PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS OF DEPRESSION To read up on psychological explanations of depression, refer to pages 441–451 of Eysenck’s A2 Level Psychology. Ask yourself How would the psychodynamic approach explain depression? How would the behavioural approach explain depression? How would the cognitive approach explain depression? What you need to know PSYCHODYNAMI BEHAVIOURAL C EXPLANATION APPROACH Freud’s psychoanal ytic theory Evaluation Research evidence for and against Evaluation COGNITIVE EXPLANATIONS Research evidence for and against Evaluation LIFE EVENTS The impa ct of stres sful life even ts SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS The influ ence of socia l and cultu ral facto rs Psychodynamic Explanation Freud argued that individuals whose needs weren’t met during the oral stage of psychosexual development are vulnerable to developing depression in adulthood because this causes low self-esteem and excessive dependence. Individuals whose needs were met to excess during the oral stage are also vulnerable because they might become too dependent on others. According to Freud, we are victims of our feelings, as repression and displacement are defence mechanisms in response to actual loss (death of a loved one) and symbolic loss (loss of status) that enable us to cope with the emotional turmoil, but can result in depression. Individuals who are excessively dependent on other people are especially likely to develop depression after such a loss. Anger at the loss is displaced onto the self, which affects self-esteem and causes the individual to re-experience loss that occurred in childhood. Freud believed the superego (or conscience) is dominant in the depressed person and this explains the excessive guilt experienced by many depressives. In contrast, the manic phase occurs when the individual’s ego, or rational mind, asserts itself and he/she feels in control. EVALUATION OF THE PSYCHODYNAMIC EXPLANATION Has face validity. This approach does have face validity, as, even if a psychodynamic approach is not favoured, it is widely accepted that childhood experience can predispose the individual to mental illness in adulthood. For example, Kendler et al. (1996, see A2 Level Psychology page 442) found adult female twins who had experienced parental loss through separation in childhood had an above-average tendency to suffer from depression in adult life. Early loss does not consistently predict depression. Fewer than 10% of individuals who experience major losses go on to develop clinical depression. Freud predicts that the individual’s anger is turned inwards on themselves yet often it is turned outwards on those who are closest instead. The key weakness of Freud’s theory is that it lacks empirical support and so is neither verifiable nor falsifiable. Furthermore, any link between loss in childhood and depression is just an association, not causation, and so we cannot conclude cause and effect. Behavioural Approach According to this approach, depression is due to maladaptive learning. The principles of operant conditioning have been applied to explain depression using reinforcement and punishment. Depression could be due to a lack of positive reinforcement or too much punishment. RESEARCH EVIDENCE FOR THE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACH Lewinsohn (1974, see A2 Level Psychology page 443) suggests that depression is due to a reduction in positive reinforcement as a consequence of some form of loss, e.g. redundancy, relationship breakdown. Also, once depressed, the individual may receive positive reinforcement such as sympathy and attention. Learned helplessness occurs when an individual is placed in a no-win (punishing) situation. When the individual associates a lack of control with a situation, e.g. when punishment is seen as unavoidable, passive, helpless behaviour is shown. Seligman (1975, see A2 Level Psychology page 444) tested his theory by exposing dogs to electric shocks they could not avoid. When they were then given the opportunity to avoid the shocks by jumping over a barrier the dogs did not learn to do this, whereas dogs not exposed to unavoidable shocks readily learned to avoid them. Seligman generalised this to depression in humans. Stressful experiences may be experienced as unavoidable and uncontrollable and so result in learned helplessness, which leads to depression. Hiroto (1974, see A2 Level Psychology page 444) used three groups of human participants: (1) exposed to a loud noise they couldn’t stop; (2) exposed to a loud noise they could stop by pushing a button; and (3) didn’t hear a loud noise. All participants were then placed in front of a rectangular box with a handle on of it and exposed to loud noise. Unknown to the participants, the noise could be switched off by moving the handle from one side to the other. Only the group previously exposed to a loud noise they couldn’t stop showed learned helplessness by failing to move the handle. RESEARCH EVIDENCE AGAINST THE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACH Many people suffer loss without becoming depressed, which the theory on reinforcement reduction cannot explain. Lewinsohn, Hoberman, and Rosenbaum (1988, see A2 Level Psychology page 444) have provided evidence that contradicts the role of reinforcement. Lewinshohn et al. assessed over 500 non-depressed people for risk factors associated with depression (e.g. reductions in reinforcement; negative thinking; life stress), re-assessing them 8 months later to see if they had developed depression. They found reductions in positive reinforcement did not predict depression. Research into the role of cognitive factors in depression suggests that selfperception and faulty thinking may be more influential than learned helplessness and may account for why this develops. Abramson, Seligman, and Teasdale (1978, see A2 Level Psychology page 445) have expanded upon Seligman’s theory of learned helplessness with the attribution model, which does account for cognition. EVALUATION OF THE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACH Reductionist. The behavioural explanations are greatly oversimplified as they focus on only one factor, the environment. This focus on the external means internal factors that may be more influential, such as biological and cognitive, are ignored. Environmentally deterministic. The behavioural explanations are deterministic as they suggest that behaviour is controlled by the environment, which ignores the individual’s ability to control their own behaviour. Ignores nature. The behavioural explanations overemphasise nurture and ignore nature. Extrapolation. The generalisability of Seligman’s research is an issue as there are qualitative differences between humans and animals. Face validity. The symptoms in depression do appear similar to the responses shown by Seligman’s dogs and so the behavioural explanations do have face validity. It seems likely that a perceived inability to control stressful situations is common to learned helplessness and depression. Ecological validity. Seligman’s research lacks mundane realism so may not be generalisable to real-life settings, and therefore may lack ecological validity. Population validity. Learned helplessness as an explanation of the development of depression may be more relevant to certain types of people, e.g. those who lack social skills and so have limited emotional support. Cause or effect? Causation cannot be inferred as associations only have been identified. The lack of reinforcement experienced in social interactions or the tendency to feel helpless may be a consequence of being depressed rather than a cause. Consequently, the behavioural explanations may be more relevant to the maintenance than the onset of depression. Cognitive Explanations Cognitive dysfunction in attributional style (Abramson et al.’s attribution model) and view of self, the world, and the future (Beck’s cognitive triad) have been linked to the development of depression. Negative schemas develop during childhood as a consequence of critical interpersonal experiences, and are activated when the individual experiences similar situations in later life. RESEARCH EVIDENCE FOR COGNITIVE EXPLANATIONS Abramson, Seligman, and Teasdale (1978, see A2 Level Psychology page 445) developed Seligman’s work with the attribution model, which considers how people respond to failure. Individuals susceptible to depression attribute failure to internal (my own fault), stable (things will never change), and global (applies the failure to a wide range of situations, e.g. “I’m rubbish at everything”) causes. Such thinking is more negative and self-critical than attributing experience to external, unstable, and specific causes. This suggests that aversive stimuli on its own doesn’t cause learned helplessness and depression, as this is dependent on how the individual thinks. Hence, the attribution model supports the role of cognitive factors and improves on the original learned helplessness theory. Abramson, Metalsky, and Alloy (1989, see A2 Level Psychology page 445) developed the original theory because they attached less importance to specific attributions and more importance to the notion that depressed individuals develop a general sense of hopelessness. Beck and Clark (1988, see A2 Level Psychology page 446) proposed the “cognitive triad”, which is the individual’s thoughts about self, world, and future. The more negative and therefore the more hopeless the cognition, the greater the risk of depression. Beck also identified errors in logic or cognitive biases, such as magnification, minimisation, and personalisation, where weaknesses are exaggerated and strengths under-emphasised. Polarised thinking is another bias, which is also known as black-and-white thinking. For example, depressives often set themselves unattainable standards such as, “I must be liked by everybody; if not I’m unlovable”. A prospective study by Lewinsohn, Joiner, and Rohde (2001, see A2 Level Psychology page 446) measured negative or dysfunctional attitudes in participants who did not have a major depressive disorder at the outset of the study. They re-assessed the participants 1 year later and found those high in dysfunctional attitudes were more likely to develop major depression in response to negative life events. This supports faulty cognition as a cause rather than an effect of depression. Evans et al. (2005, see A2 Level Psychology pages 446–447) also conducted a prospective study and found that women with the highest scores for negative self-beliefs during pregnancy were 60% more likely to become depressed subsequently than those with the lowest scores. RESEARCH EVIDENCE AGAINST COGNITIVE EXPLANATIONS Much of the evidence suggests that negative thoughts and attitudes are caused by depression rather than the opposite direction of causality, and so are an effect of the disorder. EVALUATION OF COGNITIVE EXPLANATIONS Face validity. Depressive people do have the negative cognitions described by Abramson et al. and Beck and so there is a high level of face validity. Success of cognitive treatments. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been found to be as effective as antidepressants, which supports the role of cognitive factors in depression. Self-report criticisms. Research into cognitive factors relies on self-report, e.g. the Beck Depression Inventory. The self-report method yields subjective data as it is vulnerable to bias and distortion as a consequence of researcher effects and participant reactivity and so may lack validity. Lack of reliability. The research is inconsistent and so we cannot be sure if negative cognitions cause or are a consequence of depression. Cause or effect? The evidence that negative cognitions precede the disorder is not convincing but nor has it been disproved. Therefore, conclusions are limited. It may be that the relationship is curvilinear, i.e. negative thinking predisposes depression and depression increases negative thinking. Descriptive not explanatory. The research describes the nature of depressives’ thoughts rather than explains the development of depression because it is not clear what causes the negative cognitions in the first place. Multi-dimensional approach. To account fully for depression it is necessary to consider how cognition interacts with other approaches. For example, faulty thinking could be due to an interaction of biological and social factors, which are ignored by the cognitive approach. Life events Depression is often preceded by a high number of stressful life events. Interviews of depressed women showed that 61% of the depressed women had experienced at least one very stressful life event compared to only 19% of the non-depressed women. Social support was identified as a variable that protected against depression, as only 10% of women with a close friend became depressed compared to 37% of those without an intimate friend (Brown & Harris, 1978, see A2 Level Psychology page 447). However, as you may remember from studying stress at AS, we are only as stressed as we think ourselves to be. Thus, the critical mediating factor may be selfperception, which suggests that cognitive factors predispose the individual to depression more than the life events themselves as it is the way we think about them that is crucial. This partly accounts for why people can experience very similar stressful situations and some become depressed whereas others don’t. However, to account fully for such variation the interaction of biological predisposing factors (innate physiological reactivity) and environmental factors (stress) needs to be considered. Further limitations of the life events research include the fact that the information is obtained retrospectively several months afterwards, and so there might be problems remembering clearly what happened. Cause and effect is an issue because it is unclear whether life events have caused depression or depression caused the life events. For example, marital separation might cause depression, but depression can play an important role in causing marital separation. Socio-cultural Factors According to socio-cultural theorists (e.g. Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990, see A2 Level Psychology page 448), the incidence of major depressive disorder is influenced strongly by social and cultural factors. An example of a social factor is the presence of an intimate friend because this has been found to reduce incidence of depression (Brown & Harris, 1978, see A2 Level Psychology page 448). Marital status is another important social factor. Blazer et al. (1994, see A2 Level Psychology page 448) found that divorced individuals were more depressed than individuals who were married or who had never been married. However, we cannot be sure of the direction of effect, i.e. if divorce triggered depression or if depression led to divorce. Culture has an effect on the nature of the symptoms reported because individuals in non-Western countries report mostly physical symptoms (e.g. fatigue, sleep disturbances), whereas guilt and self-blame are more common symptoms in Western countries. A sub-cultural factor is evident in the fact that major depression is twice as common in women in most countries of the world (Hammen, 1997, see A2 Level Psychology page 448). Note you could consider this as an issue of bias in terms of diagnosis as it may be women are just more likely than men to be diagnosed with depression. However, the arguments against this are many as maybe women are more likely than men to report their emotional problems. Or maybe women have more reasons than men to be depressed, given that they are exposed to more stressors than men are, e.g. gender bias in the workplace, the triple burden of work, home, and child care, and the fact they are often poorer than men. Kendler et al. (1993, see A2 Level Psychology page 449) found that women reported significantly more negative life events than men in the past year. It is also possible that women rely on a more emotion-focused approach and so spend a lot of time thinking about their problems and focus excessively on their emotions. Whereas men are more problem-focused, or if they do take an emotion-focused approach they seek distraction from their problems (e.g. drinking alcohol) (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991, see A2 Level Psychology page 449). So what does this mean? Now that we have covered psychological factors, it is no doubt clear there are numerous possible contributing factors to depression, which of course makes it all the more difficult to explain the disorder. The diathesis–stress model offers a more comprehensive account because it considers the interaction of nature and nurture. This better accounts for individual differences, particularly in those who share genes in common, such as identical twins where one develops depression and the other doesn’t. The diathesis–stress model can explain this because, whilst both twins will have inherited the genetic component, they may experience different interactions within the family or stressful life events. Consequently, the predisposition may be triggered in one twin but not the other. Genetic predispositions may interact with the psychological explanations as faulty cognitions and negative family interactions may be linked to genetics. Thus, a multidimensional approach is essential as multiple factors interact to explain the disorder. It is also worth noting that an idiographic (individually-specific) rather than a nomothetic (universal) approach is needed as the factors will interact in different ways for different cases of depression. Over to you 1. Outline and evaluate one or more psychological explanation(s) of depression. (25 marks)