Final Exam Review Sheet

Final Exam Review Sheet
pg 1 of 3
Geography – (Smith) Spring 2014
Name: ______________________________________ Class:________________
Final Exam is worth 20% of the total grade for Geography and will include: Vocabulary Matching (from Final Exam
Vocabulary Sheet), True/False, and Multiple Choice
 2nd Period Exam: Monday, June 2nd
 3rd Period Exam: Friday, May 30th
 4th & 5th Period Exams: Tuesday, June 3rd
 7th Period Exam: Wednesday, June 4th
The following is a guide to study for your final. You do not have to write the answers to these questions; however, you
should find these answers in your notes and know them for the final exam.
30.) How are earthquakes measured?
31.) What are aftershocks?
1.) What is the definition of geography?
32.) What is the Richter scale?
2.) How are geographers different from historians?
33.) What number do major quakes measure on the Richter scale?
3.) How is the earth divided into hemispheres?
34.) What is a tsunami?
4.) What is a compass rose and what is its purpose?
35.) How fast can a tsunami travel?
5.) What are the N, S, E, W directions known as?
36.) When and where did the most devastating tsunami occur?
6.) What are the NE, NW, SE, SW directions known as?
37.) What is a volcano?
7.) What is the purpose of a map key?
38.) What is lava?
8.) What is the purpose of the scale bar?
39.) What is the Ring of Fire?
9.) What are physical maps used for?
40.) What are “hotspots”?
10.) What are political maps used for?
41.) What indicates a “hotspot”?
42.) What causes seasons?
Chapter 2
43.) What angle is the earth tilted at relative to the sun?
11.) What is a continent?
44.) How is the angle of the sun different in relation to the earth
12.) Who was the 1st to suggest the existence of a super
during the summer and winter?
45.) What does the solstice mark seasonally?
13.) What was the 1st proof that was found of a super continent?
46.) Where is the sun located during the solstice?
14.) What 1st presented the idea of continental drift?
47.) What does the equinox mark seasonally?
15.) What are the 7 current continents?
48.) What occurs with day and night on the equinox?
16.) What is the ratio of the circumference of the earth to its
49.) What is the difference between weather and climate?
50.) What causes storms?
17.) What does the arrangement of the earth’s layers resemble?
51.) What are hurricanes?
18.) What % of the earth’s water is salt?
52.) What is the highest measured hurricane wind?
19.) What are the 4 main parts of the ocean (names)?
53.) How many categories of hurricanes are there?
20.) What are the 3 basic motions of the ocean?
54.) When does a tropical storm become a hurricane?
21.) What is ground water?
55.) What is a tornado?
22.) What is the water table and what comes from it?
56.) What wind speed may tornadoes reach?
23.) What % of the earth’s fresh water is held in lakes?
57.) Where is Tornado Alley?
24.) How are islands formed?
58.) What is a blizzard?
Chapter 3
59.) What is a drought?
25.) What are tectonic plates?
60.) What is El Nino?
26.) What does plate movement cause?
61.) What is global warming and what is it causing?
27.) What is a fault?
World Religions
28.) When does a fault occur?
62.) What 3 questions are religions trying to answer?
29.) What is an earthquake?
Chapter 1, Map Skills
Final Exam Review Sheet
pg 2 of 3
Geography – (Smith) Spring 2014
Name: ______________________________________ Class:________________
63.) What does polytheistic mean?
Who founded Buddhism and when?
64.) What does monotheistic mean?
What were Buddhists instructed about statues of
65.) What are the 5 major world religions?
66.) What % of the world does each religion represent?
Why is Buddhism a philosophy instead of a religion?
67.) What religion has the largest % of followers in the Middle
What are the beliefs of Buddhism called?
What belief do Hinduism and Buddhism share?
68.) What religion has the largest % of followers in India?
East Asia
69.) What religion has the largest % of followers in East Asia?
70.) Who was the founder of Christianity?
What are the countries of East Asia?
71.) What was Jesus believed to be?
What are the land areas and populations of China and
72.) What is the holy book of Christianity?
73.) What was the Protestant Reformation and what was its result
What does the South China Sea carry?
in churches?
What are the geographic features of Japan?
74.) What Greek word does Christianity come from?
When and what was the largest earthquake in Japan?
75.) What is the Jewish name for God?
What is the world’s tallest mountain?
76.) Who was Abraham and what agreement did he make?
What is the Gobi Desert and what countries does it
77.) What was the Diaspora?
78.) How was Judaism received in Europe?
What is the Three Gorges Dam? Size? Purpose? Impact?
79.) How, when, and by whom was Israel created?
What purpose does the monsoon serve?
80.) What is ethical monotheism and what religions share it as a
What is a typhoon?
What is the population of China and its % of the world?
81.) What does being kosher entail?
What does “Chinese” mean?
82.) What is a yarmulke and what does it represent?
What is China’s one-child policy & what are its results?
83.) What was the Holocaust?
When and under whom was the People’s Republic of
84.) What is the Jewish holy book?
China created?
85.) What is the term for a Jewish religious leader?
What is the Terra Cotta Army?
86.) What important Jewish location is in Jerusalem and why?
What is the Great Wall of China?
87.) What is Hanukkah?
What did the Chinese invent?
88.) Who founded Islam?
What are the dialects of China?
89.) What are the 5 Pillars of Islam and what does each entail?
What does spoken Chinese rely on for meaning?
90.) What is the Muslim version of kosher?
How does Chinese writing work?
91.) What is Mecca?
How many characters must one learn to read a Chinese
92.) What is the Islamic name for God?
93.) What is the Islamic holy book?
What does Japan mean?
94.) What is the term for a Muslim religious leader?
Where do 60% of the people of Japan live?
95.) What city do Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all claim?
What happened at Pearl Harbor? What date?
96.) Who founded Hinduism and when?
How did WWII end?
97.) What are the main gods of Hinduism?
What allowed Japan to focus on consumer electronics
98.) What is the Hindu holy book?
and cars?
99.) What is the term for a Hindu religious leader?
What is education like in East Asia?
What are the main beliefs of Hinduism called?
What was Korea known as in the 17th and 18th centuries
What is karma?
and why?
What do the Hindus believe about reincarnation and
What happened to Korea after WWII?
social class?
What started the Korean War?
What animals do Hindus believe are sacred and why?
How and when did the Korean War end?
Final Exam Review Sheet
pg 3 of 3
Geography – (Smith) Spring 2014
Name: ______________________________________ Class:________________
What is the population of South Korea?
What hurt North Korea in 1991?
What has famine done in North Korea?
What happens in North Korea if a person questions the
What is crowding in China’s cities causing?
What is crowding in Japan causing?
What pollution conditions are present in China?
How is Japan dealing with waste and how does the US
How is East Asia impacting oceans?
If overfishing continues like it has, what will happen to
the oceans?
Who was the leader of Tibet before China took over?
How has China violated Tibetan human rights?
What happened in Tiananmen Square and when?
Who was Tank Man? What did he do and why?
What is the Fifth Modernization?
What has been China’s reaction to Tiananmen Square?