Endorsed Practical Activities Listed below are the suggested practical activities identified within the three English examination boards (AQA, OCR, Edexcel) for the students to achieve the practical endorsement to their A-Level Physics award. To successfully achieve endorsement, candidates will be expected to have completed and recorded 12 activities within which they will have encountered and demonstrated mastery of 12 practical techniques. The activities outlined by the exam boards have been mapped to these techniques and so completing them will provide the minimum necessary coverage to achieve endorsement. Schools are permitted to choose alternative activities but in that case they will need to undertake mapping of techniques to their chosen activity and ensure that these alternatives provide the same coverage of the techniques. In addition there will be a significant element of the written papers which will examine practical skills and may make reference to these activities but may be set in the context of other activities. Many of the activities are common to all boards but with slightly different wording. There are separate entries and slightly different references where appropriate. Suggested activities apparatus Reference to TAP (tap.iop.org) Reference to Practical Physics (practicalphysics.org) 1 Determine the acceleration of a freely-falling object. (all boards) g-ball;or ticker timer or accn sensor electromagnet, trap-door & timer Episode 206 intro to uniform and non-uniform acceleration http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/kinematics/206/page_46322.html Section 206-3 has practical. There are supporting questions http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/forcesand-motion gives five/six related practical activities including rolling a ball down a plank, using light gates and using a timer 2 Determine the electrical resistivity of a material. (all boards) Standard simple & cheap apparatus is all that is required. http://tap.iop.org/electricity/index.html this is a whole collection of materials on electricity http://tap.iop.org/electricity/resistance/112/page_45984.html episode 112 is specifically on resistivity 3 Determine the e.m.f. and internal resistance of an electrical cell. (all boards) Shoe box or potato & Cu/Zn + res sub box http://tap.iop.org/electricity/emf/index.html there are a collection of episodes on emf & internal resistance (episodes 119-121) http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/ohmslaw-and-resistance http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/measuring-resistance-voltmeter-and-ammeter there is no specific expt on ‘resistivity’ but theses are relevant http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/internal-resistance-potato-cell fun with a potato & zinc & copper electrodes http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/internal-resistance-shoe-box-cell make up a cell with internal resistance in a shoe-box Investigation of potential divider circuits(OCR) http://tap.iop.org/electricity/circuits/118/page_46038.html again within the section on electric circuits and series & parallel circuits episode 118 is specifically about potential dividers http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/potential-difference there is nothing specific on potential dividers but this section on potential difference with associated practical activities is relevant and helpful Suggested activities apparatus Reference to TAP (tap.iop.org) Reference to Practical Physics (practicalphysics.org) 4 Use a falling-ball method to determine the viscosity of a liquid.(Edexcel) Styrocells beads through water or more sophisticated kits. Episode on drag (terminal velocity) http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/drag/209/page_46353.html then 209-1 ‘falling cupcakes’, and 209-2 ‘ball-bearings falling through a viscous medium are relevant http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalchemistry/experiments-hydrogels-hair-gel-and-disposablenappies this ref goes to RSC as directed by the physics site and may be helpful. smart materials(mindsetsonline) which may help 5 Determine the Young modulus of a material (all boards) http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/stretching-and-force 6 Determine the speed of sound in air using a 2beam oscilloscope, signal generator, speaker and microphone.(Edexcel) fast timer + 2 detectors (djb microtech) or sig gen etc 7 Investigate the effects of length, tension and mass per unit length on the frequency of a vibrating string or wire.(edexcel) Vib gen, sig gen pulley masses elastic cord http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/materials/index.html this section on materials has helpful work on Hookes Law leading to YM. http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/materials/228/page_46520.html Two good simple experiments; The standard stretching wire; Bending a beam http://tap.iop.org/vibration/progressive/311/page_46661.html whole section on freq, wavelength & speed including approach to sound measurement using CRO, speaker(s) & microphone episode 311-3 http://tap.iop.org/vibration/superpostion/324/page_46786.html specifically episode 324-1 & 2 also Investigation into the variation of the frequency of stationary waves on a string with length, tension and mass per unit length of the string (AQA) Vib gen, sig gen pulley masses elastic cord As above As above Determine the wavelength of light from a laser or other light source using a diffraction grating.(Edexcel) Optic bench laser, slits http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/youngs-slits series of relevant expts but for two-slits http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/diffraction-light above for gratings Determination of the wavelength of light and sound by two source superposition with a double-slit and diffraction grating (OCR) Optic bench laser, slits Also sig gen speakers & microphone Optic bench laser, slits http://tap.iop.org/vibration/superpostion/index.html this section on ‘superposition and specifically; http://tap.iop.org/vibration/superpostion/321/page_46750.html episode 321 321-5 for measuring wavelength of a laser. Difficult with ’two-slit’ because faint or with grating easier to see pattern For light as above For sound Episode 321-1 has an expt for ‘hearing superpositipon’ http://tap.iop.org/vibration/superpostion/index.html this section on ‘superposition and specifically; http://tap.iop.org/vibration/superpostion/321/page_46750.html episode 321 321-5 for measuring wavelength of a laser. Difficult with ’two-slit’ because faint or with grating easier to see pattern http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/youngs-slits series of relevant expts but for two-slits http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/diffraction-light above for gratings 8 Investigation of interference effects to include the Young’s slit experiment and interference by a diffraction grating (AQA) Nothing specifically on sound but some related expts on waves and some guidance http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/waves Melde’s expt for standing waves on a string; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/meldes-experiment 9 Suggested activities apparatus Reference to TAP (tap.iop.org) Reference to Practical Physics (practicalphysics.org) Investigate the relationship between the force exerted on an object and its change of momentum (Edexcel) A number of options but basic set up with trolleys, runways and falling loads would work. Measure acceleration using light gates etc, or falling load to hit ground then measure final velocity (single light gate or ticker tape). For this need also to know time to fall This is essentially newton’s 2nd law but time for force might be measured and then change of velocity. One light gate and speed measured after the falling load hits the floor http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/newton/211/page_46369.html http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/forcemass-and-acceleration-newtons-second-law for N2 http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/forceused-kick-football nice old Nuffield expt about kicking a football there is a whole section on momentum; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/momentum Possibly video from above & use tracker or other software to analyse Capacitor simple circuit, stopwatch or pd sensor Modern digital scopes are now cheaper and more flexible than a traditional CRO. Picoscope also http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/momentum/220/page_46435.html this has ideas of collisions & momentum conservation http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/momentum Section on capacitors; http://tap.iop.org/electricity/capacitors/index.html decay of charge from a capacitors (episode 129); http://tap.iop.org/electricity/capacitors/129/page_46197.html also energy stored (episode 128); http://tap.iop.org/electricity/capacitors/128/page_46177.html This just helps with use of a CRO http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/usingoscilloscope there is nothing specific on capacitors Determining time constant using the gradient of ln V or ln I–time graph (OCR) Simple circuit but could use data-logging to record pd against time then plot & analyse Investigation of charge and discharge of capacitors. Analysis techniques should include log-linear plotting leading to a determination of the time constant RC (AQA) As above Section on capacitors; http://tap.iop.org/electricity/capacitors/index.html decay of charge from a capacitors (episode 129); http://tap.iop.org/electricity/capacitors/129/page_46197.html also energy stored (episode 128); http://tap.iop.org/electricity/capacitors/128/page_46177.html As above Calibrate a thermistor in a potential divider circuit as a thermostat. (Edexcel) Simple apparatus with thermistor + fixed resistor (resistance sub box to adjust to most suitable value) 10 Use ICT to analyse collisions between small spheres, e.g. ball bearings on a table top.(Edexcel) 11 Use an oscilloscope or data logger to display and analyse the potential difference (p.d.) across a capacitor as it charges and discharges through a resistor. 12 momentum section; http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/momentum/index.html episode 222 has relevant activities on impulse of a force http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/momentum/222/page_46460.html episode 222-3 has kicking football Episode 110 on resistance and temperature; http://tap.iop.org/electricity/resistance/110/page_45969.html episode 110-2 is specifically on calibrating a themistor http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/effecttemperature-thermistor simple expt. There are other similar investigations for other components and obviously an LDR could be explored illuminated by a lamp at different heights, or solar cell whose emf and internal resistance could also be explored under different light/heat and with different loads 13 Suggested activities apparatus Reference to TAP (tap.iop.org) Reference to Practical Physics (practicalphysics.org) Determine the specific latent heat of a phase change. (Edexcel) Heating water measure weight loss record energy supplied using SEPenergymeter Can use SEP energymeter (SEP044)to do this electrically and new version allows data to be loaded to a laptop for analysis Episode 608 within the section on energy which has sections on Kinetic Theory (episodes 601-603) and thermal physics (604-608) http://tap.iop.org/energy/thermal/608/page_47512.html The section on energy has a number of exptl investigations http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/thermal-energy there is nothing specifically on latent heat This section has a number of relevant expts for shc mby different methods + guidance and ways of discussing ‘energy’ (stores & pathways’ which is helpful http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/thermal-energy Investigate the relationship between pressure and volume of a gas at fixed temperature. (Edexcel) Standard Boyles Law apparatus Boyles Law. The kinetic theory section of the energy episodes includes both Boyles law & the other ideal gas laws. Specifically episode 601-4 describes relationship between pressure and volume. It looks at it both macroscopically and microscopically with reference to density of the gas (number of particles) which is not traditional http://tap.iop.org/energy/kinetic/601/page_47422.html the other laws (Charles (601-6) & pressure (601-5) are also explored. Boyles Law http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/boyles-law-0 Charles Law & Law of pressures; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/gaslaws-and-absolute-zero Determining an estimate of absolute zero using variation of gas temperature with pressure (OCR) Joly apparatus (glass bulb attached to pressure measuring device (there are digital versions now) Law of pressures and Charles law apparatus; there is a simple cheap capilliary tube (graduated) for Charles Law Episodes 601-5 & 601-6 drawn together to find absolute zero http://tap.iop.org/energy/kinetic/601/page_47422.html Charles Law & Law of pressures; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/gaslaws-and-absolute-zero Boyles Law. The kinetic theory section of the energy episodes includes both Boyles law & the other ideal gas laws. Specifically episode 601-4 describes relationship between pressure and volume. It looks at it both macroscopically and microscopically with reference to density of the gas (number of particles) which is not traditional http://tap.iop.org/energy/kinetic/601/page_47422.html the other laws (Charles (601-6) & pressure (601-5) are also explored. Boyles Law http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/boyles-law-0 Determination of the specific heat capacity of a material (OCR) 14 Investigation of Boyles Law (constant temperature) and Charles’s (constant pressure) law for a gas ( AQA) Episode 607 has a straightforward approach to shc http://tap.iop.org/energy/thermal/607/page_47500.html an interesting extension would be to do this by a method of mixtures Charles Law & Law of pressures; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/gaslaws-and-absolute-zero 15 16 Suggested activities apparatus Reference to TAP (tap.iop.org) Investigate the absorption of gamma radiation by lead.(Edexcel) There is an expt from Nuffield A-level phys which measures ‘half-thickness for lead for gamma radiation; it provides a calibration curve http://tap.iop.org/atoms/radioactivity/511/page_47096.html this episode 511 describes a range of absorption investigation but not the specific absorption of gamma by lead. Reference to Practical Physics (practicalphysics.org) This is helpful but not directly Absorption of α or β or γ radiation (OCR) Sources, detector & set of absorbers. Standard school kit but expensive to buy if not already in school Section on Radioactivity for general support; http://tap.iop.org/atoms/radioactivity/index.html then specifically http://tap.iop.org/atoms/radioactivity/510/page_47087.html for properties of radiations, and then http://tap.iop.org/atoms/radioactivity/511/page_47096.html for some specific expts though nothing specifically on ‘halfthickness’ for gamma in lead Section on Ionising Radiation and their properties http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/ionising-radiations-and-their-properties Investigation of the inverse square law for gamma radiation (AQA) Source + detector As above As above Determine the value of an unknown mass using the resonant frequencies of the oscillation of known masses.(Edexcel) Simple mass on springs arrangements + timing of no of oscillations The section of TAP on vibrations & waves http://tap.iop.org/vibration/index.html then more specifically the episode 303 on mass-spring systems http://tap.iop.org/vibration/shm/303/page_46578.html it is interesting to discuss arrangements of springs in series and parallel (or combinations) to have an appropriate ‘stiffness’ to have a sensitive enough system to measure the unknown mass as precisely as possible There is a section within ‘forces & motion on SHM http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/simple-harmonic-motion within that there is a further section; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/investigating-mass-spring-oscillator on the mass & spring oscillator & opportunities for datalogging with a distance sensor http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/datalogging-shm-mass-spring http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/gamma-radiation-inverse-square-law Suggested activities Reference to TAP (tap.iop.org) Reference to Practical Physics (practicalphysics.org) Investigating the factors affecting the period of a simple harmonic oscillator (OCR) apparatus As above but also possible to look at the simple pendulum; http://tap.iop.org/vibration/shm/304/page_46587.html As above but also possible to look at the simple pendulum; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/examples-simple-harmonic-motion or a cantilever; http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/shmcantilever Investigation into simple harmonic motion using a mass-spring system and a simple pendulum (AQA) As above As above 17 Determination of Planck's constant using LEDs (OCR) LED arrays (timstar for example) are now inexpensive enough (approx. £25) to have enough for a class expt 18 Research skills (two examples quoted); The principles behind the operation of the Global Positioning System The use of radioactive materials as tracers in medical imaging (OCR) This is relevant only to those who use OCR ‘B’ Advancing physics and will be well understood by them, though the task would need to be shorter than the traditional two-week research report 19 Investigate using a search coil and oscilloscope, the effect on magnetic flux linkage of varying the angle between the search coli and the magnetic field AQA) Search coils (axial & lateral) Helmholtz coils work well but any transformer coils 20 Investigate how the force on a wire varies with flux density, current and length of wire using a top-pan balance. (AQA). There is a section on quantum physics http://tap.iop.org/atoms/quantum/index.html within which there is a section on Plancks constant determination using an LED array; http://tap.iop.org/atoms/quantum/501/page_47004.html section 501-4 http://tap.iop.org/atoms/quantum/502/page_47014.html describes the Photoelectric effect fro determining Planck Constant but the apparatus is v expensive but GREAT if you can get hold of it! (Episode 502-3) Section on Electromagnetism, http://tap.iop.org/fields/electromagnetism/index.html then http://tap.iop.org/fields/electromagnetism/414/page_46948.html electromagnetic induction and specifically episode 414-5 ‘magnet falling through a coil’ Nothing relevant in practical physics http://tap.iop.org/fields/electromagnetism/412/page_46925.html then episode 412-3 http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/forcewire-carrying-current-magnetic-field