EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science Reviewer Name or ID: This review represents a synthesis of multiple reviews Grade: Middle School Lesson/Unit Title: Cherrio for the Planet, v2 Note: This lesson is estimated to take six hours. For the purposes of the rubric a lesson is a lesson is defined as: a coherent set of instructional activities and assessments aligned to the NGSS that may extend over a few to several class periods. As this is a longer lesson by this definition, the additional criteria for longer lessons or units were considered. I. Alignment to the NGSS The lesson or unit aligns with the conceptual shifts of the NGSS: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning A. Grade-appropriate elements of the science and engineering practice(s), disciplinary core idea(s), and crosscutting concept(s), work together to support students in threedimensional learning to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. i. Provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the practice(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. ii. Provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the disciplinary core idea(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. iii. Provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the crosscutting concept(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. iv. The three dimensions work together to support students to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. i. ii. iii. Evidence of opportunities for students to develop and use the practices include: Students are working with representations and thinking about the scale and limitations of those representations. However, students are not using the representations to make predictions, to generate data to be used in explanations or arguments, to show relationships, etc. Students are using grade-appropriate math (i.e., ratios) to create and complete the charts that represent the size of the planet in terms of cheerios (which might allow them to easily recognize how the sizes relate to one another) as well as the distance of the planets from the sun in terms of a unit of measure they determine (which might allow them to easily recognize how the distances relate to one another). Though it is not listed, students are involved in “critically reading scientific texts adapted for classroom use to obtain scientific and technical information to describe evidence about the natural and designed worlds” (SEP 8, NGSS Appendix F) when they read about different scales and various models as well as about the advances of technology. Though students are collecting and using data, they are not making inferences about the data or analyzing it. Evidence of opportunities for students to develop and use the DCIs include: During the card activity and development of the scale model, students develop an understanding that “the solar system consists of the sun and a collection of objects, including planets, their moons, and asteroids” (which is part of the identified DCI: ESS1.B) The gravitational pull portion of the DCI is not explored in this unit. Evidence of opportunities for students to develop and use the CCC include: Students explicitly engaged with the identified element of Scale, Proportion, and Quantity when they are asked to create a scaled model of the solar system that will fit in the classroom through reading and then discussing different types of scale. The presentation rubric requires students to justify the scale they created and the Version 2 – published September 2014 View Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. Educators may use or adapt. If modified, please attribute EQuIP and re-title. Suggestions for improvement i. There are some implicit connections to relationships that the models are showing. If students were asked to think about and address these relationships explicitly, this would be more in alignment with the practice of modeling. Additionally, other relationships such as the relationship between the length of each planet’s year and its distance from the sun could be explored through models. Again, having students think about the relationships explicitly would also strengthen the math practices by providing more purpose for creating a scale. It would be helpful for students to recognize that they are engaging in the practices of science so that they access the practices as tool moving forward in science. The practice of analyzing data should either be more purposefully included or deleted since other practices are more present. ii. Before moving to the card sort that after students have thought about objects in the solar system, prompt them to think about how the objects are similar and different, thus leading to quantifying reasons the made the choices they did about their scale. When students discuss the limits of models, they may address the element of systems and system models: models are limited in that they only represent certain aspects of the system under study (NGSS, Appendix G). However, it is not certain that students will explicitly include this – including the recognition of the system – as a limitation. Students read about and discuss engineering advances Investigation 3 which corresponds to the noted Interdependence of Science, Engineering and Technology crosscutting concept. The unit integrates the practice of mathematical thinking to determine a scale to represent the phenomena of distance of planets from the sun as well as, with some adjustments, modeling to create a representation of distance in a smaller scale (which connects to the crosscutting concept of scale) and justifying their scale through a presentation. While the three dimensions work together in part of these investigations, the connection to the listed DCI is minimal. with the information on the cards. iv. Gravitational pull should be covered or it should be noted that this is not the intent of this unit but needs to be addressed in later units to ensure the DCI is fully addressed. iii. Ensure that students address the idea that models only allow them to represent certain aspects of the system if that crosscutting concept is added. iv. Making the connections to the DCI stronger (or including additional, relevant DCIs) would help ensure that students are developing and using practices and crosscutting concepts along with developing and using the DCI in a purposeful way. It would also be beneficial to “shine a light” on each of the three dimensions playing out in the lesson. This not only helps students be aware of their own learning and provides them tools for future learning, but also makes it easier for them to see the connections between the dimensions. A unit or longer lesson will also: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement B. Lessons fit together coherently targeting a set of performance expectations. i. Each lesson links to previous lessons and provides a need to engage in the current lesson. ii. The lessons help students develop proficiency on a targeted set of performance expectations. i. i. C. Where appropriate, disciplinary core ideas from different disciplines are used together to explain phenomena. Not evident D. Where appropriate, crosscutting concepts are used in the explanation of phenomena from a variety of disciplines. The CCC of Interdependence of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISET) explores how advances in engineering lead to new discoveries in science. This was applied specifically to ESS in this unit, but there was an opportunity to connect this idea to other science disciplines. While some of the questions suggested for teachers to ask the class are helpful to bridge the investigations together, the bridge is not always a smooth transition with transparency as to why or how one investigation builds on the information from the other. ii. There is only one targeted PE, however, it is bundled with other components of the three-dimensions to develop a deeper sense of scale and the phenomena of the distance of planets to the sun, and modeling. The investigations do help develop proficiency toward the PE, but students will still need to engage in the identified practice and more of the DCI either in this unit or a following unit. Transitions from one investigation to the other would help students to better engage students in an investigation and understand the connections. Have the teacher prompt students in a discussion about how the investigation they completed may help them with the goal of the next investigation, a type of recap and recapture. ii. Gravitational pull should be covered or it should be noted that this is not the intent of this unit but needs to be addressed in later units to ensure the DCI is fully addressed. When students are reading about different types of scale, they may be about other science disciplines. Though they are not asked to use the crosscutting in 2 E. Provides grade-appropriate connection(s) to the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and/or English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects. the explanation of a phenomena. Students are using ratios when determining their scales and are using ratio language when the say if 1 cheerio =2,300 km, how many cheerios would we need to represent…” (CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.1) Add connections within the investigations to the ELA and math standards in grades 7 and 8 so that educators at different grades within MS are not limited to introducing this unit in grade 6. II. Instructional Supports The lesson or unit supports instruction and learning for all students: Criteria A. Engages students in authentic and meaningful scenarios that reflect the practice of science and engineering as experienced in the real world and that provide students with a purpose (e.g., making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to problems). i. The context, including phenomena, questions, or problems, motivates students to engage in three-dimensional learning. ii. Provides students with relevant phenomena (either firsthand experiences or through representations) to make sense of and/or relevant problems to solve. iii. Engages students in multiple practices that work together with disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts to support students in making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to problems. iv. Provides opportunities for students to connect their explanation of a phenomenon and/or their design solution to a problem to their own experience. v. When engineering performance expectations are included, they are used along with disciplinary core ideas from physical, life, or earth and space sciences. B. Develops deeper understanding of the practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts by identifying and building on students’ prior knowledge. C. Uses scientifically accurate and grade-appropriate scientific information, phenomena, and representations to support students’ three-dimensional learning. D. Provides opportunities for students to express, clarify, justify, interpret, and represent their ideas and respond to peer and teacher feedback orally and/or in written form as appropriate to support student’s threedimensional learning. Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement i. Solar systems and space are highly motivating for many, though not all, students. ii. While the phenomena of planetary distance from the sun may not be relevant, it is connected to thinking about distance in a way that is relevant (the distance between their home and school). This short introductory activity helps to establish that scale can be used to show distance and that a variation in that scale can make the proportion larger or smaller. iii. Students are engaged in multiple practices, see I.A.i., though pulling the three dimensions together to help students make sense of the phenomena is not strongly present. iv. Students first investigate and discuss the distance of their homes to the school. This establishes a personal experience that can then be applied to the phenomena of distance of objects to the sun in our solar system. Also, students use everyday objects to think about scale. By using objects students are familiar with, they can associate these objects and their sizes with objects and distances that are very large and difficult comprehend, making the idea of scale (and potentially relative size and distances) more accessible. v. No engineering performance expectations have been included in this unit. Students’ prior knowledge about the DCI and practices associated with these investigations is not evident however, the unit does engage and build prior knowledge about scale by having students determine the distance of the school to their homes. Providing links to reputable websites supports access to accurate information. Emphasizing the question near the end of final investigation – Can you think of any similar systems or sets of objects that we could better understand through the creation of a similar scale? – could surface other cases where students might apply this learning. Consider a prompt that links them back to the initial question about distance to school from home. Investigations 1-4 provide opportunities for students to share their thinking (such as think-pair-share, creating a consensus definition of scale, classroom discussions, etc.), justify their ideas (such as the oral presentation), and represent their ideas through creating a scale. Students may have a chance to Strategies for teachers to assure that the appropriate classroom learning environment has been established would go a long ways to assuring students feel comfortable sharing. This would also be a place where arguing from evidence could be re-enforced (or taught 3 E. Provides guidance for teachers to support differentiated instruction in the classroom so that every student’s needs are addressed by including: i. Suggestions for how to connect instruction to the students' home, neighborhood, community and/or culture as appropriate. ii. Appropriate reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking alternatives (e.g., translations, picture support, graphic organizers) for students who are English language learners, have special needs, or read well below the grade level. iii. Suggested extra support (e.g., phenomena, representations, tasks) for students who are struggling to meet the performance expectations. iv. Extensions for students with high interest or who have already met the performance expectations to develop deeper understanding of the practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. A unit or longer lesson will also: Criteria F. Provides guidance for teachers throughout the unit for how lessons build on each other to support students developing deeper understanding of the practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts over the course of the unit. G. Provides supports to help students engage in the practices as needed and gradually adjusts supports over time so that students are increasingly responsible for making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to problems. respond to peer feedback in groups, though this is not explicitly structured and may not happen. i. Students identify distance for their home to the school and the surrounding community in the first investigation. ii. Suggestions are given for scaffolded worksheets in Investigation 2. Investigation 3 suggests the use of a worksheet to support students who may struggle with calculations. iii. In addition to the evidence for II.E.ii, there is a reference to NASA simulations that might assist struggling learners at the bottom of page 3. iv. Investigation 4 gives suggestions for students with a high interest to return to the variables they listed and think about how the other variables may be represented (not just distance or size). depending prior learning). ii. In investigation 4, when students are determining their own scales for the distance of the planets from the sun could be improved for those students who are having difficulty determining and justifying a scale by having peer or teacher reviews and feedback with directed re-questioning. iii. As noted above, capitalizing on the practice of arguing from evidence, but sticking with only preparing oral arguments, would assist students needing additional assistance with making meaning of the work v. Making connections across domains using the crosscutting of scale could serve as an extension. Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement See I.B. Assuming adjustments are made to the practice of modeling, there is scaffolding of this practice by explicitly discussing the limits of models before asking student to identify them on their own and in creating scales together as a class regarding the size of the planets before expecting students to create their own scale for distance. III. Monitoring Student Progress The lesson or unit supports monitoring student progress: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement A. Elicits direct, observable evidence of threedimensional learning by students using practices with core ideas and crosscutting concepts to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions. The investigations provide opportunities to observed evidence of learning of each of the dimensions (see I.A. for examples). What could be strengthened is the three-dimensional aspect. In the “wrap-up” at the end scale is clearly connected but the connection to the structure of the solar system should be strengthened. As mentioned above, if interpreting and analyzing data is the practice, it should be pulled into the wrap-up as well. B. Formative assessments of three-dimensional learning are embedded throughout the There are some formative assessment opportunities embedded throughout the instruction, mostly in the form of teacher-led questioning, however the questions require written student A performance rubric that calls for students to use language found in the various dimensions would help elicit their understanding and ability in the dimensions. To make these formative assessment opportunities stronger, provide suggestions for how to adjust teaching and learning when it is discovered (by teachers and students) that students are not demonstrating understanding of 4 instruction. C. Includes aligned rubrics and scoring guidelines that provide guidance for interpreting student performance along the three dimensions to support teachers in (a) planning instruction and (b) providing ongoing feedback to students. D. Assessing student proficiency using methods, vocabulary, representations, and examples that are accessible and unbiased for all students. responses that can be used to gauge student proficiency in the three dimensions. Another example includes notes to the teacher such as “Use this quick write to assess student thinking.” on page 6. See above regarding the three-dimensional nature of these opportunities. A rubric is given for the scale and justification as well as the presentation skills. The oral presentation and the scale and justification allow students to use multimedia and visuals to exhibit proficiency of the dimensions. the three dimensions. Students need to be given opportunities for revisions if they are not on target to meet the rubric. Include check-ins and guidance for students during the oral presentation. This can be accomplished by reviewing the rubrics and engaging in a discussion for understanding as to what a presentation that exhibits proficiency towards the three dimensions would be like. As suggested above, you might add to the rubric an element associated with using the appropriate vocabulary from the various dimensions. Provide options for students to share their understanding. It could be an oral presentation, a written “report” summarizing the model they created, etc. Example of this in middle of page 9. A unit or longer lesson will also: Criteria Specific evidence from materials and reviewers’ reasoning Suggestions for improvement E. Includes pre-, formative, summative, and self-assessment measures that assess threedimensional learning. A pre-assessment is somewhat present when students measure the distance of their school to home, this establishes a connection to scale and distance as well as how this can be modified to describe the scale properties of other objects that are too large or too small to be seen. Opening prompt – What are different objects that we find in our solar system – is used for accessing students’ prior knowledge. A pre-assessment to determine how much students are familiar with the DCIs prior to starting the unit would be a good use of time (possibly cutting down on the amount of information that the teacher must research on their own and provide the students with). There are opportunities to rewrite and review concepts through teacher led questioning and feedback. Students are given opportunities to write down what they know and get feedback (as is evident in investigations 1-4 when students have the chance to do quick writes or work on a definition of scale that can be modified). A summative assessment is given in the form of an oral presentation that addresses scale as it is used to justify the distance between the sun and planets as well as a students’ speaking and listening skills based in the CCSS-ELA. F. Provides multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate performance of practices connected with their understanding of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts and receive feedback. Multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate performance of practices connected with the understanding of the DCI and/or CCC to and to receive feedback include: Students are engaged in class discussions, encouraged to write to justify reasoning with evidence (Investigation 1) Students establish a scale for distance utilizing all the information that has been gathered for a scale of the planets to the sun using various objects to justify a model (Investigation 4) The oral presentation give students the opportunity to integrate the dimensions because they must justify the mathematical model they used for scale of distance of the planets to the sun based on information that was obtained. Overall Summary Comments: 5