Pre Test Ch. 1-4 - Granite Bay High School / Granite Bay High School

Ch 1-4 MC Test Review
AP Stats
Earthquake intensities are measured using a device called a seismograph, which is designed to be most sensitive
for earthquakes with intensities between 4.0 and 9.0 on the open-ended Richter scale. Measurements of nine
earthquakes gave the following readings:
4.5 L 5.5 H 8.7 6.0 H 5.2
Where L indicates that the earthquake had an intensity below 4.0 and H indicates that the earthquake had an
intensity above 9.0. The median earthquake intensity of the sample is:
A Cannot be determined
B 8.70
C 5.75
D 6.00
E 6.47
For the three histograms above, which of the following correctly orders the histograms from the one with the
smallest proportion of data above its mean to the one with the largest proportion of data above its mean?
A J, K, L
C K, L, J
D L, K, J
E All three histograms has the same proportion
of data above their respective means.
If your score on a test is at the 60th percentile, you know that your score lies
B J, L, K
above the upper quartile.
between the median and the upper quartile.
between the lower quartile and the median.
below the lower quartile.
Can’t say where it lies relative to the quartiles.
A set of data has a mean that is much larger than the median. Which of the following
statements is most consistent with this information?
A histogram of the data is symmetric.
A histogram of the data is skewed left.
A histogram of the data is skewed right.
A histogram of the data is bimodal.
A histogram of the data is uniform.
Janelle collected data on the amount of time in
minutes each person in a large sample of
customers spent in a local store. The data also
included recording the gender of each customer. These data were used to generate the boxplots shown below.
Which of the following statements is true?
A The range in amount of time in minutes males in the sample of customers spent in the store is approximately
40 minutes.
B The mean about of time in minutes males in the sample of customers spent in the store is approximately 20
C The third quartile of the amount of time in minutes males in the sample of customers spent in the store is
approximately 45 minutes.
D The interquartile range of the amount of time in minutes females in the sample of customers spent in the store
is 15 minutes.
E Approximately half of the males in the sample of customers spent at least as much time in the store as any
female in the sample of customers.
A random sample of 25 households from the Mountainview School District was surveyed. In this survey data were
collected on the age of the youngest child living in the household. The histogram below displays the data collected
in the survey.
In which of the following intervals is the median of these data located?
A 0 years old to less than 2 years old
4 years old to less than 6 years old
C 6 years old to less than 8 years old
D 8 years old to less than 10 years old
10 years old to less than 12 years old
Lauren is enrolled in a very large college calculus class. On the first exam, the class mean was 75 and the standard
deviation was 10. On the second exam, the class mean was 70 and the standard deviation was 15. Lauren scored
85 on both exams. Assuming the scores on each exam were approximately normally distributed, on which exam
did Lauren score better relative to the rest of the class?
A She scored much better on the first exam.
She scored much better on the second exam.
C She scored about equally well on both exams.
D It is impossible to tell because the class size was not given.
It is impossible to tell because the correlation between the two sets of exam scores is not given.
The histogram below displays the times, in minutes, needed for each chimpanzee in a sample of 26 to complete a
simple navigational task.
It was determined that the largest observation, 93, is an outlier since Q3  1.5  Q3  Q1   87.125 . Which of the
following boxplots could represent the information in the histogram?
9. For a class project, a student randomly surveyed 45 high school students and asked each student “How
many hours do you work at a part-time job in a typical week?” The results are summarized in the
following computer output.
If a boxplot of this data was constructed, what data points would be marked as outliers?
A Any points greater than 16.
B Any point greater than 17.
C Any points greater than 17.2.
D Any points greater than 20.
E Any points greater than 24.
10. A cause-and-effect relationship between two variables can be best determined from which of the following?
A survey conducted using a simple random sample of individuals
A survey conducted using a stratified random sample of individuals
When the two variables have a correlation coefficient near 1 or -1
An observational study where the observational units are chosen randomly
A controlled experiment where the observational units are assigned randomly
11. Does regular exercise decrease the risk of cancer? A researcher finds 200 women over 50 whom exercise
regularly, pairs each with a woman who has a similar medical history but does not exercise, then follows the
subjects for 10 years to see which group develops more cancer. This is a
Observational study
Completely randomized experiment
Matched pair experiment
Blocking experiment
12. Twelve people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome volunteer to take part in an experiment to see if shark
fin extract will increase one’s energy level. Eight of the volunteers are men and four are women. Half of the
volunteers are to be given shark fin extract twice a day and the other half a placebo twice a day. We wish to make
sure that four men and two women are assigned to each of the treatments, so we decide to use a block design with
the men forming one block and the women the other.
A block design is appropriate in this experiment if
A we believe men and women will respond differently to treatments.
B gender equity is an important legal consideration in this study.
C we couldn’t find an equal number of men and women who suffer from low energy level.
D we want the conclusions to apply equally to men and women.
E all of the above.
13. A television station is interested in predicting whether voters in its viewing area are in favor of federal funding
for abortions. It asks its viewers to phone in and indicate whether they support/are in favor of or are opposed to
this policy. Of the 2241 viewers who phoned in, 1574 (70.24%) were opposed to federal funding for abortions.
The viewers who phoned in are
a voluntary response sample.
a convenience sample.
a probability sample.
a population.
a simple random sample.
14. A university is proposing a new procedure for professors to gain tenure. To gauge sentiment about the proposal,
the university intends to randomly sample five professors, five assistant professors, five associate professors, five
adjunct professors, and five visiting professors. This is an example of what type of sampling design?
Simple random sample
Stratified random sample
Systematic random sample
Cluster sample
Convenience sample
15. A newspaper wants to determine the level of support in a large town regarding the construction of a new library in
a downtown location. Which one of the following would represent a cluster sampling method?
Randomly select four residential blocks in the town and ask everyone who lives on those blocks.
Select every fourth person who enters the current library until the desired number of people are selected.
Take an SRS of people from the city phone directory.
Take a random sample of residents form each of the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast quadrants
of the city.
Number the residents of the town using the latest census data. Use a random number generator to pick the
16. A public opinion poll in Ohio wants to determine whether registered voters in the state approve of a measure to
ban smoking in all public areas. They select a simple random sample of 50 registered voters from each county in
the state and ask whether they approve or disapprove of the measure. This is an example of
a systematic county sample.
a block sample.
a multistage sample.
a simple random sample.
a stratified sample.
17. A high school statistics class wants to conduct a survey to determine what percentage of students in the school
would be willing to pay a fee for participating in after-school activities. Twenty students are randomly selected
from each of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes to complete the survey. This plan is an
example of which type of sampling?
Cluster Sample
Convenience Sample
Simple Random Sample
Stratified Random Sample
Systematic Sample
A drug company wishes to test a new drug. A researcher assembles a group of volunteers and randomly assigns
them to one of two groups – one to take the drug and one to take a placebo. In addition, the company wants the
experiment to be double-blind. What is the meaning of double-blind in this situation?
A The volunteers in both groups are blindfolded when they take the drug or placebo.
B The volunteers in both groups do not know whether they are taking the drug of the placebo.
C Neither the volunteers nor the drug company executives know which volunteers are taking the drug and which
are taking the placebo.
D Neither the volunteers nor the evaluator know which volunteers are taking the drug and which are taking the
E As long as the subjects are randomly assigned to the two groups, there is no need to make the experiment
An experiment was created to test the effectiveness of aspirin on reducing heart attacks. One hundred men and
one hundred women were subjects in the experiment. Fifty men and 50 women were randomly chosen to receive
aspirin; the other men and women were given a placebo. After ten years, the number of heart attacks in each
group was compared. The design of the experiment is:
completely randomized with one factor, aspirin
completely randomized with one factor, gender
randomized block, blocked by gender and aspirin
randomized block, blocked by aspirin
randomized block, blocked by gender
20. A researcher wishes to test a new drug developed to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). A group of 40
hypertensive men and 60 hypertensive women is to be used. The experimenter randomly assigns 20 of the men
and 30 of the women to the placebo and assigns the rest to the treatment. The major reason for separate
assignment for men and women is that
it is a large study with 100 subjects.
the new drug may affect men and women differently
the new drug may affect hypertensive and non-hypertensive people differently
this design uses matched pairs to detect the new-drug effect
there must be an equal number of subjects in both the placebo group and the treatment group
21. A pharmaceutical company wants to test two new acid reflux medications, A and B, to see which is most effective
in relieving the reflux in the shortest amount of time. The researchers plan to give the two medications in three
dosages: 50 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg. They have 120 volunteers available for the study. For this part of the study,
researchers think that the weight of the patient might play a role in the incidence of reflux disease. Volunteers are
separated into 20 groups---the six heaviest, the next six heaviest, and so on, down to the six lightest. With each
group of six, three are randomly assigned to medication A and three to medication B. Within each medication
group of three, one is randomly assigned to each dosage. Which one of the following statements best describes this
A There are two treatments, participants were blocked on weight, and the response variable is time until pain
relief is achieved.
B There are two treatments, participants were blocked by dosage, and the response variable is time until pain
relief is achieved.
C There are three treatments, participants were blocked by medication A and B, and the response variable is
proportion of participants who achieved pain relief.
D There are six treatments, participants were blocked by weight, and the response variable is proportion of
participants who achieved pain relief.
E There are six treatments, participants were blocked by weight, and the response variable is time until pain relief
is achieved.
22. The distinction between descriptive and inferential statistics is that:
Descriptive statistics are numeric, inferential statistics are graphic.
Descriptive statistics are mean-based, inferential statistics are median-based.
Descriptive statistics only describe data sets; inferential statistics involve generalizing to populations.
Descriptive statistics are used in social science; inferential statistics are used in physical sciences.
None of these
23. A characteristic whose value may change from one individual to another is a(n):
A Variable
B Data point
C Factor
D Measurement
E Statistic
24. The Empirical Rule can be used when assessing a distribution if:
The distribution is approximately normal
The distribution is skewed
The distribution is heavy tailed
The standard deviation is close to the interquartile range
The mean is equal to 0, and the standard deviation is equal to 1.
25. A treatment that has no active ingredients is a(n):
A Confounding treatment
B Experimental treatment
C Placebo treatment
D Observational treatment
E Biased treatment
26. A study cannot be an experiment if:
Only a subset of an existing population is measured.
A well-defined procedure of random sampling is not constructed.
A bias in measures is discovered.
A confounding variable is identified.
A procedure of random assignment to treatments is not performed.
27. The bias that occurs when the method of observation tends to produce values that systematically differ from the true
population value in some way is:
A Sampling bias
B Selection bias
C Response bias
D Observational bias
E Non-response bias
28. Randomization, as a strategy in experimental design, would be unsuccessful if:
Extraneous factors varied in a systematic way.
Blocks could not be formed.
There were an unequal n in each experimental group.
Aspects of the experimental condition other than the values of the explanatory variable
systematically favors a treatment.
29. Blocking would be unsuccessful if:
Not every element in the population was measured.
Not every element in the sample was located.
The blocks were heterogeneous on the blocking factor.
The blocks were homogeneous on the blocking factor.
One experimental treatment was a placebo.
30. The design strategy of making multiple observations for each experimental condition is:
A Stratified sampling
B Systematic sampling
C Resampling
D Replication
E Sampling with replacement
31. An experiment is a planned intervention undertaken to observe the effects of:
A Confounding variables
B Explanatory variables
C Experimental design as a whole
D Extraneous factors
E Blocking factors
In a study of hatchling resting metabolism, three species, labeled A, B, and C below, were studied. Below is a pie
chart of the sample sizes for each of the species. 36 hatchings were studied in total.
Species A
Species B
Species C
32. Based on the pie chart, about how many of the hatchlings were Species A hatchlings?
A 8
B 12
C 20
D 24
E 30
33. A distribution can have more than one:
A Mean
D Mode
B Interquartile range
E Median
C Standard deviation
34. It is possible for a distribution to be:
A Heavy tailed and skewed
D Heavy tailed and normal
B Light tailed and skewed
E Symmetric and normal
C Skewed and normal
35. A data set consisting of observations on two or more attributes is called a(n):
A Univariate data set
D Stratified data set
B Multivariate data set
E Bivariate data set
C Multifactor data set
36. Which of the following variables yields data that would be suitable for use in a histogram?
A Color of hair
D Gender of an individual
B Brand of stereo
E Length of a phone call
C Species of tree
2. B
9. D
10. E
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. E
17. D
18. D
19. E
20. B
21. E
22. C
23. A
24. A
25. C
26. E
27. C
28. D
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. D
34. E
35. B
36. E