High Throughput Sequencing and Rare Diseases Call for Proposals - 2015, July WHOLE EXOME SEQUENCING (WES) APPLICATION FORM Submission deadline for proposals: September 23, 2015 (midnight) This file must be sent: by email to: ngs@fondation-maladiesrares.com by post mail, one original signed version of the document to Fondation maladies rares Appel à projets ‘Séquençage à haut débit et maladies rares’ Plateforme Maladies Rares 96 rue Didot 75014 Paris Instructions for sending documents: - The application must be written in English. - The present cover page must be removed. - Annexes should be included in the research project and not on separate documents. - The Word file must not exceed 2 Mo (compress any figures). - Document title: 2015-2-Name of applicant-WES-RD - Do not send pdf documents, or scanned documents. 1/6 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT Project title (maximum 120 signs): Disease : Group of diseases: Research area: - main: - secondary: Rare diseases project: Yes No Number of samples for the present WES project: Request (tick the appropriate boxes): Monogenic disorder: Yes No Genetic heterogeneity: Yes Likely Multifactorial disorder: Yes No No Mode of inheritance of the disease Ascertained Anticipated Autosomal dominant Complete penetrance Other: Unknown Autosomal recessive Yes No X-linked dominant Phenocopies Yes X-linked recessive No Cases Have large genomic rearrangements been excluded (CGH arrays…)? Yes No Have all known disease related-genes been tested? Yes No Cases history: o Familial Yes No - Consanguineous - Large - Number of patients in each family (nbx/Fx; nby/Fy; etc): - Available DNA for: - patients (nb): Small Non consanguineous families Number of families: - parents (Y/N): ‘High throughput sequencing and rare diseases’- WES application form Call 2015-2 - Fondation maladies rares 2/6 - Genome wide linkage analyses performed: Yes No Yes No Not feasible Conclusive linkage If yes, specify: - the region delineated (and size): - the maximum lod score obtained: o Sporadic Yes No - Consanguineous - From a clinically homogeneous cohort - Number of patients: - Available DNA for: - patients (nb): Non consanguineous families Yes No - parents (Y/N): Principal investigator of the project (from a French team): Name First name Position Institution / department Laboratory name Identification of the laboratory (unit n°) Name of the team (if relevant) Name, first name of the lab. director Name, first name / head of the team Full postal address Email address Phone number Fax Team members involved in the project: Name, first name 1 Title Laboratory / Team Role and contribution PI 2 3 Number of personel involved in the project (person-months): Partners/collaborations: Name, first name Title Laboratory (complete name, address) Role and contribution 1 2 3 Administrative description (necessary in case of funding of the project): ‘High throughput sequencing and rare diseases’- WES application form Call 2015-2 - Fondation maladies rares 3/6 Legal entity signing the financial agreement Name of the main institution and its affiliation Name of the administration Juridical status (EPST, EPA, …) Regional delegated administration / presidency of university / direction of hospital Name, first name of the legal representative Title of the legal representative SIREN Address City Zip code Phone number Fax Signature of the principal investigator I, the undersigned, full name, agree to be the principal investigator of the submitted project, as it is described in the present application. Electronic signature* : Date Signature of the head of the team I, the undersigned, full name, head of the team Name of the team authorize, full name of the principal investigator of the project to develop this project in my laboratory. Electronic signature* : Date Signature of the laboratory director I, the undersigned, full name, director of the laboratory Name of the laboratory authorize, full name of the principal investigator of the project to develop this project and agree to allow such realisation in my laboratory. Electronic signature* : Date * The electronic signature is a scan of the signature as a jpeg image. ‘High throughput sequencing and rare diseases’- WES application form Call 2015-2 - Fondation maladies rares 4/6 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Abstract (not exceeding 1000 characters without spaces) (Objectives, strategy, expected results and impacts.) 1. Objectives (1 page maximum, arial 10, single space) Situate the project in its scientific context with indications 1 /on the targeted disease(s) and available knowledge, 2/ acquired or preliminary results obtained by the applicant(s), 3/ Objectives. Include 3 general references (reviews, articles directly dealing with the questions addressed by the project). 2. Description of samples available for the study (1 page) Describe a) patients that will be analyzed in this project (family cases / trios / sporadic cases, etc.), with precise information on clinical phenotyping, pedigree, linkage studies; b) numbers of biological samples, quantity of available DNA and the criteria used for their selection for inclusion in the project. *Informed consent from patients as well as the DNA samples (with quality checked) MUST be available at time of project submission!* 3. Strategy (1 page) Important: Clearly state and JUSTIFY the choice of the whole exome sequencing strategy and the choice of patients included in the study (trios, number of affected sibs, controls…) - Specifically mention the following criteria: modes of inheritance, family/sporadic cases, genetic heterogeneity, etc. in the choice of strategy -. 4. Expertise of the laboratory in analysis, annotation and interpretation of sequences to be produced in this project and strategy for validation of mutations (1/2 page) Indicate how the interpretation of exome sequencing data, priorization of variants… will be managed, and provide details on the collection of sample that, when warranted, will be used for the identification of other mutations to confirm the results from this sequencing project. 5. Describe the downstream research you intend to perform, including possible collaboration, for which this sequence information is a pre-requisite (1/2 page) 6. Existence of similar and/or competing projects (1/2 page) Situation of the project in the international competition: priority of the project. 7. Main publications List of main publications and/or patents of the last three years with particular attention to those related to the project (from the principal investigator and associated teams). Please specify any potential conflict of interest: - ‘High throughput sequencing and rare diseases’- WES application form Call 2015-2 - Fondation maladies rares 5/6 3. BUDGET INFORMATION ONGOING funded projects related to the current application (principal investigator and associated teams) which include funding for NGS Name (coordinator or associated team) Name of the call for projects/ Funding body/funding amount Project title Project period * Add as many columns as needed Projects with requested funding for NGS related to the current application UNDER EVALUATION (principal investigator and associated teams) Name (coordinator or associated team) Name of the call for projects/ Source/funding amount Project title Project period * Add as many columns as needed Previous funding by GIS-Institut des maladies rares or by Fondation maladies rares of sequencing projects since 2009 Name (coordinator or associated team) Project title Call session Funding amount Report Final / Progress * Add as many columns as needed *Please mention all the funded projects of the TEAM and provide a detailed report on the results and impacts for each project (please fill out one report sheet per project)* Note that if this item is not fully answered, the submitted project will not be considered for funding. ‘High throughput sequencing and rare diseases’- WES application form Call 2015-2 - Fondation maladies rares 6/6