ENGLISH 280 SLOs and Assessments

ENGLISH 280—Multiethnic Literature
SLO = Student should be able to read and comprehend a passage of text.
A/M = Student will be asked reading comprehension questions on a quiz or test.
Average (passing) answer (2): Student can read and understand text.
Poor answer (1): Student cannot read or understand text.
SLO = Student should be able to analyze a passage of text particularly from the perspective of ethnic
A/M= Student will be asked to analyze a text on a quiz or test.
Good answer (3): The student demonstrates insightful analysis of ethnic literature, using specifics and
illustrating an application of ideas learned throughout the semester.
Average (passing) answer (2): The student demonstrates adequate analysis of ethnic literature. The
student may not use specifics consistently or may illustrate a limited application of ideas learned
throughout the semester.
Poor answer (1): The student summarizes or paraphrases the passage without analyzing or does not
demonstrate the student has gained an understanding of ethnic literature.
SLO = Student should be able to identify cultural aspects of language, including oral tradition and
bilingualism, and how they get translated into a written text.
A/M = Student will be asked to identify aspects of language related to culture and explain how they are
used in a written text on a quiz or test.
SLO = Student will examine ethnic culture and historical events relevant to various ethnic cultures in order
to better understand ideas presented in literature
A/M = Student will be asked to explain how a particular culture or historical event affects a specific literary
text on a quiz or test.
SLO = Connect different texts on a similar theme or conflict significant to specific ethnic literature based on
a passage from a text.
A/M = Student will be asked to identify a theme or conflict on an exam and compare the way it is
represented in two or three texts.
Strong answer (4): The student uses interesting insight and an understanding of significant
themes/conflicts relevant to ethnic literature in multiple texts, using specifics from the texts to
support the insights . The student identifies a theme/conflict within the passage that is significant
for that work and for ethnic literature and analyzes it with respect to both texts insightfully.
Good answer (3): The student shows some insight into the significant themes/conflicts relevant to ethnic
literature but the answer is not as well developed using specifics from the texts or the ideas may
not be equally applicable to all texts. The student identifies a theme/conflict within the passage
that is helpful in understanding that work and ethnic literature.
Average answer (2): The ideas the student identifies in the texts are more obvious or are not relevant to all
texts discussed. Specifics may not be used consistently or for all texts. The student identifies a
theme/conflict that may not be as relevant for the work as other conflicts/themes.
Weak answer (1): There is not really an apparent connection among the various texts the student
discusses or the connection may be forced. The student relies on generalities rather than specifics.
The student identifies a conflict or theme that is not really relevant to the passage assigned.