Word skill Definition Ability that comes from training or practice, a developed or acquired ability Variation/Synonym/Antonym adeptness, masterfulness Part of Speech noun Symbol/Logo/Icon Sentence: This job requires a lot of skill. Word learning style Definition Various approaches or ways of learning Variation/Synonym/Antonym visual, auditory, kinaesthetic Part of Speech noun Symbol/Logo/Icon Sentence: Students did a survey to discover their learning style. Word Definition Variation/Synonym/Antonym Symbol/Logo/Icon adeptness, masterfulness Part of Speech noun Multiple intelligence The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner. Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a range of human potential. Variation/Synonym/Antonym Part of Symbol/Logo/Icon Sentence: Multiple intelligence is a theory about learning. Word Definition aptitude A natural ability ability, talent Speech noun Sentence: He had an aptitude for math. Word Definition Variation/Synonym/Antonym attitude A state of mind or a feeling mindset, outlook Part of Speech noun Symbol/Logo/Icon Part of Speech noun Symbol/Logo/Icon Sentence: She had a positive attitude about work. Word Definition Variation/Synonym/Antonym value A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable morals, worth Sentence: There needs to be a return to family values.