2014-15 Addendum

Westwood High School |Addendum 1
Tennessee School Improvement Planning Process
with Signature of Principal
I certify that Westwood High School has utilized the data and other requirements requested for each component. The school will
operate its programs in accordance with all of the required assurances and certifications for each program area.
I CERTIFY that the assurances referenced above have been satisfied to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Principal
Date Signed
Westwood High School |Addendum 2
High School Intervention Plan
Action Steps
Select members for school level support team; set and publish
August 2014
meeting dates (every 4.5 weeks).
Ensure that staff members receive professional development on
August-September 2014
universal screener and intervention programs, as needed.
Develop and implement building procedures for fidelity monitoring
to include data/usage review and classroom observations in Tier I,
Tier II, and Tier III.
August 2014-May 2015
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all
ninth grade students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis.
Identify students in need of strategic Tier II and intensive Tier III
intervention in Reading and/or Mathematics.
August-September 2014
Required Resources
TN DOE RTI2 Manual and
Implementation Guide
District professional development
schedule in MLP
Site-based fidelity check
TN DOE RTI2 Manual and
Implementation Guide
Checklists, electronic monitoring tools
Schedules with who/when/how often
Compass Learning
September 2014
December 2014
May 2015
September 2014
Data from universal screeners, report
cards, teacher observation, other student
assessment data as appropriate
Parent letters
September 2014-May
September 2014-May
September 2014-May
Resources for small group intervention
Communicate assignments to intervention programs to parents of
students involved
Set schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions; realign staffing
as needed.
Provide Tier II and Tier III interventions for all students in need of
Establish progress monitoring for students receiving interventions—
biweekly for Tier II and weekly for Tier III
School level support team meets every 4.5 weeks to review data
and make recommendations for modification.
Communicate progress and/or changes in intervention assignments
September 2014-May
Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation
Parent letters
Person(s) Responsible
April Smith, PLC Coach
April Smith, PLC Coach
April Smith, PLC Coach
Jason Carr, Librarian
Katherine Bowen, Ninth Grade Academy
All Language Arts Teachers-Billings,
Curley, Grandberry, and Taylor
April Smith, PLC Coach
April Smith, PLC Coach
Jason Carr, Librarian
April Smith, PLC Coach
Jason Carr, Librarian
April Smith, PLC Coach
Jason Carr, Librarian
PLC Leaders- Billings, Carr, Chatman,
Debnam, Kinad, and Spellings
April Smith, PLC Coach
Westwood High School |Addendum 3
to parents (e.g., moving between/among tiers, newly assigned,
moving out of intervention).
Building-level supports for Tier I – After School Tutoring, Zeroes
Aren’t Permitted, Honor Roll Pizza Parties, and Westwood VIP
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all
students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis.
School level support team meets to review data and make
adjustments to intervention schedules for the second semester, as
indicated by the new data.
Revise schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions, as needed,
based on December universal screening
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all
students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis.
School level support team meets to review end-of-year data and
make preliminary plans for next year.
December 2014-January
May 2015
November 2014 – April
December 2014
December 2014
May 2015
After School Tutoring, Zeroes Aren’t
Permitted, Honor Roll Pizza Parties, and
Westwood VIP Card
April Smith, PLC Coach
Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation
All teachers (PLC Meeting)
Jason Carr, Librarian
Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation
Isaac White, Principal
Earnestine Jackson, Assistant Principal
April Smith, PLC Coach
Jason Carr, Librarian
Jason Carr, Librarian
Westwood High School |Addendum 4
All first-time ninth grade students at Westwood High School are a part of a ninth grade academy aimed at decreasing discipline
infractions, increasing the graduation rate, and enhancing students’ characterization. All students will be oriented on school services,
district and school policies and procedures, athletic programs, and special programs.
Our guidance counselor works collaboratively with colleges, universities, faculty members, and students in bringing college
recruiters to Westwood continuously throughout the school-year to ensure students have the opportunity to obtain post-secondary
information during the school-day. In addition, our guidance department offers valuable services to student and parents in the area of
counseling, career search programs, and helping students explore possibilities and determine preferences.
Action Steps
New Student Orientation
July 29, 2014
Ninth Grade In-School
Ninth Grade Academic
Counseling Class
August 4-8, 2014
Senior Parent Night
September 18, 2014
College Application Week
October 2014
August 2014 – May 2015
Person Responsible
Katherine Bowen, Ninth
Grade Academy Leader
Katherine Bowen, Ninth
Grade Academy Leader
McKellar Gray, Teacher
Wilhelmenia Wilkins,
April Smith, PLC Coach
Vicki Smith, Guidance
Vicki Smith, Guidance
Westwood High School |Addendum 5
2014-2015 Title I Transition Plan for Parents
Westwood High
School will distribute
information display at
local middle schools.
Timeline for
May 2015
Westwood High School
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Westwood High
School will host
incoming students for
Freshman Orientation
July 2014
Handouts, Coordination by
PLC Coach
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Guidance Counselor
Westwood High
School will plan field
trip to various
September 2014 - May
Transportation and
Volunteer Chaperones
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Guidance Counselor
Westwood High
School will invite
various colleges to
speak with our seniors.
October 2014; February
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Guidance Counselor
Parental Involvement
Parents will receive
general information
about our program
Administration will
gather feedback from
the middle schools.
Prospective students
will receive and have
the opportunity to
experience general
information about our
Parents will receive
information about
colleges their children
could attend.
Administration will
observe activities,
review parent and
teacher evaluation
forms, and respond to
Administration will
gather and review
student feedback.
Parents will be invited
to attend .
Administration will
gather and review
parent feedback.
Westwood High School |Addendum 6
Isaac White, Principal
July 1, 2014
Dear Westwood High School Community:
The Tennessee Department of Education released a report on all Tennessee public schools indicating whether Adequate Yearly
Progress (AMO) had been made under the Federal No Child Left Behind Act. This report contains benchmarks (goals) and measures
progress in the areas of reading, mathematics, and the graduation rate. Also, students who receive special services and those who
qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program are cited in the state’s report. Under the guidelines of the Federal No Child
Left Behind Act, our school showed gains in Algebra II, English II, English III, and Biology; however, gains were not observed in
Algebra I and graduation rate. Despite the many gains, Westwood is still classified as a priority school.
We must continue to improve in all areas. We are taking the necessary and corrective actions to ensure improvement at Westwood by
offering After-School Tutoring, Saturday School, Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) program, End-of-Course Boot Camp, and
Parent Trainings. It is our endeavor to accomplish this measure and maintain our traditions of excellence.
I want to thank you for all that you do to support the learning of the students at Westwood High School. Please be encouraged to
continue supporting our efforts by making sure your child attends school daily, on time and takes advantage of tutoring opportunities
that will be made available. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns, questions, or suggestions.
Isaac White
Westwood High School |Addendum 7
Report of Individual Assessment Results to Parents in a Language They Understand
The office of Research and Evaluation provides individual student assessment results to parents for the following assessments:
End of Course Assessments
Algebra I End of Course Assessment
Algebra II End of Course Assessment
Biology End of Course Assessment
English I End of Course Assessment
English II End of Course Assessment
English III End of Course Assessment
U.S. History End of Course Assessment
TCAP Writing Assessment
This school provides individual student assessment results to parents for the following assessments:
Compass Learning
Discovery Assessment
Progress Reports
Report Cards
Power Teacher
My GradeBook.com
Westwood High School |Addendum 8
Title I – Approving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged
Title IIA – Preparing, training and recruiting high quality teachers
Title IID – Enhancing education through technology
Title III – Language instruction of limited English proficient students
Title IV – Safe and drug-free schools
Title V – Innovative programs
Title X – Education for homeless children and youths
2. Exceptional Children
 Intellectually Gifted and Talented Education
 Special Education
3. National School Lunch Program (NSLP) – All students will receive free lunch
Low-cost or free lunches to children each school day
Low-cost or free breakfast to children each school day
4. Course Recovery – Virtual School
5. Grants
Michael Jordan
Westwood High School |Addendum 9
Action Steps
Selection Process:
Applications are submitted by teachers
within the building. Selections are made
based on coaching needs of school and
qualifications of applicants.
April 2014
Job Overview:
Learning Coaches receive overview of job
description, responsibilities, roles, and
Coaching Model for Unified District.
May 2014
New Faculty Orientation:
Teachers new to the profession and new to
Westwood High School are orientated on
faculty expectations and first day
Learning Coach Collaborative:
Learning Coaches attend local Collaborative
to discuss needs and teacher support.
Informal Classroom Walkthroughs:
Learning Coaches perform classroom
walkthroughs for mentees and provide
feedback prior to TEM
Required Resources
Learning Coach Application
PLC Coach
SCS Coaching Model
Teach Like A Champion by Doug
WHS First Day Procedures
The First Days of School by Harry
August 2014 – April
2015; monthly
Classroom Readiness Checklist
Observation Schedules
TEM 4.0 General Education Rubric
SCS Coaching Model
August 2014
TEM 4.0 General Education Rubric
Informal Observation Form
July 2014
Person(s) Responsible
PLC Coach
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Learning Coach
Master Teacher
PIT Crew
PLC Coach
Master Teacher
PIT Crew
Learning Coach
Master Teacher
PIT Crew
Westwood High School |Addendum 10
Learning Walks
Informal Classroom Observations:
Learning Coaches perform informal
classroom observations and provide
feedback prior to TEM lesson-length
observation #1.
Mentee Collaborative:
Mentees receive small group peer support in
a structured PLC.
Professional Development:
Mentees attend large-group school-based
professional development on:
Title I & Classroom Instruction
TEM 4.0
Differentiated Instruction
Modifications & Accommodations
Power School SMS
Connecting Prior Knowledge and
Cultivate Learning Environment
September 2014
August 2014 – May
2015; monthly
August 2014 – May
Learning Coach
Master Teacher
PIT Crew
TEM 4.0 General Education Rubric
TEM 4.0 General Education Rubric
Teach Like A Champion by Doug
The First Days of School by Harry
PLC Coach
WHS Walkthrough
TEM 4.0 General Education Rubric
TEM 4.0 Process Guides
Power School SMS
PLC Coach
Master Teacher
PIT Crew
Department of
Exceptional Children
Power School SMS
Support Team
Westwood High School |Addendum 11
In an effort to attract and retain high quality, highly qualified teachers, Westwood High School employs the strategies listed below.
Westwood High School provides ongoing, site-based professional development. Westwood High School schedules, organizes, and conducts
professional development sessions that focus on using student performance data to meet student needs, implementing research-based teaching strategies,
and developing students’ higher order thinking skills.
Westwood High School assigns mentors to new teachers. New teachers are assigned to Learning Coaches.
Westwood High School encourages teachers to attend local, state, and national professional development activities and join professional organizations.
Currently, one Westwood High School teacher is working toward National Board Certification.
Westwood High School promotes the school at district and community sponsored events.
Westwood High School establishes networks to build capacity in educational practices. Our current networks center around the following highly
effective educational practices: Responsive Classroom, SCS Literacy Cadre, and Research-Based Vocabulary Implementation.
Westwood High School provides support for uncertified personnel to obtain certification. Any faculty member working through certification is given
administrative support and receives coaching from certified mentors and members of his or her grade level team.
Strategy Checklist
Help and support uncertified personnel as they work towards certification
Establish collaborative with colleges and universities
Provide ongoing professional development
Encourage local, state, and national professional development (including National Board Certification)
Implement mentoring program
Establish networks to build capacity
Westwood High School |Addendum 12
Westwood High School
Isaac White
*Beginning PD Budget Amount=
September 1, 2014
PLC Coach
April Smith
*Each itemized expenditure must be subtracted from the PD budget balance until the remaining amount equals zero.
Professional Development Plan Overview
Based on an extensive review of student data, teacher data and school data, our school identified and prioritized measurable
objectives by subgroups as follows:
1. Westwood High School will increase the percent of proficient and advanced students from 42% to 45.6% in the ALL
students category and from 41.7% to 45.3%in the Students with Disabilities subgroup for AMO data in English II 2014
– 2015 to improve student achievement per federal academic requirement.
2. Westwood High School will increase the percent of proficient and advanced students from 13.1% to 18.5% in the ALL
students category and from 4.8% to 10.75% in the Students with Disabilities subgroup for AMO data in English III 2014
– 2015 to improve student achievement per federal academic requirement.
3. Westwood High School will increase the percent of proficient and advanced students from 39.2% to 47.1% in the ALL
students category and from 25.1% to 29.8% in the Students with Disabilities subgroup for AMO data in Algebra I 2014
– 2015 to improve student achievement per federal academic requirement.
4. Westwood High School will increase the percent of proficient and advanced students from 25.8% to 30.4% in the ALL
students category and from 6.3% to 12.2% in the Students with Disabilities subgroup for AMO data in Algebra II 2014
– 2015 to improve student achievement per federal academic requirement.
Westwood High School |Addendum 13
5. Westwood High School will increase the percent of students graduating from 68.6% to 70.6% in 2014 – 2015 to ensure
that students are college and career ready.
The Professional Development Plan has goals that will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and resources
to meet our identified objectives:
Goal 1: At the end of 2014-2015 school year, all teachers will demonstrate improvements in their ability to increase student
achievement in the area of mathematics and literacy. Improvement will be measured by analysis of videotaped classroom
conversations, peer observations, and teacher questionnaire, mastery of all competencies as measured by the teacher observation
Goal 2: At the end of 2014-2015 school year, teachers of students with special needs will learn to use strategies which provide
opportunity for extensive cross-curricular and differentiated instruction, to assist the unique needs of students with special needs.
Teachers will demonstrate mastery on all competencies as measured by peer observation checklist, analysis of videotaped instruction.
Goal 3: At the end of 2014-2015 school year, teachers will implement the use of data to properly drive instruction.
Professional Development Overview
Westwood High School’s professional development plan funds will be used to remove Westwood High School from priority
status. The professional development plan is based on data collected from the School Report Card, Self-Assessments, School
Climate/Needs Assessment Survey, and School Improvement Plan. Based on our data, our student needs are in the areas of
thinking and reasoning and communication skills. Students do not effectively use the reasoning skills in a variety of content areas
especially mathematics, lack analytical, organizational and technology skills to develop strategies to solve problems and make
decisions. The professional development plan is classroom focused to advance teacher understanding of effective research based
instructional strategies and assessment tools, to utilize data and assessment to drive instruction, to increase the use of technology as an
instructional tool throughout the school day and to empower students in their own learning. This school year the professional learning
community implementation cycle will be utilized. Lastly, all staff training will be scientifically based research.
Westwood High School |Addendum 14
Professional Development Content
The areas of focus for the content of Westwood High School’s professional development plan are planning, instructional
strategies, assessment, and evaluation.
Professional Development Process
The learning model teachers have found most beneficial are coaching, mentoring and training model. Coaching provides an
opportunity for teachers to team-teach and collaborate on the effectiveness of the employed teaching strategies and activities.
Mentoring provides support for new teachers and teachers with few years of teaching experience. Teachers have found the
training model most effective in learning and implementing new strategies. This model provides an interactive lecture format,
classroom observation, immediate feedback of the lesson and follow-up training. The facilitator serves as classroom support
not as an evaluator.
Professional Development Context
Westwood High School’s professional development plan is based on a collection of data. The professional development context is jobembedded, results driven and collaborative. Department planning meetings and the utilization of a substitute in two classrooms in a
school day, morning and afternoon, provides an opportunity for more teachers to receive professional development during the school day.
The results-driven plan is based on the data collected from the Self-Assessment, School Climate/Needs Assessment Survey, and School
Improvement Plan. Teachers collaborate two to three times monthly during department planning/meetings, twice a month in place of
faculty meetings and twice a month in the professional learning communities, Teacher To Teacher Tuesdays, during their planning period
in order to properly assist in the decision making at Westwood High School. Lastly, End-of-Course teachers will develop a SDIS after
each formative assessment.
Westwood High School |Addendum 15
Action Plans
The following plans describe our professional learning activities/events, the content, process and context we plan for each, our
implementation timeline, expected outcomes, data sources used to evaluate effectiveness and the budget commitment required.
Goal 1: At the end of 2014-2015 school year, all teachers will demonstrate improvements in their ability to increase student
achievement in the area of mathematics and literacy. Improvement will be measured by analysis of videotaped classroom
conversations, peer observations, and teacher questionnaire, mastery of all competencies as measured by the teacher observation
Content: What will be learned?
Process: What effective processes will be used? Context: What aspects of our learning
environment will support this goal?
Current research-based best practices in
Videotaped Classroom Observations
the area of mathematics and literacy
Data Analysis Groups
Professional Learning
TEM Rubric:
 Workshop
Presenters/Leaders Implementat
ion Timeline
Expected Outcomes
What data sources
will you use to
effectiveness? (i.e.,
teacher data, student
PD Budget
PLC Coach
August 2014December
Teachers will
recognize the
importance of
implementing TEM
instructional practices
in order to decrease
achievement gaps and
increase achievement
for all students.
Lesson Plans
Student Data
Cost: $100
Printed and
PLC Coach
PLC Leaders
August 2014 –
May 2015;
Teachers will meet
weekly to share
strategies, analyze
data, and design
quality lesson within
Meeting Minutes
Lesson Plans
Review of student
$250; ink
and paper
of agendas
Follow-up through
Westwood Professional
Development Blog
Weekly PLC Meeting:
 Meeting
Peer Observations
Professional Learning Communities
DATA Stream
Westwood High School |Addendum 16
content area.
End of Course Teachers’ PLC
Implementing Math Parent Night:
 Math Jeopardy Night:
What is Algebra?
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
September –
Semester –
January –
April 2015;
Teachers will meet to
identify curriculum and
state performance
indicators and
prioritize those
objectives for mock
assessments. Also,
during the meeting
teachers will analyze
formative assessment
data to drive
Test Scores
Lesson Plans
PLC Coach
Math Teachers
March 2015
Increase parents’
exposure to tested
concepts. Teachers
will share instructional
strategies to increase
student achievement.
Parent Sign in
Sheets, Parent
Cost: Food
50 people @
$5 $250
PLC Coach
English Teachers
January 2015
Increase parents’
exposure to tested
language arts’
concepts. Teachers
will share instructional
strategies to increase
student achievement.
Lesson Plans,
Student Data, and
Teacher Data
Cost: Food
50 people @
$5 $250
R. Curley, Teacher
October 2014
Teachers will reduce
the achievement gap
between struggling
and better readers.
Lesson Plans,
Student Data, and
Teacher Data
No Cost
Math Jeopardy Night:
What is the End-of-Course
Implementing Literacy Parent Night:
 Literacy Parent Nigh ~
Viewing of the Movie,
Freedom Writers followed
by discussion of the
importance of literacy.
Using Text Codes to Increase
Reading Comprehension
 Jigsaw Workshop
(assigned chapter
presentations given by
each department)
$250; ink
and paper
of agendas
Parent Sign in
Sheets, Parent
Westwood High School |Addendum 17
Follow-up with
Professional Development
 Classroom Observations
Reading is Everyone’s Business
 Workshop
 Follow-up observations of
the implementation in the
 Follow-up review
sessions to share
observations, discuss
impact of the new strategy
Using Technology to Improve
Academic Achievement: CPS
 Training Session
 Observation/Tracking of
Student Data (baseline vs.
 Follow-up review
sessions to make
modifications indicated by
student data (if
Writing Across the Curriculum
 Workshop
 Follow-up through peer
observations, discussions
in PLC
 Follow-up review
sessions to share
observations, discuss
impact of new strategy
PLC Coach
November December
Teachers will
effectively incorporate
reading across the
Lesson Plans
No Cost
PLC Coach
October 2014
Teachers will gain
tools of how to utilize
technology to track
students’ academic
Lesson Plans
No Cost
PLC Coach
Teachers will
effectively incorporate
writing across the
MyAccess generated
Mock Writing Test
No Cost
Westwood High School |Addendum 18
Goal 2: At the end of 2014-2015 school year, teachers of students with special needs will learn to use strategies which provide
opportunity for extensive cross-curricular and differentiated instruction, to assist the unique needs of students with special needs.
Teachers will demonstrate mastery on all competencies as measured by peer observation checklist, analysis of videotaped instruction.
Content: What will be learned?
Process: What effective processes will be used?
Context: What aspects of our learning
Researched-based instructional practices to increase
student achievement of students with special needs
Data Analysis Groups
environment will support this goal?
Videotaped Classroom Observations
Peer Observations
Professional Learning Communities
DATA Stream
Professional Learning
Inclusion, Modifications, and
 Workshop
 Follow-up observations of
the implementation in the
 Follow-up review sessions to
share observations, discuss
impact of the new strategy
Effective Intervention Strategies
 Workshop
 Follow-up observations of
the implementation in the
 Follow-up review sessions to
share observations, discuss
impact of the new strategy
Presenters/Leaders Implementation
What data sources will
you use to evaluate
effectiveness? (i.e.,
teacher data, student
PD Budget
V. Puff,
September 2014
Participants will
gain knowledge of
the specific
modification, and
strategies to
increase student
assessment results
IEP notes
No Cost
PLC Coach
November 2014
Participant will
create learning
environment to
Lesson Plans
CPS generated reports
Mock Test Scores
Grade distribution
No Cost
Westwood High School |Addendum 19
Common Core
 Workshop
 Follow-up observations of
the implementation in the
 Follow-up review sessions to
share observations, discuss
impact of the new strategy
Classroom Management
 Workshop
 Follow-up observations of
the implementation in the
 Follow-up review sessions to
share observations, discuss
impact of the new strategy
PLC Coach
August 2014 –
May 2015;
Participant will
increase their
knowledge on
how to properly
common core
Helen Harper,
Assistant Principal
August 2014 –
May 2015;
As needed
Participants will
increase their
tools and
strategies to
Lesson Plans
Discipline Referral Data
No Cost
No Cost
Westwood High School |Addendum 20
Goal 3: At the end of 2014-2015 school year, teachers will implement the use of data to properly drive instruction.
Content: What will be learned?
Process: What effective processes will be used?
Context: What aspects of our learning
Researched-based instructional practices to increase
student achievement
Data Analysis Groups
environment will support this goal?
Videotaped Classroom Observations
Peer Observations
Professional Learning Communities
DATA Stream
Professional Learning
Using Data to Guide Instruction:
Follow-up with DATA
Department DATA
presentations (SDIS)
Homeless Students Training
Gender Equity PD: Sex Cells!
Follow-up with DATA
meetings regarding gender
Presenters/Leaders Implementation
PLC Coach
EOC Teachers
October 2014April 2015;
Narrowing the
gaps in all
content areas
gains in state
Teacher portfolios
Meeting logs
DEA Scores
Process for
reporting and
class, and
Teachers’ Testing Data
Desegregated by
PLC Coach
PLC Coach
September 2014
September 2014
What data sources will
you use to evaluate
effectiveness? (i.e.,
teacher data, student
PD Budget
40 for 10
No Cost
No Cost
Westwood High School |Addendum 21
2014-2015 Family Engagement Plan
There exists significant research describing the positive impact on student achievement resulting in meaningful parental involvement. Therefore, we at Westwood High School believe parental
involvement is necessary and encourage the active involvement of all parents/guardians in the education in the education of their children. Westwood’s Family Engagement Plan was jointly
developed with our parents to establish the expectations for parent involvement. Westwood High School supports and expects parental involvement in the educational process. The school plans to
promote parental involvement in the following ways:
Invite all parents to annual meetings that will be used to inform the school’s participation in Title I and to explain the requirements of Title I.
Convene an annual parent meeting to inform parents about the school’s parental involvement programs and rights to be involved.
Parents are notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand.
Notify parents of their rights to be involved in the school.
The school’s parent involvement policy/plan is made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school
Parents, or an adequate representation of parents, are involved in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in planning, review, and improvement of the school parental
involvement policy and joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
Provide flexible number of meetings.
Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the
proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
Provide materials and training to help parents improve their children’s academic achievement as parents may have requested.
Provide parents with opportunities for school involvement by offering regularly scheduled meetings.
Develop and commit jointly with parents to a home-school compact. This compact will describe how parents, staff, and students will share responsibility for improved
student achievement.
The school provides parents with timely information about school programs under ESEA section 1118.
Inform parents of the existence and purpose of the Parental Information and Resource Center.
Make the Family Engagement Plan available to the community.
The school provides parents a description and explanation of the curriculum the school uses, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the
proficiency levels students are expected to meet
Per parent request, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children,
and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practically possible.
A process is in place to submit parent comments on the schoolwide program (TSIPP) if it is not satisfactory to the parents when the school makes the plan available to
the district / LEA
Assistance is provided to parents in understanding topics such as the State’s academic content standards, State student academic achievement standards, State and local
academic assessments, how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve student achievement
Materials and training are provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, such as literacy training and using technology to foster
parental involvement
Staff are educated with the assistance of parents in the value and contributions of parents, and in working with parents-how to reach out to, communicate with, and work
with as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, build ties between parents and the school
A parental involvement strategies are coordinated and integrated with parent involvement strategies under other programs.
Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents in a format and , to the extent practicable, in a language
the parents can understand
Provide other reasonable support for parent involvement activities per parent request; (Example: transportation, childcare)
Local educational agencies and schools, to the extent practicable, shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents
with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents
Revised July 2014
Westwood High School |Addendum 22
2014 – 2015
The parent-school compact was jointly developed with parents. The compact describes how parents, the entire school staff,
and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and how the school and parents will
build a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.
Parent/Guardian Responsibility – I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
 Monitor attendance, homework completion, and television watching.
 Support Westwood High in its efforts to maintain proper discipline.
 Visit the school and communicate with the teacher frequently.
 Volunteer in my child’s classroom.
 Check with my child for information sent home, promptly read and sign it.
 Teach social skills to promote positive interactions with all.
 Stay aware of what is being taught to my child.
Review my child’s report card each nine-weeks.
Encourage reading
Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to your children’s education
Ensure positive use of extracurricular time
Signature ___________________________________________
Student’s Responsibility - It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
 Attend school regularly, on time, and have necessary supplies needed of learning.
 Abide by the Student Rules of Conduct.
 Complete and return homework assignments.
 Follow the dress code as describes in student handbook.
 Observe regular study hours.
 Respect and help maintain orderliness of the building and grounds.
Signature ___________________________________________
Westwood High School |Addendum 23
Teacher’s Responsibility – It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
 Provide meaningful homework assignments for students.
 Provide necessary assistance to parents so that they can help with the assignments.
 Promote the importance of communication by encouraging students and parents through frequent progress reports to parents
 Use special activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable.
 Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.
 Discuss the school-parent compact at parent/teacher conferences.
 Provide a safe environment
 Hold high expectations of ourselves, students, and other staff.
School’s Responsibility – I support this form. All stakeholders must be actively involved if students are to achieve. Therefore, I shall
strive to do the following:
 Provide a safe environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student.
 Provide opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and to observe classroom activities.
 Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction.
 Frequent reports are provided to parents on their children’s progress.
 Ensure parents have reasonable access to staff
 Hold annual parent-teacher conferences to discuss current compact and as it relates to students’ academic achievement.
 Parents will be given reasonable access to staff, to volunteer, participate, observe, and help in their child’s class.
 Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment to meet the State’s student academic achievement
Signature ___________________________________________
REVISED July 2014
I received Title I Handbook
Signature ______________________
Westwood High School |Addendum 24
2014-2015 Title I Family Engagement Action Plan
Westwood High
School will host the
Annual Title One
Parent Meeting
September 2014
and January 2015
Various materials and
resources needed to
provide parents with
ESEA information, light
Assistant Principal;
PLC Coach;
School Counselor;
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between families
and staff, collect survey data,
gather/respond to parent and staff
Westwood High
School will host
various trainings
including Senior
Parent Night, Report
Card Night, Testing
Community Computer
Classes, and Power
Parent Meetings for
October 2014
April 2015
Various materials and
resources needed to
provide parents
academic progress
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between families
and staff, gather/respond to parent
and staff feedback.
Westwood High
School will host
individual parent
conferences to discuss
student social and
academic progress
Westwood High
September 2014
February 2015
Various materials and
resources needed to
provide parents
academic progress
Administrative Staff
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between families
and staff, gather/respond to parent
and staff feedback.
March 2015
Survey data will be analyzed and
Westwood High School |Addendum 25
School will create,
administer, and
analyze a Family
Needs Assessment
Survey (send home to
all parents).
Westwood High
School will involve
parents in the process
and development of
our school
improvement plan.
Westwood High
School will distribute
a bi-weekly newsletter
and events calendar to
inform parents of
school activities and
Westwood High
School will provide a
Webpage that will
allow families and any
other member of the
community to access
information about the
Westwood High
School will provide
Automated Parentlink
Services to students
and parents so that
current information is
available to students
and families.
results will be used to inform
parent training sessions. Results
will be posted.
September 2014May 2015
State, district, and school
academic and nonacademic data
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between parties
involved and gather/respond to
September 2014
May 2015
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between parties
involved and gather/respond to
August 2014 May 2015
Web Support Provided
by the district
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between parties
involved and gather/respond to
September 2014May 2015
Support provided by the
Assistant Principal
PLC Coach
Administration will observe
effectiveness of planned process
and interactions between parties
involved and gather/respond to
Westwood High School |Addendum 26
State educational programs and other federal programs consolidated in this plan are listed below.
1. Title I- Intervention Programs for At-risk Learners, Professional Development Programs, Parent Involvement Initiative
2. Title IIA- District-sponsored Professional Development and Literacy Coaches
3. Title II D- District Technology Coaches
4. Title III- ESL Teachers, Bi-lingual Cultural Mentor
5. Title VI-PBIS
4. Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program- Free or reduced price breakfast/lunch for qualifying students
5. C.L.U.E. (Creative Learning in a Unique Environment)
6. Title X- Support for Homeless students
7. Extended Contract Funds- After-school Intervention Program for At-risk Learners
8. TN Department of Education- School Age Child Care Program (before and after school)
Westwood High School |Addendum 27
The office of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment provides individual student academic assessment results to parents for the following assessments End-ofCourse and the TCAP Writing Assessment. When received, Westwood High School distributes these results to parents in a timely manner.
In addition to providing parents with results of state assessments, Westwood High School uses the following methods to ensure that parents are informed of
student progress.
Report Cards
All SCS students receive report cards at the end of each nine weeks grading period.
Academic Progress Reports (Deficiency Notices)
SCS Student Academic Deficiency Notification forms are sent home at the mid-point of each nine weeks period. This form gives parents an update on students’
academic areas of weakness and the strategies that are being used to help students meet grade level academic requirements.
Progress Reports
All Westwood High School homeroom teachers send home progress reports. These weekly reports give parents updates on students’ academic progress and
conduct as well as an opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback.
SCS Formative Assessment Results
The SCS formative assessment program monitors student progress throughout the school year. All Westwood High School students enrolled in Algebra I,
English II, and Biology are given formative assessment.
Parents may request assistance interpreting or translating assessment results.
Westwood High School |Addendum 28
Westwood High School informs parents of our school improvement status. We communicate this information
verbally, in writing, and on our website.
Parent Notification of School Improvement Status Checklist
Flyer to Parents
Letter to Parents
ESEA Parent Handbook
Parent Meetings
School Website
Westwood High School |Addendum 29
Since the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year, Westwood High School has received technical assistance from the following
School Psychologist
Date of Service
School Social Worker
Rita Moore
Dr. Emily Barbee
Science Advisor
Mathematics Instructional Advisor
As Needed
Liaison for social services agencies and counseling as
Provides support for science teachers
Provides support for math teachers
Andy Duck
ESL Supervisor
As Needed
Provides support for ESL students
Registered Nurse
Provides health care for students and staff
Information Technology Specialist
Coronica Hall
PIT Crew
Carl Billings
Learning Coaches
William Kinard
Master Teacher
Jamecca Means-Bowen
In-School Suspension
Provides computer technical assistance
Provides support and professional development for
teachers and Learning Coaches
Provides instructional support to new teachers
Provides instructional support to struggling teachers
based on the TEM 4.0 Rubric.
Provide support in implementing and managing a
school wide behavior model
Every Monday
Service Provided
Testing as needed and psychological services
Westwood High School |Addendum 30
John Hughes
School Speech Pathologist
Vicki Puff
Exceptional Education Supervisor
As needed
Deborah Currie
Title I Supervisor
As needed
Derrick Sanders
Federal Programs and Grants
As needed
Leslie Phillips
Instructional Technology Analyst
Every other
Rachael Addison
Professional Learning Community
Fonda Booker
ELA Instructional Advisor
As needed
Gregg Coats
Fine Arts Instructional Advisor
As needed
Dave Barrett
Social Studies
Instructional Advisor
As needed
Alyssa Villarreal
World Language Advisor
As needed
April Smith
PLC Coach
James Long
Instructional Learning Director
Provides testing as needed and develop individual plans
for students that will foster their needs
Provides support in implement and managing
exceptional educational support to teachers, parents,
and students
Provides support to Title I PLC Coach in implementing
and managing Title I duties and responsibilities
Provides support with managing allotted Title I funding
Provides support and professional development to all
teachers that will facilitate technology integration that
promotes student achievement.
Provides support to PLC Coach in implementing
professional learning communities
Provides support and professional development to
English Language Art teachers
Provides support and professional development to fine
art teachers
Provides support and professional development to
social studies teachers
Provide support and professional development to world
language teachers
Provide support and professional development to all
teachers and PLC teams
Provides the principal with support on common
characteristics of high quality schools.
Westwood High School |Addendum 31
Ten Components of a Title I Schoolwide Program
(Highlighted Pages as Requested)
Schoolwide Program
SIP Pages
1. Comprehensive Needs
Assessment of the entire
school using data analysis
of subgroups
2. Schoolwide Reform
Strategies with emphasis
on improved achievement
of the lowest achieving
3. Instruction by Highly
Qualified Staff
Revised TSIP Pgs. 1-2
Action Plan Pgs. 3 and 8
Addendum Pg. 14
4. High Quality and
Ongoing Professional
Revised TSIP Pg. 3
Action Plan Pgs. 3, 8, 10, 12, and 13
Addendum Pgs. 13-21
5. Strategies to Attract
Highly Qualified Teachers
to High Needs Schools
Revised TSIP Pg. 3
Action Plan ________________
Addendum Pg. 12
6. Increased Parental
Revised TSIP Pg. 3
Action Plan Pgs. 2, 7, and 16
Addendum Pgs. 22-26
7. Assistance to Preschool
Children from Early
Childhood Programs to
Elementary Programs
Revised TSIP Pg. 1-2_
Action Plan Pgs. 15 and 16
Addendum Pg. 5
Revised TSIP Pg. 3
Action Plan Pgs. 4,5,10, 11,15, and 16
Addendum Pgs. 3-4
Revised TSIP Pg. 3
Action Plan ________________
Addendum Pgs. 9-12
Westwood High School |Addendum 32
Ten Components of a Title I Schoolwide Program
8. Measures to Include
teachers in assessment
decisions to improve
student performance and
instructional programs
9. Provide Timely,
Additional Assistance to
Students Experiencing
Difficulty mastering
10. Coordination and
Integration of Federal, State
and Local
Revised TSIP Pgs. 3-4
Action Plan Pgs. 5, 10, and 11
Addendum Pgs. 3-4
Revised TSIP Pg. 3
Action Plan Pgs. 4,5,10, 11,15, and 16
Addendum Pg. 27
Revised TSIP Pgs. 1-2
Action Plan Pgs.4, 9, 10, and 15
Addendum Pg. 14
Parents are involved in the development and review of the Title I Schoolwide Plan.
Technical assistance has been provided in the development of the plan by the LEA.
School: Westwood High School
Yes X No ___
Yes X No___
Date: October 3, 2014
Westwood High School |Addendum 33