Kentucky School for the Blind SYLLABUS 2013-14 COURSE: Intervention Teacher: Phone: Email: Website: Time: Mr. Mullins 502-897-1583, ext. (7318) 1st period COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of the class is to help students maximize the learning process. This will require a commitment of time, effort, motivation, and discipline to explore all avenues leading toward school success. Students will explore their learning style. They will identify what things are helpful for them and what things hinder them in being successful students. They will study soft skills that will not only help them become successful in high school but also in college and beyond. GOALS/OBJECTIVES 1. Students will work on organization skills 2. Students will work on classroom skills that will lead them to success 3. Students will work on homework and study skills 4. Students will work on strategies that will help them succeed high school and college classes TEXT/MATERIALS 1. Graduates Survival Guide 2. How to Succeed in Class . Teaching Methods One on One , Independent Study, Group Work,Projects Students will be expected to keep a journal Open Discussion and Note Taking Course Policies/Rules 1. Be in class on time, if you are not in your seat when the bell rings you are late. 2. Be prepared for class, if you are not you will lose out on that days participation points. 3. Take notes, each student will be required to take notes and keep a note book which will be turned in and graded at the end of each week. 4. Every project and assignment will be turned in on time 5. Each student will be required to keep an electronic notebook COURSE GRADING SCALE Students will receive 2 grades in this course, a content grade and a Student Effort/Work Skills rating. 100% of the content grade is based on the student’s performance on summative assessments. Examples of summative assessments include but are not limited to: tests, quizzes, projects, performances, products, experiments, essays, papers. Assignment of the semester content grade includes a minimum of 9 summative assessments. Assignment of the quarter content grade includes a minimum of 4 summative assessments. Course Finals, including state-mandated End of Course Exams (Biology, Algebra 2, US History, English 10), count at least 20% of the final grade. Course Mid-terms count at least 20% of the mid-term grade. Grades are not reflective of student behavior and effort, homework, zeroes or reduced marks for late work, extra credit or bonus points, attendance*, academic dishonesty, or group work. The only exception may be for students participating in the regular or CBI work programs may have their grades impacted by attendance due to the performance-based nature of these work programs. Students will also receive a Student Effort/Work Skills (SEWS) rating . This rating demonstrates how the student performs in the following five areas: Self-Advocacy – uses assistive technology and/or other devices, establishes and monitors own goals, communicates wants and needs Initiative & Problem Solving – solves problems independently, addresses challenges, initiates own learning Interpersonal – adapts and transitions between tasks, demonstrates appropriate boundaries with others, displays age appropriate Work Habits – follows directions independently, utilizes an organization system, contributes to group work, uses time wisely Quality of Work/Homework – completes quality in-class work, completes quality homework Each of the above areas will be assigned a rating according to the following scale: 4 – Excellent 3 – Good 2 – Needs Improvement 1 – Unacceptable A Rubric for the SEWS grade will accompany the quarterly report card. If a student is struggling with grades, informal interventions will be developed with the classroom teacher. Students will receive an “Incomplete” before ever receiving an “F.” If a student receives an Incomplete, a Contract for an Incomplete Grade will be developed. Intervention Grading Rubric Scale Grade % KSB equivalent Grading Scale 4 A (100) 90 -100 3 B (89) 80 - 89 2 C (79) 70 -79 1 D (69) 60 - 69 0 F <59 4 3 2 1 0 Projects- 50% Scores 4 based on Rubric Scores 3 based on Rubric Scores 2 based on Rubric Scores 1 based on Rubric Incomplete Penalties for incomplete work: Quizzes -50% 90 -100% 80 – 89% 70 -79% 60 – 69% <59% - Incomplete Days Late 1-2 Days late 3-4 Days late 5 Days late Penalty Lunch Detention Lunch/Afterschool Detention Lunch/Afterschool Detention/ Ineligibility KSB GRADING SCALE A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 I = Incomplete F = <60 Assessments Assessments will be given at the end of each unit. They will be made up of short answers open response, multiple choice, quizzes, projects and performance tests. MID-TERM/FINAL SCHEDULE No Mid-Terms or Finals will be given during Technology Used in Class They will need to know: Jaws and/or Zoomtext, if appropriate Email Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Additional Support If you need additional help you can stop by the room in between classes or send me an email and we will set up a time to go over your concerns or talk about the problem you are having. Supplies Needed Jump drive A way to take notes A folder for assignments