May 31 st , 2015 Announcements

May 31st, 2015 Announcements
The Rev. Roger Hungerford
E m a i l a d d r e s s :
Phone numbers: 309-797-2515 and cell 1-757-639-5610
Church Website:
Altar Flowers are given by Janice Christensen to the glory of God in loving
memory of her husband, Vern.
Birthdays –June 1-Kathleen Seusy
June 2-Eileen Quick
June 3-William Bradford
Anniversaries – June 1-John and Shirley Miller
June 5- Doug and Kathy Holmgren
Crucifer-Raynette Barry
Acolyte- Norma Bumann
Chalice Bearers-Dennis Blevins and Barb Myers
Readers-Jim Stanbary, Kevin Eddy, Mike Eddy, Kathleen Seusy
Ushers/Greeters-Sue Erickson and Marsha Robison
Due to the amount of information in our weekly Bulletin, it would be helpful
to take it home to read again later.
THINGS CALENDARIC (Events are held at the Church unless otherwise noted ):
Every Wednesday-Holy Eucharist service at 7:00am
5/28-CyberLink GC Pre-Meeting at St. James Commons 6:00-7:30 pm
6/7-Scrapbooking after Coffee Hour
6/8-Bishop’s Committee Meeting at 6:15 pm
6/9-15-Vicar’s Vacation (The Rev. Dr. Larson will be the Celebrant on 6/14)
6/13- DoC Deputation Pre-General Convention Seminar
6/18- ECW Picnic at Paulson Clubhouse at 1:00 pm
6/18-Dean’s Meeting with the Bishop (Rev. Roger attends)
6/20-Game Night Social Activity starting at 6:30 pm
6/29-Evangelism Committee Meeting at 6:15 pm
7/6-10-Gospel Music Camp
7/13-Bishop’s Committee Meeting at 6:15 pm
7/27-Evangelism Committee Meeting at 6:15 pm
8/2-Bluegrass Mass at Peterson Park at 10:30 am
9/1,8,22,29- Speaker series on “Wellness For Boomers and Beyond” (at Library)
at 6:00 pm
9/26-Trivia Night
DON’T FORGET – Next Sunday IS COLLECTION SUNDAY–The charities we currently
support are Winnie’s Place and Christian Care (women’s items); Christian
Friendliness Food Pantry; Gifts for Life (quarters for Episcopal Relief and
Development); and Youth Hope, Boys & Girls Club of Moline, and the Homeless
Shelter in Rock Island run by Christian Care (Manna Bags -we rotate among these
3 groups as needed).
BIRDIES FOR CHARITY – It’s that time again, folks! Pledge cards will be placed
in the Vestibule and/or Fellowship Hall for you to pick up if you wish to
participate. As you know, every penny that you pledge, plus a 5% bonus, comes
back to All Saints for our Building Fund. Please give the completed forms to Lin
Goldstone as soon as possible. Questions? Also see Lin.
WATERS OF BAPTISM - The placement of our baptismal font by the entrance of
our church is important. On our way in, it is a visual reminder of how we have
been born again and became inheritors of the Kingdom. On our exit, it is a
reminder of the covenant we made as part of ou r baptism - to share the gospel
and do the work God sets before us. Another form of remembering our baptism
is by having a small amount of blessed water in a dish by the entrance. A shelf
has been placed between the doors of the church just inside the nave (our
seating area). As you arrive and/or leave you may dip your fingers in the dish
and then do the sign of the cross so as to feel a reminder of our baptism.
Thanks go to the Holmgren's for the gift of the holy water dish to our
NOTICE – We want to include EVERYONE’S birthday and Anniversary(s) in our
weekly and/or monthly publications, so if you are new to All Saints and have
not filled out a card with this information or notice that your information is
missing or are incorrect, please let Sue Erickson (Newsletter) and Kathy Hand
(Bulletin) know so we can include you. We are constantly working to keep our
lists correct and updated and do not want to leave anyone out.
your smiling faces on the bulletin board outside Rev. Roger’s office. Chec k it
out as you stroll down to Coffee Hour.
GOSPEL MUSIC CAMP - This is one of our hands on outreach ministries where
we assist with a camp that serves at risk youth with a summer musical offering
and teaches about this beautiful musical genre. The camp goes from 9 am to 3
pm Monday through Friday, July 6 th-10th. You can work part of a day, whole
days or the whole week. We will be helping with registration, serving the noon
meal, and chaperoning the kids as they move from room to room for different
sessions. Our own Dr. John Hildreth is one of the organizers of this ev ent and
can answer questions about the camp and the kids who attend.
LAST SUNDAY BRUNCH - This morning is our monthly "red shirt" day and a
chance for you (and your friends) to come out to brunch at the Windmill after
the Fellowship Hour to meet and greet our All Saints family! So come join in on
the fun, good food, great conversation and laughter. Please contact Erica
Goldstone so she can call ahead for reservations !
SCRAPBOOKING – Years ago Carol Eddy started some scrapbooks to keep an
historical record of All Saints doings. But as All Saints has grown , so has the
material which needs to be put into the scrapbooks. Consequently, she needs
help. We will have a scrapbooking party on Sun., June 7th in the front
conference room after Coffee Hour. All materials and lunch (subs) will be
supplied; we just need people. If you have ½ an hour or an hour or whatever to
help sort pictures or make pages , please stop by. Creativity is not required,
but you do need to be able to glue and paste! Scissors will only be giv en to
those who prove they can handle them. No running!
IMPORTANT NOTICE - General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
the United States, June 26-July 3, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Episcopal Church is a
hierarchical church. We are a parish within a diocese within a province as part of
the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Every three years the
governing body convenes a gathering to discuss polity (how we operate) and what
we endorse or support (reports and resolutions) as the greater body of Christ in
the USA. This year we will be electing a new Presiding Bishop . The Presiding
Bishop's term is for nine years. Detailed information about General Convention
can be found at . Copies of the bio information
on the candidates is available on the credenza in the Fellowship Hall.
Saturday evening, June 20, beginning at 6:30 pm, a Game Night will be held at
All Saints. The Evangelism Committee is ready fo r an exciting night of games,
fun, and fellowship. Bring your own treats, beverages, friends, and family, and
come and enjoy a night of indoor and outdoor (weather permitting) games.
We'll have a Bean Bag Toss, a Euchre tournament, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit,
among others. Please see Mike Eddy or Mary Hogg if you have questions.
Hope to see you all there on June 20th!!
FALL SPEAKER SERIES – “Wellness for Boomers and Beyond” is being
sponsored by the Evangelism Committee. The Speaker schedule is as follows:
Sept. 1: Ginny Tudeen, Chicometrics (Physical Wellness for Boomers and
Beyond) Sept. 8: Sandy Gebhart, Dietitian at Avenue of the Cities Hy-Vee
(Nutrition for Boomers and Beyond) Sept. 22: Dr. Leslie O’Ryan, Professor of
Counselor Education, Western Illinois University Quad Cities (Mental Wellness
for Boomers and Beyond) Sept. 29: The Rev. Roger Hungerford, All Saints
Episcopal Church (Spiritual Wellness for Boomers and Beyond) . All
presentations will be held in a meeting room at the Moline Public Library at
6:00 pm. There will be a reception held after each presentation .
REMINDER – Please consider attending our Wednesday Morning Eucharist at 7 am
and/or our Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 7 pm. Both meet at the church.
CHOIR PRACTICE-There will be a practice this Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the
church office. We start warming up on Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. Come join
the fun!
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY- We meet every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the
church office. We are currently studying Leviticus. Our Bible Study is open to
everyone and each session is unique. Our discussions are lively and insightful.
Please come and join us. Bring your Bible.
ALTAR FLOWERS - Marge Allemeier has the 2015 Altar Flower Sign-Up List.
Please contact her if you wish to participate.
Celebrant: In the name of this congregation I send you forth bearing the
sacrament, so that those to whom you go may share Holy Communion with us.
Response: We who are many are one body, because we all share one bread.
COFFEE HOUR-Please join us for coffee after the service this morning in the
Fellowship Hall.