Southwestern Elementary Lesson Plan Teacher: Mrs. Morings Pacing: Week 23 SOL/Essential Skills, knowledge and processes Note the SOL verb as well as the SOL content Objective(s)The objective must have both content and performance. This should represent a clear target for students and teachers. Week of: Feb. 4-7’ 13 Subject: Science Time: 1:10-2:05 SOL K.1g,h,j,k-K.3a,b- K.4e, K.5a-c, K.8a-b K.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which g) a question is developed and predictions are made from one or more observations; h) observations are recorded; i) picture graphs are constructed; j) unusual or unexpected results in an activity are recognized; and k) objects are described both pictorially and verbally. K.3 K.4 K.5 K.8 The student will investigate and understand that magnets have an effect on some materials, make some things move without touching them, and have useful applications. Key concepts include a) magnetism and its effects; and b) useful applications of magnetism. The student will investigate and understand that the position, motion, and physical properties of an object can be described. Key concepts include e) relative positions and speed of objects. The student will investigate and understand that water flows and has properties that can be observed and tested. Key concepts include a) water occurs in different phases; b) water flows downhill; and c) some materials float in water, while others sink. The student will investigate and understand that shadows occur When light is blocked by an object. Key concepts include a) shadows occur in nature when sunlight is blocked by an object; and b) shadows can be produced by blocking artificial light sources. Essential Vocabulary Content words that students need to obtain mastery of new skills Anticipatory Set focuses the students’ attention and gets them ready to receive instruction. It may also provide a brief review of previous learning. This is an opportunity to get students excited about the new skill or content Pre-assessment identifies students’ prior knowledge and informs teachers prior to the beginning of instruction. Multiple methods of assessments both formal and informal should be used. Shadows magnets light Downhill flow artificial water solid object sink liquid gas observations speed float M- Have students stand where light is located and tell what they see . T- Hey, MOVE- Have students to stand and move around light- what happened to their shadows? W – Read a book on Shadows. Th– TW have students to make shadows with their hands (anmals- rabbit, dog, etc). F- Parent Conferences M – How can you make a shadow? T– W– Th – F- Southwestern Elementary Lesson Plan .Research-based Instructional Strategies Materials A variety of materials are used to engaged students in learning. Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities & differences Summarizing & note taking Reinforcing effort & providing recognition Nonlinguistic representations Setting goals & providing feedback Structured small groups Generating & testing hypothesis Homework & practice Differentiation text notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS transparencies activity sheets thesaurus/dictionary manipulative scissors glue calculator other: teacher made activities Input/Modeling (IP/M) gives students examples of the expected demonstration of skills. Teacher provides direct instruction on the skills, vocabulary and knowledge needed for mastery. Input-What knowledge/critical attributes will I communicate to students so they will understand the objective? Modeling-How will I show or demonstrate the skill so students will be able to do it? Guided Practice (GP) students practice their new skill(s) with the support of the teacher. How will I check to see if students are developing an understanding of the new skill? Independent Practice (IPd )provides opportunities for students to develop competence. What opportunities can I provide for students to parctice their new learning without teacher supervision. IP/M TW write vocabulary on the board about Shadows. SW talk about real/artificial ligt. Monday GP SW make a chart comparing and contrasting real/artificial light. The students will draw pictures and discuss. IP- Student will draw a picture with light being used outside and inside. Discuss the two kinds of light. IP/M – Tuesday TW discuss how the sun can change things and dry up water. Also, discuss how the sun helps with Shadows and how it looks on the other side of the earth. TW use globe to show How the sun rotates. GP- Have students model how the earth rotates and the sun provides light one side at a time. IP-TW use globe and call students to spend globe and show the results of sun’s light on the earth. Wednesday Southwestern Elementary Lesson Plan IP/M – TW show and explain how students can create shadows, TW review terms for making shadows. Also, student will watch Brain Pop, Jr. on the I-cart. GP – Students will discuss what it takes to create a shadow, also, the students will use a flashlight and I-cart. IP- SW create shadows using objects in front of f light. (SHADOW PUPPET) Thursday IP/M – TW read a book about Groundhog’s Day. GP- SW discuss Groundhog’s Day! Did he see his shadow and what does it mean? IP- Student will illustrate a picture in detail showing the groundhog- shadow/no shadow? FrIday IP/M GPIP – Assessment gathers information to M – determine if students have mastered the lesson content, concept or skills. Assessments should be traditional (multiplechoice, paper pencil) and nontraditional (sorts, self-assessments, products) Closure summarizes or culminates the day’s lesson. This is an opportunity for students to process and store their new learning. T– W– Th – F– Teacher will review what had been done that day! Southwestern Elementary Lesson Plan Homework meaningful homework provides students with additional opportunities to practice skills taught in class. Homework should be an extension of the lesson. Students in need of extension based on pre and post assessment Students in need of support based on pre and post assessment Paraprofessional Schedule- M– T– W– Th – F-