Holstein Embryo Information

Embryo Plus offers you a wide range of Holstein embryos out of world
leading cow families, proven under tough South African conditions. The
wide range of embryos on offer are out of cows that have had big names
in the local industry and in their original countries like the U.S.A. There is
a good balance of production, longevity and great type in all of the
pedigrees and in combination with the sires used for the embryo
flushing creates an impressive package that will take your herd to the
next level. Embryo Plus is not only the South African leader in embryo
practice but is also internationally recognized and you have the
assurance of quality and service in everything we do. Quality genetics
backed by outstanding service!
Janus Leadman Haidee 10-ET
Haidee10 is a Tradition Leadman daughter directly out of U.S. cow Rotate Haidee and
with Raymau Tradition Halo as her granddam you know there is some seriously strong
cows in this pedigree. Haidee 10 classified VG87 Udder and VG87 Final and produced 16
800kgs Milk over 2 lactations, her granddam, Tradition Halo completed an impressive 6
lactations totaling 58 933 kgs Milk in her lifetime! Haidee 10 is a VG classified cow
backed by 3 more generations of EX cows! Embryos available by Out-Jock Choice Amel.
Embrio Plus Mandel Haidees Liesl-ET
Liesl is out of the very successful U.S.A. “Haley” cow family and produced a highest
lactation of 12 410kgs Milk. This Mandel daughter classified VG89 and is backed by
“Tradition Halo” who classified EX90 and produced 58 993kgs Milk in her lifetime and
“Napoleon Haley” that classified EX90 and produced 77 458kgs Milk in her lifetime!
Embryos available by Jolt.
Eksellent B138-ET
Manfred Selena, Manfred daughter. Manfred
embryos available by Vergelegen 3211, Eksellent
B138, Bukerna 9588, Happy Venture 306,
Westend Zeke 95104, Embryo Plus Celcius
B138-ET is out of De Grendel Roxanne. De Grendel Holsteins is the oldest registered
Holstein herd in South Africa and the cows in that herd made their success through
generations a very impressive story. Here you have the opportunity to buy into the
success of a herd that really has stood the test of time! The three dams behind her
produced a staggering amount of milk between them totaling 183 522kgs milk over 17
lactations! This family offers exactly what you want in terms of production, type and
longevity! Embryos available by Manfred.
Eksellent Jolkie 9501-ET
Jolkie 9501 is backed by three generations of VG cows with excellent production and
the ability to stay productive in the herd. Her dam produced a highest lactation of 14
508kgs Milk. Embryos available by Winchester and Mattie.
Vergelegen 3211
Vergelegen 3211 is a Startmore Rudolph daughter out of an Arlinda Chief dam that
produced 64 667kgs Milk over 8 lactations with a highest record of 11 352kgs. Backed
by 100 000kgs milk from her next 2 dams this cow is sure to provide you with more of
the same money making genetics. Embryos available by Manfred.
Bukerna 9588
Bukerna 9588 is a Ares daughter backed by a dam that produced 38 375 kgs Milk over 4
lactations with an average ICP of just 387 days! Embryos available by Manfred.
Aaron daughter. Aaron embryos available by
Janus Lieutenant Brenda 10-ET
Embrio Plus EP M Chesapeak 3-ET
Minke 3 represents another success story over many generations of high production
and standout type. A total of close to 170 000kgs milk and EX scores all round make this
a very appealing pedigree, Minke 3 classified EX92, but her greatest achievement in her
lifetime production of 57 428kgs Milk over 4 lactations is a second lactation of 17 246
kgs Milk! Yes your eyes are not deceiving you! This family has proven itself as a hard
working group of cows and with excellent transmitting ability the trademark of any
great cow family your success will follow from getting with this exceptional cow family!
Embryos available by Slocum, Manfred and Metro.
Embrio Plus EP M Chesapeak 2-ET
Minke 2 is another daughter out of Exwell Minke 42 and produced 40 674 kgs Milk
over 4 lactations with a final score of EX90. Her highest lactation of 14 873kgs Milk is
proof of the excellent ability of cows in this family to work hard! This pedigree offers
production and type with the all important longevity factor built in to ensure
profitability and success for the dairyman willing to invest in this cow family. Embryos
available by Terry, Fred and Novalis.
Startmore Rudolph daughter, Rudolph is the sire
of Embryo Plus Rudolph Joy and we also have
embryos available by Westend Zeke 95104
Zeerdup Aero Kristine Q30
Kristine Q30 is an Aerostar daughter with a highest lactation record of 15 565kgs Milk!
She classified EX92 and produced a lifetime amount of 53487kgs milk over 5 lactations.
Backed by Hlogoma 2E BV 8601 that classified VG and produced a lifetime 56 418kgs
Milk with a very low ICP of 371 days! This family offers hard working cows with good
type and excellent fertility. Embryos available by Amel, Jay.
Westend Zeke 95104
Zeke 95104 is a Blackstar Zeke daughter . Embryos available by Rudolph and Manfred.
Groote Post 00155 Hurri Althea 2
Althea 2 is backed by 18 lactations from her next three dams with a combined total of
175 041kgs Milk! Excellent longevity is a standout feature of the cows in this family but
not only did they stay in the herd a long time, they worked exceptionally hard while
they were there. The average ICP for all the cows backing Althea 2 is below 400 days,
even more impressive when you consider the massive amounts of milk produced!
Fertility is the word on every dairymans lips these days and in this family there is the
perfect combination of great production and exceptional ability to get back in calf.
Reproduction drives dairy economics and milk pays the bills. Here you have it all in one
shot! Embryos available by Inquirer.
Summershade Inquirer daughter. Inquirer
embryos available by Groote Post Hurri Althea 2
and Groote Post Dryad 5.
Janus Lieutenant Brenda 10-ET
Brenda 10 goes back to Nowerland Trad Buttercup that is not only famous for the
“Brenda” line but also the “Brandi” line that has done so exceptionally well here in
South Africa. Brenda 10 boasts with a highest lactation of 13 917kgs Milk and classified
VG85 in her first lactation! She is backed by three generations of VG and EX cows, a
solid family with excellent transmitting ability! The cows in this family have proven
themselves to be hard working, good looking cows! Embryos available by Aaron and
Janus Lieutenant Brenda 12-ET
Another standout cow from a different line out of Nowerland Trad Buttercup! The sire
stack of Lieutenant x Thor x Enhancer x Tradition is a very impressive one and all cows
in the lineup have classified VG or EX. Brenda 12 produced 13 046kgs Milk in her first
lactation with a final score of VG87. Her granddam “Enhancer Brenda produced 41 893
kgs Milk over 4 lactations and her dam, Thor Brenda classified VG89! Embryos available
by Herald.
Winchester granddaughter. Winchester embryos are
available by Luna Megabuck Hanna 9801 and
Eksellent Jolkie 9501.
Embryo Plus Celsius Brandy
Brandy is a Celsius daughter out of one of the most famous Holstein cows in South
Africa, Hagermans Inspiration Brandy 3-ET. Brandy 3 is a daughter of Enhancer Brandi
with the famous Nowerland Tradition Buttercup showing up in an impressive pedigree
once again. Brandy 3 classified EX92 and produced 42043kgs Milk over 4 lactations, out
of her many show and production champions have been bred and today Brandy
progeny can be found all over South Africa as breeders continue to see the value of this
great cow family in their herds. Backed by three generations of EX cows, this pedigree
shows production and standout type all over! Embryos available by Manfred.
Janus Leadman Barbie31NOV-ET
Leadman Barbie was born as an embryo calf out of Canadian cow Browndale Barbie
Star, a Starbuck daughter. Barbie is backed by an EX dam that produced over 20 000kgs
Milk in 2 lactations, a granddam that scored VG85 and produced 46 773 kgs milk over 4
lactations with a highest lactation of 13 634 and a great-granddam with a highest
lactation of 12 987kgs Milk. This family offers great production backed by the Canadian
type and style that is so popular amongst dairymen all over the world! Embryos
available by Benchmark.
Luna Megabuck Hanna
Hanna is backed by 3 generations of EX and VG classified cows and a combined lifetime
total over 12 lactations behind her totaling 139 818kgs milk! Embryos available by
Winchester to add to the already impressive sire stack of Megabuck x Leadman x Chief
Copper daughter. Copper embryos are available
out of Embryo Plus Rudolph Joy and Embryo Plus
Brock Brandy.
Janus Inspir Merrylane 3-ET
Merrylane 3 has the foundation sires in her pedigree, Inspiration x Ivanhoe Bell x Chief
Mark, and that is what she offers, to be a foundation cow in your breeding program.
Her dam classified VG85 with a second lactation of 12 228kgs milk and her granddam,
Vir-Clar Marlane produced a massive 15 324 kgs Milk in her first lactation! Merrylane 3
is backed by three generations of VG classified cows with standout production and
proven reliability. Embryos available by Southwind.
Zeerdup Inspiration Joy 6
Joy six with her 5 lactations and lifetime total of 56 555kgs Milk is truly the example of
the ideal combination of production, type and longevity. Classifying EX94 she was a
feast for the eye and with a highest lactation of 14 357kgs Milk surely no slouch in the
milking parlour! Between Joy 6, her dam and granddam they racked up a very
impressive 18 lactations and a combined total of 178 180 kgs Milk! Her dam, Joy 10 also
classified EX92 and her granddam Joy 80 classified VG. This family offers everything the
modern dairyman requires with a strong backing of many highly successful lactations
and very impressive numbers all round! Embryos available by Diego, Airliner, Mattie G,
Fred and Kilo.
Zeerdup Inspiration Joy 6 is a standout cow and
donor of embryos by Diego, Airliner, Fred, Mattie G
and Kilo.
Groote Post 97092 Tuketela 4
This cow originally from the 1000 cow Groote Post herd proved herself in a large
commercial environment and did all this through the very warm Western Cape
summers and cold, wet winters. A Romeo daughter, she classified EX92 and produced
36 127kgs Milk over 3 lactations with a highest lactation of 14 265 kgs Milk! She is
backed by a Cinder dam that produced 49 904 kgs Milk over 4 lactations and a
granddam that produced 29 384 kgs Milk over 3 lactations! This pedigree has “all you
want” written all over it, standout production, longevity and very good type all in one
package combined with the reassurance that this family has excellent transmitting
ability. Embryos available by Morty.
Groote Post 00162 Dryad 5
Dryad 5 is a Roebuck daughter out of a Shertuck Mister Bova dam that produced a
highest lactation of 12 392 kgs Milk. Her Ambition granddam produced 52 296 kgs Milk
over 5 lactations. Backed by 2 generations of GP84, high producing cows. Embryos
available by Inquirer.
Happy Venture 306
Venture 306 is a Hagermans Bombardier daughter that also includes her in the famous
Brandy family. She produced a highest lactation of 12 044kgs Milk and classified GP84.
Embryos available by Manfred.
Stouder Morty daughter. Embryos available out of
Groote Post 97092 Tuketela 4.
Embryo Plus Brock Brandy-ET
Brock brandy produced 11252kgs Milk in her first lactation and is another part of the
success story that is the Brandy family! Look at classification scores and they read VG,
EX, EX and EX! Her dam, Aerostar Brandi 1-ET produced a highest lactation of 15 765kgs
Milk and classified EX93, her granddam Hagerman’s Inspiration Brandy 3-ET produced
42 043kgs Milk over 4 lactations and classified EX92 and her great-granddam Ron-Nan
Enhancer Brandi-ET produced 44 733 kgs milk over 4 lactations and classified EX. Brock
Brandy herself scored VG86 in her first lactation. Many pages can be written about the
successes of this cow family in South Africa, you have the opportunity to be part of this
success story today! Embryos available by Hunsberger Elton Copper.
Embryo Plus Rudolph Joy-ET
Embryo Plus Rudolph Joy is a third generation EX cow from the outstanding Joy cow
family, this family shows excellent transmitting ability and success is written all over
this pedigree! She is a Rudolph daughter out of Inspiration Joy 6 and is backed by three
EX dams that have produced a massive 178 180kgs Milk over 18 lactations. Longevity
and production guaranteed! This family has been proven to work hard and you have
the opportunity to get all the benefits from such a strong cow family simpky by buying
embryos. Embryos available by Copper.
Zeerdup Inspiration Joy 6. Classified EX94 and is the
dam of Embryo Plus Rudolf Joy-ET
Embryo Plus donor cows:
Strong families
Excellent transmitting ability
Bull mothers
For more information or to place your
order contact us at Embryo Plus today!
Embryo Plus
Email: info@embryoplus.com
Phone: (+27)12 250 3207