Appendix D: Sunsetting regulations in 2013-14 and 2014-15 All regulations covered by the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 (Vic) are revoked or ‘sunset’ after 10 years. This process of regular review has been in place in Victoria since 1985 and has contributed to the removal of unnecessary regulation. The Victorian Guide to Regulation notes the importance of the 10-yearly review: In order to replace sunsetting regulations, it is important to provide a strong and clear demonstration that each restriction imposed by regulation is still required. When replacing sunsetting regulation, whether in similar or modified form, particular attention should be given to the following requirements during the preparation of the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS): demonstrating that the nature and extent of the problem still require a regulatory response evaluating the actual effectiveness of the existing regulatory regime substantiating that the particular regulatory response remains the best solution conducting the cost-benefit analysis in terms of a comparison with the base case of an unregulated situation. (Government of Victoria 2011, 52) The aim of this appendix is to assist stakeholders to identify regulations that will sunset between or expire between 1 July 2013 and 31 December 2015, particularly those that will require a RIS. All government departments were asked to verify and amend, where necessary, a list of sunsetting regulations based on information provided by the Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel. They were also asked to provide other relevant information about the regulations, including whether a RIS might be required. This process also served to identify agencies that might benefit from workshops the Commission offers on preparing RISs and encourage early planning. All information was current at 31 July 2013. Ninety-seven regulations will sunset between 1 July 2013 and 31 December 2015. A RIS will be prepared, is currently underway, completed or is expected to be developed for 39 of these regulations. A RIS will not be prepared or is not expected to be prepared for 40 regulations. Departments identified 4 regulations that will not be re-made or have been revoked. There are also 14 regulations where the need to prepare a RIS is yet to be decided. SUNSETTING REGULATIONS IN 2013-14 AND 2014-15 1 Regulations that sunset or expire between 1 July 2013 and 31 December 2015 Regulation Responsible department/ agency Minister Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Cancer (Breast Screen Victoria Registry) Regulations 2003 DOH Health 1/07/2013 No Partnership (Limited Partnerships) Regulations 2003 DOJ Consumer Affairs 22/07/2013 No. Regulations were revoked Health Services (Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres) Regulations 2002 DOH Health 9/09/2013 Completed National Parks (Park) Regulations 2003 DEPI Environment and Climate Change 23/09/2013 Completed Supreme Court (Corporations) Rules 2003 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 30/09/2013 No Planning and Environment (Fees) Interim Regulations 2013 DTPLI Planning 20/10/2013 Underway Subdivision (Fees) Interim Regulations 2013 DTPLI Planning 20/10/2013 Underway Outworkers (Improved Protection) Regulations 2003 DTF Industrial Relations 21/10/2013 To be decided Mineral Resources Development Regulations 2002 DSDBI Energy and Resources 21/10/2013 Completed Public Record Regulations 2003 DPC Premier 25/11/2013 No Victims of Crime Assistance (Delegation) Regulations 2003 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 16/12/2013 No Valuation of Land (General DTPLI and Supplementary Valuation) Regulations 2003 Planning 16/12/2013 Expected Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities (Public Authorities) Regulations 2009 AttorneyGeneral 27/12/2013 To be decided 2 DOJ ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Regulation Responsible department/ agency Minister Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Environment Protection (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations 2003 DEPI Environment and Climate Change 28/01/2014 Completed Country Fire Authority Regulations 2004 DOJ Police and Emergency Services 28/01/2014 To be decided Parliamentary Allowances Regulations 2003 DPC Premier 29/01/2014 No. Regulations were revoked Parliamentary Committees Regulations 2003 DPC Premier 29/01/2014 No. Regulations were revoked Police Regulation (Fees and DOJ Charges) Regulations 2004 Police and Emergency Services 3/02/2014 Expected Australian Crime DOJ Commission (State Provisions) Regulations 2004 Police and Emergency Services 25/02/2014 No Health Services (Prescribed Regions) Regulations 2004 DOH Health 2/03/2014 No Survey Coordination Regulations 2004 DTPLI Planning 10/03/2014 Expected Local Government (Finance and Reporting) Regulations 2004 DTPLI Local 20/04/2014 Government Expected Financial Management Regulations 2004 DTF Finance 18/05/2014 Not expected Architects Regulations 2004 DTPLI Planning 21/05/2014 To be decided Supreme Court (Administration and Probate) Rules 2004 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 27/05/2014 No Child Employment Regulations 2004 DSDBI Employment and Trade 8/06/2014 Expected Crimes (Confiscation) Regulations 2004 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 8/06/2014 No SUNSETTING REGULATIONS IN 2013-14 AND 2014-15 3 Regulation Responsible department/ agency Minister Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Confiscation) Regulations 2004 DOJ DH Mental Health 8/06/2014 No Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Volatile Substances) Regulations 2004 DOJ DH Mental Health 22/06/2014 Not expected Tertiary Education (Fees) Regulations 2004 DEECD Education and Skills 22/06/2014 No Monetary Units Regulations 2004 DTF Treasurer 29/06/2014 Not expected Forests (Fire Protection) Regulations 2004 DEPI Environment and Climate Change 29/06/2014 Expected Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) DOJ Regulations 2004 Corrections 29/06/2014 No Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2004 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 29/06/2014 Expected Parole Orders (Transfer) Regulations 2004 DOJ Corrections 29/06/2014 No Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2004 DTPLI Ports 29/06/2014 Expected Subordinate Legislation Regulations 2004 DPC Premier 13/07/2014 Not Expected Treasury Corporation of DTF Victoria (Prescribed Agencies) Regulations 2004 Treasurer 21/07/2014 Not expected Court Security Regulations 2004 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 27/07/2014 To be decided Corrections (Victims Register) Regulations 2004 DOJ Corrections 24/08/2014 No Subdivision (Registrar's Fees) DTPLI Regulations 2004 Planning 21/09/2014 Expected Instruments (Fees) Regulations 2004 DTPLI Planning 21/09/2014 No Property Law (Fees) Regulations 2004 DTPLI Planning 21/09/2014 No 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Regulation Responsible department/ agency Minister Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Transfer of Land (Fees) Regulations 2004 DTPLI Planning 21/09/2014 Expected Sex Offenders Registration Regulations 2004 DOJ Police and Emergency Services 28/09/2014 No Sex Work (Fees) Regulations DOJ 2004 Minister for Consumer Affairs 26/10/2014 Yes Local Government (General) Regulations 2004 DTPLI Minister for 26/10/2014 Local Government Not expected Crimes (Search Warrant) Regulations 2004 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 16/11/2014 No Wildlife (State Game Reserve) Regulations 2004 DEPI Agriculture and Food Security and Minister for Environment and Climate Change 30/11/2014 Expected Royal Botanic Gardens Regulations 2004 DEPI Environment and Climate Change 30/11/2014 To be decided Agricultural Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2004 DEPI Agriculture and Food Security 7/12/2014 No Environment Protection DEPI (Environment and Resource Efficiency Plans) Regulations 2007 Environment and Climate Change 31/12/2014 Noa1 Co-operative Housing Societies Regulations 2005 DTF Treasurer 18/01/2015 Not expected Credit Regulations 2004 DOJ Consumer Affairs 24/01/2015 No Credit (Administration) Regulations 2004 DOJ Consumer Affairs 31/01/2015 No Surveying (Registration Fees) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Planning 1/03/2015 Expected Heritage (General) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Planning 12/04/2015 To be decided SUNSETTING REGULATIONS IN 2013-14 AND 2014-15 5 Regulation Responsible department/ agency Minister Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Casino Control (Licence Fees) Regulations 2005 DOJ Liquor and Gaming Regulation 27/04/2015 Expected Sale of Land Regulations 2005 DOJ Consumer Affairs 10/05/2015 No Wrongs (Part VBA Claims) Regulations 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 10/05/2015 To be decided Planning and Environment Regulations 2005 DTPLI Planning 17/05/2015 Not Expected Casino Control (Boundary Redefinition Fee) Regulations 2005 DOJ Liquor and Gaming Regulation 24/05/2015 Expected Meat Industry Regulations 2005 DEPI Agriculture and Food Security 7/06/2015 Expected Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Planning 15/06/2015 Expected Magistrates' Court (Occupational Health and Safety) Rules 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 16/06/2015 No Gambling Regulation (Signage) Regulations 2005 DOJ Liquor and Gaming Regulation 21/06/2015 Expected Gambling Regulation Regulations 2005 DOJ Liquor and Gaming Regulation 21/06/2015 Expected Road Management (General) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Roads 21/06/2015 Expected Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Roads 21/06/2015 Expected Audit (Public Bodies) Regulations 2005 DTF Treasurer 28/06/2015 Not Expected Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulations 2005 DOH Health 28/06/2015 Expected Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Regulations 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 28/06/2015 Not Expected 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Regulation Responsible department/ agency Minister Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Private Security Regulations DOJ 2005 Police and Emergency Service 28/06/2015 Yes Transport (Conduct) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Public Transport 28/06/2015 Expected Transport (Passenger Vehicles) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Public Transport 28/06/2015 Expected Transport (Taxi-Cabs) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Public Transport 28/06/2015 Expected Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2010 DSDBI Energy and Resources 29/06/2015 Expected Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2005 DOH Health 19/07/2015 Expected Dangerous Goods Regulations 2005 VWA Treasurer 2/08/2015 To be decided Local Government DTPLI (Electoral) Regulations 2005 Local 9/08/2015 Government Expected Corrections (Police Gaols) Regulations 2005 Corrections 24/08/2015 No Agricultural and Veterinary DEPI Chemicals (Control of Use) (Fertilisers) Regulations 2005 Agriculture and Food Security 4/10/2015 Not expected Metropolitan Fire Brigades (General) Regulations 2005 DOJ Police and Emergency Services 25/10/2015 Expected Supreme Court (Adoption) Rules 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 27/10/2015 No Non-Emergency Patient Transport Regulations 2005 DOH Health 8/11/2015 To be decided Food (Forms and Registration) Regulations 2005 DOH Health 22/11/2015 Not Expected Charities Regulations 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 22/11/2015 To be decided Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 24/11/2015 No DOJ SUNSETTING REGULATIONS IN 2013-14 AND 2014-15 7 Regulation Domestic Animals Regulations 2005 Responsible department/ agency Sunset or expiry date? RIS required? Agriculture and Food Security 29/11/2015 Expected Legal Profession Regulations DOJ 2005 AttorneyGeneral 29/11/2015 To be decided Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) (Ruminant Feed) Regulations 2005 DEPI Agriculture and Food Security 13/12/2015 Not expected Transport (Taxi-Cab Licences - Market and Trading) Regulations 2005 DTPLI Public Transport 13/12/2015 Expected Magistrates' Court (Judicial Registrars) Rules 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 15/12/2015 No Land Tax Regulations 2005 SRO Treasurer 20/12/2015 To be decided Public Administration (Review of Actions) Regulations 2005 DPC Premier 20/12/2015 To be decided Estate Agents (Exemption) Regulations 2005 DOJ AttorneyGeneral 20/12/2015 No Liquor Control Reform (Prohibited Supply) Regulations 2005 DOJ Liquor and Gaming Regulation 20/12/2015 Expected Note: DEPI Minister a To be allowed to sunset Sources: OCPC 2013a; OCPC 2013b; OCPC 2013c; VCEC 2012. 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13