Practice Activities From E-Learning Uncovered: Adobe Captivate 5.5 These activities are designed to help you practice the techniques and procedures taught in the book, ELearning Uncovered: Adobe Captivate 5.5. To complete these activities, please download the sample files found on the companion website at The sample files include a storyboard document for a portion of an e-learning course on travel policies for a fictional company, RQM Financial. As you progress through the activities, you will build the various screens in the course. The activities follow the order of the book. Therefore, you will be jumping around to different slides in the storyboards to practice the various techniques. Be sure to save your work often as you go through the activities. Chapter 1: Getting to Know Captivate A. Explore the Captivate interface 1. Launch Captivate, and open the PerDiem-Demo-Finished.cptx file. 2. Practice moving around from slide to slide. Explore the options on the various toolbars. 3. Preview the project. Chapter 2: Creating New Projects A. Create a new, blank project (p. 15) 1. Create a new, blank project that is 960 x 720. 2. Save the project as RQM-Travel. B. Record a software simulation (pp. 19-27) Using PerDiem-Storyboards.doc, create a software simulation of how to look up per diem rates on the GSA website. 1. Open up a web browser window to 2. Create a new software simulation in Captivate. 3. Use the following settings for recording: Record Application > Snap to Custom Size > 960 x 720 Demo mode Either use the default settings for Demo mode, or click the Settings button and make whatever changes you want to the Demonstration mode. 4. Record the demonstration based on the script in the storyboards. 5. Save the project as PerDiem-Demo. © 2012 Alcorn, Ward, & Partners, Inc. This document may be printed, copied, and distributed. 2 C. Record a practice simulation (pp. 19-27) Using page 2 of PerDiem-Storyboards.doc, create a practice simulation. 1. Open up a web browser window to 2. Create a new software simulation in Captivate. 3. Use the following settings for recording. Record Application > Snap to Custom Size > 960 x 720 Assessment mode Either use the default settings for Assessment mode, or click the Settings button, and make whatever changes you want to the Assessment mode. 4. Record the practice based on the instructions in the storyboards. 5. Save the project as PerDiem-Practice. Chapter 3: Adding & Managing Slides A. Import two PowerPoint slides (p. 31) 1. Open the RQM-Travel.cptx file you created in Chapter 2. 2. Import the two slides in SlideMasters.ppt using the following settings: Do not link the slides. Have the slides advance automatically. B. Turn the PowerPoint slides into master slides (p. 38) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Show the Master Slide pane if it is not already showing. In the Filmstrip, copy the first of the two imported PowerPoint slides. Insert a new master slide. In the Master Slide pane, paste the copied slide onto this new master. In the Properties panel, name that master slide Content. (p. 35) Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the second imported PowerPoint slide. Name that master slide Title. Delete the two imported slides from the Filmstrip. C. Apply the master slides (p. 39) 1. Leave the first slide of the project blank. 2. Insert new, blank slides until you have a total of 13. 3. Apply either the Title master or Content master to each slide, as described in blue heading row for each slide in RQM-Travel-Storyboards.doc. D. Delete or hide slides (p. 40) 1. Review the raw captures in your PerDiem-Demo.cptx and PerDiem-Practice.cptx files. If you have any unnecessary slides, hide them. 2. Preview your movie to confirm whether or not you need the slides in question. 3. If you are convinced you do not need the hidden slides, delete them. | Resources for Rapid Developers 3 Chapter 4: Adding Content Objects Perform the following steps in your RQM-Travel.cptx file. A. Add slide content (pp. 47-57) 1. Using the directions in RQM-Travel-Storyboards.doc, use captions, shapes, and images to build slides 4 and 6. (Combine with chapter 7, item A.) B. Add a .swf animation (p. 60) 1. On slide 1, add RQM-Splash.swf, a standard opening animation about the company. 2. Extend the animation in the Timeline so that it can play completely before the slide is over. (p. 105) C. Add a text animation (p. 62) 1. On slides 2, 5, and 11, add a text animation to create a title slide. Use the text provided in the storyboard document. 2. Select the text animation of your choice. Refer to the text animation samples on the companion website to help make your selection. Perform the following steps in your PerDiem-Demo.cptx and PerDiem-Practice.cptx files. D. Edit captions (pp. 47-53) 1. Go through the demo and practice files you recorded in chapter 7 and make any adjustments to your captions. For example, you may need to: Change the wording, formatting, or punctuation. Change the caption type. Adjust the position. Delete unneeded captions. Add additional captions. E. Add highlight boxes (p. 59) 1. Add highlight boxes to PerDiem-Demo.cptx as described in the comments in PerDiemStoryboards.doc. F. Add a zoom area (p. 63) 1. Add a zoom area to PerDiem-Demo.cptx as described in the comments in PerDiemStoryboards.doc. Chapter 5: Audio & Video A. Import audio (p. 69) 2. On slide 1 of your RQM-Travel.cptx file, add a music track to play during the animation. You can use your own music, or search the Gallery that comes with Captivate. (C Drive > Program Files > Adobe > Articulate 5.5 > Gallery > Sounds) | Resources for Rapid Developers 4 B. Edit Audio (p. 75) 1. If your audio is too long for the slide, edit the audio to be the right length. 2. Put the same or similar music files on slides 2, 5, and 11. C. Import and distribute audio (pp. 69-70) 1. Open your PerDiem-Demo.cptx file. 2. Review page 1 of PerDiem-Storyboards.doc, and compare it to your project. As you may have a few extra slides or fewer slides, your slide numbers might differ with what is in the storyboard. Adjust the numbers in the storyboard to align with the slide numbers in your project so that the correct audio goes on each slide. 3. On the first slide, import PerDiem-Demo.mp3 from the downloaded media files. 4. Distribute the audio across slides, based on the slide numbers in the storyboards. 5. Open PerDiem-Practice.cptx. 6. Import PerDiem-Practice.mp3 to the first slide. D. Record audio (p. 73) 1. In RQM-Travel.cptx, record the audio for slides 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 13. E. Add video (p. 85) 1. On slide 3 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add PleaseSendBackup.flv. Use the Insert FLV or F4V file option. Set the video to automatically play (in the General pane of the Properties panel). 2. Adjust the timing for the video to play all the way through and for the audio to begin when the video is done playing. (p. 105) Chapter 6: Object Properties A. Adjust colors (pp. 90-91) 1. On slide 4 of RQM-Travel.cptx, experiment with colors and gradients on the shapes you created in the chapter 4 activities. B. Resize images and adjust alignment (pp. 93, 96) 1. On slide 9 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add Icon-Hotel.gif, Icon-Plane.gif , and Icon-Car.gif from the downloaded media files. 2. Resize the icons and use the alignment tools to place the three icons in a row across the middle of the slide. C. Create and apply new styles (p. 98-100) 1. In your PerDiem-Demo.cptx file, change the appearance of one of your captions (new font, new color, new caption type, etc.) 2. Create a new style based on those changes. 3. Apply that new style to the rest of the captions in your project. | Resources for Rapid Developers 5 D. Add effects (p. 102) 1. On slides 5 and 11 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add the banner image referenced in the storyboard document. 2. Apply an effect to the banner image to have it fly across the screen. For example: Place the image in the middle of the bottom half of the slide and add an Entrance effect of Fly In From Left. -or Place the image off to the left of the slide and add a motion path that takes the plane all the way across the slide and off the right side. E. Time elements to audio (p. 105) 1. In RQM-Travel.cptx, adjust the timing of elements on slides 4 and 6, if needed. 2. In PerDiem-Demo.cptx, adjust the timing of captions, highlight boxes, and mouse movements, based on the audio, using your best judgment. 3. Preview the movie to make sure the timing is appropriate. Chapter 7: Actions & Interactions A. Add Next & Back buttons (p. 116) 1. On slide 2 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add a next and a back button, using the image buttons available in the Properties pane. 2. Position the buttons where you want them, such as in the upper or lower right corner. 3. Copy the next button to all but the last slide. Copy the back button to all but the first slide. B. Add a button that goes to a website (p. 116-117, 109, 115) 1. On slide 6 of RQM-Travel.cptx, create a button that goes to the GSA website. Use a button widget for more design options. Be sure to open the website in a new window. Do NOT have the button pause the movie until the student clicks it. C. Add rollover captions (p. 120) 1. On slide 9 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add rollover captions to each of the icons, using the text in the storyboards. Chapter 8: Editing Software Simulations A. Make adjustments to your captures. 1. Review your PerDiem-Demo.cptx and PerDiem-Practice.cptx file. Make any further adjustments needed. For example, you might need to: Adjust the mouse movement. Record additional slides. Hide any tooltips that might be showing. Adjust the click boxes in the practice file. Adjust the text entry boxes in the practice file. | Resources for Rapid Developers 6 Chapter 9: Variables & Advanced Actions A. Create a simulation. 1. On slide 12 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add the onscreen elements listed in the storyboard. Be sure to name your buttons and captions logically so that you can find them later on the drop-down lists. 2. Create three variables: Expense_Total, Expense_Reimbursable, and Expense_Difference. Set each value to 0. (p. 140) 3. Place a transparent text caption next to each of the dollar signs in the Reimb_Panel.png graphic. Put the corresponding variable in each of the three text captions. Format the text captions as needed. (p. 142) 4. Create an advanced action called Economy that: (p. 143, 144) Adds $10 to Expense_Total (Expression) Adds $10 to Expense_Reimbursable. (Expression) Calculates Expense_Difference to be Expense_Total minus Expense_Reimbursable. (Expression) Hides the two buttons so the student cannot answer again. Shows the “Economy” text caption. 5. Make a duplicate copy of the Economy action, name it Daily, and modify it so that it has the following actions: Adds $20 to Expense_Total. Adds $10 to Expense_Reimbursable. (same) Calculates Expense_Difference to be Expense_Total minus Expense_Reimbursable. (same) Hides the two buttons so the student cannot answer again. (same) Shows the “Daily” text caption. 6. Execute the Economy action from the economy button and the Daily action from the daily button. (p. 110) 7. Time the elements so that the buttons do not appear until the question is read in the audio. 8. Repeat the process for slide 13, following the instructions in the storyboards. Reuse as much logic as possible from slide 12. Chapter 10: Questions & Quizzes A. Add a multiple-choice question (p. 153, 156-160) 1. On slide 10 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add a multiple-choice question using the content in the storyboards. 2. Configure the quiz properties for the question: Include correct and incorrect feedback. Allow one attempt. Continue to the next slide when finished, whether the question was answered correctly or incorrectly. Do not include Clear, Skip, and Back buttons. 3. Delete the results slide. | Resources for Rapid Developers 7 Chapter 11: Special Tools & Wizards A. Check spelling (p. 183) 1. Run spell check on all three Captivate files. B. Delete unused assets (pp. 184-185) 1. Go to the Library in all three of your projects and delete any unused assets. C. Review preferences (pp. 192-193) 1. Without any projects open, go to the Preferences dialog box and click through each of the categories. Decide which preferences you might want to change for all future projects. Chapter 12: Publishing A. Publish the computer simulation files (pp. 208-209) 1. Publish PerDiem-Demo.cptx and PerDiem-Practice.cptx to Flash(SWF) output. Name the files PerDiem-Demo and PerDiem-Practice. Do not add a playbar. Do not publish an HTML file. B. Add the simulations to the main project. 1. On slide 7 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add the published PerDiem-Demo.swf file as an animation. 2. On slide 8 of RQM-Travel.cptx, add the published PerDiem-Practice.swf file as an animation. 3. Resize both animations to make sure the interface elements are not blocked. C. Add a playbar and table of contents (pp. 198-200) 1. Add a playbar to RQM-Travel.cptx. Experiment with the different settings, and pick whatever you like. 2. Add a table of contents to RQM-Travel.cptx. Experiment with the different settings, and pick whatever you like. D. Publish the main movie. 1. Publish RQM-Travel.cptx to Flash(SWF) output. Experiment with different settings to see how they affect the output. E. Publish to Print 1. Publish PerDiem-Demo.cptx to print. Try each of the formats to see which ones you might find most useful. | Resources for Rapid Developers