Randic Index and Edge Eccentric Connectivity Index of Certain Special Molecular Graphs Abstract: In this paper, we determine the Randic index and edge eccentric connectivity index of fan molecular graph, wheel molecular graph, gear fan molecular graph, gear wheel molecular graph, and their r-corona molecular graphs. Keywords: Chemical graph theory, Randic index, Edge eccentric connectivity index, Fan molecular graph, Wheel molecular graph, Gear fan molecular graph, Gear wheel molecular graph, r-corona molecular graph 1. Introduction Wiener index, edge Wiener index, Hyper-wiener index, Randic index and edge eccentric connectivity index are introduced to reflect certain structural features of organic molecules. Several papers contributed to determine the Wiener index or Hyper-wiener index of special molecular graphs (See Yan et al., [1], Gao and Shi [2] and [3] for more detail). Let Pn and Cn be path and cycle with n vertices. The molecular graph Fn={v} Pn is called a fan molecular graph and the molecular graph Wn={v} Cn is called a wheel molecular graph. Molecular graph Ir(G) is called r- crown molecular graph of G which splicing r hang edges for every vertex in G. By adding one vertex in every two adjacent vertices of the fan path Pn of fan molecular graph Fn, the resulting molecular graph is a subdivision molecular graph called gear fan molecular graph, denote as Fn . By adding one vertex in every two adjacent vertices of the wheel cycle Cn of wheel molecular graph Wn, The resulting molecular graph is a subdivision molecular graph, called gear wheel molecular graph, denoted as Wn . In 1975, Randic [4] introduced the Randic index as the sum of d (u)d (v)1/2 over all edges uv of a molecular graph G=(V, E), i.e. R (G ) = (d (u )d (v)) 1/2 uvE ( G ) where d(u) denotes the degree of u V(G). Later in 1998, Bollobas and Erdos [5] generalized this index by replacing −1/2 with any real number , which is called the general Randic index, i.e. R (G) = (d (u )d (v)) . uvE ( G ) Li and Liu [6] determined the first three minimum general Randic indices among trees, and the corresponding extremal trees are characterized. Liu et. al., [7] gave a best-possible lower bound on the Randic index of a triangle-free molecular graph G with given minimum degree (G ) 2. Yang and Lu [8] presented the relationship between Randic indices and the diameter of molecular graph. Liu et. al., [9] presented a upper bound on the Randic index for all chemical molecular graphs with n vertices, m n edges and k > 0 pendant vertices, and determined corresponding extremal molecular graphs. Yero and Velazquez [10] obtained the lower and upper bounds of Randic index for some corona product molecular graphs. Yu and Feng [11] considered the relationship between Randic index and the eigenvalues of molecular graphs. Liu et. al., [12] determined a sharp lower bound on the Randic index of unicyclic molecular graphs in terms of the order and given size of matching. Let f = uv be an edge in E(G). Then the degree of the edge f is defined to be degG (u) + degG (v) −2. For two edges f1= u1v1, f2=u2v2 in E(G), the distance between f1 and f2, denoted by dG ( f1 , f 2 ) , is defined to be dG ( f1 , f 2 ) = min{dG (u1 , u2 ), dG (u1 , v2 ), dG (v1, u2 ), dG (v1, v2 )} . The eccentricity of an edge f, denoted by ecG ( f ) , is defined as ecG ( f ) = max{dG ( f , e) | e E (G)} . The edge eccentric connectivity index of G, denoted by ec (G ) = f E ( G ) ec (G ) , is defined as deg G ( f )ecG ( f ) . Xu and Guo [13] obtained various upper and lower bounds for this index of connected molecular graphs in terms of order, size, girth and the first Zagreb index of G, respectively. Other results on edge eccentric connectivity index can refer to Odabaş and Nihan [14]. In this paper, we present the Randic index of the edge eccentric connectivity index of I r ( Fn ) , I r (Wn ) , I r ( Fn ) and I r (Wn ) . Also, I r ( Fn ) , I r (Wn ) , I r ( Fn ) and I r (Wn ) are derived. 2. Randic Index Theorem R( I r ( Fn )) 1. = r nr 2 n2 (n r )(2 r ) (n r )(3 r ) + + 2 n3 2r (n 2)r + . 2r 3 r (2 r )(3 r ) (3 r )(3 r ) Proof. Let Pn=v1v2…vn and the r hanging vertices of vi be vi , vi ,…, vi (1 i n). Let v be a 1 1 2 r 2 r vertex in Fn beside Pn, and the r hanging vertices of v be v , v , …, v . By the definition of Randic index, we have r R( I r ( Fn )) n (d (v)d (v )) i = i 1 r (d (v )d (v )) j i 1 j 1 = i 1/2 n + (d (v)d (v )) i 1 i 1/2 n 1 + ( d (v ) d (v i 1 i i 1 )) 1/2 1/2 i 2 n2 2 n3 r ) +( ) +( nr (n r )(2 r ) (n r )(3 r ) (2 r )(3 r ) (3 r )(3 r ) + +( 2r (n 2)r ). 2r 3 r 2 n 2 2 n3 + . 3 n 6 3n Corollary 1. R( Fn ) = Theorem 2. R( I r (Wn )) = n n r nr + + + . nr 3 r (n r )(3 r ) (3 r )(3 r ) and vi , vi ,…, vi be the r hanging vertices of vi (1 i n). Let v be a 1 Proof. Let Cn=v1v2…vn 2 1 r 2 r vertex in Wn beside Cn, and v , v , …, v be the r hanging vertices of v. By the definition of Randic index, we have r (d (v)d (v )) i R( I r (Wn )) = n i 1 r (d (v )d (v )) j i i 1 j 1 1/2 n + (d (v)d (v )) 1/2 i i 1 n ( d (v ) d (v + i 1 i i 1 )) 1/2 + 1/2 i n n r nr + + + . nr 3 r (n r )(3 r ) (3 r )(3 r ) = R(Wn ) = Corollary 2. n n + . 3 3 Theorem 3. R ( I r ( Fn )) = 2 n2 r (n 1)r (n 2)r + + + nr 2r 3 r (n r )(2 r ) (n r )(3 r ) 2 2n 4 . (2 r )(2 r ) (2 r )(3 r ) 1 2 r Proof. Let Pn=v1v2…vn and vi ,i 1 be the adding vertex between vi and vi+1. Let vi , vi ,…, vi be the r hanging vertices of vi (1 i n). Let vi1,i 1 , vi2,i 1 ,…, vir,i 1 be the r hanging vertices of vi ,i 1 (1 i n-1). Let v be a vertex in Fn beside Pn, and the r hanging vertices of v be v1 , v 2 , …, v r . By virtue of the definition of Randic index, we get r R ( I r ( Fn )) = n 1 ( d (v ) d (v i 1 i (d (v)d (vi ))1/2 + i 1 n (d (v)d (vi ))1/2 + i 1 n 1 n 1 i 1 i 1 j 1 r n r (d (v )d (v )) j i 1 j 1 1/2 1/2 j 1/2 + ( d (vi ,i 1 ) d (vi 1 )) + (d (vi ,i 1 )d (vi ,i1 )) i ,i 1 )) i i 1/2 + r nr = + 2 n2 ) (n r )(2 r ) (n r )(3 r ) ( 2r (n 2)r ) 2r 3 r ( + + 1 n2 1 n2 (n 1)r . )+( )+ 2r (2 r )(2 r ) (3 r )(2 r ) (2 r )(2 r ) (3 r )(2 r ) ( 2(n 2) 2 n2 +1 . n 3n 6 Corollary 3. R ( Fn ) = Theorem 4. R ( I r (Wn )) = n (n r )(3 r ) r + nr + nr 3 r + 2n + (3 r )(2 r ) nr . 2r Proof. Let Cn=v1v2…vn and v be a vertex in Wn beside Cn, vi ,i 1 1 2 vi+1. Let v , v , …, v 1 r vi and 2 r be the r hanging vertices of v and vi , vi ,…, vi be the r hanging vertices of vi (1 i n). Let vn , n 1 = v1,n and vi1,i 1 , vi2,i 1 ,…, vir,i 1 be the r hanging vertices of vi ,i 1 (1 i n). In view of the definition of Randic index, we deduce r (d (v)d (v )) i R( I r (Wn )) = 1/2 n + i 1 n n i 1 i 1 (d (v)d (v )) i i 1 n 1/2 n + r (d (v )d (v )) j i 1 j 1 i 1/2 i + r (d (vi )d (vi,i1 ))1/2 + (d (vi,i 1 )d (vi 1 ))1/2 + (d (vi,i1 )d (vij,i1 ))1/2 = n r + nr (n r )(3 r ) Corollary 4. R (Wn ) = i 1 j 1 + nr 3 r + n n + + (3 r )(2 r ) (3 r )(2 r ) nr . 2r n 2n + . 3 6 3. Edge Eccentric Connectivity Index Theorem 5. ec ( I r ( Fn )) = n2 n(2r 2 11r 9) r 2 9r 14 . Proof. By the definition of edge eccentric connectivity index, we have r ec ( I r ( Fn )) = deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) i 1 + n n 1 i 1 i 1 degG (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + degG (vi vi1 )ecG (vi vi1 ) + n r deg i 1 j 1 G (vi vij )ecG (vi vij ) = r ( n r 1) + (2(n 2r ) ( n 2)( n 2r 1)) + (2 2(2r 3) ( n 3) 2(2r 4)) + r (2 2(r 1) (n 2) 2(r 2)) =n 2 n(2r 2 11r 9) r 2 9r 14 . Corollary 5. ec ( Fn ) = n 2 9n 14 . Theorem 6. ec ( I r (Wn )) = n2 n(2r 2 11r 9) r 2 r . Proof. By the definition of edge eccentric connectivity index, we have r n n i 1 i 1 i 1 ec ( I r (Wn )) = deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + deg G (vi vi 1 )ecG (vi vi 1 ) + n r deg i 1 j 1 G (vi vij )ecG (vi vij ) = r ( n r 1) + n(n 2r 1) + 2n(2r 4) + 2nr (r 2) =n 2 n(2r 2 11r 9) r 2 r . Corollary 6. ec (Wn ) = n 2 9n . Theorem 7. ec ( I r ( Fn )) = 2n2 n(7r 2 28r 20) 2r 2 24r 28 . Proof. By virtue of the definition of edge eccentric connectivity index, we get r n i 1 i 1 n r ec ( I r ( Fn )) = deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + degG (vi vij )ecG (vi vij ) + n 1 degG (vi vi,i1 )ecG (vi vi,i1 ) n 1 + i 1 n 1 i 1 j 1 deg i 1 G (vi ,i 1vi 1 )ecG (vi ,i 1vi 1 ) + r deg i 1 j 1 G (vi ,i 1vij,i1 )ecG (vi ,i 1vij,i1 ) = 2r (n r 1) + (2 2(n 2r ) ( n 2) 2( n 2r 1)) + r (2 3(r 1) ( n 2) 3( r 2)) + (3(2r 2) (n 2) 3(2r 3)) + (3(2r 2) (n 2) 3(2r 3)) + (n 1)4r (r 1) = 2n 2 n(7r 2 28r 20) 2r 2 24r 28 . Corollary 7. ec ( Fn ) = n 2 13n 18 . Theorem 8. ec ( I r (Wn )) = 2n2 n(7r 2 28r 20) 2r 2 2r . Proof. In view of the definition of edge eccentric connectivity index, we deduce r n i 1 i 1 n r ec ( I r (Wn )) = deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + deg G (vvi )ecG (vvi ) + degG (vi vij )ecG (vi vij ) + n degG (vi vi,i1 )ecG (vi vi,i1 ) n + i 1 n i 1 j 1 deg i 1 G (vi ,i 1vi 1 )ecG (vi ,i 1vi 1 ) + r deg i 1 j 1 G (vi ,i 1vij,i1 )ecG (vi ,i 1vij,i1 ) = 2r (n r 1) + 2n(n 2r 1) + 3nr ( r 2) + 3n(2r 3) + 3n(2r 3) + 4nr ( r 1) = 2n 2 n(7r 2 28r 20) 2r 2 2r . Corollary 8. ec (Wn ) = n 2 13n . 4. Conclusion and Discussion In this paper, we determine the Randic index and edge eccentric connectivity index of fan molecular graph, wheel molecular graph, gear fan molecular graph, gear wheel molecular graph, and their r-corona molecular graphs. The Hosoya index Z(G) of molecular graph G is defined as the number of subsets of the edge set E(G) in which no two edges are adjacent in G, i.e., Z(G) is the total number of matchings of G. Hence, the Hosoya index of a molecular graph, wheel molecular graph, gear fan molecular graph, gear wheel molecular graph, and their r-corona molecular graphs should considered as our further work. 5. Acknowledgements First, we thank the reviewers for their constructive comments in improving the quality of this paper. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61262071), and the Key Science and Technology Research Project of Education Ministry (210210). We also would like to thank the anonymous referees for providing us with constructive comments and suggestions. References [1] L. Yan, Y. Li, W. Gao and J. Li, “On the extremal hyper-wiener index of graphs,” Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 6,pp. 477-481,2014. [2] W. Gao and L. Shi, “Wiener index of gear fan graph and gear wheel graph,” Asian Journal of Chemistry, In press. [3] W. Gao and L. 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