Converging lines/Linear Perspective (Instructions)

Converging lines/Linear Perspective (Instructions):
You are to create a large city cityscape/city street drawn with a view point as though you
are standing in the middle of the street, looking down the street. You are to draw this
city street using the one-point linear perspective technique.
You are to work on a rough sketch first beginning now during instruction. Use your
yardsticks, rulers and t-squares to create this piece. There will be no free-hand
drawing. Be sure to always have your yard stick, ruler or t-square lined up along the
edges of your paper to create exact vertical and horizontal lines. Follow the instructions
and examples given. Study them and use them to assist you in your drawing.
* Begin by lightly sketching a horizontal line across your paper just slightly above center.
This will be your horizon line. Mark a dot somewhere on that line near center. This will
be your “vanishing point”.
* Lightly sketch lines that run through or radiate from that vanishing point. These are
your orthogonal lines or “guidelines”. You will use these lines to assist you in drawing
your buildings and architectural details.
* Using your guidelines create your street (this will seem as though it is a triangle) and
any lines you may need if you choose to create a sidewalk.
* Begin your buildings with the vertical (side) of the buildings that are closest to the
vanishing point. To create the front roofline you will follow the guideline your vertical
stops on. If there is no guideline where your vertical line stops, line your yardstick up on
the top of your vertical line and your vanishing point. Draw your roofline. Draw the other
vertical for the other side of the front of the building.
* Draw two horizontal lines from the upper corners you created with the front of the
building. Create the back roofline by lining your yardstick up on the end of the
horizontal you just drew and your vanishing point. Complete your building with the last
vertical line for the back of the building. Complete the rest of your buildings in the same
* Building rooflines below your horizon line should slant downward and you will see the
rooftop. Building rooflines above your horizon line should slant upward and you will not
see the rooftop.
* Use your guidelines in the same way to create windows and doors and other
architectural details.
Instructional diagrams and examples:
Your final piece will be much more detailed than your rough sketch and will be done in
color (color pencil). Use the blending and layering techniques practiced earlier.
Your final artwork must include:
* Many buildings along each side of your street (include buildings behind your forward
buildings as seen on streets behind your street).
* Architectural details (ie. windows, doors, awnings, balconies, brick, stone, block…)
* City street details (ie. street signs, street lights, traffic lights, benches, planter boxes…)
* Free-form shapes and forms (ie. shadows, puddles, clouds…)
*Organic shapes and forms (ie. people, animals, trees, flowers… things that are alive)
Do not include any signs or writing on your buildings. (Do not “name” your buildings.)
Do not depict (show or draw) any crime scenes in any way.