Provost Council Meeting August 27, 2015 Martin 128 Minutes The following were present: Deborah Curtis, Kim Andrews, Shari Bax, Mike Godard, Jim Graham, Gersham Nelson, Roger Best, Mike Wright, Lynn Alkire for Alice Greife, Tina Church, Gail Staines, Traci Butler for Joseph Lewandowski, Katie Jacobs, and Debbie Combs. Information Items Dr. Andrews announced the Center for Teaching and Learning has moved to JCKL 3005. Melissa Wilson moved earlier in the week. Dr. Curtis said she will be more visible there and can interact with the services provided by the library. Minutes No minutes were submitted from the last Provost Council meeting. Report Items Strategic Leadership Team: Dr. Curtis reported on the August 10th SLT meeting. They discussed SLT operations and the health insurance process with BCBS. Health insurance is the largest cost to the university so they are considering innovations in the health insurance field. A fee increase for transcripts was also discussed. The current fee of $5.00 has been in place since 2003. UCM doesn’t use a third party vendor for our transcripts. Terri Bowman is working with Parchment to start providing the transcript service. They will charge $2.50 transaction fee per transcript. The proposed fee increase if $10.00 and will go to the Board for approval at the September meeting. This cost will be for either paper or electronic transcripts. Students will be able to go online to see where their transcript request is in the process. UCM is a member of Missouri Campus Compact so our price for this service is reduced. Dr. Andrews brought up the issue of International faculty credentials and questioned how we know their degree is equivalent to a US degree. There is an organization called NACES, National Associate of Credential Evaluation Services. They have a membership list of reputable organizations that evaluates transcripts for this purpose. Faculty candidates would be responsible for having their transcript evaluated at their own expense. Drs. Andrews and Greife are working on a policy for this. Graduate students are required to pay for their validation and faculty candidates should have to do the same. There have been issues with official transcripts lately. Dr. Curtis stated we are sticking with the policy that they must be official. HLC requests that we have a defined process in place for addressing these issues. Dr. Curtis said once the policy that is being created is a little more refined it will be put before the deans for review. This evaluation is a lifetime service for the faculty. Faculty Senate Update: Dr. Curtis welcomed Katie Jacobs as the Faculty Senate Vice President. Dr. Jacobs reported three motions were approved at the first Senate meeting. All three motions pertained to Academic Enrichment and their move to the College of Education. The number of faculty representatives changed for COE and the library. The senate also discussed trigger warnings if faculty’s course material offends students. A reporter from the Kansas City Star recently contacted the Provost to see if UCM will develop a policy for trigger 1 warnings. Dr. Curtis doesn’t feel we need a policy and the Senate agreed with her. It’s a professional decision for faculty and if it becomes an issue, this item will be revisited. Graduate Council Update: Ms. Church reported their first meeting will be later today (August 27). The first graduate coordinators’ meeting has been held. Two more are scheduled. The Graduate School is in the process of finishing up final clearance for summer graduates. There was an issue of some grad assistants starting to work without completing their I-9 paperwork. A Graduate Faculty Assembly has been scheduled for September 15 at 3:30 pm in Wood 100. Discussion Items GEA-MDHE Performance Measures: Dr. Andrews stated as an institution we have to determine the pass fail rate for the GEA. If students don’t pass, they are required to retake the assessment. MDHE has a different requirement for us to meet to receive state funding. It is 50% and must increase each year until you reach 60%. Institutional Research has been using the MDHE criteria for reporting purposes and we have been meeting the criteria. Students have been receiving the message that you only need to pass. Dr. Andrews will discuss this with Academic Council and advisors to let them know the message sent to students needs to change. Students need to understand the importance of general education skills. UCM receives $600,000 from MDHE if we meet the state requirement. Dr. Curtis said maybe there needs to be a General Education Council on campus to help students understand the purpose and value of gen ed. GEA-Holds: Dr. Andrews stated when this policy was first implemented students took the hold seriously. Now they know it has a Velcro concept. The holds are removed so students may enroll and then they are put back on. Dr. Andrews and Dr. Kathy Leicht will be attending an all advisors meeting soon to let them know the holds will be enforced. Dr. Curtis said University Relations may need to help market the importance of this assessment. A suggestion was made to provide an incentive for students to do well on the assessment. The threshold for taking the assessment is set by UCM so it can be at 45 hours or 60 hours. Dr. Andrews would like to start making this assessment more of a useful tool and get the message to students on its importance. Retention and Yield Initiatives: Dr. Godard stated he is working on retention and one area of focus is on D-F-Ws. He has separated the D-F-W list out by departments and will be sending it out to chairs soon. Chris Stockdale is reviewing the list to see if there is enough supplemental instruction for the courses that need it. Students have a financial stake in this with the contract for completion. We have a moral obligation to help students be successful. Dr. Godard reported they are working with the foundation area for retention based scholarships. Office of Technology Items: Faculty Computer Upgrades: Dr. Graham reminded members that a decision was made a year ago to make a change this year for the upgrades. He sent something to the deans and he needs to know what the next step is. Technology in the Classroom (Main Campus, CSC, MIC): Dr. Graham stated the history of this program was designed to deploy and outfit classrooms and that has been done. He asked for guidance and direction on how to move forward. The current standards are not necessarily what are needed. Dr. Graham asked the deans for guidance. Software Renewals: Dr. Graham reported a process has been put in place. They are working with procurement to create a document for budget managers and department chairs. This includes purchases as well as renewals. Windows 10: Dr. Graham said it is out and available. His department has the university’s copy and have started evaluating and testing it. They are looking for early 2 adopters to test it. He added that 70% of the systems on campus will not run it. Dr. Graham told members if they have specific needs for the new system to let him know. Student Printing: Dr. Graham reported this is becoming an issue which has been talked about for some time. He would like to move forward with printing across campus for students. He asked members to let him know of staff or faculty from their areas that would like to engage in these discussions. Dr. Curtis also wants this group to address if students would be allowed only a certain number of prints per semester. She would like to have a reasonable sense on what the baseline should be. Dr. Staines stated they have been doing research on printing for Harmon Computing Commons. She has found two products that do not require a student to download a print driver. Both companies take care of maintenance and supplies. With Go Print the library and OT staff manages it and buy the paper, toner, etc. Dr. Graham said requirements need to be defined first and then work with procurement. He asked members to let him know of any special printing requests so his team can move forward. Dr. Curtis asked Dr. Jacobs about surveying faculty to try to determine what is needed. Dr. Jacobs will discuss it at the next Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting. Dr. Wright suggested more training for faculty to go paperless. Dr. Wright suggested that Dr. Graham attend an upcoming Council of Deans meeting to discuss faculty computer upgrades and technology in the classroom. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Combs, Recording Secretary 3