Setup a connection to Statistics Denmark

Log on to the CSSR server
To log on to the CSSR server you need to use internet explorer. If you a running a 64 bit version of windows,
please use the 32 bit version of internet explorer
Before you log on the first time you need to install an ActiveX component on your computer. In internet
explorer go to the address
 Click on Firepass Activex
 Click run (Kør)
 Click run (Kør)
 Click Install
 Click Finish
Connect to the CSSR server
Open internet explorer and go to the adresse ””. Enter your username (three
characters) and your 4 digit password. The username is the 3 first letters in your Ident (cf. the personal
logon information you received by mail from statistics Denmark). The password is your Pinkode (cf. the
personal logon information you received by mail from statistics Denmark)
 Click logon
Now you need to use your token. Press the green button on the white Entrost token and enter the number
shown on the display
 Click Logon
Please wait a few seconds.
If a yellow bar pops up telling you that a page was blocked, please click on the bar and select [Allways allow
popup windows from this website]
After that this window pops up
If it doesn’t please click on [CSSR VPN] and wait a few seconds
 Now Click srvfsecssr1
Write your 7 character username (the Ident from the personal logon information you received by mail from
statistics Denmark) and your password. Your first password is: Nyt1ord. Click on the arrow button to log on
Now you need to change your password
On the CSSR server you can find your data in the folder d:\data\rawdata\703658
In this folder you only have read access.
Your work-area is the folder d:\data\workdata\703658\. Here you have both read and write access, so this
is where you save your syntax files and the datasets you make
You can open a SAS-dataset simply by double clicking on it.
Otherwise you can open SAS by clicking on the windows start button in the lower left corner and find sas in
the popup menu. Here you can also find StataMP and R. StataMP if a fast multiprocessor version of stata.
Later SPSS and gauss will also be available. At the moment we have a license for 5 simultaneous stata users
and an unlimited number of SAS users. So please close down stata when you don’t use it
It is possible to send output files to your mail. To do this you first have to specify your mail address.
Open the folder D:\data\mail\username and open the file “udbakkemodtager”. Write your email as shown
below and save the file.
Now to send output to your Email, simple copy the output files to the folder D:\data\mail\username\Filer\.
Every 10 minute the files in the folder is send by email and then the files are deleted. The maximum size of
the output files are 2 MB. If the files are bigger they are not sent. Please be very careful not to send output
files with records of individuals. Only send tables and statistics. All files sent by mail are logged