PC 5-5-15 - Plymouth, Vermont 05056

May 5, 2015
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission (collectively, the “Commission”)
opened at 7:02PM.
– Members of the Planning Commission: Michael Coleman, (Chairman), Anne
Brown, Rick Kaminski, Bill Cherico, Lee Kafer and Judy Michael.
– Jim Allen, Zoning Administrator
– Jay Kullman, on behalf of Farm & Wilderness Foundation.
Michael Coleman welcomed and introduced Rick Kaminski, the newest member of the
The Commission also thanked Carleigh Rixon for her work as the Commission’s
Secretary and noted they will need to fill the position for the next meeting.
All members of the Commission in attendance signed the VLCT Model Rules that was
drafted and developed at the April 2015 meeting.
The Commission unanimously approved the April 2015 meeting minutes as corrected.
1. Open Public Hearing for Application #2015–0003 to Farm & Wilderness to
construct a new cabin in the Indian Brook area
The Commission opened the public hearing for Application #2015–0003 to Jay Kullman
of the Farm & Wilderness Foundation (“F & W”). The following information was
developed through the presentation by Jay Kullman and questioning from the
F & W seeks a conditional use permit to clear a small site and construct a 24 x 24 cabin
for seasonal use at 263 Farm & Wilderness Rd. The parcel, identified by the Town of
Plymouth tax map as 74-115, is 388 acres owned by F & W, although the majority of
this parcel (approximately 75%) is undevelopable due to the topography and
conservation easements. The proposed cabin is designed as an open building with no
glazing and will not require construction of any potable or waste water systems.
However, in order to construct the cabin, F & W will need to perform small site clearing,
including some grading and the removal of existing trees and stumps. At this time, F &
W is already thinning mature ash trees to reduce the threat of ash spore but is not clearcutting the wooded area.
F & W requires a conditional use permit for the small site clearing and proposed cabin
because the proposed project is within the Shoreland Overlay of Woodward Reservoir.
F & W provided that the proposed structure would not be visible from the water in the
summer months where it is approximately 540 feet east and uphill the reservoir,
bordering a meadow. F & W believes that this is a good level and wooded site for the
proposed cabin, and in proximity of several other cabins.
The Commission discussed the implementation of potential erosion control measures.
Recognizing that they lack the authority to require any such measures, the Commission
encouraged F & W to have some measures in place to avoid significant erosion. F & W
further clarified that, when excavating, they will leave the majority of the forest floor
untouched but will need to clear a small amount of forest growth for a walking path. F &
W also agreed to look into further ways to reduce erosion.
2. Review Application Standards: Application #2015–0003
After reviewing the application, the F & W clarified that a Shoreland Review Sheet is not
required for the proposed project because it is not within 500 feet of the water, which
was verified by the State of Vermont. F & W is not a condominium form of ownership
they do not anticipate a change in ownership and that no parking spaces will be added
with the new cabin.
With no further questions, the Commission unanimously agreed that the Application
#2015–0003 satisifed all applicable application standards.
3. Additional Question: Farm & Wilderness
Before proceeding to deliberations, Jay Kullman asked the Commission for advice
regarding one additional matter involving silt erosion into the lake from an existing,
three-sided structure. F & W has already spoken with the state on ways to reduce
erosion and there are silt insulation measures available. Mr. Kullman asked the
Commission if F & W needs a permit to build a set of steps to reduce silt erosion from
an existing structure. After reviewing the town’s planning and zoning regulations, Mr.
Kullman does not believe that a permit is required but wanted to ask the Commission’s
advice. Jim Allen further clarified that the project does not require a permit because it is
replacement of an existing structure. The Commission all agreed that F & W does not
need a permit for this project.
Last, F & W invited the Commission to visit the property at a future date. The
Commission expressed significant interest and suggested allowing the public to come
visit the property to get a better understanding of what they are doing at F & W, which
was well received by F & W.
No other comments of questions were forthcoming. A motion to close the public hearing
was made, seconded and unanimously passed.
1. Deliberations: Application #2015-0003
The Commission opened deliberations on Conditional Use Application #2015–003 for
Farm & Wilderness, dated March 30, 2015. After reviewing the application standards
under Section 4.14.1 and the Conditional Use Standards for Approval under Section
4.14.2 of the Plymouth Zoning Bylaw, the Commission unanimously agreed that all
conditional use permit requirements were satisfied.
Anne Brown made a motion to approve Application #2015–003 for Farm and
Wilderness to clear a small site and construct a new cabin at 263 Farm & Wilderness
Road. Bill Cherico seconded the motion.
The Commission approved the motion unanimously.
2. Report on Two Rivers-Ottaquechee Regional Commission (TRORC)
Anne Brown presented the Commission with a brief overview of TRORC’s current
activities. The current draft of the 2015 Regional Plan can be viewed online. There will
be a public hearing on the draft plan on May 27, 2015 at the Thompson Senior Center in
Woodstock, Vermont. Ms. Brown provided a brief synopsis of TRORC’s current
initiatives and encouraged the Commission to get involved.
The meeting ADJOURNED, without opposition.