Class Activities, Chapter 13 Week #7 Major and Career Exploration Career Exploration Questions 1. Week Prior remind students they will need some sort of Technology 2. Day of: Have students identify a possible Career. ( using Smart phone, I-pad or laptop) They should answer the following a. Highest degree required b. Specialized courses c. What is the average annual salary for the position? d. Position main responsibilities e. Where will you be working in this field? (Workplace) f. Can you name a famous person in this field? g. What personality characteristics are needed (page 205) h. Why did you choose this career? 3. Pair up students so that they can discuss with their partner the answers to the questions above or just have each student report out. 4. Instructor answers all the questions as well. How Would You? Full class mock interview. Have students brainstorm questions that might be asked of them in an interview (small groups or individually). Instructor asks actual interview questions of the entire class. In a small group students can discuss how they would answer each question asked. Then additional questions could be asked and individually students could write their answers out. Some students could be called on to share/answer the question. Provide feedback and discussion on how they answered the question(s) and on interview etiquette. Practice Cover Letter Have students write a cover letter for a job they find listed online or in print media. Use examples of good and bad cover letters (not those from the class- collect old ones from anonymous students/applicants) and edit with the class (much like what we did with papers in COM 101 training). Students can then swap their letters with someone in the class for peer review and critique. Other options: Invite a guest speaker from Career Services to come to class. Class Activities, Chapter 12 Week #11 Management of Health and Wellness Something to consider… Health and wellness involves many issues and topics that don’t necessarily “wait” until week 11 of the semester. It might be worth considering implementing something simple into each class period as an ice breaker or kick off to your weekly topic that relates to student health and wellness. In week 11 the topic could be covered more in depth and with class activities to support the chapter material. Here are some suggestions to incorporating health and wellness into the scheduled weeks on the syllabus: Weeks 2 and 3: Why College and Understanding the Campus Landscape Very stressful time for first year students. Try offering relaxation or meditation exercises at the beginning or end of class. You can find scripts online at This will give students an opportunity to try a relaxation technique which is something they can adopt on their own to help relieve stress. Weeks 4 and 5: Connecting with the Campus community and Enhancing Time Management One way for students to get involved is for them to use the Rec Center. Bring them over for a tour. Many of them use the Rec Center but you might be surprised how many do not! Visit our website and navigate it with them in class so they can see the programs and services offered and the many ways they can get connected while getting physical activity! While discussing time management have them do a quick time inventory and identify opportunities in their schedule where they can fit exercise in. Most people think they don’t have enough time but when they see their days written down and where their gaps are they realize they do have time to exercise. Week 8: Conflict Management Safe and smart use of alcohol and making choices about sexual health are directly related to communication. Not necessarily conflict management with another person, but interpersonal communication skills to help navigate the decision making process surrounding both topics. Incorporate a case study example of students making sexual health and/or alcohol decisions as a discussion starter. Week 10: Understanding Human Difference Body image issues are about accepting one’s self but also about being accepting of others. The YouTube link is a Dove body image commercial (3 min.) that talks about being accepting of self and how others view us vs. how we view ourselves. Could be a good intro to talking about being accepting of everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, body shape/size, etc. For Week 11 Jeopardy Create a jeopardy game (Stephanie has a power point for this that can be shared) with the topics from the health and wellness chapter. The game could be played as the class activity and generate discussion about overall health and wellness. Create Your Plate Have students select their favorite meal or favorite foods and go online and research the calories, protein, carbs, and fat for their choices. Basically “create their plate”. Invite Julie Proctor to class to discuss making healthy food choices and how to navigate the dining hall and OC food court. Chartwells also has staff that can assist with this if given enough lead time. Myth/Fact Have students participate in a round robin exercise about alcohol or sexual health. Put them in small groups and have them compile a list of things they “know” about the topics. As a large group develop one list for the class and then determine and discuss what things are myths and which things they “know” are facts. Invite a health educator to class to assist with the discussion. Peer Education Have students break into small groups and assign each group a topic from the chapter. Using technology they can research their topic and create a short lesson for the class. Each group will present, or teach their information to the class (informally) as a whole. Invite a health educator to class to assist with the discussion. Resources…Don’t forget…. GRASP Graham Health Center, Julie Proctor for IPause, wellness coaching, nutrition Master of Public Health students Health Science faculty School of Nursing Campus Recreation