**Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** REGISTRATION BEFORE YOU REGISTER Before you are able to register for classes, students new to the University of South Carolina must submit the three (3) forms to the appropriate offices by July 15, 2014: 1) Proof of Citizenship, 2) Proof of Legal Residency and 3) Immunization Form o Proof of Citizenship The state of South Carolina requires verification of US citizenship or legal residency for each incoming student. Students new to the University of South Carolina must submit legal residency verification prior to enrolling. Visit the Office of the Registrar website for more information. o Proof of Citizenship Form (Submit to Office of the Registrar) o Proof of Legal Residency Proof of legal South Carolina residency is required to receive in-state tuition. Students new to the University of South Carolina and who South Carolina residents visit the legal residency website for more information. o In order for the Office of South Carolina Residency to determine that you have completed the steps necessary to claim South Carolina as your state of residence, you must submit the SC Residency Certification Form online at my.sc.edu under South Carolina Residency Certification o Immunizations for Students New to the University of South Carolina The University follows the CDC and American College Health Association's recommendations regarding immunizations for college students. We encourage all students, parents and guardians to learn more about the serious communicable diseases and to make an informed decision regarding protection. Immunization requirements must be met and on file at Student Health Services before a student registers for classes. Required Immunizations o Two doses of MMR (Measles, mumps, and rubella), or positive blood titer reports o If you are <21 years of age you will need a Meningococcal vaccine or sign the decline on the front page of the immunization form. If you meningitis vaccine is more than 5 years old please have a booster. o Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Questionnaire or submit a Tuberculosis Test done within the last year Download the immunization form here (Submit to Thomson Student Health Center) **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** Immunization Exemptions Students may be exempt from the above immunizations on grounds of permanent medical contraindication, conflicting religious beliefs, or enrolling in only distance education courses and will not be attending any classes on the USC-Columbia campus. Student Health Services is located in the Thomson Student Health Center, 1409 Devine Street, across from the Russell House o For more information, call the Immunization Office at 803-777-9511. IMMUNIZATIONS FOR ALL STUDENTS (Needed by August 18, 2014, NOT July 15) The following immunizations are required to complete rotations at the South Carolina College of Pharmacy: o MMR (Mumps/Measles/Rubella) – 2 live vaccines OR positive titers (both vaccines after 12/31/67 and age of 12 months) – (if you choose titer route, then requires 3 titers – 1 for Mumps, 1 for Measles, 1 for Rubella). o Varicella (Chicken Pox) – 1 positive Varicella Titer OR 2 live vaccines o Tetanus – Documentation of last booster vaccine on or after 07/31/2004 (NOTE: If your last Tetanus booster was before 07/31/2003, it is recommended that you have a Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine for your 2014 booster. A Tetanus Toxoid (TT) or Tetanus Toxoid/Diphtheria (Td) booster is acceptable but not recommended. o Hepatitis B Vaccine series (3 vaccines) AND Positive titer – realize initial process takes 6 months to complete if you have not yet received this series; please see possible outcomes below: o Situation 1: You received all 3 immunizations and you have a POSITIVE Hepatitis B titer: this requirement is complete. Be sure to make a copy of every immunization and the titer results to bring with you to Orientation. o Situation 2: You received all 3 immunizations and you have a NEGATIVE Hepatitis B titer: you now have 2 options in order to meet your requirement: o Option 1: You may obtain 1 “booster” immunization and then obtain a 2 nd Hepatitis B titer. If this 2nd titer is POSITIVE, your requirement is met and you will bring copies of the 4 immunizations you received and BOTH Hepatitis B titers to Orientation. If the 2nd titer is NEGATVE, you will need to obtain 2 more immunizations (i.e. you will essentially be completing the entire series a 2 nd time) and a 3rd titer. You would then need to bring copies of all 6 immunizations and all 3 titers to Orientation. **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** o o Option 2: You may obtain the entire series again and then complete a 2 nd titer. If this 2nd titer is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE, your requirement is met. You will need to bring copies of all 6 immunizations to Orientation. Basically, if your 1st titer is NEGATIVE, you will be choosing whether to complete the entire series again (takes 6 months) or hope probability works in your favor and after 1 booster immunization your titer becomes positive. If your numerical result is very close to being positive, the booster immunization has worked well for most students in the past. Bring copies of ALL immunization records relating to requirements for all students to P1 Orientation in August. Records must include dates and medical practice location. For Hepatitis B titer (and any other titer you elect to obtain), be sure the laboratory understands you need a numerical number for a result and the reference range that corresponds to this. SELF SERVICE CAROLINA – FALL 2014 As a Fall 2014 admitted student, new to the University of South Carolina, you will need to set up access to Self Service Carolina. Self Service Carolina is where you’ll manage your academic, financial, and personal information with the University. If you have been attending the University of South Carolina you have already established your Self Service Carolina account. To register, you will need two pieces of information, your VIP ID and the last four digits of your USC ID. This information will be emailed to you from Ms. Nikki Mellen with the subject line “VIP ID and USC ID”. Using Self Service Carolina, you will be able to complete USC actions such as registering for classes, reviewing your financial aid information, paying your bill, and viewing your grades. Now you’re ready to set up your account. 1. Claim your VIP ID and set up your password. 2. With your new password and claimed VIP ID, sign in to Self Service Carolina. **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** 3. Register for Fall 2014 Courses using the schedule below. Click here for registration instructions. CRN 80076 Course Number SCCP 602 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I 001 TTh 9:00-9:50am 81350 SCCP 607 Dosage Forms & Drug Delivery Systems 001 MW 9:00-10:50am 80065 SCCP 615 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 001 TThF 10:00-10:50am 80084 SCCP 621 001 MTTh 11:00-11:50am 80630 91622 SCCP 650 HNRS sect. Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacogenomics I Introduction to Pharmacy Practice 001 MW 8:00-8:50am 90410 SCCP 656 Pharmacy Calculations 001 M 1:00-3:00pm 90411 SCCP 657 Medical Terminology 001 M 3:10-4:00pm 94023 SCCP 680 Introduction to Drug Information 001 F 11:00-11:50am 001 002 T 1:30-4:30pm W 1:30-4:30pm 003 Th 1:30-4:30pm 80748 80765 SCCP 671** 80769 Fall 2014 Course Pharmacy Skills Lab 1 – Compounding and Applied Pharmaceutics Section Schedule **You may choose one of the three sections for SCCP 671. Availability for each section is on a first-come basis. NOTE: If you are unable to register for classes please contact Ms. Nikki Mellen at 803-777-0589 or mellen@sccp.sc.edu. TEXTBOOKS You will be notified at a later date of required textbooks. FINANCIAL AID The Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships has put together a Financial Aid Checklist for incoming graduate and professional students (Note: Pharmacy students are considered professional students). Use the checklist as a brief guide to help you apply for financial aid, review and accept your awards, and pay your tuition and fees. Please complete your FAFSA if you have not already done so. o You are considered a GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL student on the application; therefore, you will mark “yes” to the question asking if you are a masters/doctorate student. **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** o The school will be UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA-COLUMBIA (School Code = 003448). o Mark on your application that you are receiving a Doctorate degree. o It is recommended that you include your parent’s income information on the application. This is required for health profession loans, but not for Stafford Loans. To be considered for health profession loans, the parent’s income must be included. If you do include this information, it will not impact any of the other loan award decisions. Please view the following presentation regarding the FAFSA and additional financial aid information for Pharmacy students: Financial Aid Presentation Please view Financial Aid Tutorials mentioned in the above Financial Aid presentation. If you have questions related to financial aid, please contact Ms. Holly Gilliam at 803-777-0542 or email: leehr2@mailbox.sc.edu. The Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships is located at 1714 College Street. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOLARSHIPS As discussed in the Interview Orientation, the College of Pharmacy has a limited number of scholarships. Scholarships are mostly merit-based. ALL out-of-state students must apply if wish to be considered for reduced tuition. For purposes of application you are considered a P1 student. Apply using the following link: https://survey.sccp.sc.edu/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=m8LHm72. Deadline is May 23, 2014 (NO EXCEPTIONS). You are eligible to apply for these awards as an incoming student. HOUSING ON CAMPUS HOUSING University Housing and Residential Services provides limited on campus apartments and married student housing. Residents benefit from the proximity to USC and represent an array of countries and ethnicities. Please visit the following link for information: http://www.housing.sc.edu/. **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** HOUSING IN COLUMBIA Housing is relatively inexpensive in Columbia and many of the USC’s adjoining, downtown neighborhoods are filled with striking, historic architecture. It’s also not too hard to find affordable housing close to campus. Please refer to walkscore.com, for the average rent for apartments within walking distance of the University of South Carolina. OFF CAMPUS HOUSING ASSISTANCE If you need assistance locating a place to live, Off Campus Student Services (OCSS) is a great place to start. They provide support and helpful information about living off campus, including a convenient listserv that details available apartments and houses for rent and sale in Columbia and surrounding area. PHARMACY ROOMMATE COORDINATION I spoke with many students at the Interview Orientation that are interested in sharing housing with other pharmacy students. A google doc has been prepared for your class in an attempt for those in need of roommates to reach out to other incoming P1 students many months before the year starts for planning purposes. Important points concerning the Roommate Coordination doc: The South Carolina College of Pharmacy’s role in coordination of roommates will solely be to provide contact information to individuals interested in finding a roommate among other pharmacy students. The SCCP will not be involved in resolving roommate disputes or any other issues that may arise. Do NOT change or delete the heading columns. Do NOT change or edit any other student’s information in the document. If a roommate connection is made, please remove all involved parties’ names from the document to limit unnecessary contact. To add your name, click on the link below, add your information to one row, and exit out of the doc. Your information will save automatically. o https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoADuT2YTl1TdE4yWDJUcm0xejBLZ2R rSk0ybjFreUE&usp=sharing Have fun contacting each other and making a housing connection! PARKING Parking on campus is available to all students whose vehicle displays a valid parking permit. Permits and information regarding lots and garages are available through Parking Services. **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** Disability parking permits may be obtained by providing medical documentation. Parking Services is located in the Pendleton Garage at the corner of Pickens and Pendleton Streets. Office hours are 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If you choose not to obtain a parking permit through the university, your only other option is to park at hourly meters which are very difficult to obtain during the academic year. CAROLINA CARD (STUDENT ID) To obtain your Carolina Card, please visit the ID station, located in the basement of the Russell House University Union. Please keep in mind that you will need to present one of the following forms of identification: US driver’s license, Military ID, or Passport. You will need your Carolina Card to check out materials at the library, to use the fitness facilities, and to get tickets to athletic events. The Carolina Card is available at no cost to the student. For students new to USC, you can upload a picture and begin the process to obtain your Carolina Card to avoid long lines once arriving to campus. o First, go to the following website: https://my.sc.edu/carolinacard/ o Your VIP ID and password will be the same as your my.sc.edu information Carolina Card Monetary Additions (money added to your ID that can be used at campus venues) o Carolina Cash can be added through the Carolina Card website http://carolinacard.sc.edu/ or as an optional fee in www.my.sc.edu. o Initial steps include in my.sc.edu: “Account Information” – “Optional Fees” – “Carolina Cash” HEALTH INSURANCE Health Insurance is not mandatory during didactic classes (P1, P2, P3), but it is required for students when they go on rotations. Therefore, you must have health insurance for Summer 2015 and Summer 2016 rotations if you do not have it now. USC offers a group health insurance plan for students that can be obtained through the Student Health Center Website. Health insurance must be purchased at the time of class registration. If you wish to purchase USC offered group health insurance for the Fall 2014 semester, it must be purchased at time of Fall 2014 course registration. If you wish to purchase USC offered group health insurance for **Be sure to click on any blue underlined font as they contain hyperlinks to important information and forms** the Spring semester and Summer rotations, it must be purchased at time of Spring 2015 course registration. Initial steps through my.sc.edu include: “Account Information” – “Optional Fees” – “Optional Insurance” USC EMAIL Here are instructions on how to access your USC email account for those of you new to USC: You can find your USC email address by visiting Self Service Carolina at: https://ssb.onecarolina.sc.edu 1. Sign In with your VIPID and password 2. Choose “Personal Information” 3. Choose “View Email Address” For more information about the USC email system, visit http://www.sc.edu/studentemail. IMPORTANT: THE COLLEGE WILL USE YOUR SCHOOL (EMAIL.SC.EDU) EMAIL ADDRESS TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU AS OF MAY 15, 2014. PLEASE LET MS. NIKKI MELLEN KNOW IF YOU CANNOT ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT! CAMPUS MAPS Individual location maps of the offices referenced in this text can be found in the attached PDF document. For a complete campus map for your personal reference please click here.