CEET Quick Start Guide

Carbon Emissions Estimator Tool (CEET) Quick Start Guide
October, 2012
I. Open the CEET tool and ENABLE MACROS
Note: For more help enabling macros, see the “click here for help enabling macros” link in the Instructions tab of the CEET
II. Complete the BACKGROUND INFORMATION worksheet in its entirety
 IMPORTANT: Ensure that “Industry Sector” has been selected before
beginning other worksheets.
 “IFC Finance Amount” is the total IFC Funds (debt and equity) being used to finance the current project.
 “Total Capitalization ($US)” is the total debt and equity used to finance the physical assets in the Project GHG Boundary (see
Additional Information on the second page), and is not necessarily the total project cost. An accurate Total Capitalization is
critical for calculating IFC Finance Share (%). See “IFC Finance Share (%)” below for help on what capitalization figure to use.
 “IFC Finance Share (%)” is calculated for you and is the IFC Finance Amount as a percentage of the Total Capitalization (debt and
equity), Examples on how to calculate the IFC Finance Share are:
For a Company:
= ______(IFC Funds)________
(Total Company Capitalization)
For an Expansion (new product line):
= __________(IFC Funds)__
(Total New Production Line Capitalization)
For a Facility:
= ______(IFC Funds)_______
(Total Facility Capitalization)
For an Expansion (additional output):
(IFC Funds)
(Combined Capital Cost of Old Facility plus Expansion Cost)
IMPORTANT: The boundary of the denominator in the above equations must equal the Project GHG Boundary (see second page
for more information).
“Annual Output (Production)” is a critical entry as it is used to adjust emissions over a project’s life. See the Annual Output
section on the second page for more information. The boundary used to determine Annual Output must equal the Project GHG
Boundary (see second page for more information).
III. Input data into the IFC GROSS PROJECT EMISSIONS worksheet
 Complete all sections of the worksheet that are relevant to the project. Not all sections of CEET are required. Detailed
instructions are located directly to the right of each section.
 Common sources of emission for an industry sector are highlighted in yellow on the page header links and the section headers:
Note: These are suggested emission sources. To include other emission sources, expand these by clicking on the ahead of
emission sources not highlighted yellow. IFC staff should consider any non-typical emission sources beyond these as necessary.
 Calculate emissions for the first year at full production, which may not necessarily be the first project year.
 When filling-out the “Fuel Consumption” section, actual fuel consumption in stationary plants and vehicles is required. For
minor fuel use, where data is not available, you can opt to make standard assumptions about fuel use by clicking one of the
following checkboxes (see figure below). Clicking either checkbox will open a subsection directly below the checkbox and will
populate the fields in the subsection with conservative figures, which should be adjusted as necessary:
Click only if more detailed information is unknown about backup generation fuel use
Click only if more detailed information is unknown about fuel use from mobile vehicles
 For emissions not captured by the CEET, enter these tonnes of GHG (CO2, CH4, or N2O) produced annually in the “Other Process
Emissions” section and describe source in text box to the right.
IV. Optional: Input data into the ALTERNATE PROJECT EMISSIONS worksheet
 Worksheet is identical to IFC Gross Project Emissions and is used to compare the GHG impacts of an alternate scenario and
estimate GHG reductions.
V. ptional: If using another calculation (outside CEET):
 Cut/paste the assumptions and the calculations into the Other Calculations worksheet of CEET for further review.
 Input these results in the “Other Calculation” section of the IFC Gross Project Emissions worksheet.
 If using other tools, upload tool calculation in GHG tab in iDesk.
VI. In iDesk, input results into the "Climate Related" tab prior to project approval and upload finished CEET in the
"attach" section at bottom of the iDesk "Climate Related" tab. SEE APPENDIX ON PAGE 3 FOR MORE INFORMATION
Additional CEET Information
A. Project GHG Boundary: Is the boundary around the physical assets for which you will be measuring GHG emissions and is
limited by the “use of funds”, as in the geographical boundary of the facility receiving IFC funding.
i. Key consideration when establishing boundary is “on what will you be doing supervision reports?”
Other facilities under the same company but not affected by IFC funding can be excluded.
Where only company information is available, measure GHGs and finance share at the company level.
100% emissions for the facility should be estimated and not solely emission for additional output.
An additional production line can be considered a separate facility if, and only if, emissions (i.e. electricity, fuel consumption,
etc) are independent and discrete from the other production lines and if IFC’s financing is limited to that production line.
B. Scopes: Required emissions are Scope 1 (Direct: all on-site emissions) and Scope 2 (Indirect: purchased electricity, heat and
steam). Scope 3 (Other Indirect: upstream, downstream, and construction emissions) are optional to report.
C. Annual Output: “Annual Output (Production)” is a critical entry as it is used to adjust emissions over a project’s life:
Annual output varies for each type of project:
i. For power generation, annual output is likely the total kWhs produced per annum.
ii. For hotels, it could be annual guest-nights, number of rooms or built area (m3).
iii. An output update will be required during the PSR cycle, so select an easy output to track1
For projects with multiple outputs or if needed, “Annual Revenue (US$)” is available as an alternative output 2.
For projects with multiple outputs, it is preferable to select one of the outputs that is the key driver of a business’ production,
rather than using US$ revenue as an output alternative.
Important: The boundary used to determine annual output must equal the Project GHG boundary (see A above)
Other examples of output are (1) Manufacturing: units produced or tonnes of production, (2) Agriculture: tonnes of a crop yielded or hectares of
cropland, (3) Schools: students per annum or built area (m3), (4) Mobile Telephony – number of subscribers or towers. (5) Dairy: Tonnes or liters
produced or processed (6) Forestry: hectares cultivated (7) Hospitals: # of hospital beds or patient visits.
2 Production is always preferred over revenue as revenue is subject to price fluctuation, inflation, exchange rates, etc.
APPENDIX - Uploading and Entering GHG Estimations into iDESK
To enter GHG info in iDesk, select “Climate Related” tab and then select ‘Edit’ (see A) for a project.
If a project requires a GHG emissions calculation, the following information is required and all inputs to the tab can be obtained
from the Summary Worksheet of a completed CEET tool):
 Estimated Annual Output: the yearly total production of an IFC project at full expected operating capacity
For ‘Unit’, from the drop-down, select between tonnes, kWhs, US$Revenue, or Other
‘Unit description’ is used to clarify the selected unit of measurement (i.e. tonnes of “cement produced”, etc). If ‘Unit’ =
Other, then ‘unit description’ is a required entry (i.e. # of airline passengers, m3 natural gas, etc.)
‘Value’ is the numerical value of the estimated annual output (i.e. “1,000” if output is 1,000 tonnes of cement produced
per annum)
 IFC Finance Share (%): IFC finance amount as a % of the total project capitalization (debt and equity).
 Annual estimates for project Scope 1 and 2 emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e), even if the value is zero. Scope 3
is optional.
If a project does not require a GHG calculation, please select the check box at the bottom of page
 If checkbox is selected, any emission data from the prior section will not be saved.
 From the drop-down menu, a reason for not reporting GHG emissions is required. Select between:
“Project is a financial intermediary or similar (not a real sector project)”
“Other” (for which a brief description is required).
Attach CEET calculation or other GHG calculation directly in the GHG Emissions tab; to do so, click on “Attach” (see B), click the
link to the number of documents found (see C), then link or upload the document (see D) as in the diagram below. IFCDocs will
then open. In IFCDocs, upload the CEET tool (if not already uploaded), right click on the document containing the CEET and click
“Link to GHG Emissions” (see F).
When done, please click “Save” (see E) at the bottom of the screen
a. Note: Changes to “GHG Emissions” can be made through the life of the project if: Prior entry was erroneous, project annual
emission estimate has changed, requiring a new GHG calculation to be uploaded in iDesk, or Please note that any change or
update to the GHG Emissions tab is tracked in the “Change History”