Knights of Columbus Scholarship Fund Detail Information

2012 Scholarship Program San Rafael Parish
Council 9710 Valley of the Angels
Eligibility: All scholarships given by Council 9710 must meet the minimum eligibility
requirements. Every individual scholarship will have a set of additional criteria to be
Basic Eligibility Requirement All Scholarships
 Applicant or the parents / legal guardian of the applicant must be a registered and
contributing member of San Rafael Catholic Church in Rancho Bernardo, CA.
 Applicant must be a participating member of a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church.
 Applicant must be registered as a full time student and be accepted by an accredited 4
Year University or College, a 2 Year Community College or a Vocational / Trade School.
 Applicant must be a United States citizen.
 Applicant must complete the scholarship application.
 Applicant and their parents, if they are minors, must sign a release that they agree to
have their name and photo published in any news media or web site to help the
Knights of Columbus foster future scholarship programs.
Scholarship Conditions
 Applicant may use the scholarship funds to supplement benefits from the trade
school, college or university they plan to attend.
 Students may use the scholarship to cover the costs of tuition, fees or books.
 Each individual Knights of Columbus scholarship will have some unique criteria that
the applicant must meet in order to qualify for.
 Each individual Knights of Columbus scholarship will have judging criteria unique to
the specific scholarship.
 Each individual scholarship will use criteria pertinent to the purpose of the scholarship
and that criteria will be weighted accordingly.
 Scholarships are available for graduating seniors as well as for sophomores and juniors
in college as determined by each specific individual scholarship criteria.
 Decisions of judges will be recommended to Council for final vote of approval. Council
decisions are final.
Application Process for All Scholarships
 Fill out application completely (Failure may result in disqualification)
 Return completed application to San Rafael’s Church office Att: Knights of Columbus
Scholarship Committee
 Deadlines
o Application deadline is the April 1st of each year.
o Transcripts, SAT Scores and Essay deadline is April 1st of each year.
 Letters of recommendation deadline is April 1st of each year.
 Letters of Recommendation
o A letter of recommendation must be obtained per each scholarship
Individual Scholarship Programs:
Ladies Guild Honorarium Scholarship
Matt Herriman Memorial Scholarship
Caroline E. Cox Memorial Scholarship
Catholic University Scholarship
Community College Scholarship
Vocational/Trade School Scholarship
Ladies Guild Honorarium Scholarship
Additional Requirement for Eligibility
 Applicant must be in their senior year of a high school or the equivalent in a home
school education.
 Participate as a volunteer at San Rafael Catholic Church
 Two letters of recommendation
o One from the ministry leader you participate in
o One from any other source
 Written essay of 250 to 500 words on the topic “Why it is important to give my
time to others in the community”
Criteria for Judging
GPA from high school as of the end of the first semester
SAT Scores
High School transcripts
Letter of recommendation from high school teacher or councilor
Letter of recommendation from any clergy, deacons, sisters or ministry leader
Participation in a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church
Participation in volunteer activities in the community
Participation in activities in high school
Financial need
Matt Herriman Memorial Scholarship
Additional Requirement for Eligibility
 Applicant must be in their senior year of a high school or the equivalent in a home
school education.
 Member of a musical group in their high school or at San Rafael’s Church.
(Additional points will be awarded for membership in one of San Rafael’s Church
 Written essay of 250 to 500 words on the topic “Why are the arts (in particular
music) important to the well rounded education and welfare of society?”
Criteria for Judging
GPA from high school as of the end of the first semester
SAT Scores
High School transcripts
Letter of recommendation from San Rafael Choir Director or high school music
Letter of recommendation from any clergy, deacons, sisters or ministry leader
Participation in a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church
Participation in volunteer activities in the community
Participation in activities in high school
Financial need
Caroline E. Cox Memorial Scholarship
Additional Requirement for Eligibility
 Applicant must be in their senior year of a high school or the equivalent in a home
school education or a student in good standing as an incoming sophomore or junior
at an accredited college or university.
 Open to freshman, sophomores or juniors at an accredited college, medical trade
school or university.
 Acceptance for a degree in the field of any medical profession including two year
degree programs.
 Participate in volunteer work for children.
 Participate in a ministry at San Rafael Church
 Written essay of 250 to 500 words on one of these topics “The importance of
ministering to children especially those who have a major illness”
Criteria for Judging
GPA from high school as of the end of the first semester
High School transcripts
Letter of recommendation from high school teacher or councilor
Letter of recommendation from any clergy, deacons, sisters or ministry leader
Participation in a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church
Participation in volunteer work for children (Extra credit for children with illnesses)
Participation in activities in high school
Financial need
Catholic University Scholarship
Additional Requirement for Eligibility
 A senior at any Catholic High School
 Accepted at any accredited Catholic University
 Written essay of 250 to 500 words on the topic “How does a Catholic Education
differ from a secular education and why is that important to me?”
Criteria for Judging
GPA from high school as of the end of the first semester
SAT Scores
High School transcripts
Letter of recommendation from high school teacher or councilor
Letter of recommendation from any clergy, deacons, sisters or ministry leader
Participation in a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church
Participation in volunteer activities in the community
Participation in activities in high school
Financial need
Community College Scholarship
Additional Requirement for Eligibility
 Applicant must be in their senior year of a high school or the equivalent in a home
school education.
 Acceptance at any community college in California.
 Written essay of 250 words on the topic “What contributions do community
colleges offer to our community and why did I choose to attend one?”
Criteria for Judging
GPA from high school as of the end of the first semester
SAT Scores
High School transcripts
More weight will be given to volunteer activities rather than academic
achievement in high school
Letter of recommendation from high school teacher or councilor
Letter of recommendation from any clergy, deacons, sisters or ministry leader
Participation in a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church
Participation in volunteer activities in the community
Participation in activities in high school
Financial need
Vocation or Trade School Scholarship
Additional Requirement for Eligibility
 Applicant must be in their senior year of a high school or the equivalent in a home
school education.
 Acceptance at an accredited trade school in San Diego County
 Written essay of 250 words on the topic “Why a college education isn’t for
everyone and in particular why is a vocation or trade school right for me?”
Criteria for Judging
 GPA from high school as of the end of the first semester
 High School transcripts
 More weight will be given to volunteer activities rather than academic
achievement in high school
 Letter of recommendation from high school teacher or councilor
 Letter of recommendation from any clergy, deacons, sisters or ministry leader
 Participation in a ministry at San Rafael Catholic Church
 Participation in volunteer activities in the community
 Participation in activities in high school
 Financial need
 The judging committee will be made up of 3 judges
 The Knights of Columbus will appoint a minimum of two council members and/or
one additional at large member for each specific Scholarship Grant
Payment of Scholarship Funds:
 A copy of a letter of acceptance from the trade school, college or university or a letter
of good standing from the registrar must be received to receive a scholarship and for it
to be funded.
 All funds are paid directly to the University, Community College or Trade School to
offset tuition.
 A completed application must be submitted by April 1st each year.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Who funds the Knights of Columbus Scholarship Program?
a. The scholarships are funded by Council 9710 through fund raisers and donations
from individuals and organizations who are interested in fostering education for
our youth at San Rafael Catholic Church.
2. How much financial assistance do Scholar recipients receive?
a. Each individual scholarship funded by Council 9710 has a specific dollar amount
attached to it and the amount will vary from year to year depending on the
funds available.
3. What is the deadline for submitting applications?
a. All applications and supporting documents are due by April 1st of each year.
4. When are letters of recommendation and school transcripts due?
a. All letters and school transcripts are due by April 1st of each year.
5. Do my letters of recommendation have to be written by teachers, or can they be
written by anyone?
a. Letters of recommendation must be written per the criteria for each individual
Knights of Columbus scholarship that is being applied for by the student.
6. What standardized test results are required? How and when do I submit my
a. The SAT and/or ACT test scores are required depending on the Knights of
Columbus scholarship that is being applied for by the student.
7. Are there minimum SAT or ACT scores?
a. No. We do not have cut-off scores.
8. What essays are required?
a. Essays are required for some Knights of Columbus scholarships. Verify the
criteria specific that is required for the scholarship you are seeking.
9. Is there a musical performance required?
a. There is a musical performance required for the Matt Herriman Memorial
Scholarship. See specific requirements for that scholarship.
10.Can I apply on-line?
a. Not at this time, but in the future.
11. Can I fax or email my application?
a. Applications may not be faxed or emailed.
12. I missed the deadline. Can I still apply?
a. If you have a legitimate reason, beyond your control, for missing the deadline,
you may call to request an extension.
13. Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to apply?
a. Yes you must be a U.S. citizen in order to apply.
14. Is there an income limit?
a. No there is no income limit but financial need is a factor that we consider in
awarding scholarships but it is only one of several factors.
15. Whose income should be listed if my parents are separated or divorced? If my
parents have remarried, do I include my step-parents income?
a. You should list the income of both parents and this should include the noncustodial parent. If a parent’s whereabouts is unknown, you should list that on
the application. If you are residing with a legal guardian, you should list their
income on the application.
16. Do I need verification of my parent’s income?
a. The application asks for your parents adjusted gross income on last year’s
federal income tax return, that is, the return that they filed when you were a
junior in high school. By their signatures, they also agree to provide proof of
income, including copies of income tax returns, if required.
17. Can I use the Knights of Columbus scholarships at any college?
a. Each individual Knights of Columbus scholarship has its own unique purpose,
but overall scholarship funds may be used for trade schools, community
colleges, 4 year colleges and universities.
18. When are the winners notified?
a. Winners will be notified no later than May 31st of each year.