RHS Homecoming Court Guidelines & Information

Information for Court Members:
Congratulations on being chosen to represent your class in the Homecoming Court.
Updates and Changes:
For updates and changes to information, please join the Remind Homecoming Group.
Text @14HC to 601-255-1597
You are responsible for all information that is sent via Remind. If you do not sign up for it then you are
responsible for checking with Ms. Flowers for any updates or changes in information.
Missing School:
If you miss school on Thursday, you cannot participate in homecoming activities unless you have an excused
If you miss school on Friday, you cannot participate in homecoming activities unless you have an excused
absence. Be in the library by 4:45 pm on Friday October 3, 2014. If you are late, you may not get to
participate, this decision will be made by Ms. Flowers and Mr. Brooks.
Ms. Flowers and Ms. Watts must approve all maid attire. Send pictures of each dress/outfit emailed to Ms.
Flowers at kflowers@madison-schools.com. You must be wearing your outfit, full-length front and back view
for each outfit. We will email you back if your dress/outfit is unacceptable. Please send only one email will all 3
outfits and title the email Homecoming Attire. This includes Thursday parade attire, Friday morning pep rally
attire, and dress for the presentation on the field. (Attire must be within dress code for Friday Morning) Senior
maids will wear white dresses all other maids will wear any other color.
Escorts should wear a coat and tie on Thursday evening for the parade and Friday for the pep rally. NO
JEANS allowed – you will not be allowed to participate if you are not dressed appropriately.
You are required to attend a practice on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. Maids will meet at the field for practice
with the band promptly at 8:00. Escorts need to meet us in the gym at 8:45. If you miss the practice, you are
OUT of Homecoming. You might want to bring the shoes that you plan to wear on Homecoming night! Your
Friday evening escorts are welcome to come to practice but not required to be there (see escort guidelines).
Voting for Queen and King will be held the Friday prior to homecoming week. There is NO campaigning for
king or queen. If you are caught campaigning in any way you will not be allowed to hold the position of Queen
or King if elected. This includes social media.
Thursday Parade:
Maids/Escorts are responsible for securing a convertible and a driver (not a student). ID’s will be checked.
Maids/Escorts will be partnered up alphabetically. Each car should have two signs (one for each side) that
state the maid and escort’s name. This should be made on white poster board with either silver or blue glitter
and have appropriate ribbon or yarn securing it to doors of the vehicle. Be mindful not to scratch the cars you
use. If you have to question whether it looks appropriate, it probably doesn’t. If you do not have a convertible
by 3:30 pm on Wednesday you will not participate in or be acknowledged in the parade.
Meet at Holmes Community College with your car for the line-up at 6:00 pm.
More details will follow.
Friday afternoon:
Pep rally will be held at 2:30 so guests should arrive at school around 2:20 to be seated. Due to time
constraints, introduction of court members will be shortened. No narratives will be read during this time. Court
members should be in the gym by 2:00. The king will be announced at this time.
Sashes will be provided by the school.
You will not be able to participate in homecoming Friday night if you do not show up for the pep rally.
Maids and escorts (no other family members) should report to the library not later than 4:45 pm. Pictures will
be made promptly at 5:00 on the practice fields. Do NOT come straight to the practice field. If you are late you
will not be in the pictures. Bruckner’s will take pictures. Escorts will be able to sit in at the tables located in front
of the cafeteria during picture time. Other family members will not be allowed in the building at all. You are to
come dressed and ready for pictures.
Friday evening:
Only the maids and escorts are allowed on the football field/track. No family or friends will be allowed on
the field at anytime. All pictures with family and friends need to be taken after you are dismissed. Yearbook
and Bruckner’s will take formal pictures of the maids and court on the practice field and during the game. You
may purchase picture packages if you wish. No eating or drinking allowed while on the field/track.
King should make sure to be in attendance so that he can be acknowledged at halftime. Dressed nicely.
Maids and escorts should make every effort to stay for the entire game. You will be able to leave as soon as
you are dismissed.
Friday night escorts should contact Tuxedo Junction in Northpark Mall if they want to take advantage of our
group pricing (601) 957-1233.
The fact sheet and escort guidelines are attached. Make sure you meet ALL deadlines.
If you have any questions regarding anything stated on this sheet please email Ms. Flowers.
Thank you,
Eric Brooks, Principal
Katie Flowers, Advisor
Parker Black, Advisor
Tracey Watts, Advisor
Please sign below and return the signature portion to Ms. Flowers (229) by Tuesday, September 16, 2014 or
you cannot participate in the homecoming practice or homecoming night activities
I have been given a copy of the homecoming practice/activity guidelines and understand the consequences for
violating those guidelines.
Student Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Homecoming Pep Rally
You will be introduced at the Homecoming Pep Rally. You may wear whatever you wish, but it would be nice if
you would dress up. Remember that you are representing your class. Dress nice and appropriately for school.
Escorts should wear a coat and tie on Thursday evening for the parade and Friday morning for the pep rally.
NO JEANS allowed – you will not be allowed to participate if you are not dressed appropriately.
All maids and escorts are to meet in the gym by 2:00 Friday afternoon.
Remember you are alphabetized.
Please write neatly and legibly!
Your name
_________________________________________ Grade _______________________
Escorted by
________________________________________ Grade _______________________
Homecoming Court – Escort Guideline
An adult male family member should escort you on the night of Homecoming. The escorts are NOT required to
be at practice on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, but YOU ARE!!! They are WELCOME, but not required. You
will be responsible for letting him know the routine.
Practice will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, in the morning. Maids will be at the field
promptly at 8:00. Make sure you are not late.
Escorts should wear a black tuxedo.
Please contact Tuxedo Junction in Northpark Mall for the RHS group rate. The rental fee of $56.71 includes
jacket, pants, shirt, cummerbund, tie, cufflinks, and shoes. You will be required to pay a $30 deposit at your
fitting with the balance due at pickup.
They have requested that all fittings be completed by September 20,2014 so that all tuxedos will be ready in
time for pickup.
There is no requirement to schedule an appointment, but if you need to contact the store, the number is 601957-1233. Make sure that you tell them you are with Ridgeland High School so that you get the school group
If you have any questions, please email them to trwatts@madison-schools.com.
The following guidelines should be used when selecting an escort. Keep in mind that ANY escort must not be
a current high school student and must be 18+ years old.
1. Father/Stepfather/Legal Guardian
2. Grandfather
3. Uncle
4. Brother
NAME ________________________________
1st Period
5th Period
All information on this sheet should be exactly as you want it read during the Homecoming festivities. Make
sure you write neatly and legibly! PRINT!
You may type this page using Word and email it to Ms. Flowers at kflowers@madison-schools.com. Make sure
you include all the information needed.
Name ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Names:
Escort's Name _____________________________________________________
Circle Relationship: Father, Stepfather, Legal Guardian, Grandfather, Uncle, Brother
Class You Are Representing ___________________________________________
Activities/Honors (sports, clubs, church, community events, etc.) LIST YOUR TOP 3
Future Goals (college, career, etc.): SENIORS ONLY
September 16, 2014.