SNAPSHOT OF LIBS 4150 / 5150 DiB=Discussion Board DB=Dropbox “PREPARE” means that you read / experience the material BEFORE you open or see the assignment. Unit / # Assgt UNIT 1 #1 UNIT 3A #2 Children’s Literature History UNIT 3B #3 Children’s Literature Awards UNIT 3B #4 Children’s Literature Evaluation UNIT 3B #5 Children’s Literature Selecion UNIT 3C #6 Page 1 of 5 Summary of assignment Point Value chpt PREPARE for assignments by using these Submit resources No resource needed; your own DiB1 experience is required. POST INTRO,PHOTO -post personal story piece QUIZ ON REQUIRED CHILDREN’S BOOKS AND LECTURES- take a quiz on all links, handouts, lectures 10 None 25 None Assignment 2 Objectives, Lectures and QUIZ in the Krosoczka video. Required reading D2L list books from FIELD TRIP TO FIND AWARD WINNERS- visit a public or elementary school library 75 None Read Awards for Children’s Books. DB Printing out a list of winners from the designated years. Searching the library’s web-based catalog. EVALUATE A BOOK- read a book, use the rubric, write a reflection 50 1 READ CHAPTER 1 IN KIEFER. Citing DB reviews from Amazon, Evaluating children’s books, Rubric to evaluate a book. SELECTION AIDS- Use 3 selection aids to find the right book for the reader 50 None QUIZ-- REQUIRED CHILDREN’S BOOKS AND KIEFER CHAPTER 10 25 10 Video on book selection, Choosing Books DB by Reader’s Age presentation, What are Selection Aids? Presentation. READ CHAPTER 10 IN KIEFER Required Reading books. and QUIZ in D2L Check it off! SNAPSHOT OF LIBS 4150 / 5150 DiB=Discussion Board DB=Dropbox “PREPARE” means that you read / experience the material BEFORE you open or see the assignment. Children’s Literature Using in Curriculum UNIT 3C #7 Children’s Literature Using in Curriculum UNIT 3D #8 USING KIDLIT IN SCHOOLDiscuss effects of readings and self-reflection 50 10 Lecture on Reading the Common Core DiB 2 Standards and Common Core and Texts. POST SLJ article. QUIZ--KIEFER CHAPTER 2 - Take quiz on the course materials 15 2 READ CHAPTER 2 in KIEFER. UNIT 3D #9 Reading Puzzle THE READING PUZZLE – Discussion on a problem and solution with research-based material 50 UNIT 3E #10 Non-Fiction QUIZ-- REQUIRED CHILDREN’S BOOKS AND KIEFER CHAPTER 9 NONFICTION TEL 2013- Submit all parts in one document through drop box 40 9 READ CHAPTER 9 IN KIEFER and kidlit. 50 None TEL presentation. Handout on Dewey DB Decimal Classification. UNIT 3E #11 Non-Fiction Page 2 of 5 None QUIZ in D2L Read Lectures on Developmental DiB 3 Characteristics, Rosenblatt’s Theory, and POST Readability Formulas, as well as both handouts. QUIZ in D2L SNAPSHOT OF LIBS 4150 / 5150 DiB=Discussion Board DB=Dropbox “PREPARE” means that you read / experience the material BEFORE you open or see the assignment. 30 UNIT 3E #12 Non-Fiction UNIT 3E #13 Non-Fiction UNIT 3F #14 Picture Books UNIT 3F #15 Picture Books UNIT 3G #16 Realistic Fiction UNIT 3G #17 Realistic Fiction Page 3 of 5 9 NONFICTION TEXT FEATURES Science and trade books presentation. DB Nonfiction text features. None Text pages with Science standards. Use DB table format. COMMON CORE AND LITERATURE- Choose 2 standards and match 2 books from the nonfiction section QUIZ-- REQIRED CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND KIEFER CHAPTER 3 30 40 3 READ CHAPTER 3 IN KIEFER. Lectures, QUIZ in etc. and Kidlit. D2L EXPLORE MAJOR ARTISTSexamine illustrators of picture books, create a table in Word, and submit in drop box. QUIZ-- REQIRED CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND KIEFER CHAPTER 7 & 8 REALISTIC AND HISTORICAL FICTION ERASE THE CHARACTER- Choose a character, make 2 webs, and answer a question and reflection 75 None Textbook, lectures, handouts, DB, Caldecott website at ALA, databases in Walker Library website 40 7&8 READ CHAPTERS 7 & 8 IN KIEFER. realistic QUIZ in fiction and required reading books. D2L 50 None Erase the Character presentation. DB SNAPSHOT OF LIBS 4150 / 5150 DiB=Discussion Board DB=Dropbox “PREPARE” means that you read / experience the material BEFORE you open or see the assignment. UNIT 3H #18 Trad. Literature UNIT 3H #19 Trad. Literatuer UNIT 3H #20 Trad. Literature UNIT 3I #21 Modern Fantasy UNIT 3I #22 Modern Fantasy UNIT 3I #23 Poetry Page 4 of 5 QUIZ--REQUIRED CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND KIEFER CHAPTER 4 TRADITIONAL LITERATURE 30 4 READ CHAPTER 4 IN KIEFER.- traditional QUIZ in literature and required reading books. D2L MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES – complete parts I & 2 and submit in drop box. 25 None Lecture on Annotated Mother Goose DB and notes: Choosing Mother Goose. FOLKTALE VARIANTS STUDYGROUP WORK; start in discussion board early to meet group. QUIZ--REQUIRED CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND KIEFER CHAPTER 5 MODERN FANTASY 50 None READ CHAPTER 5 IN KIEFER and research DiB variants and their characteristics. Be prepared to add quality to your group work. 25 5 READ CHAPTER 5 IN KIEFER – modern QUIZ in fantasy- and required reading books. D2L LITERATURE ACTIVITIES- Story frame, story map, and story pyramid 50 None Read Poppy & Rye, The Wreck of the DB Zephyr, and The Lightning Thief QUIZ-- KIEFER CHAPTER 6 POETRY 15 6 READ CHAPTER 6 IN KIEFER – poetry QUIZ in only. D2L SNAPSHOT OF LIBS 4150 / 5150 DiB=Discussion Board DB=Dropbox “PREPARE” means that you read / experience the material BEFORE you open or see the assignment. UNIT 3J #24 Poetry UNIT 3K #25 Censorship EXPLORE MAJOR POETS AND POETRY COLLECTIONS – drop box CENSORSHIP – discussion board and drop box, individual and group assignment 50 6 Intro to poetry PowerPoint. 50 None REVIEW CHAPTER 10 IN KIEFER. Lectures, DiB,DB Handouts, and Links. 1000 DUE DATES ARE ON THE D2L CALENDAR Page 5 of 5 DB