H. TRANSGENIC/KNOCKOUT ANIMALS 1. Will your study involve transgenic or knockout animals? Yes ☐ No ☐ If "NO", proceed to Section I 2. If “YES”, complete the following: a. Describe the phenotype b. Describe any pain or distress associated with the phenotype expressed and your proposed procedure(s) to avoid or alleviate pain: c. Describe your monitoring schedule. d. Who will be responsible for monitoring the ☐ HCCM Staff animals? ☐ Laboratory Personnel e. Define the duration of survival after expression of the phenotype: f. Describe the criteria you will use to determine pain and distress in the animals and your plan for monitoring the animals: g. The construction of transgenic animals must be approved by the Committee on Microbiological Safety (COMS) or Partners Healthcare Institutional Biosafety Committee (PIBC). COMS or PIBC Registration # Contact the Biosafety Officer at 617-432-4727 (HMS/HSPH) or 617-964-8550 (NRB/HIM) or 800-825-5343 (BWH) for appropriate registration. h. If receiving animals from an outside source, identify the origin of the animals, or their COMS/PIBC Registration Number, if on another HMA protocol. Origin: COMS or PIBC#: Page 1 of 1