Offshore Wind Energy Implementation Plan for the Maritime Regions

European Union
European Regional Development Fund
Introduction to the offshore wind energy in the coastal regions of Poland ................................... 2
Aims of the Regional Implementation Plan..................................................................................... 4
Development needs of the regional offshore sector ...................................................................... 6
Cross-sectoral co-operation in research and development .................................................... 6
Port infrastructure for offshore sector.................................................................................... 7
Strategic tasks.................................................................................................................. 7
Education for offshore sector.................................................................................................. 8
Strategic tasks.................................................................................................................. 7
Research and training infrastructure ...................................................................................... 7
Strategic tasks.................................................................................................................. 6
Strategic tasks.................................................................................................................. 8
Public acceptance and influencing governments .................................................................... 9
Strategic task: public acceptance and influencing governments .................................... 9
1. Introduction to the offshore wind energy in the coastal regions
of Poland
Offshore Wind Energy Implementation Plan for the Maritime Regions in Poland is the document
containing recommendations addressed to the authorities and stakeholders of the Pomeranian
and West-Pomeranian regions as well as the authorities of the coastal municipalities, presenting
potential activities strengthening competitiveness of the domestic companies at the cross-border
market of the suppliers of products and services for the offshore wind farms implemented at the
North Sea and the Baltic Sea.
Because of the maritime location of the regions with ports’ infrastructure, shipyards and other
maritime branch companies, including offshore, and location of the maritime and environmental
administration, having an important role in the administrative process of the farms’ development,
including issuing environmental permits for the offshore wind farms, geographical scope of the Plan
shall embrace the Pomeranian and West-Pomeranian region.
Recommendations for activities included in this document are based at experience in the field of
legal and organisational solutions, elaborated and implemented by the EU countries actively
supporting development of the offshore wind energy, namely Germany, Great Britain,
the Netherlands, and participated by the partners of the 4POWER project. The solutions
implemented in the mentioned countries contributed to strengthening competitiveness of the
companies creating regional supply chains. These solution have been presented in the reports, “Best
Practices IMPLEMENTATION” and “Best Practices FRAMEWORKS”.
Regional authorities possess planning competences and financial tools enabling them to undertake
effective actions resulting in the increase of the sectors’ competitiveness, having a positive impact
upon regional economy and creating new jobs. Significant part of the activities undertaken in the
regions analysed within 4POWER project, are constituted by initiatives enhancing co-operation
between enterprises and research sector that facilitates elaboration of innovative solutions
contributing to reduction of energy generation costs in the offshore wind farms. Other area, actively
supported by authorities is the cooperation among enterprises and vocational schools, technological
universities, which aim at increasing quality of professional education as well as create employment
potential for the alumni of the schools.
Another example of activities undertaken by regions in cooperation with industrial development
agencies, is an establishment of industrial and research parks which facilitate co-operation between
companies and scientific institutions and contribute to revitalization of shipyards or ports.
The initiatives result in development of new research and development centers equipped with
laboratories, test centers, training facilities.
The examples of successful initiatives from Germany, Great Britain or Netherlands emphasise the
necessary conditions for effective development of the offshore wind energy are political support and
legislation providing stable investment conditions throughout the period of 20 years, to enable
reasonable payback time as well as a will of co-operation among the stakeholders. Complexity of the
Polish circumstances in the field of renewable energy, including offshore wind energy, results from
the lack of certainity regarding final shape of the act on renewable energy and support system
on one hand and successful operation of shipyards and marine industry at international offshore
wind market on the other hand. Therefore a necessity of undertaking activities aiming
at reinforcement of the regional industries’ competitiveness which may become important elements
of the supply chains in Europe. The way to improve the competitiveness is tightening co-operation
of the industry and science sector in the field of research and development, responding to the
demand of foreign customers for the solutions reducing costs of the offshore wind energy
In the field of political support to offshore industry, the key recommendation is an inclusion of the
priorities concerning offshore wind energy into regional development strategies and programs
as well as regional and national operational plans. Regions shall also support the industry at lobbying
changes facilitating faster development of the offshore wind farms at the Polish maritime areas
as well as co-operating with central authorities at reducing barriers elongating procedures of issuing
ncessary permits.
2. Aims of the Regional Implementation Plan
Major aim of the Regional Implementation Plan is optimal use of the regional resources, such
as shipyards, large and small sea ports and the regional economic and scientific potential, in order
to achieve synergic effect throughout the development process of the new economic branch, in all
of the related fields.
Reaching the aim, meaning strong and competitive centre of excellence in the field of the offshore
technology and services within the South Baltic region, requires defining specific goals, adequate
to the characteristics of the areas significant to offshore sector, such as infrastructure,
entrepreneurship, science and education.
Specific goal 1: Infrastructure
Port and shipyard infrastructure, including reinforced banks capable of berthing large vessels and
enabling transfer of large-volume constructions as well as storage and manufacturing areas are key
for the sector development.
Indirect goal of the activities for infrastructure development will be selection of areas (ports,
shipyards) fulfilling operational requirements set for construction and servicing of the offshore wind
The most important goal in the field of infrastructure shall be a common and co-ordinated offer
of the regions, presenting regions’ capacities to host the manufacturing, assembly and storage of the
Specific goal 2: Maritime and offshore industry
Enhancement of innovativeness in the maritime and offshore industry is one of key conditions
of increasing competitiveness of the regional companies at the European offshore wind energy
market. However, the most important element is provision of products and services of the best
quality while maintaining attractive prices. Achieving the goal is feasible thanks to closer cooperation of the industry and science sector.
Specific goal 3: Business environments
Achieving competitive position of the companies through innovation, especialy with regard to small
and medium companies, is feasible through closer co-operation with scientific institutions,
possessing relevant knowledge and research infrastructure. However the development process
requires adequate allocation of responsibilities among the stakeholders, including branch
associations, which possess relevant knowledge and tools supporting know-how transfer from the
fields of the offshore technology, farms’ construction and operation.
Goal of the planned activities concerning business environments is binding the interests of the
companies with the activities of the branch organisations, science and technology parks etc. in order
to maximize benefits for the sector and increasing its rate of development.
Specific goal 4: Education and public acceptance
Achieving competitive position at the international market and preparation of the sector for the
implementation of the wind farms at Polish maritime areas, requires training of the engineering
and technical staff.
The goal concerning education embraces prapration of educational programs addressed to higher
technical schools, focusing upon subsea and offshore technologies and opening special education
programs at the vocational schools. Stakeholders recommend initiation of relevant educational
programs at the universities’ economic and legal departments, as the subject of offshore wind energy
combines a very broad scope of aspects, involving marine and construction technology, shipbuilding,
maritime research, maritime spatial planning as well as project management, logistics etc. Besides
universities and vocational schools, educational projects addressed to professionals are also
conducted by NGOs, branch associations. Those entities, possessing relevant experience in the
international initiatives, with valuable co-operation networks, may constitute valuable supplement
to the offer of scientific and educational institutions.
Activities to be undertaken in order to increase public acceptance for offshore wind energy involve
activities addressed to general public, involving knowledge on the regional industry, maritime and
offshore technologies. Part of the activities shall also be addressed to the central level politicians and
governmental agencies, whose awareness on the real condition of the maritime industry often
requires significant enhancement.
3. Development needs of the regional offshore sector
Development of the Polish offshore wind energy sector, besides supporting activities addressed to
the shipyard industry, requires broadening of the offer also with services necessary at the phase of
investment preparation and operation. Broadening the offer of the supply chain will result in
enhancement of the regions’ economic attractiveness as a new, competitive centre of competence
in the South Baltic region.
Therefore, besides the support to the companies specialized in production and modernization of the
offshore construction vessels, the required direction of the region’s support are trainings and
education, research and demonstration in such fields as health, safety and environmental
protection, turbines’ servicing and maintenance, monitoring of the offshore constructions, wind and
environmental conditions.
Support for the education, demonstration and research in the above mentioned areas will benefit
offshore wind but also other offshore activities, including oil and gas. Both of the sectors share many
areas of knowledge and experience, necessary for the implementation and operation of the
investment projects, hence allocation of the support to offshore wind energy, may result in raising
attractiveness of both sectors.
3.1 Cross-sectoral co-operation in research and development
Offshore wind energy is the economic activity of significant innovation potential that may result
in reduction of energy generation costs and hence enhancement of public acceptance, especially
among decision makers at the central level of governance. Regions actively supporting development
of the offshore wind energy sector, also support common research and development programs
realized by the supply-chain companies, which aim to elaborate innovative solutions contributing
to reducing the offshore wind energy generation costs. Potential for savings can be found at each
phase of the project – preparation, construction process and operation of the wind farm. Innovations
may concern strictly technical solutions, such as construction of the vessels serving transport
of components and staff at less favourable weather conditions. They can also concern organizational
and logistic solutions leading to reduction of unitary costs of servicing devices constituting facilities
of the offshore wind farm.
3.1.1 Strategic tasks
Co-operation models assuming exploitation of common research infrastructure that is being
practiced in the EU regions with favourable political climate and legal conditions for offshore wind
energy, can be barely implemented in Poland, which lacks favourable conditions for the renewable
and offshore wind energy. The circumstances result in a limited presence of large, international
players at the domestic market, interested in locating research infrastructure. Small and medium
enterprises operating in the offshore sector and regional research institutions possess significant
potential to establish a supply-chain, offering quality products and services at competitive prices, and
both sectors have a competitive potential at the international market.
Therefore, strategic tasks in the field of cross-sectoral co-operation shall include:
Implementation of a common sectoral program for offshore industry in Poland, identifying
development priorities in the fields of offshore constructions, environmental research and
health and safety.
Establishment co-operation between the offshore oil and gas and offshore wind energy
serving transfer of professional experience.
Stakeholders involved: marine industry, branch organisations, scientific institutions, universities,
regional authorities
3.2 Port infrastructure for offshore sector
3.2.1 Strategic tasks
British and German experience in the field of ports’ adaptation to the needs of the offshore wind
energy present new development opportunities both for the ports as well as local and regional
enterpreneurship. Adaptation of the Polish ports’ infrastructure to serve the offshore wind farms’
construction and operation proces requires system approach, based on the analysis of the ports’
potential, conducted according to best practice.
Strategic tasks shall involve the following activities:
Preparation of the study analyzing modernization needs of small and large ports in both coastal
regions, to facilitate serving roles of the operational bases during construction and exploitation
of the offshore wind farms. Classification of potential functions of the ports shall be conducted
according to the method elaborated by the German Association of Ports (
Elaboration of an action plan for ports’ development as offshore wind farms construction
and service bases as well as the centres of local economic development. The plan shall be based
on the results of the study.
Promotion of small ports as the centres of local economic development.
Stakeholders involved: management boards of the ports/ports’ association, local and regional
authorities, maritime administration, branch organisation, classification societies.
3.3 Research and training infrastructure
3.3.1 Strategic tasks
Launching research projects aiming at innovation, which lead to increase of sector’s competitiveness
requires establishment of relevant infrastructure, such as test centres for wind turbines, training
facilities for the future service staff responsible for operation and maintenance of the wind farms
or drilling platforms, providing real-life working conditions.
Strategic tasks in the field of research and training infrastructure include:
Realization of the platform facilitating testing wind turbines as well as staff training of the
offshore wind farms’s and drilling platforms, in the field of health and safety.
Implementation of the measuring platform facilitating environmental research and monitoring
of wind conditions.
Support of training facilities’ development (incl. pools and equipment for evacuation trainings).
Support to initiatives focused on transfer of knowledge and experience from EU countries
actively supporting offshore wind energy development.
Entities invloved: research institutes, industry, maritime administration, branch organisations,
regional authorities, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Infrastructure and
3.4 Education for offshore sector
Development of the offshore sector requires training of the engineering and technical staff, which
deficit is noticeable in majority of the industrial branches.
Specifically, attention shall be located to establishment of closer co-operation of the industry and
secondary vocational schools in the field of practical learning and internships, development of the
training facilities as workshops and laboratories.
Secondary technical schools in Gdynia conduct education in the fields of ports and terminals’
operation and shipbuilding. Vocational schools offer specialization of hulls’ montage. The schools
offer also other specializations potentially useful in the field of wind energy, such as aviation
mechanic and avionic technician.
Maritime Secondary School in Gdansk offers specializations in the fields of logistics, marine
navigation and spedition as well as mechatronics, mechanics and shipbuilding.
Strategic tasks
Activities in the field of education for offshore sector shall include the following:
Establishing closer co-operation between the marine enterprises with high and secondary
technical schools to improve the quality of the education, especially in the field of practical
learning. The co-operation shall refer especially to the development of the teachnig facilities,
workshops and laboratories as well as common participation in the European educational
initiatives and applying for the EU funds for education,
Promotion of educational initiatives aiming at international transfer of knowledge
and experience in offshore wind energy,
Stakeholders involved: regional authorities, municipalities/counties, secondary technical and
vocational schools, maritime industry, branch organisations.
3.5 Public acceptance and influencing governments
Besides educational activities implemented at the high, secondary technical and vocational schools,
important element of the sector’s support is popularization of the knowledge on maritime sector and
offshore wind energy among general public. Decades long tradition of the shipyard industry,
structural changes in the sector during the economic transformation in the ‘90s of 20 th century,
competition from Asian shipyards, finally resulted abandonment of shipbuilding and change
in general public’s perception of the sector. The shipyard production got dispersed among a number
of small private companies. Lack of the point of reference - large state-owned companies ensuring
thousands of jobs and lack of knowledge on new trends in shipyard production results in a common
opinion on maritime sector as insignificant for regional economy. Significant lack of awareness can
be observed also among decision-makers of central administration, which further results in lack
of interest in the sector and lower support, irrelevant to the needs of the sector.
Activities aiming to influence governments constitute a part of those aiming to enhance public
acceptance. Reasons of the insufficient public awareness described in the previous paragraph are
shared among general public and politicians. In a public debate offshore wind energy is being
presented by politicians as the case of the most expensive renewable energy technology, which is
not acceptable for the Polish consumers. Such an attitude constitutes a significant barrier towards
various initiatives, including research and development programs. Therefore, activities dedicated
to public acceptance shall include also central level decision makers.
Strategic task: public acceptance and influencing governments
Implementation of the PR campaign promoting regional maritime sector at the country level, i.e.
media campaign realized via traditional and electronic media, social networks etc.
Establishment of the regional offshore information centres presenting information on the
conditions for offshore wind energy development and investment processes in Poland as well
as information on the offshore wind farms projects in Europe. Activities of the center shall
embrace active role at events dedicated to maritime economy and regional development.
Support towards common presentation of the Polish maritime sector at international trade fairs,
dedicated to offshore wind energy.
Elaboration of the study assessing investment costs per unit of capacity installed in offshore
wind energy as well as the cost of generated energy, assuming Polish origin of both major
components and other products and services from the supply chain. The study shall serve as
a proof convincing politicians on the benefits of the offshore wind energy and stimulate more
favourable climate for the sector.
Stakeholders involved: branch ogranizations, scientific institutions, industry, regional government.