Abe Lincoln Fiction Story - Mr. Reincke`s Classroom Blog


Abe Lincoln and the Great Conspiracy

The silver Mercedes Benz C300 darted through the streets of

Washington, D.C., glistening under the street lights. It weaved in and out of traffic pulling further and further away from the flashing lights and police sirens that were following it. The Benz whipped around the corner of Pennsylvania and Constitution Ave. nearly side-swiping parked cars on its left. The driver shoved the pedal to the floor causing the car to lurch forward and accelerate off into the distance, leaving Washington, D.C in the rearview mirror. The person at the wheel had no idea how he had ended up there or where he was going. The driver, Abraham Lincoln, the 16 th

President of the United States, continued driving with the pedal to the floor, thoughts racing through his mind. The Benz screeched around people leisurely driving their vehicles, nearly causing a massive pileup. Lincoln’s life had been thrown into an immense turmoil and he had to figure out what was going on swiftly or

Lincoln feared his life was in grave danger.

It was the fifteenth of April, 1865. The streets outside of

Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. were teeming with people waiting with tremendous anticipation for the performance of Our

American Cousin. Over the noise of the crowd, people could be heard discussing the possibility of an appearance by President

Lincoln. Soon after people were seated, the president and his wife,

Mary Todd Lincoln, were seated in the presidential booth, high up, to the right of the stage. During an intermission, John Wilkes

Booth, an actor and alleged Confederate sympathizer, barged

through the door behind Lincoln and shot President Lincoln.

Lincoln’s eyelids shut and he was gone…or so everyone thought.

Lincoln sat up with a jolt. He was sweating profusely and his head ached with an immense pain. What has happened? The last thing Abe could remember was sitting in the booth at Ford’s

Theatre with his wife. He looked around gingerly, still feeling stiff and disoriented. Right away, Lincoln knew he wasn’t sitting in a theater anymore. Everything was dark, but he could see the shadows of large containers and bags on the ground. Abe stood up and turned around. He saw a strange light coming from the end of a long alley with brick buildings on each side. There were loud rumbling noises and strange things flying by the opening of the alley. Abe walked cautiously down the alleyway, unsure of what to do next.

As Lincoln walked gingerly out into the open, he was nearly run over by a woman emphatically talking on a strange device she was holding to her right ear. She gave him an irritated glare and kept walking. These people are dressed extremely peculiar, Lincoln thought to himself.

Lincoln glanced to his right and there sat one of the immense metal structures that were going up and down the street. For some odd reason, Lincoln believed that this could be of use to him.

He walked over to the driver’s side door and saw a handle he pulled on it and the door opened. Lincoln plopped down and closed the door behind him. Lincoln had no clue what to do next.

He played with the knobs and buttons in the strange vehicle, but

nothing seemed to happen. There was a mat on the floor, which

Lincoln lifted up. Under the mat, there was a bizarre looking key.

Lincoln picked it up and glanced over it.

Instinct took over from there. Lincoln found the key hole and put it in. When he turned the key to the right, the object roared to life. Lincoln felt a rush of power in his hands. It was a power like nothing he’d ever felt before. For some reason, driving came naturally to Lincoln. The gear shifted into drive and Lincoln hit the gas pedal. A man came screaming out the door, “HEY! COME BACK

WITH MY CAR!!!” So that’s what this thing is! Lincoln realized.

Lincoln didn’t seem to care that he was stealing this “car.” Abe loved the power he felt behind the wheel and drove off down the street.

It didn’t take long before cars came at Lincoln from almost every direction with bright lights swirling on top and loud noises screaming through the chilly, night air. One car nearly swiped

Lincoln’s car on the passenger’s side. The chase was on. Lincoln drove wildly through the streets of Washington, D.C. The cops, driving with much more caution, stood little chance of catching the

Benz whose recklessness caused other cars to go flying off the streets onto the sidewalks, into store windows, and piling into parked cars along the street. The police watched as the car flew off in the distance, frustrated that the thief had gotten away.

Lincoln continued driving, getting further and further away from the city. When he was far outside the city, Abe pulled off to the side of the road and turned the key to the left, shutting off the

engine. The door opened and Lincoln stepped out into the frigid air, his breath visible in the night. Pondering to himself, Lincoln tried to piece together what was happening. Clearly, he wasn’t in

1865. Was he even on Earth? As he was driving, he had seen some familiar looking buildings. Was that really Washington, D.C.?

Suddenly, there was a bright burst of light in the middle of the country road. The light dimmed and a man was standing there.

He wore a long, dark coat and had piercing black eyes. His grayish, brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Lincoln gasped and backed up against the car.

“President Lincoln, it’s an honor to meet you,” the man said in a solemn tone. “My name is Rufus and we brought you here to help us.”

“Where is here?” Lincoln asked. “I was shot. How am I still alive?”

“You have been brought to Washington, D.C. in the year

2015.” Rufus replied. “And you weren’t shot with a real bullet.

That was our operative Theodore Logan. What you were shot with was a space-time dart. It was set to bring you to 2015.

Unfortunately, we don’t have much time. We must go to our headquarters. It’s only a few miles from here.

Lincoln confused and exhausted, decided that to gain the answers to all his questions, he would have to go with Rufus.

Lincoln followed the directions given by Rufus to the

headquarters. Lincoln wanted to ask whose headquarters they were going to, but figured he would find out soon enough.

The car pulled up to a completely dark farm house. “Not much of a headquarters,” Lincoln said cautiously.

“Drive up to the barn in back,” Rufus said, ignoring the question.

Lincoln followed his direction and went on a path leading up to the old, broken-down barn. Lincoln slowed the car to a stop.

Before he could ask what to do next, the doors slid open slowly and light shot out of the opening. Lincoln looked at Rufus, who nodded to go forward. After Lincoln pulled in, the doors closed behind them.

“Stop the car here,” Rufus said sternly. Lincoln pulled the car to a stop and shifted into park. There was a loud bang and the car jolted. Lincoln was startled for a second, but quickly realized the car was being lowered down below the floor to a secret basement.

The car must have been lowered 25-30 feet before stopping at the basement floor.

The two got out of the car. Finally, rummaging up the courage, Lincoln asked Rufus, “Where are we? What is this headquarters of?”

Rufus paused before responding, “All your questions will be answered shortly. Follow me; we have a lot of people that want to meet you.”

Lincoln followed Rufus down a long corridor. At the end of the corridor was a set of enormous wooden doors. Carved in the doors was a familiar sight for Lincoln. It was an unfinished pyramid, but at the top was an eye. It was the Eye of Providence.

Combined with the unfinished pyramid, it was known to symbolize the freemasons, a group famous for its secrecy and speculated to have wide-ranging power. People had grown weary of the group and conspiracy theorists had come up with some pretty outlandish stories depicting the freemasons as power-hungry people, looking to take over the free world. Were the freemasons still around 150

years later? What do they want with me? Soon enough, Lincoln would have his answers.

Rufus swung open the doors and the two men stepped into a dimly lit room. In the middle, was a long, thick wooden table with papers strewn all over it. Around the table, sat a dozen chairs where men and women sat, staring at Lincoln with sterns looks on their faces. There were two empty chairs at the head of the table, where Lincoln and Rufus sat.

“I’m sure you’re wondering what is going on,” Rufus said.

“We are here to give you answers and seek your help. Our world is in grave danger and I’m afraid our only hope is you. We are the

Freemasons of the Illumination. We have brought you back to save the world from the greatest villain this world has ever seen. Will you help us?”

“I guess so…but only if you allow me to return to my time when I’m finished,” Lincoln replied.

“We are facing a villain unlike anything we’ve ever seen named Lord Dunn,” Rufus explained. “She has built a magical wall around the city of Austin. Our military has been unable to penetrate the wall with our weapons. She is searching for your original speech that you gave at Gettysburg. A document you know is really a secret code that if in the wrong hands, could be the end of life as we know it. We need you to stop her before it’s too late. As of know she does not have the document, but we know it is located somewhere in Austin.”

“I should have known this day would come. When I left that secret code, I worried that it might fall into the wrong hands. It looks like that day has come,” Lincoln stammered. “What do you need me to do?”

“First, we need you to tell us exactly what the purpose of the code is,” inquired Rufus.

“Well…In November, 1863, a member of my staff discovered a terrible secret. On a trip west, Tom Brady discovered a special device that when turned on allows the person controlling the device to take control of other peoples thoughts and actions. My staff and I tried to destroy the device, but nothing we did worked.

Finally, we decided to hide the device. I left a code on how to find it in the Gettysburg Address, just in case it was ever of use to protect our country. It seems that today, my worst fear has come to pass. How are we going to stop this mad woman?”

A man across the table replied,” Mr. Lincoln, my name is

Jason Dreher. I am a member of the U.S. Navy’s Seal Team Six. We believe we’ve found a way into Austin by digging a tunnel under the wall. My team and I will lead you into the city. Once there, it will be up to you to defeat Lord Dunn and find the document, so she can never put our world at risk again.”

For what seemed like ages, the Freemasons of Illumination discussed and debated their ideas and plans. They finally settled on a plan that would allow Lincoln and Seal Team Six the ability to blend in with the people of Austin that were being held hostage by the wicked Lord Dunn. The team gathered the resources they would need for the mission and went to the vehicle loading dock to leave.

Lincoln and Seal Team Six left the farm and went to the secret opening of the tunnel. It was just before dawn and all was quiet.

Once unpacked, Jason Dreher and his team brushed some leaves off a hidden doorway. They all climbed down a ladder into the tunnel into a tiny, dark passageway. The team had to crawl oneby-one through the passageway to the other side. Once they arrived at the other opening, they found themselves on the playground of a school with a soccer field, playground equipment, and basketball hoops.

“Lord Dunn has disguised her identity as a teacher at Rooster

Springs Elementary,” Dreher stated. “I know this because we’ve had an operative teaching here for two years, spying and collecting evidence of her evil doings. We must get to her classroom before

Lord Dunn sends her minions out to continue searching for the document again.”
