UCSD Persian Club Constitution

Group Name: Iranian Association at Stevens (IAS)
We, the members of IAS, do hereby form the organization known as the Iranian
Association for the purpose of appreciating and understanding the Persian culture,
and to build connections with others with the same interests.
Article I
The Organization shall be known as the Iranian Association at Stevens
Article II
IAS is an organization which pursues the goal of introducing Iranian culture to
Stevens students in additional to supporting the Iranian community at Stevens. The
objective of the organization shall be to establish a central forum for those who are
interested in Persia, and to disseminate information to the campus community and
beyond, by holding meetings and events. Moreover, it performs activities to support
new students and scholar, and to maintain the relationship between alumni and the
rest of the community. We regularly hold cultural and social events to involve
members and allow them to meet new friends. In addition to the meetings and
conferences, seminars will be held to gather alumni and current students and we
have social gatherings for celebrated occasions, such as the Persian New Year.
Article III
Qualifications for Membership
Any affiliate individual of the Stevens community who agrees with the mission and
purpose of this organization and who attends meetings at least once a semester may
become a member. Membership for the club does not require a fee; anyone wishing
to join is welcome. There will be a sign in sheet available at each meeting, in order to
keep track of member's attendance.
Article IV
Section 1: President
The IAS shall have a president, or 2 co-presidents, with the duties of calling and
running meetings and handling day to day affairs, as well as controlling all activities
run by other officers.
Section 2: Vice-President
The Vice-President shall serve the role of president if the president(s) is/are absent,
unable to serve the duties of president, or if the president resigns. Also, they are to
aid the president(s) when specified by the president(s).
Section 3: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all group expenditures and revenues. The
Treasurer shall sign any checks written by the IAS or for the purposes of the IAS
and maintain all group ledgers.
Section 4: Secretary Officer
The Secretary Officer shall record the events of all meetings and shall maintain
minutes of those meetings. The Recording Officer shall take attendance of those
present at group meetings as necessary.
Section 5: Activities Coordinator and Recruiting Officer
The Activities Coordinator(s) shall be responsible for planning activities for their
term in office, as well as communicating to the members of the IAS regarding the
events planned. Also, if the IAS decides to co-sponsor and event, the Activities
Coordinator(s) will be responsible for inter-organization relations. The AC&RO
shall also be responsible for providing information regarding IAS to unapprised
potential members. In the absence of the AC&RO, the vice-president shall delegate
responsibilities among other IAS officers.
Section 6: Faculty/Administrative Advisor
The IAS shall have one or two co-advisors, with the duties of overseeing the election
process, helping as resource for guest speakers, and attending club events.
Participation at club meetings are not mandatory, but highly encouraged. In
addition, the advisor supports leadership development among club members. They
shall also view content of listservs, website, and other communication that the club
submits to its members, and notifies the Office of Graduate Student Affairs if there
are concerns.
Section 7: Qualifications for Officers
All officers must be matriculated graduate students at the Stevens Institute of
Technology. We hold regular officer meetings on a bi-weekly basis.
Article V:
New officers are selected through an election process. Every year we email
members, letting them know that we are accepting nominations and applications for
the upcoming year and everyone is encouraged to apply. Elections for officers shall
be held at least once per academic year, in the first week of April. Only club
members may vote. Per Stevens constitution, Club Advisors are not allowed to vote,
yet have the role to oversee the election process. The Students who want to run for
election have to email the current president, at least a week before the election date.
Candidates are allowed to run for two positions, in case of a tie, the president will
pick the winner. The election shall be done online using survey monkey, and results
shall be publicly announced to all members.
Article VI
The IAS shall meet at least three times a semester to discuss activities and future
plans. There will be a sign-in sheet for members to sign. This is in order to keep
track of members' attendance.
Article VII
Section 1: Authority
The IAS shall establish bylaws to carry out the policies set forth in this constitution.
Section 2: Approval of Bylaws
Bylaws and changes in bylaws shall be approved by two-thirds (2/3) approval of the
IAS members, and at least one-fourth (1/4) of the total members have to be present.
Article VIII
The rules contained in Roberts rules of Order, Revise Edition shall govern the
society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with the bylaws or the special rules of order of the IAS society.
Article IX
The IAS Constitution shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote from the
members and with the approval the IAS registration by the Student Activities
Office, and at least one-fourth (1/2) of total members have to be present in the
ratification process.
Article X
Amendments to the IAS Constitution shall require approval of two-thirds (2/3) of
the entire membership of the IAS club. Advance notice must be made to all
members of proposed changes to the constitution, and at least half (1/2) of total
members have to be present in order for amendments to be approved.
Article XI
Guest Members
It is not obligatory to become a member to attend in social activities and gathering.
Guests could attend in events according to each event regulations, and it is not
mandatory to become a member. The regulations for events are subject of change
according to the available facilities and governing board decisions.