Dr.P.Subba Rao
Reader-cum-Deputy Director
Centre for Study of Social
Exclusion & Inclusive Policy
School of Social Science Building
Andhra University
Ph : 0891-2844361,2844352 (O)
Fax : 91-0891-2844351/2755324
Cell : 09966643183
Email :
Date of Birth
Nationality & Religion
Educational Qualifications :
Indian, Hindu
Scheduled Caste (SC)
M.A. – Economics (1986-88), Andhra University,
Qualified for
Professional Qualification
Ph.D. in Economics – Aug. 1997, Andhra University,
Thesis entitled: “Poverty and Health Status in
Visakhapatnam Slums.”
State Lecturers Eligibility Test (SLET) – 1997.
Bachelor of Law (B.L) 1989-92, Andhra University.
Computer modules known
1 Working as
: C, CO, Linux, RDBMS, Networking, Software
Engineering and C++.
Reader –cum- Deputy Director
, in “Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and
Inclusive Policy,” Andhra University, Visahapatnam, from April, 2008 to till date.
Worked as Teaching Associate in Economics during 2005-08 in Andhra university
Campus, Kakinada.
Worked as Lecturer in Economics during 1996-2005 in Justice GRN Junior and Degree
College, Gajapathinagaram.
4 Worked as Research Scholar from 04-01-1994 to 28-08-1997 under the reputed guidance of Department of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
5 Worked as Junior Investigator from 28-02-1992 to 31-07-1993 under the Research Project titled
“The Study on Comparative Economics of Farming by Scheduled Castes
Cultivators vis-à-vis Others”, undertaken by Agro-Economic Research Centre,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
6 Worked as Research Investigator from 14-08-1991 to 26-02-1992 under the Research project titled
“Evaluation Study of Slum Improvement Project in Visakhapatnam City” undertaken by Institute of Development and Planning Studies, Visakhapatnam.
7 Worked as a Research Investigator from 22-11-1990 to 15-04-1991, under the Research
Project titled “
The Socio-Economic and Demographic Survey of the Area for the
Proposed Gas Based Power Project near Kakinada” , undertaken by Department of
Economics, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam.
Worked as Research Investigator form 01-01-1989 to 30-10-1990 under the research project titled
“Problems and Prospects of Cashew Industry” undertaken by Department of Commerce and Management Studies Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Research Projects Completed
Completed one minor research project financed by National Child Labour Project (NCLP)
Vizianagaram titled
“An Evaluation Study of National Child Labour Project (NCLP) in
Vizianagaram District”, (R.C.No.72/99-NCLP, Note Order of the district Collector, Dated
Completed major research project titled
“Impact of National Rural Employment
Guarantee Programme on the Livelihoods of Rural Poor in Andhra Pradesh State”, financed by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, for two years.
(F.No. RP 02/064/2008 dated 08-12-2008).
Research Studies Completed
1. “Socio-economic and Demographic Characteristic: A Study in Jeegram Multi Caste
Village” during 2010-11, sponsored by CSSEIP, A U, Visakhapatnam.
2. ”The Catastrophic Effects of Floods in the Krishna River: A Critical Appraisal”, during
2010-11, sponsored by CSSEIP, A U, Visakhapatnam.
“Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and Livelihoods: A
Case of Marginalised Communities in Vizianagaram, during 2011-12. sponsored by
CSSEIP, A U, Visakhapatnam.
4. “Problems of Livelihoods among tribal Migrants in Visakhapatam City”, during 2012-13,
sponsored by CSSEIP, A U, Visakhapatnam.
Ph D thesis awarded
As Joint Research Director : Awarded Thesis titled “ Tertiary Health Care Delivery In
India : A Case Study in Visakhapatnam”
during 2009 submitted by Mr. G.Praveen
Kumar Sastry from Dept. of Commerce and Management Studies, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam.
As Joint Research Director: Awarded thesis titled “ Andhra Pradesh Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: An Explorative Study on Social
Audit Functioning and it’s Implementation in Mahaboobnagar District”.
during 2012 by B. Mohan Babu, Research Scholar, Dept. of Social Work, Andhra University
Research Scholars Pursuing Ph.Ds
Two: One is from Department of Social Work and another is from Department of Economics.
Book Publications
.”Social Exclusion and Inclusive Growth
090-5, 2013, Ambala City.
”, Associated Publishers, ISBN:978-81-8429-
“Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Marginalised Communities in India”
Associated Publishers, ISBN:978-81-8429-096-8, 2013, Ambala City.
“Social Exclusion and Human Development”
, Etd.Vol. (with B.Siva Rama Krishna),
APH Publishing Corporation, ISBN 978-93-313-1936-4, 2013, New Delhi.
4. “The Catastrophic Effects of Floods in Andhra Pradesh, India”, LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, ISBN No.978-3-659-26143-5, 2012, Germany.
Seminars Organised
National Seminar on “Management Education and Entrepreneurship Practices in
India: Implications for Social Inclusion” organized on 30 th April, 2014, Jointly with
Prof. Ravi Jaladi, Dept. of Commerce and Management Studies, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, sponsored by University Grants Commission and Andhra Pradesh State
Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
National Seminar on “Empowering the Marginalised Communities: From Theory to
Praxis”, organized during 27 th
-28 th
March, 2014, sponsored by University Grants
Commission,New Delhi and Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,
National Seminar on “Impoverishment among Dalits in India: Strategies for
Inclusive Development”, organized during 21 st
-22 nd
March, 2014, sponsored by Indian
Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.
An International Conference on “Gender Mainstreaming: Issues and Strategies for
Empowerment” during 5 th
-6 th
March, 2014, organized jointly with Dr.Durgabai
Deshmukh Centre for Women’s Studies Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Refresher Courses
1 Participated in the Refresher Course in the Subject “Rc. Spl. Summer Course on Computer
Applications”, from 02-08-2008 to 22-08-2008 at UGC-Academic Staff College,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Participated in the refresher course in the subject “IDRC in Women Studies” from
3-08-2009 to 23-08-2009 at UGC-Academic Staff College, Andhra University,
Orientation Course
Participated in the U G C sponsored Orientation Course organized by UGC – Academic
Staff College, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam from 12 -10 – 2009 to 08-11-2009.
Guest Lectures as Resource Person
1. As Resource Person of a session given lecture on
“Issues in Implementation of NREGS” at workshop on “Assessment on Implementation of MGNREGS in Tribal Region: Role of Multi Stake Holders” jointly organized by ITDA, Seethampeta and CSSE&IP, A.U,
Visakhapatnam on 16 th
November, 2012 at Seethampeta.
As Resource Person of a session delivered two lectures on
“Research Designing in Social
Science Research” on 08-01-2013 at a course on “ Research Methodology” , during 05-10,
January, 2013 for the faculty working in Affiliated Colleges and University Departments in
India, organized by the UGC – Academic Staff College, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam.
3. As Resource Person of a session given lecture on “Application of Sampling Methods in
Social Science Research”,
on 26-02-1013 for a course on “
IDRC Women Studies”
, during 25-17, February, 2013 for the faculty working in Affiliated Colleges and University
Departments in India, organized by the UGC – Academic Staff College, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam.
Workshops/Symposia’s Attended
“ International Women’s Day Celebrations ”, Symposia, held during 8-19 March, 2011,
organized by Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh, Centre for Women’s Studies, Andhra University,
2. “Research Writing and Publication ”, Workshop, held during 3-8 January, 2011, organized by UGC Academic Staff College (with Economic and Political Weekly,
Mumbai), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
“ Capacity Development for Researchers in Consumer Welfare and Protection ”,
Training Programme ,held during 27 th
-29 th
June 2010,organized by Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
College of Law,Andhra University, Visakhapatnam in collaboration with Indian Institute of
Public Administration, New Delhi at Visakhapatnam.
Quality of Life and Globalization : Effective Self Care Interventions
”, participated at
45 th
National and 14 th
International Conference of the Indian Academy pf Applied
Psychology (IAAP), held during 18-20 February,2010, by Department of Psychology and
Parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Capacity Building for Union, State and Local-Government Budgetary Analysis”,
National Workshop, held during 2-3, February 2009, organized by the Department of
Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Inclusive! Equity! Quality!”,
International Consultation on Schooling for All: Strategies to ensure Quality Education for Disadvantaged Children, on 19 th
September, 2008,
Organized by the UNESCO & Plan India, New Delhi.
“Agricultural Pricing Policy and Food Security”
National Workshop held on
7 th
December 2007 organized by Dept. of Economics, Ideal College of Arts & Sciences,
8. “Population, Environment and Health ”, Workshop held during 28-03-2003 to
30-03-2003, organized by the School of Economics, Andhra University, and
Visakhapatnam under the UGC Special Assistance Programme.
“Agricultural Pricing Policy and Food Security” , Workshop held on 07-12-2007 organized by Ideal College of Arts and Sciences, Kakinada.
1. “Education and Life Skills among Tribal Children: Evidence from a Study in
Visakhapatnam District”, (with B.Siva Rama Krishna) published in Andhra University of
Humanities and Management, Vol.1, No.1, January-June 2013, ISSN No.2321-9386.
2. “Empowerment of Women in the Context of Millennium Development Goals: Public
“Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Marginalized Communities in India”,
Etd.Vol. by P.Subba Rao & B.Siva Rama Krishna. (with Mohan Babu.B &
Ramjee.Ch), Chapter-9, The Associated Publishers,ISBN:978-81-8429-099-8, 2013,
Ambala City.
“Disabled Employment in Public Sector: Some Issues” “Social Inclusion and
Empower ment of Marginalized Communities in India”, Etd.Vol. by P.Subba Rao &
B.Siva Rama Krishna. (with T.V.Ramana), Chapter-11, The Associated
Publishers,ISBN:978-81-8429- 099- 8, 2013, Ambala City.
“Combating Violence Against Women: A Path Toward Empowerment”, “Social
Inclusion and Empowerment of Marginalized Communities in India”, Etd.Vol. by
P.Subba Rao & B.Siva Rama Krishna. (with B.Siva Rama Krishna ), Chapter-12, The
Associated Publishers,ISBN:978-81-8429-099-8, 2013, Ambala City.
“Poverty in India: Constitutional Safeguards and Obligations”
“Social Exclusion and
Inclusive Growth”, Etd. Vol. by P.Subba Rao & B.Siva Ramakrishna, (with B.Siva Rama
Krishna), Chapter-10, The Associated Publishers, ISBN:978-81-8429-090-5, 2013,
Ambala City.
6. “Socio Economic Study of Jeegiram Village: A Situational Analysis” , ‘Education
Times’ Vol.1, Number-1, (A Peer Reviewed journal of Education & Humanities), APH
Publishing Corporation, ISSN No.2319-8265, Jan-Dec-2012, New Delhi.
“Social Exclusion and Inclusion of Marginalised Communities” , ‘Social Exclusion and
Human Development’, Chapter-5, Etd.Vol. by P.Subba Rao & B.Siva Rama Krishna, (with
B.Siva Rama Krishna), APH Publishing Corporation, ISBN 978-93-313-1936-4, 2013,
New Delhi.
8. “Economic Status of Scheduled Castes and Measures for Development” , Social
Exclusion and Human Development’, Chapter-15, Etd.Vol. by P.Subba Rao & B.Siva
Rama Krishna, (with T.V.Ranana) APH Publishing Corporation, ISBN 978-93-313-1936-
4, 2013, New Delhi.
9. “ Social Security for the Elderly
”, South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies
(SAJOSPS) International, Vol.XII No.2 Jan – June – 2012, Adoor.
“Law Justice and Governance: The Gandhian Way”, National Law News Journal,
Vol. 17, ISSN No.0976-4305, September,2012, Luknow.
“Empower Disabled Women-Who are Double Discriminated”, with K.Mary Sujatha,
Edt.Vol, “Women of Disadvantaged Groups : Status and Empowered”, by D.Pulla Rao,
Serials Pub, 2011, xl 386p,ISBN 9788183874267, New Dilhi.
12. “ Development Strategy for Economic Inclusion of Women” , with T.V.Ramana,
Edt.Vol.”Inclusive Growth: Issues and Measures”, Chapter-28, by D.Pulla Rao, Abhijeet
Publications, ISBN: 978-93-5074029-3, 2012, New Delhi.
13. “ Tertiary Healthcare Delivery in India : Public Private Partnership”, Eastern
Geographer, June-2010,Vol. XVI,No.-1, Bhubaneswar.
“Micro Finance – Sustainable Development of Women – A Case Study ”,
with T.V.Ramana, Edt.Vol, “Women Entrepreneurs and Socio Economic Development”,
by D.Pulla Rao, Serials Pub, 2010, ISBN 9788183874243, New Delhi.
15. “ A Study of Child Labour in the Hotel Industry in Kakinada
”,Edited by
Subramanyam .v & Sekhar .k, Rawat Publications, Chapter-13, 2010, ISBN: 81-316-
0366- 0, New Delhi.
“Active Ageing: A Study of Factors for Reemployment of Elderly”,
Indian Journal
of Gerontology, Vol.24, No.2, 2010, Jaipur.
17. “ RIDF Road Project in Srikakulam : A Study” . Southern Economist, Volume 48,
1 st
October, 2009, Bangalore.
18. “A Case Study of RIDF Road Project in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh”,
Kurukshetra, , Vol. 57, No.6, April, 2009,. New Delhi.
19. “G irl Child Labour: Rampant in Vizianagaram District” , “Female Deficit in
India: Facts and Factors”, Edited by Ramachandrudu G $ Appa Rao Ch, Associate
Publishers, 2007,Chapter-15, ISBN:81-8429-045-4,Kachabazar, P.B.No:56, Ambalacantt
20. “ Missed Little Miss: A Search has Begun” , “Female Deficit in India: Facts
and Factors”,Editted by Ramachandrudu G$ Appa Rao Ch Associate Publishers,
2007, Chapter-16, ISBN:81-8429-045-4, Kachabazar, P.B.No:56, Ambalacantt,.
“AASHA” Programme for Non AIDS State of Andhra Pradesh”, Yojana(Telugu)
ISBN: 0971 : 8729, August , 2005, Hyderabad..
“Severe Fevers in Visakha Agency”, Yojana (Telugu), ISBN: 0971 : 8729, October
2005, Hyderabad.
23. “ Food Assurance Scheme in Andhra Pradesh”, Yojana (Telugu), ISBN: 0971 : 8729,
December, 2004, Hyderabad.
“House Environment and Health Status of Slum Dwellers in India – A Case
Study”, Census 2001 & Human Development in India, Edited by Ramachandrudu.G &
Prasada Rao.M, 2004, Serials Publications, Chapter-26, ISBN:818677145x, New Delhi.
"Janmabhoomi - A Success Story of Peoples Participation in Decentralised
Planning in Andhra Pradesh" “Decentralized Planning and E- Governance in
India: Problems and Perspectives”. Published by Dept .of Economics, University of
Calicut, 2005, Thrissur.
26. “Impact of Thrift and Credit Societies on Urban Slum Dwellers - A Case Study in
Andhra Pradesh” Indian Journal of Regional Science: Regional Science Association,
India, Vol.XXXIV, No.1, June 1 st
2002, ISSN:0046-9017, Calcutta,.
27. “ UBSP Programme in Vizianagaram Town: An Appraisal” , Indian Journal of
Regional Science: Regional Science Association, India, Vol.XXXII, No.1, 2000,
ISSN:0046-9017, Calcutta,
“General Studies”, (for competitive exams)
“Vignana Vipanchi” of Yojana
(Telugu), ISSN:0971 :8729, November, 1999, Hyderabad.
“General Studies”
, (For competitive exams) Vignana Vipanchi” of Yojana (Telugu)
October, 1999, Hyderabad.
“Indian Economy,” Study material for APPSC Group – I Services, Yojana (Telugu),
ISSN:0971 :8729, March 1999, Hyderabad.
31. “ Slum Dwellers in Vizianagaram Town: Socio-Economic and Demographic
”, Kurukshetra, ISSN:0021 : 5660, June 1998, New Delhi.
Seminar Papers (National)
“Socio-economic Status of Scheduled Castes in India: An Assessment”,
presented at a
National Seminar on “Empowering the Marginalised Communities: From Theory to
Praxis”, (with B. Siva Rama Krishna ) organized during 27 th -28 th March, 2014, sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi and Andhra Pradesh State Council of
Higher Education,
Hyderabad, organized by CSSEIP, Andhra University,
“Tribal Communities in India: Education as a Policy Approach for Development”, presented at a National Seminar on “Empowering the Marginalised Communities:
From Theory to Praxis”,
(with B. Siva Rama Krishna ) organized during 27 th
-28 th
2014, sponsored by University Grants Commission,New Delhi and Andhra Pradesh State
Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad, organized by CSSEIP, Andhra University,
“ “Socio-economic Status of Scheduled Castes in India and Inclusive Measures”, presented at a National Seminar on “Impoverishment among Dalits in India:
Strategies for Inclusive Development”, during 21 st
-22 nd
March, 2014, sponsored by
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, organized by CSSEIP,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Social Inclusion of Scheduled Castes: Constitutional and Legal Perspectives”, presented at a National Seminar on “Impoverishment among Dalits in India:
Strategies for Inclusive Development”, during 21 st -22 nd March, 2014, sponsored by
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, organized by CSSEIP,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Gender based Violence: Some Issues and Initiatives”,
Siminar (with B.SivaRamaKrishna) during 5 th
and 6
presented at an International th
March, 2014, organize by
Dr.Durgabai Deshmukh Centre for Women’s Studies and Centre for study of Social
Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“C rimes Against Women in India and Safety Concerns: Some Perspectives”, presented at an International Siminar (with B.SivaRamaKrishna) during 5 th
and 6 th
2014, organize by Dr.Durgabai Deshmukh Centre for Women’s Studies and Centre for study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Empowering Youth with Values and Ethics Role of Higher Education Institutions”.
Participated at the National Seminar on 3 rd July, 2013, organized by The Registrar,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
“Environmental Pollution: Effects on Slum Dwellers”, presented (with B.Siva Rama
Krishna) at the National Seminar on ‘Climate Change-Effects on Sustainable
Livelihoods’, organized by the Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive
Policy, Andhra University, during 22 nd
and 23 rd
March, 2013 at Visakhapatnam.
“CSR Initiatives-Some Perspectives on Sustainable Environment and Livelihood”, resented (with B.Siva Rama Krishna) at the National Seminar on ;Human Rights and
Corporate Social Responsibility’, organized by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar College of Law,
Andhra University, during 19 th
&20 th
March, 2013 at Andhra University,
“Tribal Development: An Andhra Pradesh Experience”
, presented in the National
Seminar on “Tribal Issues and Strategies for Empowerment” with B.Siva Rama Krisha, organized by the Department of Adult continuing Education and Education, University of Pune, from 22 nd
and 23 rd
November, 2012, at Pune.
11. “Understanding Consumer Rights in Indian Context” , presented in the National
Seminar on ‘Impact and Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Act: Problems and
Perspectives’ with B.Siva Rama Krishna, organized by Dr. B.R.Ambedkar College of
Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam in Collabration with Centre for Consumer
Studies, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 24 th
and 25 th
January,2013, at Visakhapatnam.
“Relevance of Gandhi in the New Millennium”,
National Seminar, on “Globalization,
Government and Gandhi”, during 28-29 March, 2012, organized by Gandhian Studies,
Centre, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (with B.Siva Ramakrishna).
13 .
“Child Labour-Role of NGOs towards Eradication and Rehabilitation”,
Seminar, on “Child Protection:Concerns and Challenges”, during 16.17 March,2012, organized by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam (with B.Mohan Babu).
“Emerging Issues and Challenges of Child Care in India”,
National Seminar, on “Child
Protection:Concerns and Challenges”, during 16.17 March,2012, organized by Centre for
Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (with
9. “Child Labour::Protection and Rehabilitation” , NationalSeminar, on “Child
Protection:Concerns and Challenges”, during 16.17 March,2012, organized by Centre for
Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
(with B.Siva Ramakrishna).
“Child Labour in India: Causes and Remedial Measures”,
National Seminar, on “Child
Protection:Concerns and Challenges”, during 16.17 March,2012, organized by Centre for Study
of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (with B.Siva
“Domestic Violence in India – Causes and Remidies”,
National Seminar on Violence
Against Women: Combating and Cping Strategies”, during 8-9, March 2012, Ornagised by
Dr.Durgabai Deshmukh Centre for Womens Studies”, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
(with B.Siva Ramakrishna).
“Coefficients of Inter Districts Human Development in Coastal Andhra”,
UGC sponsored
National Seminar on “Development of Coastal Andhra Region A District-wise Analysis”, on
30 th
June,2011, organized by Department of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
(woth T.V.Ramana)..
“Perspectives on Gender Justic”,
National Seminar on “Women Rights in India: Issues and
Challenges”, during 23-24, February ,2012, by Department of Law, Sri Padmavathi Mahila
Viswavidyalayam, Tirupati (with B.Siva Ramakrishna).
14. “Microfinance and the Rural Women in Andhra Pradesh”, National Seminar on
“Microfinance and Rural Transformation”, on the Occasion of Superannuation of
Prof.S.Ramesh Babu & Prof. G.Krishnamurthy”on 25 th January 2012, Organised by
Department of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (with B.Sivarama Krishna).
“Genesis of the Crisis of Public and Private Microfinance in Andhra Pradesh”,
National Seminar on “Microfinance and Rural Transformation”, on the Occasion of
Superannuation of Prof.S.Ramesh Babu & Prof. G.Krishnamurthy”on 25 th January 2012,
Organised by Department of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (with
16. “ Empowering the Scheduled Castes : Issues and Challenges”, National Seminar on
“Social Exclusion and Approaches for Inclusive Growth” with T.V. Ramana, during
24-25,March,2011, organized by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive
Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Perspectives on Policies for Inclusive Growth of the Marginalised Communities”,
National Seminar on “Social Exclusion and Approaches for Inclusive Growth” with with
B.S.R.Krishna& T.V.Ramana, during 24-25,March,2011, organized by Centre for Study of
Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
18. “
Social Exclusion of the Elderly : A Road Map for Inclusion”, National Seminar on “Social
Exclusion and Approaches for Inclusive Growth”, with B.S.R.Krishna, during 24-
25,March,2011, organized by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
19. “ Girl Child in India: Some Issues
”, National Seminar on “Child Rights – Human Rights
Perspectives”, with B.S.R.Krishna, on 27 March, 2011, (with B.S.R.Krishna) by
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Social Inclusion – Rights of Marginalised” , National Seminar on “Inclusive Growth and
Social Tensions”, during 6 th
-7 th
October,2010,organised by the Department of Economics,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Empowerment of Women Through SHGs: Public Initiatives” National Seminar on
‘Empowerment of Women Through SHGs in India’ on 31 st
August,2010, by
Department of Economics, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam.
“Consumer Protection In India – A Legal and Judicial Analysis”, National Seminar,
organized during 13 th
-14 th
August,2010 on “Consumer Protection and Welfare”, by
Dr.B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam.
“Socio-economic Characteristics of Dalits in India:An Overview”, National Seminar
on “Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Development of Scheduled Castes”,jointly
organised on 29 April, 2010 by Centre for Study of Social Exclion and Inclusive
Policy,Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and Dr. Ambedkar People’s Educational
Trust,Hyderabad at Visakhapatnam.
23. “The Economics of Dalit Women:An Emperical study of East Godavari District”,
National Seminar on “Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Development of Scheduled
Castes”, jointly organised on 29 April, 2010 by Centre for Study of Social Exclion and
Inclusive Policy,Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and Dr. Ambedkar People’s
Educational Trust,Hyderabad at Visakhapatnam.
“Empowerment of Women in the Context of Millennium Development Goals
Government Initiatives” , National Seminar ,Organized during 10-11 August 2009 by
Dr.B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam.
25 . “Problems of Scheduled Tribes : Strategic Initiatives for Inclusive Growth” , UGC
National Workshop on “Approaches and Methods of Tribal Participatory Development in
India”, held during 20-21, March 2009, organized by CSSE & IP, Andhra University,
26 . “Health Exclusion of Tribal Areas and Recent Developments” . UGC National Workshop
on “Approaches and Methods of Tribal Participatory Development in India”, held during
20-21, March 2009, organized by CSSE & IP, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
27 . “Maternal Health Among Tribal Women Evidence from NFHS-3”, National Seminar on
Dynamics of Tribal Development with Special Reference to Tribal Women, held during
30- 31, January 2009, organized by Department of Anthropology, Andhra University,
“An Analysis of Educational Status of Tribal Women in India”,
National Seminar on
Dynamics of Tribal Development with special reference to Tribal Women, held during 30-31,
January 2009, organized by Department of Anthropology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Renewable Energy Resources in India: Implications for Economic Development”
, All
India Economics Conference held during 4-6, December 2008, on Energy and Economic
Growth: The Emerging Prospects and Policies”, organized by Department of Economics,
Sri Sathya Sai University, Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam.
“Empower Disabled Women – Who are Double Discriminated”,
National Seminar on
“Human Development and Social Exclusion”on the occasion of Shastiabdi Poorti
Celebrations of Prof. K.S.Chalam, held during 6-7, October 2008, organized by Dept. of
Economics , Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
31. “ Micro Finance Sustainable Development of Women -A Case Study
”, National Seminar
on Human Development and Social Exclusion on the occasion of Shastiabdi Poorti
Celebrations of Prof. K.S.Chalam, held during 6-7, October 2008, organized by Department
of Economics Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Farmers Distress: A Critical Review,”
National Seminar on Human Development and
Social Exclusion, on the occasion of Shastiabdi Poorti Celebrations of Prof. K.S.Chalam,
held during 6-7, October 2008 organized by Department of Economics, Andhra University,
33. “Status of Dalit Women in India,” National Seminar on Dalit Women, held on
15 th
July 2008, organized by Dr.Durgabai Deshmukh Centre for Women’s Studies, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam.
34 . “Micro-Finance through Bank Linkage Programme-A case study in Andhra Pradesh” ,
submitted at IEA 90 th
Annual Conference at university of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, J&K
India, 25-27 October 2007.
“The Study of MicroCredit through Women Self Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh” , submitted
at IEA 90 th
Annual Conference at University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, J&K India,
25-27 October 2007.
36 . “Janashree Bima Yojana in Urban Areas of Andhra Pradesh - A case study
”, submitted
at a National Seminar organized by department of Economics, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, During 20-21 August,2007.
. “55 years of Enrollment in Indian Primary Education”
, submitted at a National Seminar
organized by department of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, During 20-21
“Expansion of Education in Tribal Areas- A Study in East Godavari District”
, Seminar
on “Tribal Development in Andhra Pradesh- Issues and Challenges”, organized by Andhra
Pradesh Economic Association and Govt Degree & PG College, 9 th September 2007,
. “Reproductive and Child Health Care Delivery Practices in Tribal Areas”, Seminar on
“Tribal Development in Andhra Pradesh- Issues and Challenges”, organized by Andhra
Pradesh Economic Association and Govt .Degree & PG College, 9 th
September 2007,
.40. “Beauty Industry – An Alternative Source of Women Empowerment” , Seminar-Volume
on Rurual Non-formal Sector Issues, Constraints and Statistics, (With
Emphasis on Women) 9 th December, 2007, Organized by A.P. Economic Association and
Dept. of Economics, V.R. College, Nellore.
41. “ Upadhi:Towards Creation of Sustainable Livelihood for Urban Poor”, Published in the
second pre-conference seminar volume of A.P Economic Association on “Informal Sector in
Andhra Pradesh” held at S.S.N.Degree College-Ongole on 26 th November, 2006.
42. “ Problems and Prospects of Child Labour in Urban Informal Sector -A Case Study of
Hotel Industry of Kakinada Town”, Published in the second pre-conference seminar
volume of A.P Economic Association on “Informal Sector in Andhra Pradesh” held on 26 th
November, 2006, at S.S.N.Degree College- Ongole.
“Differentials in Labour Force Participation”,
Andhra Pradesh Economic Association,
XXIV Annual Conference, 11 th and 12 th march -2006, Maris Stella College(Autonomous)
“Role of Micro Finance Strengthening Women Entrepreneurs- A Case Study of
Vizianagaram Town”, Andhra Pradesh Economic Association, XXIV Annual Conference,
11 th and 12 th march -2006, Maris Stella College(Autonomous) Vijayawada.
“Girl Child Labour:Rampant in Visakhapatnam District”, National Seminar on ‘Female
Deficit in India’,organized by the School of Economics and Centre for SAARC
Studies,Andhra University,on 11 th July,2005, at Visakhapatnam.
“Missed Little Miss:A Search has Begun”,
National Seminar on ‘Female Deficit in
India’,organized by the School of Economics and Centre for SAARC Studies,Andhra
University,on 11 th
July,2005, at Visakhapatnam.
47 . “Women Leadership at Various Levels of Panchayats: An Analysis”, National
Seminar on Women Leadership: Challenges and Strategies during 19-20 th
Dept. of Commerce and Management Studies , Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Impact of Thrift Groups for Self-Reliance of Women in Vizianagaram – A Case
Study”, 35 th
Conference of the Regional Science Association of India, held during
21-22 November, 2003, organized by Indian Journal of Regional Science, Kolkata and
University of North Bengal, Darjeeling.
49. “
Participation of Thrift and Credit Groups (SHG’s) in Poverty Alleviation
”, National Seminar on “Poverty and Women’s Health” on the occasion of
World Population Day- 11 th
July, 2003, Organized by Dept. of Economics & Centre for
Women’s Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Janmabhoomi :A Success Story of Peoples Participation in Decentralised Planning in
Andhra Pradesh”, 34 th
Annual Regional Science Conference during 25 th
– 26 th
October ,2002, organized by Department of Economics,University of Calicut, Thrissur and
Regional Science Association India,Kolkata ay Trissur.
“Health Status of Slum Dwellers in India ”, National Seminar on India’s Population
Census –2001(Implications for Human Poverty), March 7-8, 2002, Organized by Department
of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
52 . “Impact of Education on Socio Economic and Political Empowerment of Women in
India” Joint Seminar on Education for Empowerment of Women, Organized by the Centre
for Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy, Andhra University and Asian Institute of
Theology, Bangalore from 20-21, July, 2001 at Bangalore.
“Health Status of Visakhapatnam Slum Dwellers”
Seminar on India’s Population
Problems in 21 st Century, 11 th July 1998. Organized by Department of Economics, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam.
Seminar Papers (International)
“36 th All India Accounting Confrence & International Seminar on Accounting
Education and Research”, Organised by Department of ommerce & Management
Studies, Andhra Univesity & Indian Accounting Association, during 11 & 12, January,
2014 at Visakhapatnam.
2. “ Marginalisation on Education : A Study ”, second International Conference on”Life
Skills Education”, (with B.S.R.Krishna &T.V.Ramana) by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute
of Youth Development (RGNIYD), during 08-19 December, 2010 at RGNIYD,
“Skill Based Legal Education :A Critique”
, second International Conference on”Life
Skills Education”, (with B.S.R.Krishna &T.V.Ramana) by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute
of Youth Development (RGNIYD), during 08-19 December, 2010 at RGNIYD,
”Expansion of Higher Education: Initiatives for Inclusive Education in India ”, an
International Seminar on Higher Education in India-Global Perspectives, held during 14-15,
February 2009, organized by (on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
(1931-2006)) by Department of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
”Growth and Challenges in Indian Higher Education ”, an International Seminar on
Higher Education in India-Global Perspectives, held during 14-15, February 2009, (on the
occasion of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (1931-2006)) by Department of Economics,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“Tertiary Health Care Delivery in India: Public Private Partnership ”, an International
Conference on Medical Geography, held during 22-23, February 2009, organized by
Department of Geography, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
“A Study of Factors of Re-Employment of Elderly ”, an International Conference, on
Gerontology International Synthesis Conference 2009,held during 12-14, March 2009,
organized by AU-NCSA Centre for Gerontology-India, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
and Nippon Care-Fit Service Association-Japan, Tokyo.
Workshops / Seminars coordinated:
1. National Seminar on
“Climate Change: Effects on Sustainable Livelihoods”
organized by
2. the Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, during
22 nd
and 23 rd
March, 2013 at Visakhapatnam.
National seminar on “
Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Development of Scheduled
Castes ” organized on 29 April 2010 with Dr. Ambedkar People’s Educational Trust,
Hyderabad at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
3 Workshop on “ Perspectives on Tribal Development – An Interface with Adivasis,
NGOs, Government Departments and Elected Representatives”
,organized during 18-
19 March, 2010 ,with Department of Anthropology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Workshop on “
Perspectives on Tribal Development – An Interface with Adivasis,
NGOs, Government Departments and Elected Representatives
”,organized during 21-22
February 2010, with Integrated Tribal Development Agency, Paderu
National workshop on “
Resource Politics,Climate Change, Environmental Degradation
and Displacement in India
” organized during 22-24 January 2010, with Mahanirban
Calcutta Research Group ,Kolkata at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
UGC National seminar on “
Perspectives of Social Justice with focus on Scheduled
”, jointly organized with Centra for Banking Studies and Research on 20-12-2009 at
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
7. National workshop on “ Approaches and Methods of Tribal Participatory Development in India”,
organised during 20-21 March, 2009 with the financial support of Ministry of
Tribal Affairs, ICSSR and UGC at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.