IB English IOP Guidelines: Great Gatsby & More

Individual Oral Presentation
15 % of final score for IB English + Grades given for Class
IOP Proposal Due:________________________Individual Oral Presentations Due:__________________________
Task: You will give a 10-minute individual presentation on a topic that addresses one of the works from Part IV of the IB
English syllabus: The Great Gatsby, Running in the Family, Robert Frost Poetry, (or a combination anything we have
studied.) A five minute class discussion will follow each presentation.
Time Limit: Your IOP should be no longer than 10 minutes. You will have 10 minutes to present and five minutes for a
Q&A with your peers. When your presentation reaches 10 minutes, you should begin the Q&A. You need to rehearse
your presentation and be sure that it fits the time limit; you will be scored on what you have presented, not what would
have presented.
Q&A: The audience should ask questions related to the topic presented only. The audience should not engage the speaker
in debate. The audience may ask challenging and clarifying questions. The audience should be attentive and respectful of
the presenter.
Scoring/Grading: Your presentation will be scored using the criteria set by IB. (See IB Rubric for Oral Components) I
will be scoring your IOP according to the IB Oral Component Assessment Chart. However, this score will be moderated
by IB; therefore, I will not reveal your score to you. I will, however, give you a grade for both the proposal and
1. Visual: You should create a visual that significantly contributes to the presentation of the selected topic. The visual
should be neat and professional in appearance, and should aid in relaying the information to your audience; the visual
should not be a crutch. The following are acceptable uses of a visual: poster; costuming; PowerPoint; staging/props;
performance; brochure. Video is not acceptable. DUE:________________________________________________
2. Outline: You should create two outlines of your presentation. One short outline to distribute-You should make enough
copies for each student in the class and for the teacher. (That’s a total of 20-30 copies) In addition, you will turn in a
sentence outline, worth a major grade, to me. Like the visual, your outline should aid you in relaying your topic to the
audience. This outline should include the major points you will make in your presentation with accompanying
parenthetical citations, but should not give away the entire presentation. You should never read from your outline. This
will not be the outline you turn in for the major grade. This will be a simpler, shorter version the class can follow during
your presentation. Think: bullet points. DUE: _________________________________________
3. Annotated Bibliography: Along with your presentation you will provide an Annotated Bibliography (like an
annotated Works Cited page). The Annotated Bib must be in MLA format and should include both works consulted and
works used in constructing your IOP. You are required to consult a minimum of three sources. Only credible internet or
print sources will be accepted. (Please take advantage of the school databases.) DUE: ______________________
4. Choosing a Topic: You should submit an IOP proposal in which you state your topic and how you intend to explore
your topic and its relationship to the chosen work(s) from Part IV of the English A1 syllabus. (See IOP Proposal
guidelines) In addition to submitting a proposal, you will be required to schedule an appointment with me to discuss your
topic and gain approval. Candidates may choose topics which reflect their personal interests. However, the works must be
distributed evenly among the class. Students must generate their own ideas. DUE: ___________________________
Topics may be based on any aspect(s) of the work(s) studied including:
--cultural setting of the work(s) and related issues- BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE!
--thematic focus
--techniques and style
--author’s attitude to particular elements of the works such as character(s), subject matter
--interpretation of particular elements from different perspectives
Candidates are expected to prepare for the IOP outside of class. After choosing a topic, it is the responsibility of the
candidates to:
--select appropriate material for the presentation
--organize the material into a coherent structure
--choose and rehearse the linguistic register appropriate for the presentation
Adapted from http://www.bookteacher.org/IB%20Program.htm
Criterion A: Knowledge
and Understanding
Although you have to study all three texts you can do
your presentation on an aspect of one. Your
presentation will be approved prior to your
presentation date. Your presentation will demonstrate
that you know the text very well, but can also
interpret its meaning to construct a convincing
How well does the candidate
understand the work, the subject of
the presentation and their
interrelation? How well does the
candidate situate the subject within
the larger work from which it has
been taken, where relevant?
Criterion B: Presentation
How structured is the candidate’s
response? How effective is the
candidate’s presentation and
presentational style?
Criterion C: Use of
How accurate, clear and precise is
the candidate’s choice of register
and style for the occasion? Are
literary terms appropriately used?
How valid is the candidate’s
interpretation of the work? How
well has the candidate identified
and analyzed the effects of literary
features such as diction, imagery,
tone, structure, style and
technique? To what extent does the
candidate’s response show critical
thinking and originality? How
precise are the candidate’s
references to the work?
Your presentation should be well structured: you
only have 10 minutes so ensure that you do not waste
time on a lengthy introduction and that your main
points are clear and linked. Engage your audience:
convince them that the subject you are talking about
is a valid area for exploration and discussion.
Your language- like each part of the course- has to be
appropriate to the task. Remember that the focus is
literary, so include in your analysis appropriate
literary terms; if your presentation is on a genre- such
as a sonnet- which has its own distinctive
nomenclature then use this when appropriate.
Adapted from http://www.bookteacher.org/IB%20Program.htm
Score 0-10
10-Excellent understanding of
the work and topic
 Thorough knowledge and
understanding of the work and
 Precise knowledge of the
appropriate context of the topic
within the work where relevant
 Good understanding of research
10-A clearly-focused, well
developed and persuasive
 Purposeful and effective structure
to the response
 The response is focused, coherent
and presented in a very effective
 Presentation is appropriately
 Appropriates visuals utilized
references to the work
10- The language is clear,
varied, precise and concise
 Clear, varied and concise speech
appropriate to the occasion. No
significant lapses in grammar and
 An effective choice of register and
 Literary terms used appropriately
 A convincing and detailed
interpretation of the subject chosen in
relation to the work including a fully
considered and independent critical
 Excellent awareness and critical
analysis of literary devices employed
in the work
 The response is fully supported by
precise references to the work
Your presentation should be something “cool,” “neato,” “interesting beyond the surface,” and of some interest to you if it
is going to be at all interesting to your audience. Remember that you can go in any direction you want from the work you
have chosen to present for.
The text of focus is to be an integral part of the presentation. This means, each presenter, in choosing a vein of focus,
will without fail draw attention to the pertinent parts of the text that exemplify or qualify the material found through
research. Such references to the text will be absolutely specific; will be delivered by way of directly reading passages
from the focus text and by drawing direct and specific references to the focus text. For example, if I were doing an IB
Oral presentation regarding the presence and function of superstition and mythology in Oedipus the King I would go out,
get a bunch of critical essays/articles (literary criticism) about this topic as it pertains to the play, put all the information
together in a coherent manner, and then I would (or as I was finding this research I would) go through the play’s text and
actually “prove” all the research correct by extracting text that illustrates the points made through said research. In
essence, I would construct a verbal essay, except that instead of all my own ideas I would be allowed to use, “steal,” and
pilfer in part the ideas of others to make all my big points.
One way to “find” a topic for an IB Oral presentation is in fact to do a bunch of research on the focus text and see what
others say about it, what topics are related to it, and so on. When you look to the web for The Great Gatsby, as an
example, you will find that connected research topics are automobiles in early 20th century America, prohibition and
alcohol use, the changing role of women, the Jazz Age/the Roaring 20s, color symbolism, and so on.
Some examples of IOP’s:
A thematic focus: for example you could explore journeying in two texts you have studied, or how two
writers have studied faith or class
Characterization: comparing and contrasting two characters (the representation of children in two texts,
or the father figures, so on)
Techniques and style: What stands out as being most interesting, or characteristic, about the writing
style of the authors you are studying? Can you compare them? Do they share similarities? If you are
studying works from the same genre this is appropriate.
Compare and contrast two key passages from either one work, or two. What are their relative strengths
and weaknesses? Are they principally concerned with the same themes?
Provide commentary on the use of a particular image, idea, symbol, or motif in a text or two.
Present your understanding on how a symbol, image, motif, or trope is developed in a text.
How does setting affect plot? Does it shape the main themes? To what extent does it influence our
reading of the text?
Your IOP should reflect your own personal interest in the text. You should keep in mind that you need to
A knowledge and understanding of the text.
An individual, independent response to the work studied.
Through this presentation, exhibited powers of expression thorough oral response.
And interest and hold the attention of your audience.
Adapted from http://www.bookteacher.org/IB%20Program.htm
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