APPENDIX A. 90-DAY ACTION PLAN TASK 1. Set up meeting with boss / team to discuss Customer Service Playbook. 2. Organize an internal event with 10 key stakeholders (“Customer Service Task Force”) to engage in a persona-building exercise. 3. Circulate the personas to additional stakeholders for input and finalization. 4. Re-engage the Customer Service Task Force to map your common customer points of contact and core channels. 5. Use the Personas and Points of Contact to conduct a Journey Mapping Exercise with the Customer Service Task Force and other customer-facing personnel. 6. Leverage the lessons from the Journey Mapping Exercise to build training modules, ideal interaction scenarios and supervisor tips for coaching customer service employees to greatness. 7. Monitor activity and collect success stories that are incorporated into regular meetings and ongoing feedback loops. 8. Analyze return on investment by channel, point of contact, persona and cost / personnel impact to inform decision-making. 9. Present your findings to senior leadership and key decision-makers. 10. Send GovLoop a message telling your story so that we can highlight your success and track stories from the use of this playbook. TARGET DATE STATUS NOTES APPENDIX B. PERSONA BUILDING TEMPLATE CUSTOMER QUESTIONS 1. Describe Your Customers Who are your ideal customers? What similarities exist among them? Think about your customer with the following criteria in mind: Demographics – age, gender, income, etc. Psychographics Behavior – similar likes and dislikes, sports, hobbies, etc. 2. Locate Your Customers Where do your customers come to you for information? Is it a physical location or do they prefer somewhere in cyberspace? Where do they most frequently access information or services with you? Where else might they be spending their time online or in-person? How would they serendipitously connect with you? 3. Understand Their Decision-Making Process How do your customer gather data to make a decision? Do they like to act quickly or learn as much as they can to be an informed citizen? Where do they begin their research? What is their problem or need? What are the benefits or incentives to finding a solution with you? 4. Connect with Current Customers Have you reached out to current, ideal customers to gain additional insight into what led them to you or typified their experience? Conduct interviews, formally or informally, and ask them: Why did you originally interact with our organization? Why do you continue to interact with us? What do we do that others don’t? 5. Create Client Profiles (Personas) Create profiles that describe specific segments of your customers. Ensure that the profiles are tangible and concrete, so that you can envision this person and what would motivate them to find your business. Describe clients in written profiles, called personas Create a specific persona for each identifiable client group and name them Include images of ideal clients, either real or a hypothetical individual Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 APPENDIX C. POINT OF CONTACT / CHANNEL ASSESSMENT TOOL CUSTOMER CHANNEL Persona 1 Location 1 Email Fax Kiosk Mobile App Search Engines SMS Social Media Telephone –SelfService Telephone – Live Service Web Chat Website Location 2 Persona 2 Location 3 Location 1 Location 2 Persona 3 Location 3 Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 APPENDIX D. Journey Mapping Exercise and Assessment Tool Create Initial Map Evaluate and Prioritize Add Detail to Understand Evaluate & Frame Issue or Opportunity Design New Experiences Brainstorm Innovation Create Persona Evaluate Attitudes Brainstorm Needs Evaluate Needs Map Behavior Consider Brand Attributes Evaluate Issues Select Innovation Consider Trends On Stage Experience Prioritize Focus Attitudes Determine Impact Back Stage Support Define Roles and Processes New Attitude & Behavior Build CX Design Canvas CX Hypothesis Readout JOURNEY MAPPING WORKSHOP INSTRUCTIONS AND FACILITATOR NOTES Found at GET READY FACILITATOR’S MINDSET (Be mindful of team, time, and transitions) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Confidence Choreography Context Catalyze Confirm CONSTRUCT INITIAL MAP MAP: Construct the Initial Map Role of a first draft is simply to exist (assumptive map) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Map each step of the journey (GREEN Post-Its. PROVIDED) Map onstage people and things (RED, BLUE Post-Its) Map customer’s attitudes/emotions (YELLOW Post-Its) Add the backstage line (WHITE horizontal string) Map backstage people and things (RED, BLUE Post-Its) COACH’S MINDSET (Be mindful of team and attention) 1. 2. 3. 4. Equip Energize Engage Encourage SETTING UP 1. 2. 3. 4. PROVIDE INTRODUCTION & CRASH COURSE… REVEAL THE JOURNEY MAPPING ACTIVITY a. Identify the customer & story EXPLAIN WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO a. Outline high-level steps (Map. Evaluate. Select. Solve) b. Explain breakout approach (step-by-step, time blocked, directing attention back & forth) c. Focus on the method rather than on perfect answers DIVIDE & GET READY a. Divide into groups (5-7), rebalance as necessary b. Everyone gets supplies: 1 sharpie, sticky-notes c. Coaches ready the group, direct attention to center EVALUATE: Identify areas worth digging into Analogy: Like how an archaeologist decides where to dig 1. Evaluate customer value points a. Expectations met/unmet, promises kept/broken b. Opportunities missed c. RYG Stickers: R = fail/-, G = success/+, Y = unknown/need-data SELECT: Choose an area to pursue Focus builds alignment & confidence that our actions will have impact 1. Identify top 2-3 areas to address: discuss as a group 2. Select 1: choose as a group 3. Add Line of Focus (ORANGE vertical string) Share: “FOCUS { here } because…” ADD MORE DETAIL SOLVE FOR CX MAP: Add more detail SOLVE: Solve for customer experience Look more closely where it counts Routinely reframe, reimagine, redesign, redeploy experiences 1. 2. 3. Identify 3 key people & things (re-organize/sort to highlight) Add 3 primary action(s) that key people/things do to facilitate the experience (GREEN Post-Its) If you uncover anything missing on your boards, add it EVALUATE: Assess the supporting cast 1. Root cause analysis a. 5 whys in three directions (on the map) b. Nominal group technique c. Write hunches: “Why? Because…” (PURPLE Post-Its) 2. Brainstorm as a team how to solve a. Identify most likely/important thing to address b. Re-imagine the _______ process/experience (e.g., refund) c. Ideate & select a solution direction 3. Write an CX Solution Hypothesis: a. WE BELIEVE { new experience } b. ENABLED BY { full solution: people + process + tech } c. WILL SOLVE { issue / opportunity } d. RESULTING IN { benefit / value } Moving the experience forward 1. Evaluate if key people/things succeeded in moving experience forward in a positive way - RYG Stickers (R = fail/-, G = success/+, Y = unknown/need-data) SELECT: Solve specific, meaningful problems Attention is a scarce resource. Direct it with rigor and intent 1. 2. 3. Identify top 2-3 areas to address: discuss as a group a. Think most impact/value, meaningful/memorable Select 1: choose as a group Headline the problem/opportunity Share: “SOLVE { this } because…” APPENDIX E. JOURNEY MAPPING EVALUATION TOOL Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Location Need Learn Act Receive Redesign Priority / Rankings Problem / Opportunity Emotion Attitude Persona APPENDIX F. CUSTOMER-FACING EMPLOYEE ASSESSMENT TOOL CUSTOMER / LOCATION PERSONNEL PERSONA 1 Location 1 Communications / Social Media Desk Agents Field Personnel Inspection Personnel Phone Representative Practitioner Receptionist Security Personnel Web Chat Rep Web Manager Location 2 PERSONA 2 Location 3 Location 1 Location 2 PERSONA 3 Location 3 Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 APPENDIX G. CUSTOMER IMPACT SCORING TOOL ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT CHANNEL LOCATION REDUCES COSTS DELIGHTS CUSTOMERS Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 MAXIMIZES PERSONNEL TOTAL SCORE APPENDIX G. CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN TEMPLATE The Digital Government Institute has several valuable resources pertaining to customer service in its knowledge center. Within that hub of information, we found an excellent model for a customer service plan, which we share below. [INSERT DEPARTMENT NAME] [INSERT DEPARTMENT LOGO] CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN [INSERT DATE] This template includes directions and examples. Please remove all text in italics and replace with content for your Department’s customer service plan. Please note that the total length of your plan should be approximately ten pages. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Executive Summary should be 1-1.5 pages. In this section, provide an overview of the purpose of the document, that it was required by Executive Order 13571, and overall goals for the department’s customer service efforts. The table below provides summaries of your department’s signature initiative and the 35 key services that will be the focus of the subsequent sections of the plan. SIGNATURE INITIATIVE Overview: [Brief description of the signature initiative that uses technology to improve customer service] Timing: [High-level timeframe for implementation and/or key milestones of the signature initiative] SERVICE 1: [INSERT SERVICE NAME] [Insert name of implementing agency/division/program, if appropriate] Overview: [Brief description of the Service] Key Customer Groups: [Describe the Department’s target customer groups for this service, e.g., long-term unemployed; low-income veterans; tech-savvy customers; small business; state governments] Challenges: [Describe the key challenges the Department faces in serving these customers, e.g., long processing times; high call volume; low awareness of service; high error rates in providing service] Featured Actions: [Describe 1-3 key activities that the Department will undertake to improve this service] SERVICE 2: [INSERT SERVICE NAME] [Insert name of implementing agency/division/program, if appropriate] Overview: Key Customer Groups: Challenges: Featured Actions: SERVICE 3: [INSERT SERVICE NAME] [Insert name of implementing agency/division/program, if appropriate] Overview: Key Customer Groups: Challenges: Featured Actions: SERVICE 4: [INSERT SERVICE NAME] (OPTIONAL) [Insert name of implementing agency/division/program, if appropriate] Overview: Key Customer Groups: Challenges: Featured Actions: SIGNATURE INITIATIVE Overview: [Brief, high-level description of the signature initiative. Use the same text as in the table in the Executive Summary.] Overview In this section, describe one major initiative (“signature initiative”) that will use technology to improve the customer experience significantly. Impact and Benefits In this section, identify the various benefits of the signature initiative (e.g. public transparency, cost reduction, delivery acceleration, efficiency gains, direct customer contact reduction) and estimate, if possible, the potential target impact of the benefits described in cost savings, customer hours saved, or improved customer service. Key Milestones and Timeline In this section, describe the key milestones and timeframe for implementation of the signature initiative (e.g. planned start and completion dates, timing of key activities, anticipated realization of primary benefits). The signature initiative should provide some tangible benefit by the end of Fiscal Year 2012; however, the initiative need not be complete by then. SERVICE #1: [INSERT SERVICE NAME] [Insert name of implementing agency/division/program, if appropriate] Overview: [Brief description of the Service. Use the same text as in the table in the Executive Summary.] Key Customer Groups: [Describe the Department’s target customer groups for this service, e.g., long-term unemployed; low-income veterans; tech-savvy customers; small business; state governments. Use the same text as in the table in the Executive Summary.] Challenges: [Describe the key challenges the Department faces in serving these customers, e.g., long processing times; high call volume; low awareness of service; high error rates in providing service. Use the same text as in the table in the Executive Summary.] 1. INCREASE FEEDBACK FROM CUSTOMERS In this section, list at least two bullet points describing the activities that the Department will undertake to increase feedback from customers, such as: mechanisms to collect ongoing, timely, and actionable customer feedback for the identification of early warning signals of customer service concerns; and efforts to conduct more rigorous customer surveys. All feedback activities should be linked to their expected uses and benefits. Activity 1 [Text in bullets should emphasize the intended benefit of the activity, and should also include an estimated timeframe. For example: Increase workers’ awareness of safety and health standards by establishing a standing panel of worker rights groups for quarterly focus groups to develop and refine an outreach strategy for vulnerable groups of worker beginning in Q1 of FY2012] Activity 2 Activity x 2. ADOPT BEST PRACTICES FOR IMPROVING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE In this section, list at least two bullet points describing the activities that the Department will undertake to adopt best practices for improving the customer experience, such as: redirect resources to cost-efficient and customer-preferred channels (e.g., creating self-service kiosks in walk-in centers; or increasing website functionality to allow more self-service); evaluating and improving the entire customer experience with the Department (e.g., regular meetings of heads of different service channels to discuss strategies to address emerging customer needs); coordinating with other agencies serving the same customer groups to share common forms, materials, and processes (e.g., the IRS and the Department of Education collaborate to allow students to use their tax returns to pre-populate their student aid application forms); and take action to ensure an accessible and usable customer experience for disadvantaged and hard-toreach customers (e.g., make website accessible in multiple languages). Activity 1 [Text in bullets should emphasize the intended benefit of the activity, and should also include an estimated timeframe. For example: Allow customers to submit data or other information online by developing an online application with electronic authentication by FY 2013.] Activity 2 Activity x 3. SET, COMMUNICATE, AND USE CUSTOMER SERVICE METRICS AND STANDARDS In this section, list at least two bullet points describing the activities that the Department will undertake to set, communicate, and use customer service metrics and target, such as: establishing measurable customer service targets (e.g., wait times for walk-in centers; processing time for a transaction; accuracy rate for call center advice); monitoring and evaluating customer service performance in order to meet the established targets (e.g., quarterly review of key metrics with the Deputy Secretary; posting an internal dashboard in call centers); developing new mechanisms that will allow customers to understand how long a particular process will take (e.g., prominently posting common processing times online; announcing estimated wait time on customer hotline; providing estimates of wait times in walk-in centers); enable customers to check where they are in a process and to estimate time to completion (e.g., enable customers to check transaction status); and increasing accessibility of service contact information by publicizing this information across channels (e.g., on website, call center, publications, correspondence). Activity 1 [Text in bullets should emphasize the intended benefit of the activity, and should also include an estimated timeframe. For example: Enable complainants to check the status of their complaint online by end of FY12.] Activity 2 Activity x 4. STREAMLINE AGENCY PROCESSES TO REDUCE COSTS AND ACCELERATE DELIVERY In this section, list at least two bullet points describing the activities that the Department will undertake to streamline processes to reduce costs and accelerate delivery, such as: identifying processes where duplicative and inefficient steps may be eliminated; and analyzing the most common customer inquiries and implementing process changes to reduce the need for such inquiries. Activity 1 [Text in bullets should emphasize the intended benefit of the activity, and should also include an estimated timeframe. For example: Ensure agency effectively acts on complaints by creating a new module that will alert managers and investigators to actions that need to be taken in order to ensure that complaints are reviewed, assigned, investigated and concluded in a timely manner, by end of FY12.] Activity 2 Activity x [Repeat the same structure for all services]