Ira Cross Jr. Elementary School Miss Leach & Mrs. Montgomery’s Classroom Behavior Contract 2013-2014 Dear Parents & Students, August 26, 2013 I would like to welcome you and your child to Ira Cross Jr. Elementary School. This year will hold many exciting opportunities and experiences for your child on their journey to music literacy. The following information will benefit you and your child. I. II. MUSIC CLASS EXPECTATIONS RESPECT is expected in all of these areas: Teamwork Engagement in the lessons Positive Attitude Following Directions REWARDS FOR FOLLOWING MUSIC EXPECTATIONS: 1. Verbal Praise and Stars on the board 2. Earn points towards Class of the Month Reward 3. Music Fun Day 4. Class of the Month 5. Class of the Year: (a special prize at the end of the year). III. CONSEQUENCES FOR NOT FOLLOWING MUSIC EXPECTATIONS: 1. Verbal warning 2. Parent letter & lost time on a music fun day 3. Buddy room & Parent/Guardian phone call 4. Parent conference 5. Referral to Principal’s office. IV. CRITICAL BEHAVIOR CHOICES Engaging in behavior that creates an unsafe situation or prevents the teacher from teaching and others from learning will result in automatic referral to Principal’s office. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I hope that with our cooperative efforts your child will have a successful and enjoyable year Sincerely, Miss Leach and Mrs. Montgomery, Music Specialists. (254) 336-2550; (254) 336-2550 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign the attached page & return to your student’s music teacher. My child, ______________________________, and I have read and understand the expectations of the Ira Cross Music Department. Classroom Teacher_______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone Number________________________________