Lesson Plan for Year 11 - University of Winchester

Lesson Plan for Year 11
Aim of Lesson:
Where next? (How to… explore future career routes)
60 minutes
To explore post-16 options and understand the important role post compulsory education plays to future success
Learning Objectives: a) Describe and use key sources of information available to explore progression routes through FE, HE and into employment
b) Demonstrate an understanding of the role of extra-curricular activities, volunteering and part-time work in making applications to
further and higher education and for future employability
c) Demonstrate an understanding of the value of post compulsory education and training
Curriculum links: PSHE: Economic wellbeing and financial capability (1.1.a.b.c. Career, 2.1.c.d. Self-development), PSHE: Personal wellbeing (1.1.b.
Personal identities, 2.1.b. Critical reflection), Citizenship (1.1.a. Democracy and Justice), English (2.1.b.j. Speaking and listening)
Resources: Projector. Laptop, voting devices and hand outs will be provided.
Time Activity
Introduction and
mins outline of session
What will my
progression route
look like?
 Widening Participation Co-ordinator and Student Ambassadors
 Inform of the outline of the session and how to use voting
 Discussion about post-16 options. Students will use voting
devices to indicate what they will be doing after school.
 Students will complete worksheet (hand out provided) planning
what career they would like to be doing in 10 years’ time, and
will consider the route needed to get to their chosen job.
 Class discussion about what support is available to help students
think about future options. Students will use voting devices to
indicate what sources of information or support they have used
to help them make their choices.
What are my
Higher Education
Your future
What progression
routes are
Ambassadors will talk about higher education and their
decisions for going to university.
Learning outcomes
 Students will understand the objectives of the session
Students will explore goals and career aspirations and
summarise the skills and qualifications needed to
pursue their aspirations
What do you plan to do after school?
What do you plan to do when you are older?
How do you plan to get there?
What qualifications/skills might you need?
 Students will describe key sources of information
needed to make informed decisions about progression.
Who could you ask to help you? Teachers/parents/careers
Where could you find out more? UCAS/websites
 Student will describe the potential benefits going to
higher education’
Which jobs do you
need a degree for?
Why consider
going to
What are the
What financial
support is avail?
Jobs and skills
What are skills and
where do they
come from?
What can you gain
from extracurricular
Plenary and
As a class we will discuss the benefits of going to higher
education including looking at trends in the future job market.
We will also look at barriers which discourage people to apply
i.e. finance.
Degree/No degree – students will vote if specific careers require
a degree or not.
Students will use voting devices to indicate if they would like to
go to higher education.
In groups, students will look at 3 careers and will discuss the
skills needed and the qualifications required in the careers.
Students will discuss how people become skilled. Students will
demonstrate an understanding of the value of education, training
and extra-curricular activities. Students will use voting devices
to indicate if they take part in extra-curricular activities, and
vote to indicate if they think extra-curricular activities are
valuable for progression and employment.
Crossing the river activity. Students will be given a career
(Athlete, Project Manager, Teacher, Engineer, Nurse) and will
be asked to give a short presentation to the class about the skills
and attributes of their career. The class will use the vote devices
to decide on the best presentations.
A round up discussion about the value of education and skills
for future employability.
Discussion about what students can do now to access help when
making decisions.
Students will use voting devices to indicate what they will be
doing after school. Voting results will be used to assess if the
workshop has met the session learning objectives.
Degree/No degree – students will vote if specific
careers require a degree or not.
 Students will vote if they wish to go to university or
Do you want to go to Higher Education?
Students will work with peers and further developing
their listening and speaking skills
Students will have the opportunity to ask questions
and contribute to a discussion about the role of
education and extra-curricular activities
Students will work with peers to develop a clearly
structured presentation outlining the key skills of a
Students will demonstrate an understanding of
progression routes post-16 and an understanding of
the value of post compulsory education and training
Students will describe key resources available to them
to help them formulate plans post-16