causing
low level of tissue GSH and increased peroxidation of lipids and causing
high tissue level of MDA( end product lipid peroxidation )82,83 .
Effect of Ischemia / Reperfusion on kidney function
In this study, I/R causes significant increase ( P<0.05 ) in serum urea and
creatinine levels as compared with that of sham group due to low glomerular
filtration rate. indicating impaired renal function84.
In reversible I/R mouse model (27 min bilateral renal ischemia and 24 hr
reperfusion ), Kumar et al (2009)85showed that serum creatinine level
significantly higher in I/R animals than that in sham animals 85 . Sharyo et al
(2009)64also showed significant increase in serum urea and creatinine levels
after 30 min bilateral renal ischemia and 48 hr reperfusion64.
An explanation is that ischemia/reperfusion in kidneys produces ROS and
nitric oxide beyond the scavenging capacity, and this excessively produced
ROS and nitric oxide49induced lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and protein
dysfunction, leading to renal structural and functional impairment35,49 .
Effect of Ischemia / Reperfusion on kidney parenchyma
In I/R group, mostly all intersections of the most of mice sections of this
group showed tubular cell swelling, brush border loss, nuclear condensation,
with greater than two-thirds of the tubular profile showing nuclear loss.
Asaga et al (2008)67reported that renal I/R caused significant damage to
kidney tissue as compared to that of sham group this significant change
concluded from the significant increase in total severity scores in I/R group
more than that of sham group67. Seok et al (2007)79 showed that I/R in
mouse model ( 30 minute bilateral renal ischemia and 48 hours reperfusion )
revealed a severe loss of brush borders in the proximal tubular epithelial
cells was observed, as well as luminal congestion, tubular atrophy, and
tubular dilation in the outer medulla of the I/R mice .
In this study, I/R causes significant increase ( P<0.05 ) in serum IL-6 and
TNF-α which are pro-inflammatory cytokines that cause adhesion,
activation, and transmigration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
into renal tissues and their oxidative burst, which results in excessive ROS
production and kidney damage (neutrophil-mediated tissue injury )31,49
which also reported by this study. Another mechanism is that TNF-α can
cause renal tissue damage by direct cytotoxicity (induction of dysfunction
and/or apoptosis )86.
Effect of MK-886 on inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-α )
The present study show that the effect of use of MK-886(6 mg /kg )
before induction of ischemia and at the onset of reperfusion caused
significant lowering (P<0.05) in serum levels of the IL-6 and TNF-α . This
could be explained by that MK-886 is A potent and selective inhibitor of
FLAP . So inhibit the biosynthesis of LTs including cysteinyl LTs and non
cysteinyl LT (LTB4)87. Poubelle et al (1991)88clarify that LTB4 stimulated
preferentially IL-6 production and that the observed LTB4-induced
augmentation in thymocyte responses to monocyte supernatants is due to
augmented IL-6 contents in the presence of baseline minimal IL-1
production88. Rola-Pleszczynski et al (1992)89 reported that When human
monocytes were cultured in the presence of graded nanomolar
concentrations of LTB4, significant stimulation of production of bioactive
and immunoreactive IL-6 was observed. LTA4 was also effective in
stimulating IL-6 production, but only at micromolar concentrations89. IL-6
regulates the expression of adhesion molecules and other cytokines in
endothelial cells including IL-1β and TNF-α which in turn potently enhance
the inflammatory response90. So inhibiting LTB4 synthesis by MK-886
resulted in significant inhibition of IL-6 ,TNF-α production. This conclusion
about MK-886 effect on IL-6 and results obtained from the present study
about effect of MK-886 in lowering IL-6 and TNF-α are in good agreement
with that reported by Cannetti et al (2003) 91that In an IL-18-dependent
murine collagen-induced arthritis model, administration of MK-886
significantly inhibited disease severity and reduced articular inflammation
and joint destruction. Furthermore, MK-886-treated mice also displayed
suppressed proinflammatory cytokine (IL-6 and TNF-α) production91.
This study show that there is a positive correlation between serum IL-6
level and kidney damage ( kidney function markers and histopathology )
suggesting that significant lowering of serum IL-6 level by MK-886
contributing to the kidney protection from I/R . Our data are in good
agreement with that obtained by Sharyo et al (2009)64who reported
amelioration of Renal I/R Injury by Inhibition of IL-6 Production64.
Effect of MK-886 on oxidative stress
This study show that MK-886–received animals had significant lower
(P<0.05) level of kidney MDA and significant higher (P<0.05) level of
kidney GSH than that found in I/R. But MDA level was significantly higher
than that of sham group and GSH level was significantly lower than that of
sham group .
Noiri et al (2000)54demonstrated that LTB4 played a pivotal role in the
recruitment of PMNs in kidneys subjected to I/R, and LTB4 receptorantagonists abolished the PMN accumulation after I/R of the kidney54.So
inhibiting LTB4 synthesis by MK-886 caused inhibition of activation of
PMNs and their binding to endothelium by inhibiting the expression of
cell-adhesion molecules and so block PMN infiltration into ischemic renal
tissue, so inhibit release of ROS, proteases, elastase, myeloperoxidase
(MPO), cytokines and various other mediators49. Blocking the CysLTs
synthesis, which are responsible of increased permeability, and thus,
recruitment of neutrophils and macrophages, that are producers of the proinflammatory mediators. So blocking all these mechanisms by MK-886 may
contribute to inhibition of ROS release so less lipid peroxidation ,less MDA
level and less consumption of GSH and higher renal GSH level .
By the same manner Daglar et al (2009)60, in hepatic I/R in rat model
,demonstrated that Inhibition of LT biosynthesis by montelukast or MK886 has protective effects against I/R injury by reducing apoptosis and
inhibition of ROS generation .
Effect of MK-886 on kidney function
In this study, MK-886 causes significant decrease ( P<0.05 ) in serum
urea and creatinine levels as compared with that of I/R group indicating
preservation of renal function.
Şener et al (2006)61showed that in rat model of I/R , Montelukast
(10 mg kg−1, i.p.) administration at 15 min prior to ischemia and
immediately before the reperfusion period caused significant lowering in
creatinine and urea as compared with that of I/R group61 .
A demonstration of this is that inhibiting LTB4 and CysLTs synthesis by
MK-886 caused block PMN infiltration into ischemic renal tissue, so inhibit
release of ROS and less TNF-α 30so less production of NO by inhibiting
iNOS so abolish lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and protein dysfunction,
leading to significant protection from renal structural and functional
Effect of MK-886 on kidney parenchyma
MK-886 was not previously used in renal I/R but Şener G et al (2006)61
used montelukast, a selective antagonist of cystLT receptor 1 and showed
that montelukast significantly protected kidney parenchyma from severe
damage observed in I/R group by inhibiting neutrophil infiltration, and
regulating the generation of inflammatory mediators and ROS. So it is not
surprising for MK-886 to have protective effect on kidney parenchyma as it
antagonizes the effect of not only the cystLTs but also LTB4 by inhibiting
their biosynthesis .
It was noted that the renal injury and dysfunction observed in mice after
I/R were not entirely abolished in mice received MK-886, the degree of
inhibition of elevated serum urea and creatinine was not as complete as that
of sham group. This is not surprising, given that many other
pathophysiological mechanisms, which are independent of LTs and/or an
enhanced inflammatory response, contributed to the observed injury during
ischemia and/or reperfusion. These mechanisms may include (but are not
limited to) , modification of endogenous lipoxin generation92or the
activation of the nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 93.
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