BORDEN PARISH COUNCIL Meeting held Thursday 7th October 2010 in Borden Village Hall at 7.00pm MINUTES Present: Cllr Bolas (Chair) and Cllrs Baldock, Cole, Harrison, Hepburn, Lainton, Masters, Millican, Paige and Roberts. Clerk: Mrs Claire Fahy There were two members of the public. 1. CHAIRMANS OPENING REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed all those present. APOLOGIES were given by Cllrs Downes and Evans. SBC Cllr Nicholas Hampshire has given his apologies. 2. PUBLIC TIME: Nature reserve – Mr Erhlich attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council that KCC are due to start the two part ecological survey. The first survey is conducted during autumn/winter and should be completed by Christmas. The second will be conducted in spring/summer. Once these are completed it will enable them to start drawing up plans. Mr Ehrlich also asked if the Parish Council could look at topping the trees that edge the woodland area with the farmer’s field before they look too messy. Tractors – The Parish Council was notified that a local tractor driver was to attend the meeting to discuss the recent access problems along The Street. However no one attended the meeting. 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: A copy of the minutes had been circulated with the agenda to each of the Councillors. The minutes of the September meeting were signed by the Chair. 4. TO DEAL WITH BUSINESS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED BY STATUTE TO BE DONE: Declarations – Cllr Masters declared an interest in the Playstool repairs and toilet. 5. MATTERS ARISING: Borden in Bloom – the winners have not yet been notified but they have been listed in the minutes. Clerk to notify the winners immediately. The cups/trophies will be rewarded out on 20th November at the Open day. Oad Street traffic – The PCSO was notified of the main offender and is in the process of investigating. She has also passed the details on to PC Nikki Hunt. Noticeboard claim – The police at Maidstone will not disclose whether the offender was identified and therefore it was not advisable to process the claim through the Insurance company with a risk of losing the no claims bonus but also having to pay £250 excess and facing an increase in premium next year. PC Hunt has suggested writing to the Police Freedom of Information team to obtain details in order to process the claim directly. Clerk to write to FIA team. Playstool trees – The trees have grown significantly which has meant KCC Landscape Services are not cutting the whole area because they cannot run their tractor through. Cllr Masters suggested that the trees need to be cut back to enable the tractors to get round. Clerk and Cllr Masters to have a site meeting with KCC in November to discuss problem areas. KALC sub-committee – Cllr Paige attended the KALC meeting in October and raised a question on the status of the formation of the subcommittee. The first meeting has now been arranged for Monday 18 th October at 7.30 at the Guildhall in Faversham. BT Phonebox – The phonebox by Mountview still remains unrepaired. The Clerk has contacted the MP but has not heard back from him. Clerk to chase. Overgrown Hedge – the hedge along Mountview still remains uncut. The PCSO is unable to talk to the resident. Clerk to inform KCC Highways. Hedge cutting – KCC are able to provide a licence but have said it is very complicated. They have said that some contractors have a licence and it would be possible to ask them to carry out the work. Clerk to put resume of what the PC are wanting to do and what has been said by KCC so Cllr Baldock can take the information to the KALC subcommittee meeting. Clerk also to notify KCC of the overgrown vegetation along Maidstone Road and to ask if they have a schedule. 236 Pond Farm sign – There has not yet been any further response. Clerk to chase Yellow lines Munsgore – Cllr Baldock attended the Joint Transport Board meeting. There are two lists of authorised items one for what is to be done and the other is what to do next year. The Munsgore lines are on both lists. Borden Lane traffic calming and yellow lines in the bay by the petrol station are both agreed but awaiting funding. Overgrowth railings- The work has not yet been carried out. Clerk to contact Fryer Group. Open day – The open day has been arranged for the morning of 20 th November 10am-12. Clerk to try to get as many representatives from village groups to attend including the PCSO and local police. Copies of the Parish Plan should be available and the Heritage Group will be there with a display. Copy of poster to Cllr Millican. Free Trees – The proposed location of the trees needed to be decided before knowing what trees to order. It was proposed to plant the trees in the missing hedgerow along Munsgore Lane with Blackthorns and Hawthorns. There are also 2,000 crocuses to be planted. It was agreed to plant them at the Millennium Gardens in Danaway, the bus shelter at Chestnut Street and along the bank at the Playstool facing the road. Cllr Bolas to let Rotary Group know and to arrange planting. RoSPA- Cllr Masters was on site for a while checking through everything that was listed on the report. Something has hit the bench again but the seat needs to be removed and re-welded on. He suggested that the goal post is moved to another area to allow the ground to recover and an area near the boundary needs cutting back. Cllr Baldock proposed to accept B&K Masters quote. This was seconded by Cllr Lainton with all in favour. Hooks Hole – no further update has been received. Clerk to contact Cllr Hampshire to express concern of lack of response. Lighting- Two quotes have been obtained to bring up-to-date four lamps in order for KCC to adopt them. Cllr Masters proposed to accept the quote from KCC. This was seconded by Cllr Cole with 8 in favour and 1 abstention. Clerk also to get letter of confirmation from KCC that they will adopt the lamps if these works are done. Council tax proposal – Cllr Baldock informed the Parish Council that this proposal would mean Parish Councils would have to have a referendum in the village to get a tax increase if the increase is more than 4/5% to show public support. This itself would probably cost more than the increase in the first place. Other Parish Councils are also concerned about the proposal. The Parish Council will get informed of any future developments. PACT – there are no PACT meetings being planned due to the current cuts and uncertainty. 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7. TO RECEIVE SUCH COMMUNICATIONS AS THE PERSON PRESIDING MAY WISH TO LAY BEFORE THE COUNCIL: KCC Local transparency/budget cuts KCC Speed limit review Request for mirror on corner of School Lane. This was not something the Parish Council had authority to deal with. Clerk to ask School if this issue is a major concern before approaching Highways for assistance. SBC Census 2011 Concern over the flooding of the hall car park Cllr Hepburn informed the Parish Council that there had not been any problems before apart from pooling. The car park has been designed so that the rain water runs off it away from any properties. Cllr Hepburn to write to resident to alleviate his concerns. KCC Second Kent Rail Summit 21st October Clerk to respond commenting that they do wish to see any more reductions in services from the smaller stations as it is increasing traffic on the roads. It is also getting increasingly difficult to get to Canon Street which now requires several changes. KALC newsletter Borden School newsletter. Copy to Cllr Evans SMP Playgrounds satisfaction survey. Cllr Masters to complete TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS: Planning concerns – Cllr Cole is concerned that a property that was recently refused planning permission for change of use on their land has now got a 6ft fence and there is machinery on the land. It was agreed to keep an eye on it. Wrens road markings – KCC Highways are claiming not to have received the original application that would have been sent to them by Bill Ronan. The application now has to go through again. Newsletter – Cllr Millican asked the church whether they could print the Parish Councils newsletter but unfortunately they are not able to. It was suggested to ask the School for their assistance. Clerk to contact the School. 8. 237 TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER REPORTS AND MINUTES OF COMMITTEES, SUB COMMITTEES AND PORTFOLIO HOLDERS: Finance – No further report Borden Nature Reserve- no further update Sports Association – no further report School – Report circulated KALC – Report circulated Local Engagement Forum – next meeting 26th October. Report circulated Community Engagement Forum – no further update Swale Rural Forum – A meeting is arranged soon. Hall – A temporary car park has been secured on the site where the old parish hall stood. The tree in the driveway has been looked at by a tree surgeon who has recommended its removal because it is too large to control and there is a concern on what damage the roots may cause. He is due to provide a quote and new more suitable tree will be planted. 8.2 PORTFOLIOS Highways – covered earlier Amenities – no report Heritage – A report has been circulated. Cllr Lainton attended a meeting this morning on behalf of Borden Heritage Group with the Barrow Trust and made a presentation with Cllr Hepburn. The Barrow Trust are still exploring the potential uses of the Forge. Parish Plan – Cllr Paige had obtained quotes from three printers. Cllr Masters proposed to print 1300 copies at a cost of £1459 with Colour Factory. This was seconded by Cllr Lainton with 7 in favour and 1 abstention. An application has been made to ACRK for assistance with funding for the printing but a response has not been received yet. Cllr Paige has some volunteers who are willing to deliver some of the copies of the Parish Plan to areas missed by Councillors. Cllr Cole will write up a separate letter to accompany the plan. A live version of the plan will eventually be put onto the website. Funding/grants – Cllr Paige will continue to keep an eye out for any funding opportunities that may benefit the Parish Council. Lighting – Discussed earlier Borden in Bloom – Cllr Baldock will obtain the cups for the open day. It was suggested that terms of reference need to be drawn up for next year and look at approaching local companies such as Homebase for prizes. Other – Adult fitness equipment – Cllr Paige has arranged a meeting with Caloo on 21st October followed by a discussion on prices. 9. TO RECIEVE AND CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED. 9.1 Planning Applications: SW/10/TEMP/0026 Borden Primary School. Retention of a mobile classroom unit. Cllr Baldock proposed to support the School. This was seconded by Cllr Lainton with all in favour. SW/10/1182 64 Brier Road. Single storey side rear extension. No comment SW/10/1242 68 Maylam Gardens. Two storey side extension No Comment APPEAL – Woodgate Oasts – conversion of redundant farm building into a dwelling Clerk to write to support SBC decision. This was proposed by Cllr Baldock and seconded by Cllr Roberts with 6 in favour and 3 abstentions. SW/10/1177 Lenwood, Hearts Delight. Erection of a wood framed triple garage to replace existing garage and log store. 9.2 Planning advice SW/10/1024 Capel, Munsgore. Roof extension to provide rooms in roof space plus alterations to ground floor. This has been granted permission. 9.3 PC World Laptop warranty – it was agreed not to extend the warrantly. 9.4 KCC Consultation future of older people’s provision in Kent – It was commented that there seems to be different standards between private and public care. There are many horror stories in circulation regarding private care homes where they are 238 treated as units rather than people. KCC want to put many of their homes into the private sector. Cllr Paige had declared an interest and informed the Parish Council that he will be responding to the consultation as a resident. It was proposed Cllr Baldock responded to the consultation on behalf of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Cllr Hepburn with 1 abstention , 1 declaration of interest and all others in favour. 9.5 KCC consultation Minerals and waste Regulation 25 ‘issues’ – Cllr Paige had seen South East Development Agencies response to the consultation in which they said they had no comment. Cllr Baldock proposed that Cllr Bolas to write a letter. 9.6 Victim support – grant request – Cllr Baldock proposed to potentially donate £250 once they have completed one of our grant application forms. This was agreed by all. 9.7 Toilet on Playstool – The toilet was agreed to be trialled for 6 months. This trail has cost the Parish Council £2250. The PCSO had provided a report on the toilet following her discussions with the members of public. It was identified that the public were not aware that the toilet was installed for their use. Cllr Masters had also investigated the usage of the toilet. He had spoken to some youths who regularly use the toilet and were keen to see it stay. The hire company reviewed the level of capacity to find out if the toilet is well used and the figures suggest it is particularly during the sunny periods. They are willing to sell the existing toilet for £900 or the Parish Council can by a new one for £1200 and then they would only charge £18 per week to clean and empty it instead of the £50 per week currently paid. Cllr Masters proposed to keep the toilet on site 24/7 for those using the Playstool and to purchase the existing toilet for £900 and pay a weekly fee of £18 for it to be cleaned. This was seconded by Cllr Baldock with 8 in favour and 1 abstention. A notice needs to be put on the toilet to advise members of public that it is for their use and the toilet needs to go onto the insurance policy. 9.8 KPA police reform consultation survey – Cllr Bolas was nominated to go through the consultation and make comments. 10. TO AUTHORISE THE SEALING OF DOCUMENTS 11. TO AUTHORISE THE SIGNING OF ORDERS FOR PAYMENTS: Fryer Group – £343.30 EDF Energy – supply £302.74 Mrs C Fahy – wages £ 333.08 Mrs C Fahy – Expenses £ 31.83 HM Revenue and Customs (PAYE) £ 14.40 PFL Electrical Ltd (August) £ 231.71 PFL Electrical Ltd (September) £231.71 Four Jays Group (toilet) £ 246.75 B & K Masters & Son (picnic benches) £5287.50 Betterlife Healthcare £ 232.66 Borden Parish Hall £ 106.40 101860 D/D 101867 101869 101868 101861 101863 101862 101864 101865 101866 Cllr Bolas asked for approval of the above mentioned cheques. 7 Councillors were in favour with 1 abstention. 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The date for the next Parish Council meeting is Thursday 4th November 2010 at 7pm in the Barrow Room. Meeting Closed 10pm These minutes are certified to be true and just record. Signed: 239 Dated