Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for Courses Numbered 5000 and Higher Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions. Submission guidelines are posted to the GCC Web site: 1. Course prefix and number: CMGT 6655 2. Date: Nov 7, 2013 3. Requested action: x New Course Revision of Active Course Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course Renumbering of an Existing Course from from to # Required x # Elective 4. Method(s) of delivery (check all boxes that apply for both current/proposed and expected future delivery methods within the next three years): Current or Proposed Delivery Method(s): x On-campus (face to face) Expected Future Delivery Method(s): x Distance Course (face to face off campus) x Online (delivery of 50% or more of the instruction is offered online) x 5. Justification. Identify the committee or group (e.g., Graduate faculty of the Department of English) that conducted the assessment of curriculum and student learning. Explain why the unit wishes to offer or revise the course. Include specific results from the unit assessment that led to the development or modification of the course. If applicable, cite any accrediting agency/ies and reference the specific standard/s. Indicate the graduate faculty of your unit have reviewed and approved this proposal. Based on the residential industry needs of specialized and advanced learning in the subject area the National Housing Endowment awarded a grant to support the development of five (5) subjects related to the needs of the industry and accessible to the working professional via the online delivery method. The needs were verified and approved by the Construction Management Industry Advisory Board and five national residential construction recruiters. These course offerings are intended to attract career changing individuals and UG students intending to further their knowledge in residential construction management. The course development has been approved by the faculty of the Department of Construction Management. Sustainability has impacted residential construction as a result of improving building standards, assessment techniques and market place expectations that will be addressed in this course. Approved by GCC April 2013 and posted fall of 2013 6. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog: CMGT 6655 - Residential Sustainability 3 P: Acceptance into the MCM program. Introduction to the standards and considerations for sustainable residential construction of homes. 7. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change: 8. Course credit: Lecture Hours 3 3 Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours Lab Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Studio Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Practicum Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Internship Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain. Total Credit Hours 9. Anticipated annual student enrollment: s.h. 3 10 10. Changes in degree hours of your programs: Degree(s)/Program(s) Changes in Degree Hours 11. Affected degrees or academic programs, other than your programs: Degree(s)/Program(s) Changes in Degree Hours 12. Overlapping or duplication with affected units or programs: x Not applicable Documentation of notification to the affected academic degree programs is attached. 13. Council for Teacher Education (CTE) approval (for courses affecting teacher education): x Not applicable Applicable and CTE has given their approval. Approved by GCC April 2013 and posted fall of 2013 s.h. s.h. 14. Service Learning Committee (SLC) approval: x Not applicable Applicable and SLC has given their approval. 15. Statements of support: a. Staff x Current staff is adequate Additional staff is needed (describe needs in the box below): b. Facilities x Current facilities are adequate Additional facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below): c. Library x Initial library resources are adequate Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources): d. Unit computer resources x Unit computer resources are adequate Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition): e. ITCS resources x ITCS resources are not needed The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need): Mainframe computer system Statistical services Network connections Computer lab for students Software Approval from the Director of ITCS attached 16. Course information (see: Graduate Curriculum and Program Development Manual for instructions): a. Textbook(s) and/or readings: author(s), name, publication date, publisher, and city/state/country. Include ISBN (when applicable). Text: Kruger, A. (2013). Green Building: Principles and Practices in Residential Construction. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. ISBN 978-1111135959 Selected Reading from: Kibert, C. (1999). Reshaping the Built Environment: Ecology, Ethics, and Economics. Washington, DC: Island Press. ISBN 1-55963-701-3 Approved by GCC April 2013 and posted fall of 2013 Schumacher, E. F. (2010). Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. New York, NY: Harper Perennial. ISBN 978-0-06-199776-1 NAHB. (2012). National Green Building Standard. Washington, DC: NAHB. ISBN 978-0867186970 b. Course objectives for the course (student – centered, behavioral focus) If this is a 5000-level course that is populated by undergraduate and graduate students, there must be differentiation in the learning objectives expected. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify the green standards used within the U.S. home industry Compare and critique the rating systems Identify exemplars from the home industry Analyze and rank factors that influence cost in developing green homes Appraise the future of sustainable residential construction in the U.S. c. Course topic outline The list of topics should reflect the stated objectives. Standards Rating systems Model homes Costs factors Future prospects d. List of course assignments, weighting of each assignment, and grading/evaluation system for determining a grade Grades: A=93-100, B=87-92.9, C=80-86.9, F=79.9 or less 50% - Course Projects and Assignments 15% - Term Paper 10% - Active Participation and Course Contribution 25% - Final Exam 100% Approved by GCC April 2013 and posted fall of 2013