Important note The Clean Energy Regulator’s Compliance, Education and Enforcement Policy is made available on the understanding that the Commonwealth is not providing professional advice. Before relying on any material, readers should obtain appropriate professional advice. The information contained in this policy is current at the time of release but is subject to change. While reasonable care has been taken in preparing this information, the Commonwealth provides no warranties and makes no representations that the information is correct, complete or reliable. The Commonwealth expressly disclaims liability for any loss, however caused and whether due to negligence or otherwise, arising directly or indirectly from the use or reliance on information contained in the policy. Published by the Clean Energy Regulator ISBN: 978-1-922111-01-2 © Commonwealth of Australia 2012 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit The Clean Energy Regulator asserts the right to be recognised as author of the original material in the following manner: or © Commonwealth of Australia (Clean Energy Regulator) 2012 GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: 1300 553 542 within Australia Email: Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)—13 14 50 National Relay Service 133 677 TTY Service [TTY/Voice] 1300 555 727 [Speak and Listen (SSR)] GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 2 1. Purpose This policy sets out the principles adopted by the Clean Energy Regulator (the Regulator) to optimise compliance with the climate change laws it administers, including the role of education and its approach to compliance monitoring and enforcement. The policy sits within the broader Australian Government law enforcement policy context and should be read in conjunction with other relevant documents.1 2. Overview The Clean Energy Regulator is an independent regulator responsible for administering a number of climate change laws, including: Clean Energy Act 2011 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, and Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011. The purpose of these laws are to: encourage the use of clean energy provide for the reporting and dissemination of information related to greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and energy production of corporations encourage the generation of electricity from renewable sources provide for projects to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and projects to avoid emissions of greenhouse gases, and provide a legislative basis for the Registry, used to issue and monitor emissions units. These laws provide the Regulator with a range of monitoring and enforcement powers. Monitoring powers include independent audit, information gathering and inspections. Enforcement includes powers to suspend or revoke various permissions, accept enforceable undertakings from a regulated entity, issue infringement notices, or pursue legal action for breaches of civil penalty provisions. There are also criminal sanctions for persons or organisations found to have breached offence provisions contained in laws administered by the Regulator, or found to have engaged in dishonest or fraudulent conduct in connection with schemes established by those laws. The terminology used across the Acts differs in some instances. The Regulator recommends that you read the individual Acts for specific definitions. The Regulator combines the functions of the former Greenhouse Energy Data Officer, Renewable Energy Regulator and Carbon Farming Initiative Administrator. Transitional arrangements allow enforcement activities commenced under the former arrangements to continue under the Regulator. 1 Prosecution Policy of the Commonwealth; Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines; Overarching Principles for Selecting Cases for Investigation and Administrative, Civil and Criminal Sanctions. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 3 3. Approach The Regulator will encourage participants to voluntarily comply with legislative requirements. The Regulator’s approach will be based on the following considerations: Assisting participants to understand their rights and obligations through education and training programs Supporting those who want to do the right thing and, where appropriate, incorporating feedback into enhancement of systems and processes Using intelligence analysis where possible to inform regulatory response decisions Ensuring that procedural fairness is consistently applied to all participants so the system is seen as equitable and fair, exercising monitoring and enforcement powers independently in the public interest with integrity and professionalism and without fear, favour or bias Ensuring that decision-making takes place within rigorous corporate governance processes and is able to be reviewed internally, and externally by relevant bodies, including the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the courts (information about how to apply for an internal review of a decision can be found on the Clean Energy Regulator’s website) Actively pursuing those who opportunistically or deliberately contravene the law Ensuring that regulatory responses are proportionate to the risks posed by any non-compliance and take into account the conduct of scheme participants, including their compliance history Conducting investigations professionally, and Ensuring that the investigative process and the resolution of enforcement matters is conducted as efficiently as possible. The Regulator works in close partnership with other regulatory agencies that have regulatory responsibilities under climate change and other legislation. This includes sharing of relevant information, intelligence gathering, and referring matters for law enforcement. ASIC ACCC ATO AUSTRAC DSEWPaC Australian Securities and Investments Commission Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Australian Taxation Office Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Regulates emissions units as financial products under the Corporations Act 2001 and Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 Addresses misrepresentations about the impact of carbon price on the price of goods and services Applies equivalent carbon price to specific fuels under the Fuel Tax legislation and, utilising risk management strategies, ensures the appropriate income tax and GST treatment arising from carbon price emissions liabilities Regulates the trading of emissions units in the secondary market as a ‘designated service’ under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 Applies equivalent carbon price to synthetic greenhouse gases under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management legislation GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 4 4. Policy Implementation Engagement and education The Regulator recognises that engagement, education and support, in the first instance, assist participants to meet obligations and avoid inadvertent non-compliance. The Regulator releases information in the form of guidelines, factsheets, booklets, brochures, newsletters and calculators. Additionally, the Regulator ensures that participants have the opportunity to raise issues of concern and participate in workshops and discussion forums. Where possible, the Regulator will seek opportunities to engage with participants during the development of its systems through user-centred design processes. Responsibility for complying with relevant requirements under legislation administered by the Regulator, including ensuring the accuracy of all information provided to the Regulator, rests with the individual person or organisation affected by the legislation. Monitoring compliance The Regulator monitors compliance with the climate change laws to: determine levels of compliance and identify trends in behaviour detect possible contraventions identify whether, and what type of, education and/or enforcement action may be required, and assess the effectiveness of its operations and programs, and identify opportunities for improvement. Compliance monitoring may occur through: checking of information provided in applications under the various legislative schemes and to the registries analysis of information reported by persons and organisations analysis of information from other sources, such as the general public, peak bodies and industry groups, non-government organisations, other government agencies and international organisations analysis of information obtained under the Regulator’s information gathering powers inspections, and audits.2 Contraventions Suspected contraventions of the climate change laws administered by the Regulator will be assessed to determine the appropriate response. A preliminary examination and analysis of relevant facts will be conducted to decide the likelihood that a contravention has occurred or is about to occur, its seriousness and its likely consequences. While all suspected contraventions will be carefully considered, the Regulator will exercise its discretion in determining the type of response it will employ to address a contravention and resolve matters, including whether to investigate further. 2 Inspections and Audits have different means in each Act. Refer to the relevant Act. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 5 Response to contraventions Targeted education will be used, where appropriate, in response to contraventions. This seeks to ensure that participants are made aware of their legislative obligations, and are provided with guidance to assist them in meeting these obligations in the future. However, in some circumstances, contraventions will attract an automatic penalty, such as the failure to pay a shortfall charge under the Clean Energy Act 2011. For serious or continuing contraventions, corrective action will be used that may include exercise of suspension and revocation powers, infringement notices, enforceable undertakings or pecuniary penalties. Where there is suspected breach of an offence provision, or suspected fraudulent or dishonest behaviour, it will be referred for investigation and prosecution. The Regulator is less likely to pursue court action where a person is acting in good faith and/or is willing to resolve matters administratively. Publication of contraventions The Regulator will publish the issuance of infringement notices and commencement of court action. In some cases the Regulator has an obligation to publish information, such as the application of administrative penalties and the acceptance of enforceable undertakings under the Clean Energy Act 2011. The Regulator will use its discretion when considering publication of other forms of breaches. The Regulator will publicise circumstances and patterns of behaviour it identifies that indicate potential noncompliance or are likely to trigger investigation and enforcement action. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 6 Criteria for determining appropriate responses In determining appropriate responses to non-compliance, the Regulator will use a risk-based approach that takes into account participants’ behaviours and motivations. The continuum at Figure 1 (below) shows these behaviours and motivations, with the Regulator’s potential response according to the level of risk these behaviours pose. Behaviours and motivation Voluntary Compliance Informed self assessment Management is compliance-oriented Accidental NonCompliance Not yet compliant Attempting compliance (eg developing internal control systems to ensure compliance) Opportunistic NonCompliance Resistance to compliance Lack of indication of intention to comply (eg no indication of systems in place to ensure compliance) Intentional NonCompliance Deliberate noncompliance Criminal intent or fraud Other illegal activity Correct Behaviour Enforce the Law Clean Energy Regulator’s response Help and Support The Regulator will release information and guidelines to assist understanding of participants’ obligations The Regulator will provide opportunities for complying participants to ask questions, discuss issues of concerns and participate in educational and discussion forums The Regulator will use proactive audits to develop a better understanding of capabilities to comply GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 Educate and Provide Feedback The Regulator will provide additional guidance to targeted participants Where an apparent non-compliance is identified, the Regulator will provide relevant parties with an opportunity to respond The Regulator will provide feedback on adequacy of systems and arrangements to ensure compliance 1300 553 542 The Regulator will respond to detected non-compliance according to the severity (eg accepting enforceable undertakings, giving infringement notices, revocation and suspension) Contraventions that have a serious impact will be dealt with accordingly Publication of information about breaches and enforcement activities Where appropriate, the Regulator will initiate investigations, pursue civil action or refer any relevant cases for criminal prosecution 7 5. Policy Review The Regulator is committed to administering the climate change laws in a transparent, ethical and accountable manner. As part of this, the Regulator regularly reviews this policy and its implementation, ensuring that operational experiences and amendments to legislation are incorporated. In the event that amendments to this policy are required as a result of review findings, this policy will be updated on the Regulator’s website. 6. Further Information Further information about the Clean Energy Regulator, the suite of legislation, administrative, civil and criminal penalties can be found at: Website: Phone: 1300 553 542 GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 8 Attachment A: Monitoring and Enforcement Options This attachment outlines the regulator’s enforcement options under the: Clean Energy Act 2011 (CE Act) National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act) Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (REE Act) Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (CFI Act), and Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 (ANREU Act). Monitoring Audits by independent auditors: The Regulator may appoint an auditor to audit a person’s compliance with one or more aspects of the legislation; or, require a person to appoint an auditor if the Regulator believes that the person has contravened, is contravening or is proposing to contravene the legislation. A person must appoint an auditor under the CE Act when applying for assistance, such as under the Jobs and Competitiveness Program. Inspections: The Regulator will use inspectors/authorised officers to enter premises by consent or under warrant in order to determine whether the legislation and associated provisions have been complied with, or to substantiate information provided under the legislation and associated provisions. Information-gathering: The Regulator may require a person to provide information or documents, where it believes on reasonable grounds that the information or documents are relevant to the operation of the legislation. CE Act NGER Act REE Act CFI Act Independent audit Inspections Information-gathering Responding to contraventions Default assessments: The Regulator may make an assessment of a person’s emissions number for an eligible financial year where it has reasonable grounds to believe that an emissions number, reported under the NGER Act, is incorrect, or where it believes that a person is a liable entity for that year and the person has not submitted a report on the emissions number. Under the REE Act, the Regulator may make an assessment of a liable entity’s large-scale generation shortfall and associated charge (if any) for the year or, of an entity’s small-scale technology shortfall and associated shortfall charge for the year. Anti-avoidance: Where the Regulator concludes that a person has entered into, started to carry out, or carried out, a scheme for the sole or main purpose of enabling a person to obtain the benefit of one or more threshold provisions, the Regulator may determine that the CE Act has, and has had, effect as if the person was not entitled to that benefit. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 9 Under the CE Act or the CFI Act, where a person has entered into a scheme to avoid an existing, or future liability, to pay an administrative penalty or a unit shortfall charge, that person commits an offence. Under the REE Act, where the Regulator is of the opinion that an arrangement was entered into for the sole or main purpose of avoiding payment of a renewable energy shortfall charge otherwise than in accordance with the Act, the entity is liable to pay an amount of shortfall charge equal to the amount that it would have been liable to pay if the arrangement had not been made. Enforceable undertakings: The Regulator may accept a written undertaking from a person that they will do, or refrain from doing, certain things in order to comply with the Act. Breach of such an undertaking may result in court action. Infringement notices: Where the Regulator has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has breached a civil penalty provision, the Regulator may issue that person with an infringement notice. The infringement notice will specify the contravention and the amount of the penalty. Failure to pay the stated amount may result in court action in relation to the alleged contravention. Suspension: The Regulator may suspend a person’s registration where that person has been convicted of an offence under the REE Act or where the Regulator has reasonable belief that the person has committed any such offence, or contravened a civil penalty provision. Other reasons for suspension include where the Regulator is satisfied that the person is not a fit and proper person, or where the registration was obtained improperly. Cancellations: The Regulator may cancel recognition of an offsets entity under the CFI Act, where the Regulator is satisfied that the person is not a fit and proper person. The Regulator will cancel a Liability Transfer Certificate under the CE Act where the certificate holder no longer meets the criteria for issue of the certificate. An obligation transfer number may also be cancelled if the holder has breached the CE Act or associated provisions. Revocations: The Regulator may unilaterally revoke the declaration of an eligible offsets project under the CFI Act in various circumstances, for example, where the Regulator is satisfied that the project is no longer eligible. The Regulator will consult with the project proponent before such a decision is made. Under the CE Act, the Regulator will revoke the declaration of a designated joint venture if the joint venture does not meet the declaration test in relation to the facility, or if payment of a unit shortfall charge is more than 3 months overdue and, despite the joint venture having received a notice, remains unpaid by the next 1 July. Relinquishment of units: The Regulator may issue to a person a notice requiring the person to relinquish units under various circumstances, for example, where units are issued to a person as a result of false or misleading information. Failure to relinquish units may result in the person being liable to pay an administrative penalty to the Commonwealth. The court may also order relinquishment if units were issued as a result of fraudulent conduct. Unilateral closure of registry accounts: The Regulator may unilaterally close a person’s registry account where that person has contravened, or is contravening, the provisions relating to the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units. If the Regulator has closed a person’s account, it will not open another account in that person’s name. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 10 The Regulator may also apply the following enforcement options to accounts within the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units: refuse to give effect to an instruction to transfer units to or from a registry account impose conditions restricting or limiting the operation of a registry account for a period of time, or suspend a registry account for a period of time. CE Act NGER Act REE Act CFI Act Default assessments Anti-avoidance Enforceable undertakings Infringement notices ANREU Act Suspensions Cancellations Revocations Relinquishment of units Unilateral closure of a registry account Refuse to give effect to an instruction to transfer units to or from a registry account Impose conditions restricting or limiting the operation of a registry account for a period of time Court action: The Regulator will pursue legal action, where appropriate, for continuing or serious contraventions. Legal action may result in the court: ordering an injunction requiring a person to do an act, or thing, or restraining a person from certain conduct making an order directing a person to comply with an enforceable undertaking (where the court is satisfied that an enforceable undertaking has been breached) making an order directing a person to pay to the Regulator an amount up to the amount of any financial benefit gained, where the gain is directly or indirectly attributable to the breach of an enforceable undertaking making an order directing a person to compensate any other person who has suffered loss or damage as a result of a breach of an enforceable undertaking ordering relinquishment of carbon units, or Australian, Kyoto Australian and non-Kyoto Australian carbon credit units, where the issue of the units is attributable to fraudulent conduct by the person GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 11 making an order directing a person (including executive officers of bodies corporate) to pay a penalty as a result of breaching one of the civil penalty provisions (as well as the penalty for the initial breach, some civil penalty provisions are subject to additional penalties that accrue on a daily basis from the time of the contravention; some penalties are also scalable), and/or convicting a person suspected of having contravened any of the various criminal offence provisions in the Act. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 12