Violin and (Basic Physics of) Sound The major intended audience is middle school students who attempt to understand basic principle of physics; this article is written to enhance their understanding of relationship between violin and sound. Introduction How do music instruments make sound? In order to answer this question, we need clear definition of sound. Sound is the movement of traveling energy in form of oscillating wave. Until this sound energy reaches human ears from a music instrument like violin, it requires several steps: sound generation, sound transmission, and sound transduction. For this time, we will particularly learn about different parts of a violin and how it makes sound. Sound Generation Major Violin Components A violin is composed of various parts. As seen in the figure 1, the four strings, G, D, A, E are stretched across the long neck. This neck connects the top and body; on the top, scroll holds four pegs which are used to tune the pitch of the four strings. The four strings sits on the top surface of bridge and ends at the fixed end in the middle of empty hollow body. Inside the body, a small wooden piece called the Sound Post is located. It is held by friction between the top and bottom plates. Its position performs important role in generating sound. Last, a bow usually made up of horsetail and wood. <Figure1> Violin components Vibration of string There are two ways to play the violin: plucking the string by fingers — called pizzicato—or drawing a bow across the strings. As one plays the violin, the friction between bow hair and string causes vibration that generates sound. Violinists increase the friction of a bow by using supplementary tool called Rasin which is made from tree saps. Without rasin, a bow will simply slide across the string instead of making sound wave. <Figure2> Sound Post <Figure3> Rasin Properties of Sound wave Typically, scientists can measure and analyze sound wave with Wavelength, Amplitude and Frequency. As briefly summarized in figure4, Wavelength represents distance from a point to the equivalent point in next phase. Amplitude is height of the wave and Frequency is the number of times the wavelength occurs in a second. High frequency sound wave produces high pitch note while low frequency produces low pitch note. Bigger the value of amplitude is, louder the volume is. For this reason, sound wave created by vibration of string itself has relatively small amplitude, implying volume is low. In order to successfully transmit to human ear, we need a speaker or an amplifier. <Figure4> Characteristics of wave The relationship between frequency and other factors are nicely presented in the figure below. In the case of violin, linear mass density is constant. In addition, tension is also constant because you tune the each strings note to GDAE by turning each peg. With the left hand, violinist plays the note basically by press the strings to change the string length, resulting in higher frequency as well as pitch. By bowing with right hand, they regulate the volume of the sound through friction caused by vertical pressure as well as speed of the bow. <Figure5> Mersenne’s Law Sound Transmission Amplifying the sound; the body After the sound wave is generated, it is transmitted to different structural components of violin. It transmits from string to bridge, bridge to sound post, and sound post to the empty hollow body. Bridge is a wooden device that supports strings. It not only maintains same space between strings, but also transfers wave to the amplifier. Closer a bow to the bridge, more harmonics occur. Then, sound post receives the vibration and alters the vibration of the top plate. Combination of its position, thickness and materials influence the tone of the sound. The empty hollow body performs its role as a speaker, amplifying the sound it receives. As a consequence, the amplitude of sound wave or the volume of sound increases and successfully radiates into air. Sound Transduction Human ear approximately has sound range from 20Hz 20,000Hz, varying depend on individual and age. As the sound wave amplified by violin travels through ear canal and finally reaches to Eardrum, high and low pressure of sound wave make it vibrate. Finally, with the help of inner organs, The sound wave successfully transfers from a violin to human ear. <Figure 6> Human ear Reference ood.pdf