Minutes 12/12/12 - Postgraduate Taught Learning and Teaching

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
College Postgraduate Taught Learning and Teaching Committee
Wednesday 12 December at 9.30am, WGH, ECRC Meeting Room 1
Minutes are draft until approved by the next meeting of the Committee
Jeremy Bradshaw
Karen Chapman
Mayank Dutia
Andrew Farrall
Lauren Johnston-Smith
Sarah Wild
Isabel Lavers
Paula Hamilton
Catherine Hennessy
Jo-Anne Murray
Convenor of CPGSC
QA CMVM PG Representative
BMS School Representative
CS School Representative
Marketing and Communications Manager
MGPHS School Representative
Secretary to CPGSC
PG College Office
Student Representative
R(D)SVS School Representative
Convenor’s Welcome
A special welcome was made to Paula Hamilton who has started work on
PG Business Planning in the College.
Minutes from the previous meeting
The minutes were approved.
Matter’s Arising
OLDL Timetables
The Convenor reported that he had raised this issue with the DEI but
they did not see a problem with this at present.
Research Council Funding
The BMS School Representative commented that funds should be split
between the College and Schools, his School would prefer to have the
funds devolved to Schools.
The QA CMVM PG Representative suggested that some monies could
be used for lab training resources.
Members discussed the idea of a statistics OLDL training course which
would be beneficial to PGT and PGR students. Members agreed a lot of
the information already existed across different programmes in the
College but needed to be brought together in one package.
Mayank Dutia, Andrew Hall, Darren Shaw and Niall
Anderson to form task group to collate all existing
statistical resources in the College. Group to meet in
January 2013.
Convenor to arrange with PGR Dean that an allocation of
funds be available for this work.
Masters Dissertation Form
This item was to be carried forward to the next meeting.
PG Handbooks
The Secretary informed members that Academic Services had confirmed
that UG Programme Handbooks are updated annually, rather than
covering a student for their entire UG period. This is to take into account
PGT 12/13 2A
any regulatory and programme structure changes etc. Therefore this
should be applied to PGT PT Handbooks.
MSc Surgical Sciences Exam Proposal
It was noted that Convenor and Secretary had met with the Programme
Team and the team’s proposal had been agreed.
Reports from Schools (written reports from non-attendees)
The BMS School Representative reported that the MSc in Translational
Medicine and had been closed and would no longer be recruiting new
students, It was hoped the programme would be re-vamped and a
replacement programme in place for 2015/16. In addition the MSc in
Genomics and Pathway Medicine had also been closed.
The CS School Representative reported that he had met with the new
HoS and was planning a meeting in January to communicate with PD’s
across the School. They had also identified that the School website
information needed to be improved. Members discussed the issue of how
programmes are paid for providing teaching cross College, some
programmes bill programmes directly others don’t have any mechanisms
in place. This is an issue that will be looked at during the upcoming PGT
Reports from University Committees
The Convenor reported that the Personal Tutor system for PGT students
will be rolled out for 2013/14, a number of task groups had already been
set up to investigate this. It was not known as yet whether or not
Programme Director’s would be expected to also be Personal Tutors.
The Convenor did not think that additional support for OLDL programmes
would be needed but a set criteria needed to be put in place so students
would know what support could be expected. Members agreed that there
was a lot of variety in MSc’s across the University so different models
may have to be put in place.
QA Issues:
Learning from Internal Review 2011/12
Members agreed the QA paper on instances of good practice identified
during internal subject reviews held in 2011/12 was very helpful.
The QA CMVM PG Representative suggested that all Schools should
have a SSLC, which would facilitate PGT and PGR on campus issues
across a School. All students’ years should be covered. It was noted that
this had already been introduced into the School of MGPHS.
All Schools should have a SSLC, which would facilitate PGT and
PGR on campus issues across a School. All students’ years should
be covered. The SSLC should meet 3-4 times per session. Only
major issues should be flagged to College Committees.
The Convenor reported that many Schools now have 1 Special
Circumstances Committee per School. This gave consistency to
decisions made.
Secretary to add Special Circumstances Committee to the next
agenda for discussion.
PGT 12/13 2B
The BMS School Representative reported that it was increasingly difficult
to find research projects for PGT students as UG and PGT numbers
increased. There were also issues with lack of laboratories and
resources and Postdoctoral students supervising students.
The BMS School Representative and QA Representative to put
together a discussion paper for the Convenor to take forward to the
Learning and Teaching Committee (for which he was Convenor).
The Marketing and Communications Manager updated members on
current work being undertaken for 2012/13. A successful PG Open Day
was held in November with Virtual sessions being held throughout the
Student Issues
There were no items to be discussed.
Intercalating Vets Students
Members discussed an item from the R(D)SVS School Representative
whereby Intercalating Vets Students from England could not receive any
funding when they returned to their UG degree. Members agreed it was a
School issue and nothing that the College or University could do anything
about. The School should advise any intercalating students to check their
funding rights before applying for a MSc.
Principles of Moderation for UG and PG Courses
Members were asked for their comments on this QA paper which
proposed a set of moderation principles which might inform further
development work in this area.
PGT 12/13 2C
Members comments were:
• While the thinking behind the standardisation meeting is commendable,
the low cost (in terms of staff time) to benefit (in terms of fewer mark
inconsistencies) ratio, and the likely impact on feedback/turnaround
times, as well as the difficulty of coordinating staff diaries, make it
impractical. Staff thought it would be adding more work for no difference.
• At present Course Organisers have mechanisms in place if there are
• Don't believe that consistency of marking is an issue in CMVM, based
on the number of double-marked items that need reconciliation (>10%
difference between marks).
• What happens if the marking in a sample is inconsistent? Are all of the
items marked by that person remarked?
Secretary to pass the Committee’s comments to CSPC.
Nomination of External Examiners – All Approved
MSc Surgical Sciences Michael Griffin
ChM Urology Rob Pickard
External Examiner Reports – All Approved
PGT 12/13 2D
PGT 12/13 2E
It was noted that for the School of BMS the School Representative will
compile a report on all the EE reports for the School. All actions will be
raised through the School’s Board of Studies.
Two additional External Examiner reports were tabled, MSc Paediatric
Medicine and MSc Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare,
Appendices I and II.
MSc One Health
MSc Reproductive Biology
PGCert Cognitive Ageing Research Methods for Medical Scientists
MSc Anaesthesia Practice
MClin Dent Prosthodontics
The External Examiner suggested “ that consideration is given to
reviewing the structure of delivery in conjunction with the assessment
timing and method – for example the summative assessment at the end
of year one is not credit-bearing. Similarly discussed with the programme
team suggestions for changing the format of the end-of-programme
written assessments that would allow these to be more robust, valid and
reflective of contemporary assessment methods.
PGT 12/13 2F
PGT 12/13 2G
PGT 12/13 2H
PGT 12/13 2I
PGT 12/13 2J
Given the nature of the programme, the clinical case is important and
should be retained, however the general viva is less relevant and could
perhaps be incorporated into the clinical assessment as part
of a structured oral examination. Similarly, consideration could be given
to an OSLER format for an unseen case. Discussed with the team the
need for robust procedures for continued review of protocols and projects
at a local level (see also comments below re academic leadership).” The
EE noted that “the programme had suffered further loss of staff and that
academic leadership for the programme is limited. These are major
factors which jeopardise the continued viability of the programme,
particularly in respect of the research projects. Clinical and academic
leadership of the programme should be ensured before further student
Members noted that new Academic posts were being recruited to the PG
Dental Institute and a new Director had been appointed and would be
starting in January 2013.
MSc Animal Biosciences
MSc Neuroimaging for Research
MSc Health Informatics/Information Governance
MSc Clinical Education
MPH – Jill Pell
The EE commented that “it was useful to explore the use of guidelines,
marking templates or marking schema specific to different types of
projects as a mechanism for ensuring fairness and reducing risk of
discrepancies in internal marking. 1. The scripts for three assessments
were provided to the EE late (3 days before the board meeting). This was
an unacceptably short turn-around time for EE. This had not happened
before and hopefully was a one-off occurrence.
2. Two of the internal markers continue to provide hand-written feedback
to students in spite of being instructed by the administrator to provide it
electronically. Illegible feedback is of limited use to students.
3. Two of the student projects resulted in widely divergent grades from
the internal markers necessitating moderation by the external examiner.
In both instances, this was due to the student undertaking primary data
research and the internal markers applying different weight to the quality
of the methodology versus the quality of the analysis. This has
highlighted the need to provide internal markers with marking
guidance/templates/schema specific to different types of projects:
qualitative assessment of primary data; quantitative assessment of
PGT 12/13 2K
PGT 12/13 2L
PGT 12/13 2M
PGT 12/13 2N
PGT 12/13 2O
primary data; quantitative analysis of secondary data etc Currently, the
MPH is only allowed to award candidates a final mark of pass or
distinction. Merits cannot be awarded. This is inconsistent with MPH
courses at other institutions. The possibility of merits would help to
motivate students and reward a number of candidates who have just
failed to achieve distinction.”
MPH – Judith Green
The EE commented that “not all markers use the feedback sheets.
Individual feedback is a little generic, more concrete examples of what
students could do to improve their marks might be helpful. Could always
see why a piece of work had been given a particular grade - either the
written feedback didn't match the grade, or the feedback was
inadequately specific. This is particularly important for student in Sem 1,
especially for those with limited experience in structuring essays. Reliant
on EE as 3rd markers. Disputes should be solved with internal 3rd
markers where possible, if EE picks up marks which seem unjust then
the entire course should be marked afresh, to ensure quality. If all work is
double marked, with good internal moderation, there should be no need
for EE to change individual marks. Should think about 1) Clear,
unambiguous guidelines for late submission and over word length. 2)
Ensure clearer feedback on fail/borderline grades in particular on why
assignment failed. 3) Ensure student has failed for sufficient credits for
an MSc. “
PGT 12/13 2P
The MGPHS School Representative gave informal feedback for the
MPH programme, however it was noted a formal response would be
required for the next meeting.
Programme/ Course Request Change
Report from School of Biomedical Sciences
Members agreed to have to have the PPD application option added to
MSc Biodiversity, Wildlife & Ecosystem Health, MSc Global Health &
Infectious Diseases, MSc Internal Animal Health and for MSc Biomedical
Sciences courses to be re-created under SMBMS and coded
Exam Board Memberships – All Approved.
Two additional Exam Board Memberships were tabled, MVetSci
Conservation Medicine and MSc International Animal Welfare, Ethics and
Law, Appendices III and IV.
MSc Global Health: Non-Communicable Diseases
PG Cert Global Health Challenges
PTES 2012/13
It was noted that PTES will be run in Spring 2013, 1 Feb -17 June 2013,
Academic Services will be advertising in the New Year. An IPad will be
offered as a prize along with a £1 donation to EUSA for every
questionnaire completed. PTES responses will be amalgamated with
NSS. Further information on PRES and PTES is available on the Higher
Education Academy website:
Validation Day Update
Members noted that 8 programmes that went forward for Validation on
PGT 12/13 2Q
PGT 12/13 2R
PGT 12/13 2S
PGT 12/13 2T
PGT 12/13 2UJ
Tuesday 13 November:
 MSc Science Communication & Public Engagement, Online
Distance Learning, Elizabeth Stevenson
 MSc Imaging, Online Distance Learning (DEI Funded),
Andrew Farrall
 MSc Family Medicine, Online Distance Learning,
Liz Grant
 MSc Clinical Pain Management/Headache Medicine, Online
Distance Learning,Sarah Henderson, Chris McKenzie
 ChM in Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, Online Distance
Learning,David Pier, James Garden
 MSc One Health, Online Distance Learning, Mike Thursfield
 MSc Clinical Trials, Online Distance Learning (DEI Funded),
Stuart Ralston
It was noted that with the exception of MSc Family Medicine it was likely
all would be ready for starting in 2013/14.
BoE Training Event
A BoE Training Event will be held Thursday 25 April 2pm,members were
asked to promote the event to staff in their Schools. The aim of the event
will be to:
 Provide information on changes to assessment regulations
 Guidance on the operation of BoE and roles of members
 Discuss special circumstances and how these relate to BoE
 Advice on appeals process and opportunity to learn from student
International Task Group
The Secretary circulated The Interim Report from the International
Teaching and Learning Experience Task Group, Appendix V.
Brainstorming sessions had been held with Programme Director’s to look
at the impact of International Students and Staff i-n the College.
Members commented that they would be very interested to see the
findings of the final report.
CMVM Scientific Academic Writing Course
The first of a 2 year pilot of this course has successfully run. 69/87 on
campus MSc students took the course. A prize will be awarded to the
best essay. The course will be available again in 2013/14.
PGT Programme Reviews
The College is reviewing all of its PGT Programme provision this session
to ensure that we that continue to develop our PGT provision in a
sustainable way. The aim is to meet with Schools and Programme
Directors with a view to submitting any recommendations to College
Strategy Group early next year. Not only will we be reviewing the
Academic content of programmes, but also the Business Plans and the
student target numbers held in those Business Plans. The Review Team
will consist of Jeremy Bradshaw, Lauren Johnston-Smith, Isabel Lavers
and Paula Hamilton.
Complaints Procedures
In future there will be a new complaints procedure in place which will just
have 1 stage (rather than 2), no date yet as to when this will be
The date of the next meeting is 9.30 Thursday 14 February, Boardroom, School of Biomedical
Sciences, Medical School, Teviot Place