2-6 Calendar MON Name: ____________________________ TUE WED THU FRI Oct 3 Political Geography 4 5 6 7 Political Geography Political Geography Early Release Due: HW: Study Africa Map 10 Due: HW: Voc #6 11 Political Geography Due: Voc #6 HW: Study 12 Political Geography Due: HW: Study Africa Map 18 Political Geography Due: HW: Due: HW: Study 24 Economic Activities /Systems Due: HW: Study Africa Map 31 Economic Activities /Systems 25 Economic Activities /Systems 26 Economic Activities /Systems Due: HW: Nov 1 Economic Activities /Systems Due: HW:Study 2 Economic Activities /Systems Due: HW: Study Africa Map 7 Due: Map 4 Due: HW: HW: Study Political Geography Q #6/M #1 Due: HW: Voc #7 13 Political Geography Q #7/M #2 Due: HW: Voc #8 20 Pol Geo Q #8/M #3 Due: HW: Review for Exam 27 Economic Act/Sys Q #9/M #4 Due: HW: Voc #10 3 Eco Dev Q #10 Africa Map Test Due: HW: 8 9 Economic Development Economic Development 10 Eco Dev 11 Economic Development Due: HW: Due: HW: Due: HW: Due: HW: Review for Exam Exam 262 Counts 3-6 Due: HW: Student Holiday 17 Political Geography Due: HW: Study Africa Map 19 Political Geography Due: HW: Study Period: _____ Political Geography Due: Voc #1 HW: 14 Political Geography Due: HW: 21 Political Geography Exam 261 Due: HW: Voc #9 28 Economic Activities /Systems Due: HW: 4 Economic Development Due: HW: ABSENCE INFORMATION 1. You have 10 school days from the due date to turn in work. Be aware that students who frequently turn things in late tend to do poorly in class. 2. You must complete the work. 3. Late work will receive a deduction equaling 10% of the final grade. Late work should be a rare not a frequent occurrence. Economic Development ANNOUNCEMENTS: Early Release – October 7, 2011 Student Holiday – October 10, 2011 Important Information: You have the opportunity to do retake/retest, if necessary. A Reteach/Review Activity may be required before retesting. You can check your grade at MYJISD Portal, on the school homepage. World Geography Studies 1112 2-6 List #6 – MIT or Taboo or MITaboo 1. Africa – the second largest continent in the world, it is almost three times the size of the U.S. It is separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea and is bordered to the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The climate tends towards warm, hot summers and mild winters, with the amount of rainfall differing greatly from the deserts to the tropical rainforest. 2. *Democracy - government in which citizens take part through voting 3. *Dictatorship – government in which an absolute ruler holds all the power 4. *Monarchy – government ruled by a king or queen 5. *Republic – government in which citizens elect representatives to govern them 6. Constitutional Republic - a government created and controlled, at least, by the law of a constitution 7. *Theocracy - government ruled by religious leaders claiming god-given authority 8. *Totalitarian - a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state (less important than the nation), and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed 9. Political Division –a geographic region that, on the large scale, is typically a country, while on a smaller scale could be states, counties, parishes, districts, provinces, cities, towns, or smaller municipalities. List #7 – MIT or Taboo or MITaboo 1. Public Policy - principle that holds that no person or government official can legally perform an act that tends to injure the public. It is generally applied to matters of public health, safety, and welfare. It changes with the changing economic needs, social customs, and moral aspirations of the people. Public policy enters into, and influences, the enactment, execution, and interpretation of legislation 2. *Sovereign Nation – a completely self-ruling and independent country 3. *United Nations - An international organization composed of most of the countries of the world. It was founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and economic development. 4. *European Union – an organization whose goal is to unite Europe so that goods, services, and workers can move freely among member countries. 5. *Nationalism – a. devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation. b. belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. c. aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination. 6. *Patriotism - love and devotion to your country and a willingness to sacrifice for it 7. *Political Pull Factor – force that draws people to a new location, like more political freedoms 8. *Poltical Push Factor – a force that drives people away from a place, like a lack of political freedoms 9. Political Units - a politically organized body of people under a single government List # 8 – MIT or Taboo or MITaboo 1. Economics – a science pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities. 2. *Economic Push Factors - a force that drives people from a place, like a lack of jobs or opportunities 3. *Economic Pull Factors – a force that draws people to a place, like a more job opportunities 4. *Free Enterprise - the freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with minimal government regulation 5. *Socialism – an economic system where production and distribution of goods is owned by the workers themselves or a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy (sometimes viewed, economically, as between capitalism and communism) 6. *Communism - an economic system where production and distribution of goods is owned by single-party government that often plans and controls the economy. Unlike socialism, the government controls all aspects of life. 7. *Traditional Economy – a system in which traditions and customs control all economic activity; exists in only a few parts of the world today dominated by methods and techniques that have strong social support even though they may be old-fashioned or out of date. 8. Goods – products, wares, or commodities for sale 9. *Services - work done for others as an occupation or business (waiter, custodian, cashier) 10.*Subsistence Agriculture – producing just enough food for a family or a village to survive 11.*Commercial Agriculture – farming organized as a business 12.*Cottage Industry – a business that employs workers in their homes List #9 – MIT or Taboo or MITaboo 1. *Commercial Industry – a business involved in the production/manufacturing of goods for sale 2. *Scarcity – inadequate supply of a good or service (it often leads to higher prices for that good or higher wages for that service) 3. Supply and Demand – Demand is how much of a product or service is desired by buyers. Supply is how much of that product or service the market can offer. Price, is a reflection of supply and demand. If the demand is high and the supply is low, the price will rise. If the demand is low and the supply high, the price will drop (YEA, CLEARNACE SALES!!!) 4. *Primary Economic Activities - economic sector that changes natural resources into primary products. This sector includes agriculture, fishing, forestry, and mining 5. *Secondary Economic Activities - economic sectors that create a finished, usable product. It uses the output of the primary sector and manufactures finished goods or products. 6. *Tertiary Economic Activities – AKA the service sector, economic sector that provides services to businesses as well as final consumers. 7. *Quaternary Economic Activities – economic sector that provides intellectual services like research, development, and information 8. *Infrastructure - basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons 9. Capital - Wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation 10.*GDP – (Gross Domestic Product) the value of goods and services created within a country in a year. 11.*GDP Per Capita - the value of goods and services created within a country in a year PER PERSON List #10 – MIT or Taboo or MITaboo 1. Birth Rate - ratio of total live births to total population in a specified community or area over a specified period of time. The birthrate is often expressed as the number of live births per 1,000 of the population per year 2. *Literacy Rate - ratio citizens who can read and write to the total population in a specified community or area over a specified period of time. 3. *Infant Mortality - is defined as the number of deaths of infants (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births 4. Arable land – land suitable for growing crops 5. *Newly Industrialized Country (NIC) countries whose economies have not yet reached First World status but are, in a macroeconomic sense, outpacing their developing counterparts. Another characterization of NICs is that of nations undergoing rapid economic growth (usually export-oriented). 6. *Less Developed Country - Country whose state of economic development is characterized by a low national income, a high rate of population growth and unemployment, and dependence on commodity exports. The majority of nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, fit this model, which is why they are known collectively as developing countries or third world countries. LDCs generally pay more for the goods they import from more economically advanced nations than they receive in payments. 7. *More Developed Country - A country with high levels of economic development. Indicators of development include low birth, death, and infant mortality rates (characteristically around 10; around 10; and under 12 per thousand, respectively); less than 10% of the workforce in agriculture; and high levels of nutrition, secondary schooling, literacy, electricity consumption per head, and GDP per capita—generally above $US20 000 per capita 8. *Human Development Index (HDI) - A tool developed by the United Nations to measure and rank countries’ levels of social and economic development based on four criteria: Life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling and gross national income per capita. 9. NAFTA – (North American Free Trade Agreement) trade agreement made in 1994 by Canada, the United States, and Mexico 10.CAFTA – (Central American Free Trade Agreement) trade agreement made by the United States and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua 11.ASEAN – (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as a non-provocative display of solidarity against communist expansion in Vietnam and insurgency within their own borders :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Vocabulary Activities: MIT (Most Important Thing) The MIT about insert vocabulary term is its insert underlined portion of definition. a. List one additional characteristic. b. List one additional characteristic. BUT…is its insert underlined portion of definition. Taboo Vocabulary Term Descriptive word or phrase Descriptive word or phrase Descriptive word or phrase Descriptive word or phrase Descriptive word or phrase MITaboo Vocabulary Term Most Important Thing Descriptive word or phrase Descriptive word or phrase Descriptive word or phrase