Effective August 2015 2015/2016 KEMPTVILLE CAMPUS POLICIES & PROCEDURES VEHICLE AND PARKING POLICY Parking Regulations 1. Introduction This document contains general information about Kemptville Campus's parking and traffic system. Its purpose is to acquaint individuals with the expectations, rules, and regulations to ensure a safe environment for all students, staff and guests to Campus. Your compliance is encouraged and expected since the ultimate success of the parking system depends upon mutual consideration, courtesy and cooperation from all. The primary purpose of the parking and traffic system is to provide a comprehensive service that effectively meets the operational requirements of the Campus. It also accommodates the parking needs of the faculty, staff, students and visitors in a fair and reasonable manner. While most people will comply with these regulations, those found in violation will be subject to penalties reflecting the severity of the infraction. Please drive safely, park courteously and enjoy your time at Kemptville Campus. 2. General Information Kemptville Campus reserves the right to control parking and traffic on the Campus, to prohibit access to any vehicle and to restrict parking privileges at any time in any parking lot, for emergencies, construction or other purposes. In such instances every attempt will be made to provide alternate parking and, where possible, advance notice will be given whenever possible. If a parking lot is full due to a special event, please park in another parking lot. You will be provided a grace period of 6 hours after the end of the event to relocate your vehicle to one of the parking lots permitted with the your parking permit. Parking on the grass or failing to relocate your vehicle by the end of the grace period will lead to a fine and possible towing of your vehicle. Campus sidewalks, pathways, pedestrian walkways, grassed or landscaped areas are designated as Pedestrian Areas and as such are closed to motorized vehicular traffic except for vehicles authorized by Physical Plant Services - Campus Security. Kemptville Campus has no legal or contractual obligation to provide parking accommodation and assumes no responsibility for any damage or theft to a motor vehicle or any loss of vehicle or its contents while on Campus. Administration and Physical Plant - Campus Security will provide information or any other assistance that may facilitate your use of parking services. Please contact them if assistance or other information is required. Administration should be contacted regarding Campus parking maps, parking and traffic regulations, and special permits. Administration is located in the Administration Building. Effective August 2015 James Pede, the Executive Officer or designate should be contacted regarding traffic accidents, thefts or other offences, for information about vehicles that may have been towed away or for vehicles that may have broken down and are causing a problem. Please note that a message left on an abandoned vehicle does not prevent ticketing and/or towing at the owner’s risk and expense. 3. Authority The Regulations contained in this document are issued under the authority of Kemptville Campus. The Campus reserves the right to amend these regulations and will publicize any changes. Campus Security is authorized and directed to administer these Parking and Traffic Regulations as well as other matters pertaining to the ongoing operation of the parking program. Campus Security is authorized to enforce these Parking and Traffic Regulations. 4. Regulations These regulations supersede all previous regulations. It is the responsibility of the owner or operator of a vehicle to comply with these regulations. 1. Areas throughout the Campus not posted or designated as parking areas will be considered "No Parking Areas". 2. Student parking is available in the following parking lots, provided the appropriate permit is displayed on the vehicle: P2 – West of Bell Hall P3 - North of the W.B. George Centre P4 - South west of the Parish Building P5 - North of Power and Equipment Centre P5b - Gravel lot north of Power and Equipment Centre P6 – Learning Resource Centre/ Purvis Hall P7 - Outside cafeteria P8 - Between A.M. Barr and Welding Shop NOTE: Limited parking is available in P5, P5b and P7. Therefore parking in these lots is on a first come basis. 3. Student vehicles with a valid Campus parking permit are permitted in the designated drop-off or unloading areas for 10 minutes or the time indicated on the sign in each location. 4. Permits must be displayed in the front windshield, clearly visible to Campus Security. 5. The speed limit on any Campus roadway is 20 km/h maximum. 6. Student permits are not required in the evening between 5 pm and 11 pm except in lots P2, P3 and designated drop-off or unloading areas where permits are required at all times. 7. The operation or parking of any motor vehicle (including delivery or pick-up) on lawns, pedestrian walkways or other landscaped areas on Campus property is prohibited unless specifically authorized by Physical Plant Services. 8. Riding in the back of trucks is not permitted. 9. The use of snowmobiles and ATVs is forbidden on Campus property. Effective August 2015 10. Failure to bring a vehicle to a halt at intersections and other points on Campus where a "Stop" sign is displayed is a violation. Parking or abandonment of a vehicle in such a way as to interfere with the normal business of the Campus on any of its property, or contrary to signs or parking lot lines is a violation. 11. The possession of any cancelled, lost, stolen, forged or altered permits is an offence and is subject to immediate seizure. The vehicle owner/operator, and/or the registered owner of the permit, may be charged under these Regulations. The responsibility of establishing the validity of parking permits shall lie with the individual. 12. Permit holders leaving the Campus must hand in their permit to Administration. Permit holders who terminate the University and retain their parking permit are hereby advised that the permit will be revoked and any individual found using the permit will be charged under this regulation as a “No Valid Permit”. 13. Any visitors or members of the Campus with physical disabilities may apply to James Pede, the Executive Officer for special parking privileges. NOTE: parking spaces that are designated as Accessible Parking are restricted for those who are physically disabled and whose vehicle displays the appropriate Provincial Accessible Permit. Note: Documentation may be required. 14. Vehicles must be operational at all times. Disabled vehicles must be removed from the Campus promptly. 15. Any vehicle considered an environmental or safety hazard (i.e. leaking gas, etc.) will be subject to immediate tow away at owner/operator's risk and expense. 16. The permit holder is responsible for all fines issued to his/her vehicle. 5. Penalties Violations of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, The Criminal Code of Canada, the Trespass to Property Act or the University Student Rights and Responsibilities, may result in a charge being laid by Campus Security, in addition to any other penalties or costs that may be applicable. Description of Infraction Amount of Fine Subject to Towing at Owner’s Expense $25 After third offense PARKING INFRACTIONS 5.1 Parking your vehicle in a parking lot for which your parking permit does not allow access 5.2 Failure to properly display your parking permit in the $25 front windshield where it is clearly visible, or failure to register your vehicle with your permit. No 5.3 Parking your vehicle on campus without a valid After third offense $50 Effective August 2015 parking permit during these times: Weekdays (Mon – Fri) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5.4 Parking improperly so as to impede traffic and/or interfere with the normal business of the Campus $50 Yes, immediately 5.5 Parking a vehicle in a designated Pedestrian Area (e.g. campus sidewalks, pathways, pedestrian walkways, grass or landscaped areas) $50 + cost of damages + 10% admin fee on cost of damages Yes, immediately 5.6 Parking in a Fire Route or designated Accessible Parking space without proper identification $100 Yes, immediately 5.7 Parking more than 10 minutes in a designated dropoff or unloading area Yes, immediately DRIVING AND OTHER INFRACTIONS 5.8 Failure to bring a vehicle to a halt at intersections and other points on Campus where a stop sign is displayed $100 N/A 5.9 Reckless and dangerous driving and driving on lawns and fields or other designated Pedestrian Areas $100 + cost of damages + 10% admin fee on cost of damages N/A 5.10 Open alcohol in vehicles or anywhere on campus grounds $100 N/A A minimum $25 fine will be levied for all other Campus violations within these regulations. Excessive parking infractions and/or registration violations or an accumulation of unpaid fines could result in more severe fines and/or withdrawal of Campus parking privileges. Until all outstanding fines are paid, a new parking permit will not be issued. The Campus may take action against persons found in default of fines through: a. Withdrawal of parking privileges and subsequent towing of offending vehicles at the owner/operator's expense. b. Account transferred to Student Financial Services for Academic Sanction. Effective August 2015 c. Submission of account to a collection agency. 6. Towing Information Any applicable towing fees are payable to the towing company. Towing charges do not include payment of parking fines. For more information contact Physical Plant Services. 7. Payment of Fines Payment of Parking/Traffic Violation Tickets issued pursuant to these Regulations is to be made at Reception in the Administration Building by phone or in person. 8. Appeals Campus Violation tickets cannot be withdrawn or cancelled except through the prescribed appeal procedure. Appeal of any Campus parking or traffic violations must be received in writing to James Pede, the Executive Officer, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the ticket issued. A valid appeal may only be based on the contention that a violation was issued contrary to the Regulation or in error. Ignorance of the University of Guelph - Kemptville Campus regulations does not constitute grounds for an appeal. Second appeals of a decision by the Executive Officer, must be received in writing by the Interim Director within seven (7) calendar days of the decision on appeal being issued by the Executive Officer. Second appeals will be heard by a member of the Campus senior management team other than the Interim Director. 9. Permits Campus parking permits should be obtained only through the Registrar’s office located in the Administration Building. CAUTION: Parking permits obtained from others may be invalid. Persons are responsible for providing correct information to obtain a parking permit. This includes any changes in address, ownership or vehicle license plate. Proof of ownership may be requested. Permits remain the property of the Campus and may be cancelled and parking privileges revoked at any time by the Campus. All vehicles displaying a permit should be registered with Administration. The parking system recognizes the following categories: 1. Black Permits – for all students. 2. Medical (doctor’s note required), Overnight, Temporary, and Other Special Permits - may be issued upon the approval of the Executive Officer to individuals for justifiable reasons. 3. Illegible or damaged permits may be replaced providing identifiable parts of the old permit are produced at the time of replacement. Replacement permits may be subject to an Administration fee. 4. Lost or stolen permits should be reported immediately to Administration.