May 2013 Policy min. - Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 22nd @ 10 AM
Jones Co Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition Office
John Klein-Park Ranger
Bill Feldmann-Anamosa City Council
Chief Bob Simonson-Anamosa PD
Sherriff Greg Graver- Jones County Sheriff
Jennifer Husmann-JCSHY Coordinator
Amber Quartier-SPF SIG Coordinator
Melissa Walker-Deputy Director ASAC Prevention
Introductions—New SPF SIG Coordinator (taking Patti Bammert’s place) - Amber
Quartier- welcome again Amber!!
 Follow-up on minor consumption (Applying appropriate penalties to minors
strategy)—3 parts required: plan to track adults
o Parts 1 & 2 are complete (ordnance change and alcohol compliance
check). Group discussed solution for Part 3. Need to track social host,
those who are selling to minors (alcohol compliance checks) and
follow up for “providing to minors” charges.
o SPF SIG Coordinator, Amber Quartier will create a database through
Excel spreadsheet displaying prosecuted cases. Information will be
obtained from Clerk of Court.
 Compliance Checks
o 2013 compliance checks—one more round needed
 Jennifer will get the information of Marion student volunteers
to Britt and Bob in order to schedule the date/time to
complete compliance checks in the near future.
o assess interest for new ordinances surrounding compliance checks
Discussion revolved around concerns of unfunded mandates.
(John, Greg, Bob, and Jennifer discussed the ordinance idea again after
the meeting was officially over and talked about the possibility of
ordinances also around the *responsible beverage service training for
sustainability. Jennifer explained the sustainability thoughts of when the
grants going away without a policy in place, these evidence based
strategies also then might disappear, knowing best practice is to have
both the server trainings and the alcohol compliance checks in tandem.
John thought Jennifer should ask Keith Dirks his thoughts on another
county ordinance. We discussed being careful to move at a pace the
community would be ready for. The costs could be kept to a bare
minimum with possible other funding sources found besides the big
o Funding options to support long-term outcomes
 We discussed sustainability beyond SPF SIG funding, reducing
costs, some in-kind as is done with server training, other
funding such as 7G or Fleck Sales.
o Reminder to submit invoices asap upon completion of checks; fiscal
year ends July 1
 Invoice for $600 from each agency—“Text to Tell”
o Distributed invoices to Bob and Greg. Will also send to Britt.
 FY14 Budget revisions needed
o Minimum cost for strategies to be sustained?
 We needed to make $10,000 worth of cuts to the current
budget because of employee health insurance requirements.
The group helped cut over $7500 from FY14 budget. Out of
contracted services and implementation. Melissa will be going
to ASAC to revise the salaried part of the budget further.
 Law enforcement helping with Responsible Beverage Server Training at fair
o Greg stated Trevor Martensen is being recommended to attend the
training to be prepared for fair.
TIPS Responsible Beverage Server Trainer sustainability in Jones Co
(see above *)
 Veterans & Military families perceptive/involvement with SPF SIGDiscussion was held about contacting Dennis Gray, veterans
commissioner(?title) for Jones County. Also asking Susan Yario from
Veterans Affairs is she is seeing an influx of issues in Jones County.
o Additional money to be spent- $300
o Follow-up on hats- Britt will take the second one. We may order a
third for the county with the additional money or look into the video
camera key chains (really good video) or glasses.
 $1000 to be spent through the board of supervisors starting July 2013- not
sure on this funding yet. We have received another significant donation of
$2000 and will decide how to spend after we find out whether we get the
next DFC grant. There was an original plan with the County Board of
Supervisors to from the logic model on marijuana to target some particular
parks in Jones County with cameras/signage. The cameras cannot be
funded with DFC. Greg mentioned the really good cameras with a DVR
included that cost $700. Other thoughts on needs for the community
include efforts to reduce K2/synthetic cannabinoids. K2 packages have
been found at Stone City, Wapsi State Park, Monti Maq. Dam, and near
schools. Education needs to be carefully provided to younger kids. Data is
needed on this issue. Prevention staff time is not currently funded for this
issue. Test kits for law enforcement are expensive, $50 per kit, so they can
determine what the substance is.