EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel 3375 Mitchell Lane Boulder, CO 80301 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (Project Owner) Prepared by: GH Phipps Construction Company 5995 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Ste. 100 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4710 (Controlling Operator) SWMP Administrator: Mike Liffick, Project Superintendent (303) 901-2860 cell Decemeber 13, 2010 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 1 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN (ESCP) Cover Sheet (THIS DOCUMENT TO REMAIN ON SITE) SECTIONS OF ESCP INCLUDED: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Site Description 1.1 Project Description 1.2 Site Location 1.3 Description of Construction Activities 1.4 Sequence of Events 1.5 Site / Disturbance Area 1.6 Site Soil Data 1.7 Existing Vegetation 1.8 Non-Stormwater Discharge 1.9 Receiving Waters 1.10 SWMP Administrator Site Map Stormwater Management Controls 3.1 Potential Pollutants 3.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Pollution Prevention 3.2.1 Erosion and Sediment Controls 3.2.2 Structural Practices 3.2.3 Non-Structural Practices 3.2.4 Phased Implementation of BMPs 3.3 Other Controls TABLE OF BMPS IMPLEMENTED PER THE PROJECT PHASING 3.4 Material Handling and Spill Prevention 3.4.1 Good Housekeeping 3.4.2 Hazardous Products 3.4.3 Product Specific Practices 3.4.4 Spill Control Practices Long-term Stormwater Management Inspection and Maintenance 5.1 Minimum Inspection Schedule 5.2 Inspections 5.3 Record Keeping Statement of Certification 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 2 INTRODUCTION This stormwater management plan (SWMP) or erosion and sedimentation control plan (ESCP) has been prepared for the UCAR FLA Remodel Project (the project). The goal of the SWMP is to identify potential sources of pollution that may contribute pollutants to stormwater, and identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) that, when implemented, will reduce or eliminate negative impacts to water quality. A Low Impact Grading Erosion and Sediment Control plan (GESC) has been prepared for this project and has been approved by Boulder County. The GESC plan is referenced in many of the following sections and will be included as part of the overall SWMP for this project. 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 1.1 Project Description: (I.B.1, I.C.1) The proposed UCAR FLA Remodel project consists of a 53,000 square foot remodel and retrofit of an existing building slated to receive a LEED rating of Gold and possibly Platinum. This project will be retrofitted in order to be a “fully” green building with advanced energy efficiency technologies, including a PV Solar array, a geothermal (ground source) heating and cooling exchange system, comfortable offices, green natural lighting, spacious break areas, indoor bike storage and the latest architectural finishes to provide a great work environment for the end users. A few of the exterior improvements to this project include: additional bike storage, designated hybrid/smart car parking spots, green friendly landscaping, high efficiency sprinkler system and a designated smoking area area. 1.2 Site Location: (See also the Vicinity Map) The project is located in the City of Boulder, Boulder County at: 3375 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, Colorado 80301, near the intersection of Mitchell Lane and 47th Street. Throughout this report, the site will also be referred to as “the project”. 1.3 Description of Construction Activities: (I.C.1.a) The proposed project consists of the demolition of existing interiors and mechanical electrical systems, demolition of the existing asphalt and retrofit of all demolished systems. Utilities will also be installed within the project area which will require trenching to occur to the north, east and south of the building. Soil disturbing activities will include: demolition, asphalt removal, installing a stabilized construction entrance, installing perimeter and other erosion and sediment controls; finish grading; installation of underground utilities; installing a new sprinkler system; paving of parking areas; and preparation for final seeding and mulching. Upon completion, the project will consist of a finished building, paved parking, surrounding sidewalk, and native grass seeded areas as well as some sprinkled sod areas. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 3 1.4 Sequence of Events: (I.C.1.b) Construction for all work associated with the project will begin on or about the end of December, 2010 and continue through the end of August, 2011. An updated schedule of construction activities with approximate calendar dates will be kept in the SWMP Binder under the section marked “Construction Milestone Schedule”. The following is a general list of the major construction activities to be performed in order of occurrence. For a more detailed list of activities see the Project Schedule in the SWMP Inspection and Log System Binder. 1. Site Preparation: Mark project disturbance limitations, mobilize office trailers, and installation of initial sediment control measures 2. Schedule and attend pre Construction Inspections 3. Building interior and asphalt demolition 4. Geothermal boring and installation 5. Site Prep: over lot grading. 6. Utility Construction: installation of utilities, backfill of trenches, stabilization of disturbed areas. 7. Building Interior: rough-in, interior finishes. 8. Finish grading 9. Site Concrete Construction: installation of the remaining curb, gutter and sidewalk 10. Paving: completion of asphalt paving. 11. Site sprinkler installation. 12. Final stabilization: seeding and mulching, removal of all temporary BMPs upon sufficient vegetative cover establishment 1.5 Site / Disturbance Area: (I.C.1.c) The full build out of the project contains approximately 3.24 acres, of which 2.0 acres will be disturbed. The total area of the project site is approximately 3.24 acres. Reference the site map (C3.01 and ASI-011r1) for current limits of construction as well as disturbed / undisturbed sections. 1.6 Site Soil Data: (I.C.1.d) Soils encountered at the site are described as 3 to 6 feet of clayey fill underlain by medium to very dense, silty, clayey sand with gravel and siltstone/claystone bedrock. Given these soil conditions, it is estimated that the propensity for erosion is moderate. See the Geotechnical Engineering report in the SWMP Binder for additional details regarding soil conditions at the site. Accordingly, this plan will include the combined use of both structural and nonstructural BMPs to minimize potential erosive impacts and associated sediment migration from the site during construction. Due to the existing structures remaining in place, the post-project runoff coefficients and drainage characteristics will remain relatively unchanged. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 4 1.7 Existing Vegetation: (I.C.1.e) The existing site vegetation consists of prairie grasses and weeds, covering approximately 3/4 of the site surface. The approximate vegetative density within this area is estimated at 60%. The remainder of the site is covered with existing structures and asphalt paving. 1.8 Non-Stormwater Discharge: (I.C.1.g) Other probable non-stormwater discharges for the project will include concrete washout, water from fugitive dust dewatering, pavement wash water (where no spill or leak of toxic or hazardous material have occurred), and landscape irrigation return flow. Each of the above mentioned sources will be controlled with appropriate BMPs when and if it is necessary to insure proper treatment, none of which will be allowed to discharge from the site during construction. 1.9 Receiving Waters: (I.C.1.h) The topography across the site is nearly level, with a retention pond located on the east side. (Reference ASI-011r1 and C3.01 for topography and existing contours on the site). 1.10 SWMP Administrator: (I.C.3.a) Mike Liffick, the Project Superintendent, shall be the designated SWMP administrator for the project. It will be his responsibility to manage and maintain the SWMP and to insure its adequacy at all times to effectively manage potential stormwater pollutants throughout the course of construction. It is important for this document and the site map to remain consistent with current pollution sources and Best Management Practices (BMPs) used by the project team. In the event conditions at the site change, pollutant sources change, or BMPs change or need to be added, this plan and the GESC shall be updated accordingly by the SWMP Administrator or His assigns. Mike Liffick can be reached at: 303-901-2860 (cell) or 303-571-5377 (office). 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 5 2.0 SITE MAP (SEE ATTACHED PLANS – GESC SHEETS See attached C3.01 Grading Erosion Control Plan, Detail 4/C4.21 and 5/C4.21. 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS 3.1 Potential Pollutants*: (I.B.2, I.C.1.f, I.C.3.b) Potential pollution sources for this site include the following: sediment-laden stormwater runoff from disturbed areas, sediment tracked by construction equipment onto paved surfaces, contaminated soils due to spills or accidental leaks, fuel spills from loading and unloading of construction materials and equipment (fueling of equipment and storage of fuel will not be allowed on site), airborne dust from grading or demolition activities, construction site waste (dumpsters), lubricants and adhesives for utility installation, adhesives, paints, plaster, and other interior finish materials, cleaning solvents, liquid wastes from concrete and or tool washing activities, asphalt material from paving operation, effluent from portable toilet units, and nitrates / nitrites from soil amendments (see site map for locations of potential pollutant sources and associated BMPs). There is no anticipated on-site asphalt or concrete batch plants associated with this project. Portable toilets shall be located on the jobsite where they can be accessed for regular service and they will be anchored to prevent the possibility of accidental tipping. Vehicle tracking control will include stabilized access points, minimizing traffic to the maximum extent possible during wet conditions and sweeping or scraping paved sections (public or private) when necessary. These vehicle tracking controls will be maintained in good, effective condition during any periods of construction activity. *Reference section 3.2.4 for an itemized list of pollutant sources and selected BMPs anticipated for this project. 3.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Pollution Prevention: (I.C.3.c) 3.2.1 Erosion and Sediment Controls: Appropriate BMPs shall be installed before earthwork begins (where possible). Locations for specific BMPs are shown on the site map. The temporary measures to be used in the control of sediment and stormwater from the site during construction are: a. Follow all local, state and federal regulations pertaining to stormwater control. b. Silt fence may be installed, where appropriate, around areas of construction to intercept and detain small amounts of sediment in order to reduce the amount of sediment in runoff leaving the site. c. Inlet protection may be used as necessary along Mitchell Lane as a secondary BMP to treat runoff. d. Vehicle tracking control pads shall be placed at the access / exit points and shall be maintained throughout construction. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 6 e. All construction debris / trash shall be picked up and disposed of in proper containers and hauled off of the site as necessary. f. Concrete washout facilities shall be placed on site as dictated by the contractor prior to pouring concrete. Each concrete washout area will be constructed per the included detail and located to minimize the combining of wash water contaminates with stormwater. Excess concrete material will be removed from the washout area when the BMP has reached ½ of its capacity and will be disposed at a facility licensed to handle the material. Special care will be taken to place washout facilities in areas where ground water is not likely to interface with liquid wastes. Locations will be indicated on the site map prior to installation. g. Construction materials that could have a negative impact on water quality will be stored, when not in active use, in a manner that will minimize contact with stormwater. Containment structures for fuel / chemical storage will be installed per the included detail. A site Spill Kit will be on site at all times. If any spillage occurs, the contaminated soil shall be immediately excavated and removed from the site to a disposal area licensed to handle the contaminated material. h. Any changes to the proposed erosion control measures shall be noted on the SWMP Site Map, in most cases prior to the changes being implemented in the field per the 2007 CGP. When changes are required in the field first, the site map will be amended immediately but in no case longer than 72 hours. i. Whenever sediment is transported onto an adjacent street, the street shall be cleaned at the end of the day. Sediment shall be removed from the street by shoveling, sweeping or both. 3.2.2 Structural Practices: (1.C.3.c.1) See SWMP Reference Guide and attached GESC sheets for installation specifications and maintenance details for all structural controls described below. Silt Fence: Silt fence shall be installed, when appropriate, along the down-stream side of exposed/disturbed soil areas and around the base of all stockpiles prior to grading or stockpiling on the project. Locations are shown on the site map. Straw Wattles: Straw wattles may be installed in areas where minimal containment is needed as located on the site map. Rock Wattles: Rock wattles may be installed in the flow line of the existing curb and gutter adjacent to the project as necessary. Locations are shown on the site map. Inlet Protection: If possible, inlet protection devices may be used at inlets located along streets adjoining the project. Inlet protection is designed to reduce construction-related sediment from being conveyed into the storm sewer system. If used, the inlet protection shall be maintained until the up gradient ground surfaces have been stabilized. Outlet Protection: On-site storm water outlets, if constructed, shall be protected with riprap surrounding the outlet opening. The riprap will prevent scour at stormwater outlets and minimize the potential for downstream erosion by reducing the velocity of 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 7 concentrated stormwater flows. The outlet protection shall be maintained and in place at all outlet locations as a permanent BMP. Vehicle Tracking Control: Vehicle tracking pads for this site shall be placed at the access / exit points and shall be maintained throughout construction. An approximate thickness of 12 inches of 3 to 6 inches riprap is recommended, but this design shall be subject to revision based on site conditions and local ordinances to achieve the desired result. Construction fencing will be installed as necessary to limit egress to stabilized access points only. Locations are shown on the site map. If mud or soils are tracked onto paved sections or public roads, the roads shall be swept clean as soon as possible. No construction debris or soil deposits shall be allowed to impede the smooth flow of traffic on public roads. The project team may discover the need for additional BMPs to be installed during construction. If necessary, BMPs such as diversion ditches, temporary type III sediment traps or other structural controls may be implemented to reduce sediment in runoff. All structural measures will be indicated on the site map. 3.2.3 Non-Structural Practices: (1.C.3.c.2) Where applicable, see SWMP Reference Guide and attached GESC sheets for installation specifications and maintenance details for related non-structural controls described below. Proper planning and budgeting for stormwater controls will be performed before construction begins. Additional stock of certain materials such as straw wattle, silt fence, gravel and other commonly used BMPs may be kept on site to be able to quickly address unexpected pollution prevention needs as they arise during the course of the work. Existing vegetation will be protected and maintained wherever possible. Vegetative ground cover will be established on all disturbed areas according to the local ordinances and landscape plans in order to minimize erosion and stormwater runoff. All exposed soil areas having a slope of 3:1 or greater shall be stabilized with erosion control blankets or another BMP to minimize erosion of the slope. Final stabilization BMPs will be implemented within 7 days after grading activities have ceased, unless work is to be resumed within 30 calendar days. Where final grading has not occurred but disturbed areas remain dormant, temporary stabilization methods such as surface roughening will be implemented. All non-structural control measures implemented during construction will be indicated on the site map. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 8 3.2.4. Phased Implementation of BMPs: (1.C.3.c.3) The following chart indicates the major activities that will occur before, during and after construction. Included within the chart are the potential pollutants and associated BMPs planned for implementation during each of the construction activities listed. Following this chart is a legend for the BMP designations shown. This chart will be updated prior to and throughout each major phase of construction in order to insure the appropriate implementation of BMPs indicated. Construction Activity/Sequence Date Potential Pollutants Best Management Practices (BMPs) Erosion Sediment Operational Before Construction: N/A Pre-construction planning & scope Complete final SWMP Training, Planning mtgs N/A Project Bidding Clear scope, Contracts, training N/A Layout and Survey N/A Fuel Spills Sediment Raw sewage (ongoing) Trash Sediment Mobilization Initial perimeter controls Construction Activity Date Potential Pollutants EV SF GP, PT (ongoing), SC, HMS, TC, SSA SF, VTC TC Best Management Practices (BMPs) Erosion Sediment Operational During Construction: Demolition 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Dust Unused building materials Sediment SF Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Dewatering, SC Page 9 Rough Grading Sediment Dust EV, SR, TS EB, MU SF, VTC, IP, SB, DD Underground Utilities, Sediment Liquid Waste EV, SR SF, VTC Asphalt Paving Fuel Oils EV Building Foundations, sidewalks Sediment Concrete Stockpiles Dust EV SF, VTC Building Structure & Interior Finishes Sediment Liquid waste Concrete EV SF, VTC Final Stabilization Sediment EV, PS, MU, SF Construction Activity Date Potential Pollutants Dewatering, SC, GP, HMS, TC, SP, SSA SC, GP, HMS, TC, CW, SP, SSA SC, GP, HMS, TC, SSA Dewatering, SC, GP, HMS, TC, CW, TWS, SP, SSA SC, GP, HMS, TC, CW, TWS, SP, SSA SC Best Management Practices (BMPs) Erosion Sediment Operational After Construction: Remove BMPs (upon Final Stabilization only) 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Trash Debris Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) TC Page 10 BMP Legend and Maintenance Schedule: BMP Description Designation Maintenance Requirements Refer to the Installation specification section of the SWMP binder and related GESC plan sheets for installation and maintenance details SF Silt Fence SR Surface Roughening DD Diversion Ditch/Dike GB Geo-synthetic Check Barrier DCEB MU Drainage Channel Erosion Blanket Mulching ECB Erosion Control Blanket RC Rip Rap Channel CD Check Dam RRB FB TSD Rip Rap Berm Pipe end Filter Bag for Dewatering Operations Temporary Slope Drain SB Standard Temp Sed. Basins CP Culvert Inlet Protection SW Straw Wattle VTC Vehicle Tracking Control CW Concrete Washout Area IP Inlet Protection OP Outlet Protection RCS Rough Cut Street Control EV Existing Vegetation TS Temporary Seeding Existing vegetation to remain undisturbed may be protected by wire rope barriers and stakes or orange construction fencing if necessary Use approved standard seed mix PS Permanent Seeding Use approved standard seed mix SC Secondary Containment 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 11 PT Portable Toilet GP Gravel Stabilized Parking HMS TC Hazardous Material Storage* Trash Container TWS Tool Washing Station SSA Stabilized Staging Area SP Stock pile area *Reference Hazardous Materials Technical Data sheets for details and proper handling procedures for chemicals used or stored on site. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 12 3.3 Other Controls: (1.C.3.c.1-8) Solid construction waste and debris that are not properly disposed of can be a source of water and wind born pollution. All waste materials will be collected and stored in a metal dumpster rented from the Benson Roll-off Service, which is a licensed solid waste management company in Denver. The dumpster will meet all local Arapahoe County and any State solid waste management regulations. Trash and construction debris from the site will be deposited in the dumpster. The dumpster will be emptied as needed, and the trash will be hauled to a licensed landfill. No construction waste materials will be buried onsite; recycled concrete may be used as fill with permission of the Civil Engineer. All personnel will be instructed regarding the correct procedure for waste disposal. Notices stating these practices will be posted in the office trailer and the individual who manages the day-to-day site operations, will be responsible for seeing that these procedures are followed Sanitary waste associated with portable toilets on construction sites is considered a hazardous material and must be contained. Portable toilets are considered an adequate containment and do not require secondary containment but must be placed on flat ground and away from inlets and drainage ways. It is also recommended that portable toilets remain on pervious surfaces and be secured at their base to protect against accidental tipping. Accidental spills most often occur when loading and unloading construction materials. To prevent and more easily contain potential discharges during loading and unloading operations, a designated area for the majority of this type of activity will be provided (see SSA on site map). A spill response kit will be provided in the loading and unloading area. Construction equipment such as forklifts and other miscellaneous equipment will be operating on this site for the duration of the project. Fueling and maintenance of this equipment will not be allowed on the site. Incidental fuels such as gasoline and diesel, for small machines (saws, compactors, etc.) and maintenance materials will be required. All will be stored off site. Potential pollutants, such as paint, will be kept within designated storage areas will have secondary containment in place to minimize the potential for direct contact with stormwater runoff. A spill response kit will be provided for storage areas in case of accidental spills. Spill prevention and response procedures will be followed as outlined in section 3.4 of the SWMP. This project’s structure has landscaping features, curb/gutter and a trash enclosure element comprised of concrete. Concrete contains cement which has a very high PH and can be detrimental to water quality. The process of pouring concrete typically requires that concrete truck placement chutes be washed before leaving the job. Concrete truck chute washout will be performed in designated, properly contained and clearly marked locations. Washout locations will be located away from stormwater conveyances and will be noted on the site map. Worker trash from meals eaten on the jobsite can be a source for pollution if not properly disposed of. Trash containers will be adequately supplied in quantities and locations to properly address this concern. Trash containers will be emptied regularly and trash will be 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 13 properly disposed of where it will not pose a threat to water quality. Containers will be of sufficient weight or otherwise secured to prevent tipping by wind. During construction operations it is often necessary for many different trades to clean tools on the site. Efforts will be made in project preplanning to minimize the incorporation of any materials into the building process that are hazardous to water quality. Tool washout areas shall also be provided for the containment of paint, solvent and cement products that are washed from tools during construction even if they are not considered “hazardous”. Under no circumstances shall tools be cleaned in locations where associated pollutants can enter the storm drain system. 3.4 Material Handling and Spill Prevention: (1.C.3.c.4) The following are material management practices that will be used to reduce the risk of spills or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to stormwater runoff. 3.4.1 Good Housekeeping: The following good housekeeping practices will be followed onsite during the construction project: 1. An effort will be made to store only enough material required to do the job. 2. All materials stored on site will be stored in a neat, orderly manner in their appropriate containers and off of the ground, protected from weather or within secondary containment. 3. Products will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacturer’s label. 4. Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. 5. Whenever possible, all of a product will be used up before disposing of the container. 6. Manufacturers’ recommendations for proper use will be followed. 7. Any remaining chemicals shall be disposed of according to manufacturers’ recommendations and in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. 8. The SWMP Administrator will inspect regularly to ensure proper use and disposal of materials onsite. 3.4.2 Hazardous Products: These practices are used to reduce the risks associated with hazardous materials. 1. 2. 3. 4. Products will be kept in original containers unless they are not re-sealable. Original labels and material safety data will be retained. Products will be stored under cover If surplus product must be disposed of, manufacturers’ or local and State recommended methods for proper disposal will be followed. 3.4.3 Product Specific Practices: 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 14 Petroleum Products: All onsite vehicles will be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventative maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. Petroleum products for vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance will be stored off site. Any asphalt substances used onsite will be applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Leaks occur generally as a result of faulty, old or improperly maintained equipment or storage facilities. If unintentional leaks are detected, the operator will identify and abate the material immediately. For impervious surfaces, an absorbent material will be used to soak up the liquid wastes and then swept up and placed in a contained unit for proper disposal. When leaks are detected on soils, the operator will remove contaminated soils from the earth and place them in a contained unit for proper disposal. Containers used for contaminated materials will be clearly marked and kept from coming into direct contact with stormwater. Storage or fueling areas where leaks can occur shall be inspected visually on a regular basis. Efforts taken to abate unintentional leaks and repair faulty equipment will be recorded in the activity log. Unintentional leaks must not be confused with spills and should be documented accordingly. Fertilizers: Fertilizers will be applied only in the minimum amounts recommended by the manufacturer. Once applied, fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limit exposure to stormwater. Storage will be in a covered and contained area. The contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred to a sealable plastic bin to avoid spills. Soil amendments will be spread and tilled into the soil immediately upon arrival to the site in order to minimize direct contact with stormwater runoff. Where soil amendment stock piles are necessary, they will be contained using BMPs such as earthen berms. Paints: All containers will be tightly sealed and stored off the ground and protected from weather, or in secondary containment, when not required for use. Excess paint will not be discharged into the storm sewer system, but will be properly disposed of according to manufacturer’s instructions and State and local regulations. Concrete: Concrete trucks will be allowed to wash their chutes in designated areas on the site. Surplus concrete and drum wash water will be disposed of at an approved off-site landfill and will not be allowed to be discharged at the site. No washout material will be allowed to run off site, and wash out areas will be properly cleaned as necessary. 3.4.4 Spill Control Practices: In addition to the good housekeeping and material management practices discussed previously in this plan, the following practices will be followed for spill prevention and cleanup: 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 15 Manufacturers’ recommended methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted in the job trailer and site personnel will be made aware of the procedures and the location of the information and cleanup supplies. Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup will be kept in the material storage area onsite. Equipment and materials will include but are not be limited to: brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, absorbent powder / kitty litter, sand, sawdust, and plastic and metal trash containers specifically for this purpose. The operator will inform the jobsite personnel that if a spill of any size occurs they are to always notify the SWMP manager and, depending on the nature and severity of the spill, the operator will contact the CDPHE, downstream users and other regulatory agencies. The WQCD requires that any hazardous material spill be reported when any of the following conditions occur: Over 25 gallons of petroleum 5 CCs of mercury Any and all raw sewage releases Any/all State waters impacted If any of the above criteria is met or exceeded, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Local Emergency Planning committee, downstream users and other agencies (MS4s) will be notified. The CDPHE will be notified by telephone within 24 hours. In addition, written notification describing the spill and the clean up procedures used will be sent to the agencies 5 days following the spill. If a spill does not meet the above criteria, reporting is not mandatory. When any spill occurs: 1) Notify the controlling operator of the site immediately following a hazardous spill. 2) Document the spill and its clean-up procedures whether reporting is required or not. 3) At a minimum document the following: Nature of spill Quantity of spill Date/time spill occurred Agency notification if necessary Clean-up procedures used Daily monitoring (7 days) after clean-up Photographs Interview(s) with any witnesses of the event 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 16 General guidelines for clean-up procedures: Immediately control or stop the release/spill Mitigate the spill area as needed with a spill prevention kit Obtain approved secondary containers to store any absorbents used Report the spill to the Responsible Person on the jobsite for determination if further reporting is required or if emergency notification is appropriate. CDPHE Toll Free 24-hour Env. Emergency Spill Reporting Line: 1-877-518-5608 John Douglas, SWMP Manager / Project Superintendent: 303-901-8498 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 17 4.0 LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Final Stabilization: (I.C.4) Final stabilization will be achieved through building construction, new pavement for parking areas and planting native grasses. All disturbed areas other than those constructed upon shall receive seed, sod or some other form of vegetation or ground cover. To consider this project site stabilized, a uniform vegetative cover with a density of at least 70 percent of predisturbance levels will first be reached. All disturbed areas (except those portions covered by pavement or a structure) will be planted with permanent seed mix within 7 days of the completion of construction activity. Disturbed areas where work is temporarily halted shall be temporarily stabilized within 7 days of cessation of activity unless work is to be resumed with 30 calendar days. NOTE: Once earthwork has begun on a section, it shall be pursued until completion. There is no permanent water quality BMPs planned for this site. Drainage characteristics and ground cover types used to stabilize the site will match those present prior to construction. At the completion of the project, when all areas have received final/permanent stabilization measures, all temporary BMPs shall be removed and properly disposed of. If suitable vegetative cover is not adequately established, the permit may be transferred to the Owner of the site following completion of construction. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 18 5.0 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (I.C.5, I.D.6) 5.1 Minimum Inspection Schedule: (1.D.6.a) All erosion/sediment control features will be inspected for effectiveness at a minimum of every 7 days and after each precipitation event or rain or snowmelt event that results in surface erosion or per the requirements listed within the GESC. 5.2 Inspections and Maintenance*: (1.D.6) The inspection process will determine if there is evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system, and BMPs will be reviewed to determine whether they meet the design and operational criteria in the SWMP and that they continue to adequately control pollutants at the site. The inspection process will include identifying BMPs that are found to no longer function as needed and designed, as well as preventative maintenance to proactively ensure continued operation. BMPs that have failed, or have the potential to fail without maintenance or modifications will be addressed as soon as possible to prevent the discharge of pollutants. The inspection process will assure the replacement or the addition of BMPs as needed. Areas outside of the limits of construction but within the development should also be visually inspected in order to notify those responsible for BMPs found in disrepair. The inspection process will include the updating of the SWMP to identify all pollution sources and associated BMPs that are being implemented in the field. All activities related to implementing the SWMP or repairing and replacing BMPs will be documented. Corrective actions will be implemented according to CDPS requirements. All corrective actions and stormwater management activities will be documented. Inspection forms will contain the required certification statement and will be signed by the appropriate SWMP administrator qualified to perform the inspection when applicable. Silt fence will be inspected for depth of sediment, tears, to see if the fabric is securely attached to the fence posts, and to see that the fence posts are firmly in the ground. Built up sediment will be removed from the silt fence when it has reached 6 inches in depth. Inlet protection devices/methods shall be inspected for effectiveness and sediment build-up. If sediment levels reach 30%, it will be removed. Outlet protection will be inspected for quantity and condition of rip rap and sediment buildup. If sediment levels reach 30%, it will be removed. Wattles will be inspected for condition, undermining and sediment build-up. If sediment levels reach 50%, it will be removed. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 19 The vehicle tracking control pad(s) shall be inspected to ensure the aggregate material remains generally free of sedimentation deposits and meets the required specifications unless otherwise noted / redlined. Streets shall be inspected and cleaning shall be performed as needed during all construction activities. Seed and mulch used to minimize erosive impacts will be inspected to insure adequate coverage and healthy growth. Additional seed and mulch will be applied to bare or eroded areas where it is determined necessary. 5.3 Record Keeping: A maintenance inspection report will be made after each inspection. A copy of the report form to be completed by the inspector will be filed onsite. A rain gauge will be located on the site and readings will be logged whenever precipitation occurs. A log documenting stormwater management activities that occurs outside of regular inspection dates may be kept by the SWMP Manager on this site. The SWMP Administrator, or his assigns, may enter documentation in the log, as they determine appropriate for site conditions. 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 20 6.0 STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction of supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signed_________________________________________ Date_________________ Print name and title_____________________________________________________ 3375 Mitchell Lane Remodel Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC Plan) Page 21