EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science Reviewer Name or ID: This review represents a synthesis of multiple reviews Grade: Middle School Lesson/Unit Title: Backyard Biodiversity, Food Webs, v2 Note: While this is not considered a longer lesson or unit, reviewers felt the saw evidence of some of the additional criteria for longer lessons or units, as well as suggestions for improvement, so included those comments. I. Alignment to the NGSS The lesson or unit aligns with the conceptual shifts of the NGSS: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning A. Grade-appropriate elements of the science and engineering practice(s), disciplinary core idea(s), and crosscutting concept(s), work together to support students in threedimensional learning to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. i. Provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the practice(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. ii. Provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the disciplinary core idea(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. iii. Provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the crosscutting concept(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. iv. The three dimensions work together to support students to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. i. Evidence of opportunities for students to develop and use elements of practices include: Students are asked to draw a food web of the ecosystem they observed, which is a type of model. Limitations of the model are identified (3-5 grade band element). Students have the opportunity to revise the model based on class discussions and identifying elements of the model that may be missing or that would not show the flow of energy into and out of the ecosystem. Students are then asked to predict what would happen if one part of their food web changed (an increase or decrease in a population within the model) which aligns with the element of the practice of modeling: “Develop or modify a model—based on evidence – to match what happens if a variable or component of a system is changed.” (SEP 2, NGSS Appendix F). Students are also asked to write an explanation on page 4. However, students are not supporting a scientific explanation as described by the evidence statements. ii. Evidence of opportunities for students to develop and use elements of DCIs include: Students begin by considering the interactions present in an ecosystem, they use the information that they gather from brainstorming to create a food web to describe the flow of energy. As they identify their gaps in the model they are allowed to readdress their models and edit them based on a class discussion about the disciplinary core idea. “Decomposers recycle nutrients from dead plant or animal matter back to the soil in terrestrial environments or to the water in aquatic environments.” is addressed by the second revision of the model. The component of the DCI “Food webs are models that demonstrate how matter and energy is transferred between producers, consumers, and decomposers as the three groups interact within an ecosystem” is mostly addressed by the first revision of the model. These components of the DCI are not addressed “Transfers of matter into and out of the physical environment occur at every level” and “The atoms that make up the organisms in an ecosystem are cycled repeatedly between the living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem.” iii. Evidence of opportunities for students to develop and use elements of CCCs include: Version 2 – published September 2014 View Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Educators may use or adapt. If modified, please attribute EQuIP and re-title. Suggestions for improvement i. Explanation should be switched to argument since students are supporting their own claims (predictions in this case) rather than a scientific explanation (NGSS Evidence Statements). Depending on students’ experience with argumentation, the lesson may not include enough details or supports use of this practice to ensure students are able to successfully construct an argument. The term explanation should be removed and the focus should be on using the model to make a prediction. ii. It might be interesting to ask students to draw separate food and energy pyramids, based on the food web. They could then introduce the energy loss at each level. If the part of the DCI that addresses that the atoms that make up organisms in an ecosystem cycle is not included here, perhaps there could be a note that it is not addressed and a suggestion for when it could be addressed such as during a later chemistry unit where students could recall their food webs, then apply their knowledge of chemistry to describe their food web in terms of atoms. iii. The element of the CCC listed for energy states that “energy flows through a natural system,” but in the lesson energy is referred to as “cycling” The crosscutting concept of energy and matter is present throughout the lesson. Students do not discuss any of the DCI without also talking about the energy and the transfer of the energy within the model. One example is when, on page 3, the teacher go around the room and having students “explain what is happening in the model. Show one example of a path that energy may follow” The addition of the CCC of Systems and System Models – which is addressed during the classroom conversation about systems – strengthens the unit because it allows student to discuss how one component of the model can be viewed individually and what the component’s role is within a given system and if that systems parameters changed, what would the impact be on a system as it is defined. The CCC element “The transfer of energy can be tracked as energy flows through a designed or natural system” is explored when students create and revise their food web in revisions 1 and 2. iv. The three dimensions identified in this lesson of: cycling of matter and flow of energy in ecosystems, modeling, and the interactions across systems work together throughout the lesson and lay a foundation to build to the PE that was identified: MS-LS2-3. A unit or longer lesson will also: Criteria which is incorrect. Revising this will make the lesson more accurate and tie this CCC in better. Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement B. Lessons fit together coherently targeting a set of performance expectations. i. Each lesson links to previous lessons and provides a need to engage in the current lesson. ii. The lessons help students develop proficiency on a targeted set of performance expectations. i. This lesson ties directly to the data collection from backyard biodiversity and builds on that experience. ii. The lesson does help students build toward MS-LS2-3 as students have opportunities to use and develop each dimension associated with this performance expectation. i. C. Where appropriate, disciplinary core ideas from different disciplines are used together to explain phenomena. There is mention of physical science when the teacher mentions “energy is never created or destroyed.” Explore the physical science DCIs that describe conservation of matter, as this lesson could support growth toward that PE. It would be a more coherent lesson sequence if samples of student-completed assessments, with guidance for identifying gaps in understanding, were provided for what students did before this lesson (at the end of part one of Backyard Biodiversity) and at the end of this lesson. ii. This lesson targets a different, though related, PE than the prior lesson. It would be helpful to have a unit plan that connects these more clearly (so that the coherence is easier to see) and describes the various PEs and which lessons use each component. This would also show how the PEs are bundled across lessons and how this creates an opportunity for a richer learning experience. For example, seeing how this DCI, which was listed in part one, connects to this lesson would be helpful: Disruptions to any physical or biological component of an ecosystem can lead to shifts in all its populations. The lesson could be improved by having instruction that would elicit statements from students about energy, how it is transferred, stored, etc. (e.g., chemical energy that is stored in molecular bonds and it is never created or destroyed). If students identify that it cannot be created or destroyed and that it is held as chemical energy in molecular bonds, then introduce the lesson in this context. By taking the opportunity to engage students in a discussion of what they already know, the lesson may be stronger, because they will identify other connections 2 without being told about them. While this isn’t necessary, giving students the opportunity to identify links to the conservation of energy and matter is key to moving towards the identified DCI within the targeted PE. D. Where appropriate, crosscutting concepts are used in the explanation of phenomena from a variety of disciplines. Students are asked to connect the flow of energy and cycling of matter to the rock cycle or water cycle from a previous course or their life experience. This could be helpful to get students to see that the CCC of energy and matter is not only in life science but also is in other science disciplines. E. Provides grade-appropriate connection(s) to the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and/or English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects. When students are communicating their predictions with classmates they: Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.4) Students need structures to help them communicate clearly. Provide norms of collaboration, discourse structures, or examples of high quality descriptions. This lesson would be supported by incorporating learning opportunities aligned with: Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.9) Depending on when the unit takes place within the middle school grade span the following standard would be appropriate: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1) If the lesson or unit is not closely aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, it may not be appropriate to move on to the second and third categories. Professional judgment should be used when weighing the individual criterion. For example, a lesson without crosscutting concepts explicitly called out may be easier to revise than one without appropriate disciplinary core ideas; such a difference may determine whether reviewers believe the lesson merits continued evaluation or not. II. Instructional Supports The lesson or unit supports instruction and learning for all students: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement A. Engages students in authentic and meaningful scenarios that reflect the practice of science and engineering as experienced in the real world and that provide students with a purpose (e.g., making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to problems). i. The context, including phenomena, questions, or problems, motivates students to engage in threedimensional learning. ii. Provides students with relevant phenomena (either firsthand experiences or through representations) to make sense of and/or relevant problems to solve. iii. Engages students in multiple practices that work together with disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts to support students in making sense of i. i.– ii. Create an interesting scenario or identify a video for students to watch that shows various organisms consuming food and a time lapse of plants growing. Allow them to generate questions about the video and how the different food sources are related. These could be different organisms from their own food web, but very engaging. This could lead in to the discussion about energy flow. The context of using a local ecosystem will make this content relevant to student experiences. Additionally, the lesson as it is written allows the teacher to make some decisions about what the ecosystem will be when the lesson has the students brainstorm “How do living things interact with each other?” By allowing the teacher or students to define an ecosystem, the lesson allows for students to identify meaningful scenarios and pulls together, with the questioning and guidance of the teacher, “Encourage students to consider some of the living things they observed in their local ecosystem, and how they relate to one another.” ii. Students identify some of the organisms in their local ecosystem. Using their own ecosystem observations creates more relevance than a traditional, generalized food web. And by identifying the local ecosystem, students can contribute first-hand how an organism behaves in the ecosystem and what its role is. In the third part of the lesson when This lesson may be strengthened by providing students with guidance around engagement and questioning that aligns with the DCI in this unit. What types of questions should students be asking/answering? 3 phenomena and/or designing solutions to problems. iv. Provides opportunities for students to connect their explanation of a phenomenon and/or their design solution to a problem to their own experience. v. When engineering performance expectations are included, they are used along with disciplinary core ideas from physical, life, or earth and space sciences. B. Develops deeper understanding of the practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts by identifying and building on students’ prior knowledge. C. Uses scientifically accurate and grade-appropriate scientific information, phenomena, and representations to support students’ three-dimensional learning. students make a prediction about possible impacts on an ecosystem, some students might be familiar with the increase or decrease of an organism on the local ecosystem because of first-hand experience and could possibly draw from this experience to make sense of the phenomena. iii. Students do engage in other practices – in the gallery walk they are presenting arguments based on evidence and potentially asking questions to clarify evidence and the premise of an argument or to challenge the premise – that are secondary to the main practice of developing and using models to describe and predict more abstract phenomena. The practices work together as students use their models to help them predict and in their arguments. iv. Students are using their experience of describing an ecosystem as the basis for constructing their models. v. N/A This lesson links to the prior lesson and explicitly describes how to elicit student ideas about how organisms interact. Students engage in a brainstorm around the question “How do living things interact with each other?” The students then discuss as a class and make a list of living things within an ecosystem they may be familiar with and then they are asked to categorize or create a list of the different trophic levels. This initial brainstorm helps access, identify, and build on prior knowledge and identify any misconceptions that students may have. Energy is referred to as “cycling” through an ecosystem in the lesson, which is incorrect. Energy flows through an ecosystem in a path that has an input and an output. It enters the ecosystem as light energy from the Sun and a lot of it exits as heat (heat is not a usable form of energy for organisms and is not “recycled”– this is why we need a continuous input of energy from the sun). Students are asked to create definitions of a system or a cycle. However, these two words are not interchangeable, because there are distinct definitions for both of them. iii. It is implied that students will engage in arguing from evidence during the numerous conversations and the gallery walk described. By describing specific discourse structures or adding a peer critique cycle, this could become an explicit opportunity to engage in this practice. “Respectfully provide and receive critiques about one’s explanations, procedures, models and questions by citing relevant evidence and posing and responding to questions that elicit pertinent elaboration and detail.” Identify common misconceptions that students may bring about this topic from their other experience and create a probe or other formative assessment specific to these misconceptions that will help the teacher identify areas for growth. The unit may be improved by facilitating a discussion in which students make sense of one ecosystem that has been given to them. If students can evaluate the impact on the energy transfer in one pre-identified ecosystem, students will possibly make more sense/have a deeper understanding of a local ecosystem if they are unfamiliar with how ecosystems operate (this may help students that are struggling with the lesson or that are new to the area). Additionally this shows the ability to transfer knowledge. The last part of the unit could be improved by allowing students to revise their predictions based on evidence or data that they could gather or research to revise and support a prediction. By having students research the various impacts that changes in population have they have a stronger argument for the possible impact that the change in population may have. The lesson needs to be revised to state that energy flows through systems – this will also help tie in the listed CCC better. Ask them what the inputs and outputs of energy are in their system. (Sunlight is the input and energy released in waste or as heat are the outputs.) Students should not be asked to create a definition for a system or a cycle to reduce the chance they will conflate the two. Students should also come back to revise their working definition at the end of lesson. 4 The question is asked: Where does the energy go? The suggested answer does not explicitly address energy. The return of nutrients to the soil is not the exit path of energy in the ecosystem. Energy flow and matter cycling are two different processes in an environment that both need to be addressed. D. Provides opportunities for students to express, clarify, justify, interpret, and represent their ideas and respond to peer and teacher feedback orally and/or in written form as appropriate to support student’s threedimensional learning. Students have the opportunity to present their ideas (and ask each other questions, provide clarification and justify their ideas) in the form of whole class discussions, think-pair-shares, gallery walks, and drawing their models (food web). E. Provides guidance for teachers to support differentiated instruction in the classroom so that every student’s needs are addressed by including: i. Suggestions for how to connect instruction to the students' home, neighborhood, community and/or culture as appropriate. ii. Appropriate reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking alternatives (e.g., translations, picture support, graphic organizers) for students who are English language learners, have special needs, or read well below the grade level. iii. Suggested extra support (e.g., phenomena, representations, tasks) for students who are struggling to meet the performance expectations. iv. Extensions for students with high interest or who have already met the performance expectations to develop deeper understanding of the practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. i. The ecosystem under study (from the first part of the Backyard Biodiversity) is of their own community. ii. A word bank is suggested. Students can use post-it notes and moveable index cards to work with and redefine their model as they are engaged in more discussion. iii. Not evident. iv. A possible extension is given in which students can research real examples of human caused impacts on biodiversity in ecosystems, then predict how the changes may impact the system as a whole by examining the energy transfers, and create an action plan to mitigate damage to their ecosystem. Discuss with students how at every trophic level, organisms use some of the energy they obtained from their food to carry out the necessary processes of life (growth, reproduction, respiration, etc.). A lot of the energy is released into the surroundings at every level. Ask students if they can think of ways that energy is released out into the ecosystem at every level. Adding a peer critique cycle as described above would further support this activity and formative assessment. ii.–iii. Add a text/article or video to the lesson in part one to have the students start with an ecosystem that they can all reference when discussing their local ecosystem. The video may be an alternative to a text and it could be accompanied by a note taking/scientific notebook task that would ask students to identify certain components in an ecosystem. iii. For those who struggle with their own ecosystem, provide another ecosystem example for them to have another attempt at creating the model. It would be neat to have clear descriptions of what the organisms eat and photographs of the organisms. iv. Provide extra support to model an ecosystem that has actually had a decrease/increase in one component of an ecosystem and trace the energy transfers in that modeled ecosystem. Although there is an extension for this lesson, it is underdeveloped and is more of a standard research project where students gather information and do not engage in the practices of modeling. Instead, students could consider what would happen if the limitations of the model (the limitations/constraints of the system) were changed and how the energy transfer would change. A unit or longer lesson will also: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement F. Provides guidance for teachers throughout the unit for how lessons build on each other to support students developing deeper understanding of the practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts over the course of the unit. Within the unit, students are engaged in developing a deeper understanding of the three dimensions by defining terms together and using the terms and the class brainstorms to make sense of the phenomena of the transfer of energy and the cycling of matter. First they work as a class, then they work individually with opportunities to refine Provide students with some guiding questions or hooks while they are engaged in the gallery walk so that some misconceptions may be identified. 5 their model with peer review and teacher guidance. Then they share their models with the class and can engage in discussion around the transfer of energy and cycling of matter throughout an ecosystem. The lessons build towards students being able to predict impacts to an ecosystem based on the information that they have. G. Provides supports to help students engage in the practices as needed and gradually adjusts supports over time so that students are increasingly responsible for making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to problems. Students model ecosystems and then, through some discussion and feedback, are allowed to refine/revise their models providing support for the practice of modeling. This support is not necessarily adjusted, which is reasonable given the length of the lesson. III. Monitoring Student Progress The lesson or unit supports monitoring student progress: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning A. Elicits direct, observable evidence of threedimensional learning by students using practices with core ideas and crosscutting concepts to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions. B. Formative assessments of three-dimensional learning are embedded throughout the instruction. Teacher questions and opportunities to refine models throughout the lesson elicit direct, observable evidence of three dimensional learning. Students not only create models but also have to identify the transfer of energy and the components of the system. There is a mention of a formative assessment on page three after the third part of the lesson: “Students’ understanding will be assessed by their answers to questions, both during class discussions, as well as one-on-one. In addition, students’ prior knowledge will be assessed by the first draft of their food web model. Teachers should look for misconceptions to address in students’ work, and focus the instruction and revisions phase on correcting these gaps in understanding.” C. Includes aligned rubrics and scoring guidelines that provide guidance for interpreting student performance along the three dimensions to support teachers in (a) planning instruction and (b) providing ongoing feedback to students. D. Assessing student proficiency using methods, vocabulary, representations, and examples that are accessible and unbiased for all students. There are other places in the lesson where teacher questions and student models can serve as formative assessments. At least some of these formative assessment opportunities are three dimensional, for example when students are asked to create a model (SEP) that describes energy flows (CCC) in the context of an ecosystem (DCI). No evidence Student ecosystems under study come from their own community. Depending on the ecosystem that students are able to observe, it may be difficult to identify a diverse array of organisms to include in a food web (e.g., urban parks/playgrounds). Also, during different seasons it Suggestions for improvement See comment about formative assessment above in IIB. The formative assessments in this unit could be added in the beginning as a pre-assessment to get a base of where students are in their learning and proficiency around ecosystems and energy transfer. The formative assessment could also be strengthened by including examples of formative assessments that would survey the whole class or small groups and not just rely on individual student feedback. Possibly have students question each other (turn and talk) or the use of dry erase boards when first exploring the components of a local ecosystem before they model (decomposers, producers, consumers). Provide sample student work with commentary as an example of an acceptable model and argument. An aligned rubric and scoring guide to use when evaluating students’ revised models and their justifications for revised models as well as their justification for a prediction and how the energy transfers would be helpful. Rubrics should elicit evidence for the justification and what changes happened to the models after feedback was given. It might be worthwhile to provide some examples of organisms in urban environments that can be incorporated into a food web. 6 may be easier or more difficult to gather evidence. A unit or longer lesson will also: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement E. Includes pre-, formative, summative, and selfassessment measures that assess threedimensional learning. See III.B for evidence of formative assessments. The listed summative assessment consists of student work samples from the lesson – their final models and arguments. The lesson does not include pre- or selfassessment, but since it is a relatively short lesson, this may be appropriate. It would be helpful to have a pre-assessment to evaluate where students are, what misconceptions and what understanding they have as they begin the lesson. F. Provides multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate performance of practices connected with their understanding of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts and receive feedback. Multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate modeling connected to their understanding of the DCIs and CCCs. More formal opportunities for teachers to evaluate students’ ability to engage in the practices would be helpful. See formative assessment suggestion in IIB. Overall Summary Comments: 7