Welfare and Discipline - New Lambton South Public School

New Lambton South Public School
Student Welfare Policy
Including the School Discipline Policy,
School Values, Core Rules and Respect,
Responsibility and Excellence
Students, staff, parents of New Lambton South P.S.
Student Welfare in Government schools "encompasses everything the school
community does to meet the personal, social and learning needs of students" Student
Welfare Policy (1996) DSE, Student Welfare Directorate.
At New Lambton South Public School we aim to provide quality education for all and
provide opportunities for all students to excel in all areas of the curriculum. We aim to
teach children show Respect Responsibility and Excellence in their work and play.
Statement of Purpose:
All students and teachers have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity in an
environment free from disruption, intimidation, harassment and discrimination. Our
school is committed to promoting the highest standards of behaviour and learning.
Students at New Lambton South Public School are provided with a high quality
education so that they can learn to the best of their ability and become self-disciplined,
tolerant, enterprising and contributing members of the school and community.
This policy is consistent with legal and departmental requirements and is based on the
principles of procedural fairness and developed within the framework of student welfare.
Our discipline policy identifies core rules, values and practices that support quality
teaching and learning. The policy sets clear limits, recognises and promotes positive
behaviour as well as applying consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Our Welfare Policy defines the rights and responsibilities of students, staff and parents
so that the whole school community is able to co-operate and support the policy
The Student Welfare Policy consists of five components:
1. School rules, DET core rules, school values and the way our school will develop these
among our students.
2. The agreed values of New Lambton South Public School – Respect, Responsibility
and Excellence
3. Strategies and practices to promote positive student behaviour.
4. Strategies and practices to recognise and reinforce student achievement
5. Strategies and practices to manage inappropriate student behaviour.
The Student Welfare Policy is available to all families and students.
School Values are displayed prominently in classrooms and on notice boards.
1. a). The School Rules are defined under our core values of RESPECT,
Every student and staff member constantly addresses these values and teaches rules
and behaviours aligned to these values.
The school values are displayed prominently in each classroom and throughout the
school. Each class teacher defines their rules under the umbrella of the 3 core values
and gives specific rule examples in the context of their classroom, the playground and all
areas of school life.
b). DET Core Rules:
New Lambton South Public School will implement the set of DET Core Rules based on
the nine core values of NSW public schools. These are integrity, excellence, respect,
responsibility, cooperation, participation, care, fairness and democracy. We recognise
the significant influence parents have on their children’s character and behaviour and the
importance of working in partnership with them in supporting the core rules.
Students at New Lambton South Public School will:
Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and
prepared to learn.
Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s
uniform and dress code policy.
Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from
Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following
class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning
Treat one another with dignity and respect.
Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.
Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal
or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.
c). School Values:
New Lambton South Public School embraces the values of the NSW Department of
Education and Training. As a learning community, the values of RESPECT,
RESPONSIBILITY and EXCELLENCE were chosen to underpin everything the
school does.
2. Strategies and Practices to Promote Positive Student Behaviour,
Staff members will ensure that rights and responsibilities are discussed with their classes
at the commencement of the school year, and then from time to time thereafter to ensure
maximum understanding. Each teacher is responsible for their own class discipline plan,
including specific class rules; however it must be aligned with the school policy. The
school, DET core rules and class rules will be displayed in prominent places in the
classroom and around the school.
Rights and Responsibilities:
At New Lambton South Public School each student has the right to:
be a successful learner who is not distracted by others
quality education
be happy and treated with dignity
work in a safe, healthy environment both in and out of the classroom - free from
bullying and intimidation
It is the student's responsibility to:
 be prepared to learn
 be a co-operative class member
 show respect for the school, others and their belongings
 be positive, showing good manners and respect
 behave in a safe manner
 be honest and truthful
 report any unacceptable/unsafe behaviours to a teacher
 learn to resolve conflict peacefully
 face the consequences of his or her action and focus on making things right or
redressing damage
 be honest regarding his or her own behaviour and avoid the following
unsafe/unacceptable activities:
- verbal abuse, ie. being nasty, teasing and using "put downs"
- bullying
- violence ie. fighting, wrestling, tackling, pushing, etc.
- bringing weapons of any kind to school
- throwing objects with intent eg. sticks, stones, sand, etc.
- bringing any illegal substances to school
- riding bikes, skateboards, scooters in the playground
- being in out-of-bounds areas
- running in and around buildings and walkways
- using fixed equipment without teacher supervision
- leaving the class without permission
- illegal use of Internet and email services
At New Lambton South Public School each teacher has the right to:
be treated with respect and dignity
expect quality work and behaviour
be happy and safe at school,
It is the teacher's responsibility to:
maintain a safe, happy environment
establish an effective classroom that is conducive to learning
provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning and
provide differentiation in programs quality teaching to meet student needs
be consistent, caring and well prepared
recognise the rights of individuals and use procedural fairness
model and teach the peaceful resolution of conflict
provide effective assessment for and of learning
communicate appropriately with parents about individual progress and behaviour of
each student
The School Counsellor:
The school counselor is a teacher.
It is the school counsellor's additional responsibility to:
 provide sensitive guidance to students, staff and parents in need of support
 support staff in assessment and design of appropriate programs
 act as a liaison between students, parents and community support groups
At New Lambton South Public School parents/caregivers have the right to:
 expect maximum learning opportunities to be available
 expect a safe learning environment
 enter into partnership with the school to provide quality education and learning
outcomes for students
It is the parents/caregivers responsibility to:
 encourage children to take responsibility for their learning
 encourage children to have a positive attitude appropriate behaviour
 promote respect for the school, staff and fellow students
 promote student responsibility in maintaining a safe school environment
 ensure punctuality and attendance
 notify change in circumstances
3. Strategies and Practices To Recognise and Reinforce Student
We recognise that all students have the right to be respected and trusted as responsible
members of our school community. While students remain responsible and act within the
school, core and class rules, they are able to participate in all manner of activities,
excursions, happenings and any special activities that are planned from time to time.
If the inappropriate behaviour continues, the child may be removed from their class and
sent to a buddy class or to the Stage Assistant Principal. If this occurs, parents will be
informed by a phone call and may be asked to come in for a meeting to discuss their
child’s behaviour.
Class awards to students are given by teachers as recognition for following class and
school rules and values (Respect Responsibility and Excellence)
Class awards are handed out at any time during every week to students.
Records of award recipients are maintained by class teachers.
Students can exchange 5 class awards for a STAGE AWARD
Whenever there is a stage assembly (usually each fortnight for students and teachers),
teachers will hand out Stage Awards to recognise positive behaviour, effort and
Recipients of Stage awards and students who excel are published in Newsflash
When 5 STAGE awards are received a SCHOOL award is organised. School office will
keep a list of these and they will be listed in Newsflash
School awards are presented at the whole school assembly in front of parents, teachers
and all students.
Public Recognition includes name published in Newsflash
Morning Tea with Principal -All students who receive a School Award are invited to
Morning Tea with Principal at the end of the term that they received their award
Each whole school assembly (usually each fortnight) a student is selected by each
teacher to receive a Principal’s award. The names of these students are advertised in
Newsflash and parents are informed and invited to attend the assembly.
Student Leadership:
Class Leadership Responsibilities:
Each class elects students for leadership responsibilities. Leadership development
begins in Kindergarten.
School Leaders:
At the end of year 5 elections are held for the roles of School Captains x2 and Vice
Captains x2 and x4 Student Executive
Sport House Captains (8) and House Vice-captains (8) are also elected from students
in Year 6– these students are responsible in organising school sporting events and in
leading their houses
In year 5 all students are trained in the “007” Leadership program
The 007 program program allows every student in Year 6 the opportunity to be a school
leader, even if they are not holding an elected official position. Each student actively
participates in 2 days of ‘leadership training’ at the end of year 5. And learn the skills
that good leaders possess. Leaders will then forward the skills that they have been
taught to the younger children and ‘teach’ the skills of fair play, sharing, listening and
The philosophy of the 007 program originally came from ideas raised in a boys’
education program. Children who were given more responsibility began to shine socially
as well as academically. The ideas incorporated in the 007 program, see ‘big kids
looking after little kids’. By having organised games in the junior playground, we will see
all students engaged in active play, as well as using and refining their own play skills.
In 2012 the school established a school parliament which meets several times each
term. Parliament is formal and keeps to the same process as our Federal Parliament. All
students Years 3-6 attend parliament and address motions put forward to Ministers
(student representatives) who have discussed their issues prior to parliament with the
teachers in charge of their portfolios. Motions when passed are sent to the Senate
(teachers) for consideration.
4. Strategies and Practices to manage inappropriate student behaviours:
Classroom Management:
Rules: It is vital that the teacher and the class negotiate the class rules at the beginning
of the school year. This is important because each teacher is responsible for his or her
own class discipline. Class discipline must align with the school's Welfare/Discipline
Role Definition: At the beginning of the school year a class meeting occurs where roles
are defined and clarified, with all members of the class having an opportunity for input.
Staff and students roles are clearly defined. These roles are clearly displayed and
referred to when necessary.
Parent Interview/Counsellor Support:
Parents are phoned by teachers, Assistant Principals and Principal to inform at all levels
of behaviour. Class teachers call in the first instance usually, but may refer to Assistant
Principals or Principal. The aim is to ensure parents and staff work together to support
Planning Room:
Planning is a time for students to reflect with a school executive on the behaviours that
have led the student to miss out on play. The “Planning Room” is with the executive on
duty in his/her office and the time is spent in formal and informal reflection on ways to
improve behaviour and developing plans to ensure that improvement. Plans may include
use of goal sheets of other systems to monitor behaviour.
Procedural Fairness:
The principles of procedural fairness are fundamental to the implementation of
procedures. Procedural fairness is generally recognised as having two essential
- the right to be heard, and
- the right of a person to a fair and impartial decision.
Strategies for Classroom Behaviour Management:
There are four levels of behaviour management and disciplinary measures relating to the
Type A: Minor breaches of classroom Type B: Disturbing breaches of
Managed by classroom teacher
Managed by classroom teacher
 disrupt the class or own learning
 damage property of class or other
 unco-operative in class
 verbal "put downs" of students
 breaks or ignores a safety rule
 defiant language or behaviour
 breaks or ignores a class rule
 restitution and/or replacing property
 verbal response
 time out, thinking chair, quiet area
 visual cue
 buddy class to redirect thinking and to
proceed with class work
 redirection of task
 apology to student or teacher
 natural consequence of misdemeanor
 natural consequence of misdemeanor
 writing and learning class rules
 planning room
 plan to remediate behavior
 behavior
Sentral  behavior
database as necessary
 Possible LST referral
Type C: Serious breaches of classroom
Managed by classroom teacher and
referred to executive teachers and
 insolence
 verbal abuse of student
 swearing
 racial intolerance of others
 bullying
 leaving classroom unsupervised
 inappropriate use of Internet or email
 repeated incidences of Type A and/or
 parents contacted by phone or letter
 warning of suspension
 restricted playground area
 buddy class for longer time away from
class and make up for missed class
work in lunch break
 risk of excludion from excursions,
camps, representing the school
 behaviour
 counselling from executive teachers,
principal or school counsellor and
behaviour program planned and
 School LST referral
Type D: Extreme
Referred to principal
repeated breaches of classroom rules
– persistent disobedience
aggression or violence with intent to
actual harm
vandalism of school property
abuse of staff
physical violence
use of weapon
drug use
cyber offences
 parents contacted and meeting with
 behavior
 short term or long term suspension
 excluded from all extra-curricular
excursions, activities and privileges
 counselling for student and parents
with principal and school counsellor
 behaviour management program and
/or Risk Assessment planned and
 Ongoing LST process followed
K-2 children and teachers have worked together to establish a behaviour consequence
process with consequences for breaking classroom rules. Children are explicitly taught
what behaviour is considered acceptable or unacceptable in the classroom and are
made aware of the consequences of breaking these rules.
Minor incidents will be dealt with in the classroom by reminding the child of the rule or
task. If the behaviour persists the child will spend some time thinking about their actions
in a designated space in the room. At this point, the classroom teacher will send a note
home to the child’s parents notifying them of the inappropriate behaviour.
Playground Management:
The teacher on duty handles minor behaviour misdemeanours. This may involve
a discussion, correction of behaviour, mediation between students, walking with a
teacher, or spending thinking time on a “time out” seat. There are four levels of
behaviour management and disciplinary measures relating to the playground.
Teachers have a playground duty bag with behaviour plans and notes on
students at risk.
Type A: Minor breaches of playground
Managed by playground duty teacher
 out of bounds
 interference in other’s games
 temper rising
 jostling
 teasing
 playing with sticks or stones
 walking on gardens
 sit on time out seat for a short period of
 shadow the teacher
 Sentral database as necessary
 apologise to the other person
 negotiate realistic consequences
Type B: Disturbing breaches of
playground rules
Managed by playground duty teacher
 back chatting
 refusing teacher’s directions
 rough play
 throwing objects
 repetition of undesirable behaviour
 bullying
 restitution
 removed from playground
 shadow teacher for longer period
 restricted access to playground by
limiting activity or play area
 negotiate realistic consequences
 Sentral
of Type D: Extreme or dangerous
playground rules warranting parental behaviour
Referred to executive teachers and
 Refer to Principal
principal for planning room intervention
 violence
 insolence
 stealing
 violence – including retaliation
 insolence to teachers or visitors
 abusive language
 persistent disobedience
 damaging school or other people’s  deliberate acts of vandalism/graffiti
 leaving playground unsupervised
 repeated incidences of Type B
 behavior
 short of long suspension
 behavior
Sentral  interview with parent
 school counselor involvement
 Refer to Assistant Principal
 behaviour
 parents contacted by phone or letter
and/or risk assessment
and student details offence
 playground behaviour card for a week
 withdrawal
expulsion policy used at all
performances, sport, representation
and school excursions may result
Refer to school Anti Bullying
 lunch and recess taken at a different
 withdrawal of special privileges may