Minutes of the joint meeting of the International Steering Committee (ISC) and the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS) Thursday, 7 August, 2008, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Present from the ISC V. de Carvalho (Belo Horizonte), C. de Castilho2 (Salvador), R. Diehl (University Park), J.W.M. Frenken1 (Leiden), K. Heinz (Erlangen), K. Mitchell (Vancouver), W. Moritz (Munich), D.J. O'Connor (Newcastle, NSW), G. Thornton, (London), M. Van Hove3 (Hong Kong), P. Varga (Vienna), D.P. Woodruff (Coventry) 1 Chair, 2 Vice-chair, 3 Treasurer Present from the IAC W. Allison (Cambridge), P.L. de Andres (Madrid), L.D. Marks (Evanston), G. Renaud (Grenoble), S.P. Tear (York) Points discussed at the meeting 1. Opening After welcoming the ISC and IAC members, Joost Frenken expresses his gratitude to Caio de Castilho, Vagner de Carvalho and their team of local organizers for a very well-organized ICSOS-9 conference and for their excellent hospitality in Salvador. 2. Committees Joost Frenken briefly shows the composition of the two committees. He reports the sad news that one of the IAC members, Ted Madey (Piscataway) has deceased on 27 July, 2008. The ISC member Qikun Xue (Beijing) was unable to come due to a car accident, as had been reported already during the conference. 3. ICSOS-9 Caio de Castilho briefly reports on the successful organization of ICSOS-9. One point of concern has been the significant difference between the number of people that had initially registered, 155, and the number of actual participants, 115; it is ascribed to the high travel costs to Brazil for most participants from elsewhere. In spite of this large difference, Caio and his team expect to close the conference with a modest financial profit. 4. Young Scientist Prize Caio de Castilho reports that only two candidates have been nominated for the YSP of ICSOS-9, namely Christian Fink (Cambridge) and Joseph Smerdon (Liverpool). Fortunately, both have presented excellent work in well-prepared posters. Also, both have presented excellent talks (in the time slot that had been scheduled originally for the invited talk of Qikun Xue). Before the vote, Wolfgang Moritz proposes that in case of a draw, the prize might be split between the two candidates. Ten of the eleven present ISC members vote (Renee Diehl has been involved in the work of one of the two candidates). The result is a precise split: 5 for Fink and 5 for Smerdon. It is decided to award the prize to both candidates and to split the prize money between them. 5. Finances Michel Van Hove reports that in addition to the income probably generated by ICSOS-9, the amount on the international bank account of ICSOS is approximately $ 40.000, minus the payments for the Surface Structure Prize and the Young Scientist Prize. 6. Scope of ICSOS Joost Frenken invites the committees to discuss possibilities to somewhat rejuvenate the scope of ICSOS. One the one hand, the structure-based core of the meeting is strongly appreciated, while, on the other, the younger generation perceives the current ICSOS topics as increasingly ‘old-fashioned’. Joost Frenken proposes to mix in more, or more explicitly, fashionable elements, such as ‘nano’ and dynamics, in all cases maintaining the emphasis on the role of structure. Klaus Heinz notes that adding the element of dynamics has worked quite well indeed for rejuvenating the European Conference on Surface Crystallography, which has been renamed in 2001 to the European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics. A lively discussion follows about introducing new elements without losing the present, distinguishing character of ICSOS. Mechanisms that may assist the process involve for example importing the younger generation into the ICSOS committee(s), inviting speakers on topics where surface or nano structure is combined with other, more ‘fashionable’ properties, and modifying the conference name. A list of useful suggestions by Laurence Marks is provided separately as Addendum 1 (see below). This discussion is by no means closed. Further suggestions are very welcome. 7. Organization of ICSOS: role of committees Joost Frenken discusses two issues. (i) Merger of ISC and IAC. Although formally the two ICSOS committees, the ISC and the IAC, have different tasks and their combination is meant to strike a balance between continuity (ISC) and flexibility (IAC), in practice the distinction is blurred: both committees discuss all ICSOS matters and many committee members rotate several times between the ISC and the IAC and back. Also, the combined size of the two committees (typically 20+20) is somewhat large with respect to the typical number of ICSOS participants. Joost Frenken proposes to merge the two committees into a single committee of approximately 30 members, each serving three three-year terms. The composition of this committee should reflect the desired combination of continuity and flexibility (e.g. new topics). Since a two-thirds majority of the full ISCmembership is required to introduce such a change, this point will be decided on the basis of a separate ballot by (e)-mail. (ii) Role of chairman and role of local organizer. According to the ‘Governing Rules’ of ICSOS (see Addendum 2), the responsibilities of the chairperson of the ISC cover amongst others “…handling the invitation of speakers and session chairmen and the submission of contributed papers”. Formally, the local chairperson is not involved at all in the scientific program. This may in some cases lead to too much continuity (see point 6: scope of ICSOS). When taken too strictly, these rules also make it difficult for the local organizers to add a local touch to the scientific program. Joost Frenken proposes to always delegate these program tasks to the local organizer. As Michel Van Hove points out, no formal decision is required on this issue, since the ICSOS Governing Rules provide the ISC chairperson with the freedom to “…delegate and reassign tasks among officers as circumstances require”. In short, the proposal is that the ISC suggests themes and invited speakers, based on which the local organizer proposes a scientific program and discusses this with the ISC chairperson. After approval, the local organizer contacts the speakers, session chairpersons, etcetera. 8. Venue ICSOS-10 ICSOS rotates between the Americas, the Far East (including Australia, etc.) and Europe: 1984 – Berkeley (USA); 1987 – Amsterdam (Netherlands); 1990 – Milwaukee (USA); 1993 – Shanghai (P.R. China); 1996 – Aix-en-Provence (France); 1999 – Vancouver (Canada); 2002 – Newcastle (Australia); 2005 – Munich (Germany); 2008 – Salvador (Brazil). According to this scheme, ICSOS-10 should be held in the Far East. Three potential venues are suggested: (i) Singapore; local organizer: Andrew Wee. The proposal is to make ICSOS-10 one of the parallel symposia/conferences at the big ICMAT2011 meeting (~2000 participants), in June 2011. (ii) Beijing; local organizer: Qikun Xue. Unfortunately, Xue’s recent car accident has made it impossible for him to present a formal bid at the ISC meeting. (iii) Hong Kong; local organizer: Michel Van Hove. Michel Van Hove presents a fully documented bid to organize ICSOS-10 in Hong Kong. His PowerPoint presentation is attached as Addendum 3 [note: not attached in this version of the minutes due to size limitations]. The ISC collectively fears that when ICSOS-10 would be one of the parallel symposia/conferences at ICMAT2011, it would to some extent ‘drown’ in the total of ICMAT, which is something that a low-frequency conference as ICSOS can certainly not afford. Therefore the ISC decides to narrow down the choice to Beijing or Hong Kong. Since Qikun Xue has not been able to present a formal bid, the ISC decides to offer him time to submit his bid after recovering from his accident or to delegate this task to one of his coworkers in Beijing. The Beijing bid should be made at the latest by the beginning of November, so that a final decision on the ICSOS-10 venue can be made by the ISC before the end of this year. 9. Closing Joost Frenken thanks all committee members present for their contribution to the discussion and closes the meeting. Action items 1. Scope of ICSOS All committee members are invited to provide further comments and suggestions concerning the discussion on the rejuvenation of the ICSOS scope (see item 6, above). 2. Merger of ISC and IAC An e-mail ballot will be held within the ISC to decide on the proposed merger of the two international ICSOS committees (see item 7i, above). 3. Venue of ICSOS-10 The formal bid from Beijing will be distributed among the ISC members, no later than early November. An e-mail ballot will be held within the ISC to decide on the ICSOS10 venue (see item 8, above). In view of the pending ballots (action points 2 and 3), the ISC members that have been serving their last term will be discharged at a later stage (end of 2008). Joost Frenken Leiden, 18 August, 2008 Addendum 1: suggestions by Laurence Marks From: laurence.marks@gmail.com [mailto:laurence.marks@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Laurence Marks Sent: vrijdag 8 augustus 2008 14:02 To: Frenken, J.W.M. Cc: Keith Mitchell; Michel A. Van Hove Subject: ICSOS Dear Joost, As a follow up to the discussion yesterday, let me suggest three action items: 1) Change the title to "Structure and Properties of Solid Surfaces". By doing this you include physics/chemistry/materials science/bio/kinetics/dynamics etc while still retaining structure as a key component. I suggest a vote by the steering committee. 2) The committee needs to have at least 20% female participation. My opinion is that you have to request that people resign before they would normally rotate off, I do not believe that there is an alternative. 3) The committee needs to have at least 10% (20% ?) of younger scientists, i.e. people within 5-10 years of their PhD. Similar to 2), a large change in the membership needs to be achieved. I do not have an email list of the committee, otherwise I would send this directly. -Laurence Marks Department of Materials Science and Engineering MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall 2220 N Campus Drive Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208, USA Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820 email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu Web: www.numis.northwestern.edu Commission on Electron Diffraction of IUCR www.numis.northwestern.edu/IUCR_CED Addendum 2: ICSOS Governing Rules [ICSGVRUL.DOC 7/26/96] ICSOS GOVERNING RULES Approved July 1996 1. Name of Organization. International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS). 2. Governing Body. The governing body of ICSOS shall be the International Steering Committee (ISC). The ISC shall consist of approximately 20 elected Members, including three Executive Officers: a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Treasurer. 3. Advisory Body. The ISC shall be advised by the International Advisory Committee (IAC). The IAC shall consist of approximately 20 appointed Members. 4. Terms of Office. The normal term of office of any ISC Member shall consist of three consecutive periods. The normal term of office of any IAC Member shall consist of one period. A period shall cover one ICSOS meeting; it shall start on the first day following one ICSOS meeting and terminate on the last day of the next ICSOS meeting. 5. Voting, Election and Appointment Procedures. 5.1 Quorum. In mail ballots, the quorum shall be defined as the full ISC Membership. In voice ballots during properly announced ISC meetings, the quorum shall be defined as the number of ISC Members present, except that no quorum will exist if fewer than 40% of the full Membership is present. The use of written proxies in voice ballots shall be allowed. 5.2 Majority Required to Pass a Motion. In elections and voting by the ISC, a majority of at least 51% of the quorum shall be required to pass any motion. 5.3 Changes of the Governing Rules. The Governing Rules may be changed by at least a twothirds majority vote of the full ISC Membership. 5.4 Election of ISC Members. All new ISC Members shall be elected by the existing ISC Membership upon nomination by the Nominating Committee and/or other ISC Members. The aim is to replace one-third of the ISC Membership after each period. Members may, however, be reelected for one period at a time if geographical and topical representation require it. ISC Members are expected to make efforts to attend the ICSOS meetings as well as the ISC meetings held during the ICSOS meetings. 5.5 Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be elected by the ISC by at least a two-thirds majority of the quorum and shall normally hold office as a Chairperson for one period. The Chairperson shall endeavor to make all important decisions through ISC voting. However, in the interest of timeliness, the Chairperson may take any action without ISC voting, if circumstances necessitate it. The Chairperson may be overridden by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the quorum. The Chairperson may be dismissed by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the full Membership. 5.6 Time of Election. Election of the new Chairperson is to take place at an ISC meeting scheduled during each ICSOS meeting. 5.7 Appointments. The newly elected Chairperson shall appoint for one period the ViceChairperson, the Treasurer and the Member(s) of the Nominating Committee from the ISC Membership, as well as the Local Chairperson and Editor(s), who are not required to be ISC or IAC Members. The Chairperson shall also appoint for one period the IAC Members, based upon the recommendations of the Nominating Committee and/or other ISC Members. These appointments should occur as soon as possible after each ICSOS meeting. 5.8 Local Chairperson. The Local Chairperson shall have the same voting rights as any ISC Member for the one period of appointment. The Local Chairperson may be an ISC Member and may cumulate the position of Vice-Chairperson or Treasurer in the same period. 5.9 Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of ISC Members, including one Coordinator. Its task is to nominate candidates for the Membership of the ISC and IAC. 6. Duties of ISC Officers. 6.1 Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be responsible for: ensuring proper geographical and topical representation in the ISC and IAC Membership; appointing officers as detailed under 5.7 and for temporary services, including Proceedings Editor(s), but excluding Local Committee Members; obtaining funding, but excluding local funding arranged by the Local Chairperson; convening the ISC at least once each period, during the ICSOS meeting; coordinating all ICSOS business; keeping the ICSOS records; announcing ISC meetings; keeping the minutes of ISC meetings; conducting and recording elections and votes; keeping mailing lists of ISC and IAC Members, and of past and prospective conference attendees; conducting any negotiations with the Proceedings publishers; announcing upcoming ICSOS meetings in professional journals and other suitable media; handling the invitation of speakers and session chairmen and the submission of contributed papers. The Chairperson shall carry final responsibility in all actions and decisions. The Chairperson may delegate and reassign tasks among officers as circumstances require. 6.2 Vice-Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall execute tasks assigned by the Chairperson. 6.3 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: hold and manage the non-local ICSOS funds in generally recognized accounts; obtain tax-exempt status and place all funds in interest-bearing accounts whenever possible; report the ICSOS financial status at ISC meetings and at any other time requested by the Chairperson or the ISC; coordinate financial affairs with the Local Chairperson; collect local funds remaining after each ICSOS meeting. 6.4 Local Chairperson. The Local Chairperson shall make all local arrangements, including: the appointment of an Organizing Committee; the securing of local funding; the managing of local funds, such that the overall ICSOS funds remain sufficient to provide seed money for the following ICSOS meeting and for organizational activities; the supply of accommodation for ICSOS meeting attendees; the keeping of local records (registration, etc.); the printing of announcements, the program book, the list of attendees, etc. The Local Chairperson shall ensure transfer of all necessary documents, materials and knowledge to the next Chairperson and Local Chairperson. 7. "ICSOS Young Scientist Prize". 7.1 Description. The ICSOS Young Scientist Prize, worth US$1000, will be awarded to a current or recent PhD student (or equivalent) in the field of surface and interface structure. The work is to be presented at ICSOS and must be accompanied by a contributed paper submitted to the Proceedings. The application should include a signed statement by the student's supervisor, certifying that the submitted work is or was part of the PhD project, describing the student's level and quality of contributions, and giving the (past or expected) PhD award date. The application should also propose a citation. 7.2 Selection Process. Using the submitted applications and papers, the ISC shall preselect a small group of candidates before the ICSOS meeting. Based on personal discussions with the candidates and poster viewing during the ICSOS meeting, the ISC (or a subcommittee thereof) shall make the final selection. The award is to be announced and the prize given during the ICSOS meeting. The prize includes a certificate. 8. "Surface Structure Prize" 8.1 Description. The Surface Structure Prize, worth US$1500, will be awarded to one scientist, or jointly to two or three scientists, for an outstanding body of work in the field of surface and interface structure. For joint awards, which will be split equally, the bodies of work must be closely related, such as in close collaborations or competing developments. The selected work will be presented by the awardee(s) as one invited lecture at the next ICSOS meeting. Nominations with supporting documentation are invited from surface scientists. 8.2 Selection Process. The ISC, IAC and members of the surface science community shall nominate candidates or groups of up to three candidates about one year before the next ICSOS meeting. Nominations should include sufficient justification for evaluation and selection by the ISC or a subcommittee thereof. The awardee(s) is (are) to be invited to present an invited lecture at the ICSOS meeting. The prize includes a certificate for each awardee. END OF GOVERNING RULES OF ICSOS